Capstone Project 333

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Republic of the Philippines


Region 1

Pangasinan Division II

“The Mung Bean (Vigna Radiata) a Comparative Studies: The

Infamous Munggo in Different Water pH Levels”


Ryzle Ann M. Gumallaoi

Nomer D. Soliven

John Paul B. Malubag

Kristopher F. Pasaron


Rovie Marie D. Sy

CHAPTER 1..................................................................................................................................................................1
Background of the Study.....................................................................................................................................1
Conceptual Paradigm...........................................................................................................................................5
Statement of the Problem....................................................................................................................................6
DEFINITION OF TERMS........................................................................................................................................8
CHAPTER II..................................................................................................................................................................9
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE....................................................................................................................9
CHAPTER III...............................................................................................................................................................15
Research Design..................................................................................................................................................15
Materials and Method..........................................................................................................................................16
Preparation of Mung Bean seeds....................................................................................................................16
Preparation of Seed Set-up...............................................................................................................................16
Monitoring of Growth..........................................................................................................................................17
CHAPTER IV..............................................................................................................................................................18
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION................................................................................................................................18
CHAPTER V...............................................................................................................................................................27
SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS.............................................................................27
CURRICULUM VITAE..............................................................................................................................................33


Background of the Study

Water plays a significant role in plant growth. Germination is the process by which

seeds grow into new plants. The seed must be stimulated to grow by environmental

factors. This is usually determined by how deep the seed is planted, the availability of

water, oxygen, and temperature. When there is plenty of water, the seed will fill with

water, a process known as imbibition. The water activates special proteins known as

enzymes, which kick start the seed growth process. Water is absolutely necessary for

seed germination. Some seeds are extremely dry and require a significant amount of

water relative to their dry weight. Water is very important in seed germination. It aids in

the vital activities of protoplasm by providing necessary hydration and dissolved oxygen

for the growing embryo, softening the seed coats, and increasing seed permeability. It

also aids in seed rupturing and converts insoluble food into soluble form for

translocation to the embryo.

Plants are vital sources of food, habitat, and medicine, as well as helping to control

the water cycle and provide oxygen. Understanding the ideal type of water for their

germination also entails doing our part to help plant diversity recover. Water is the most

limiting abiotic (non-living) component for plant growth and production, as well as a

major predictor of global vegetation. Water has a crucial role in plant growth and

photosynthesis, as well as the distribution of organic and inorganic compounds. Plants

retain less than 5% of the water taken by roots for cell proliferation and plant growth,

despite this dependency. The quality of the water has a direct impact on the

development of the plants. As a result, using low-quality water for irrigation can pose

toxicity and salinity risks that can seriously harm your plants.

Water has different pH levels, which can also affect the seed germination. A fair and

healthy pH level is 7.0. The pH level of water is above seven if it has more alkaline

properties, but below seven if it is excessively acidic. All of these factors influence plant

growth, particularly pH, which is determined by the soil's acidic and alkaline qualities.

Magnesium, calcium, and potassium levels in the soil would be lowered if the water was

excessively acidic. Magnesium aids in the production of chlorophyll, calcium is

necessary for plant cell growth, and potassium aids in protein synthesis. Calcium will

build up in the water if it is overly alkaline, which can be harmful. Both the soil and the

water have pH values. For a better and healthier outcome in gardening, you should aim

for a pH balance of seven, but most veggies and herbs do not require that exact

amount. To develop and produce, they just require a pH of 5.5 to 6.5. They prefer more

acidic growing conditions.

Just like the pH of soil, the pH of water is very important during the plant growth. This

is because a nutrient solution always needs to have the correct pH level. Only then will

the plant receive its nutrients with the right amounts. When this happen your plant

growth will be quicker. Because of this, it is very important to always keep an eye on the

water pH levels of your nutrient solution. When the water pH is too low your plants may

die because they do not get enough nutrients. When it is too high, algae may turn the

water green. This too can cause your plants to die. The ideal water pH level again

depends on the substrate you're using.

The mung bean plant is an annual, erect or semi-erect, reaching a height of 0.15-1.25

m (FAO, 2012; Lambrides et al., 2006: Mogotsi, 2006). It is slightly hairy with a well-

developed root system. Wild types tend to be the tips (Mogots, 2006). The leaves are

alternate, trifoliolate with elliptical to ovate leaflets, 5-18 cm long x 3-15 cm broad. The

flowers (4-30) are papillonaceous, pale yellow or greenish in colour. The pods are long,

cylindrical, hairy and pending. They prostrate while cultivated types are more erect

(Lambrides et al., 2006). The stems are many-branched, sometimes twining at contain 7

to 20 small, ellipsoid or cube-shaped seeds. The seeds are variable in colour: they are

usually green, but can also be yellow, olive, brown, purplish brown or black, mottled

and/or ridged. Seed colours and presence or absence of a rough layer are used to

distinguish different types of mung bean (Lambrides et al., 2006; Mogotsi, 2006).

Cultivated types are generally green or golden and can be shiny or dull depending on

the presence of a texture layer (Lambrides et al., 2006). Golden gram, which has yellow

seeds, low seed yield and pods that shatter at maturity, is often grown for forage or

green manure. Green gram has bright green seeds, is more prolific and ripens more

uniformly, with a lower tendency for pods to shatter. In India, two other types of mung

beans exist, one with black seeds and one with brown seeds (Mogotsi, 2006). The

mung bean resembles the black gram (Vigna mungo (L.)) with two main differences: the

corolla of Vigna mungo is bright yellow while that of Vigna radiata is pale yellow; mung

bean pods are pendulous whereas they are erect in black gram. Mung bean is slightly

less hairy than black gram. Mung bean is sown on lighter soils than black gram (Göhl,


The mung bean is a major edible legume seed in Asia (India, South East-Asia and

East Asia) and is also eaten in Southern Europe and in the Southern USA. The mature

seeds provide an invaluable source of digestible protein for humans in places where

meat is lacking or where people are mostly vegetarian (AVRDC, 2012). Mung beans are

cooked fresh or dry. They can be eaten whole or made into flour, soups, porridge,

snacks, bread, noodles and ice-cream. Split seeds can be transformed into dhal in the

same way as black gram or lentils. Mung beans can be processed to make starch

noodles (vermicelli, bean thread noodles, cellophane noodles) or soap. The sprouted

seeds ("bean sprouts in English, and incorrectly called "germes de soja" or 'pousses de

soja" in French) are relished raw or cooked throughout the world. The immature pods

and young leaves are eaten as a vegetable (Mogotsi, 2006).


a. 30 mung bean seeds  Preparation of Mung There are differences in

Bean seeds and five every set-up in terms of
b. Tap water (pH6.5-8) (5) different set-ups sprout height and number of
(tap, deep well, sprouts with leaves
c. Deep well (pH5.5-
distilled, alkaline,
6.5) isotonic).
Deep well water is
d. Distilled (ph7)  Seeds were soaked performed better than the
in distilled water for other water types
e. Alkaline (pH9) five (5) hours
f. Isotonic (pH4) The suitable level of water
 Putting thirty (30) pH is in the range between
seeds 5.5 to 6.5
equidistantly per set-
up using tweezer

 Watering the set-ups

using spray

 Gathering data every

24 hours.

Conceptual Paradigm

Statement of the Problem

In this study, we want to determine what type of water is best for seed germination

and plant growth. Through this study, we would also like to see the effect of the pH level

of water on the seed germination and growth of plants.

1. What is the growth of seeds in different types of water?

2. How many seeds are germinated per container that is moistened in different types of

water with different pH levels?

3. Is there significant differences in pH level among mung bean seed germination and

growth in terms of seed germinated, sprout height, and number of sprouts with leaves?


NULL HYPOTHESES: pH level does not affect the seed germination of the Mung Bean

(Vigna Radiata).

ALTERNATIVE HYPOTHESES: pH level affect the seed germination of the Mung Bean

(Vigna Radiata).


The objective of this work was to test, under controlled conditions, whether

different water pH values affect the germination and development of the mung bean


CEA (controlled-environment agriculture) is improved by this research since it

provides knowledge about the effect of water pH level on plant growth, and at some

point, it also lowers expenses while maintaining or improving results. CEA enables a

farmer to good the environment of a crop to the desired degree. Improving or

improvising such a practice may be more beneficial. Ordinary people who enjoy

gardening or growing crops in their homes would profit from this research. They enable

you to develop healthy plants with the proper water types and pH levels. This study's

findings could also help gardeners grow healthier plants.


This study is limited to seeing if there's a significant difference in seed germination of

Mung Bean (Vigna Radiata) when moistened with different types of water and pH level

in terms of the number of sprouts for mungo seeds and the number of leaves and sprout

height. We just estimated the pH value of each water type by searching on Google

because we don’t have an instrument for measuring water pH. Thirty seeds were placed

in a container for each different type of water. For five (5) days, the growth of the mungo

plant is watched and documented.

Limitations: Not removing the cover of the Pocari Sweat plastic container on day 1 to

day 5, may result in the seeds not being exposed to the same environment as other

seed samples from other plastic container, but this was done to avoid contamination of

other plates with molds already


Germination. Refers to the process by which an organism grows from a seed or a

spore. The most common forms of germination include a seed sprouting to form a

seedling and the formation of a sporeling from a spore. Thus, germination occurs

primarily in plant and fungal species.

Mung Bean (Vigna Radiata). It is the experiment's test subject. It will be used to

determine which water types and pH levels can influence its growth.

Sprout Height. It is the height of the mungo plant after the first and second day of

the experimentation.

pH (Potential Hydrogen) level. It is a measure of how acidic/basic water is. The

range goes from 0 - 14, with 7 being neutral. pHs of less than 7 indicate acidity,

whereas a pH of greater than 7 indicates a base/alkaline. pH is really a measure of the

relative amount of free hydrogen and hydroxyl ions in the water.

Imbibition. The absorption of one substance by another, in particular the uptake of

water by a plant or seed.

Ionized water. It is natural water that has been run through an ionizer machine's

platinum and titanium plates to exchange some of the titanium and platinum ions with

the water, thereby increasing its alkaline nature and the pH level of natural water.

present on the aforementioned container.



Mung bean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek] is such a minor crop that dry land

smallholder farmers can use to break the downward spiral, and increase the profitability

and sustainability of their farms. It is a nutritious warm season legume crop. The grains

are rich in protein, minerals, and vitamins. Mung bean is widely grown in Asia, but also

in parts of Africa and Australia. Nowadays, almost 90% of the mung bean production is

found in Asia, where India, China, Pakistan and Thailand are among the most important

producers. (Lambrides, C.J. and Godwin, I.D., 2007) . Integration of mung bean in

cropping systems, particularly in Central and South Asia, may increase the sustainability

of dry land production systems. Diversification of local production systems through

inclusion of mung bean as a catch crop provides additional income to farmers and has

potential to improve soil fertility.

Environmental stress, pests and diseases are limiting productivity and

cultivation of a range of crops. Mung bean is adapted to tropical and subtropical low-

lands and relatively tolerant to abiotic stresses, like drought and heat, but soil salinity

affects mung bean more heavily than other crops. (Chankaew, 2014)

Water availability and quality are issues of major concern in reference to

irrigation of urban landscapes resulting from the competition with a rapidly growing

population that requires vast volumes of good-quality water (Kjelgren, R., Rupp, L. &

Kilgren, D., 2000). Landscape irrigation accounts for 10% of total volume in the summer

rainfall region of the United States, whereas in the arid western regions, irrigation of

landscape accounts for nearly 50% (Kjelgren, R., Rupp, L. & Kilgren, D., 2000)

Seed germination and seedling growth of mung bean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek)

were studied at different levels of water stress induced by PEG-6000. Both germination

and seedling growth (root and shoot length) declined with increasing water stress.

Increase in fresh weight was also prevented by water stress. When a short term (24

hours) water stress was imposed on different days during incubation, both root and

shoot growth were relatively less affected in case of seedlings exposed to PEG solution

on 2nd and 5th day after the start of imbibition. Exposure of seeds to changing water

potential at the beginning of incubation, when imbibition did not start, affected

germination during subsequent days of incubation. When the water stress was imposed

on germinated seeds after radicle emergence in distilled water, root growth was not

much affected up to -1.0 MPa (De, R., & Kar, R. K, 1995). Specific pH values in the soil

and in the plants are essential for plant growth. These pH levels have an impact on

plant growth. Acidity levels between pH 6.0 and pH 7.5 are ideal for most plants. Plants

can't survive without food. Because hydrogen ions remove other positively charged ions

from the habitats where the plants are, there are insufficient nutrients for the plants

when they are placed in an acidic environment. Mineral ions, which plants require, drain

from the soil. As a result, when a plant is planted in excessively acidic soil, it lacks

sufficient nutrients to thrive. (Gloria Cheng, 1998)

The Philippines suffered the strongest El Niño in 2015-2016, resulting in the worst

droughts on record ( (Macas, 2015); The Manila Times, 2015). After multiple

international monitoring and prediction models show warming in the central Pacific

Ocean, a similar occurrence could strike the country once more (Flores, 2018); (Nelz,

2018). This could result in severe drought, necessitating the use of a different source of

irrigation water, such as groundwater (Chatzissavvidis et al., 2004; Dobermann &

Fairhurst, 2000). In addition to abuse and misuse of fertilizers, animal manures, fly ash,

surface mining, and release to the environment of industrial boric acid and borate

minerals, irrigation water is a contributory factor to boron toxicity (Pech et al., 2013;

Kord et al., 2010; Dobermann & Fairhurst, 2000; Nable et al.,1997). V. radiata, locally

known as “mongo” or “balatong”, is one of the cheapest protein sources in the Filipino

diet. It can easily be cultivated and it actually contributed 790 million pesos (or $39.2M)

to the Philippine economy in 2006 (PCARRD-DOST, 2003). Growing this crop after rice

also offers farmers a good opportunity to earn additional income since it only requires

minimum inputs for production (Lagasca,2008), while offering a variety of applications

including sotanghon and hopia manufacturing, cereal flour and noodle production, bread

and snack making, and the like (Sicat & Buño, 2014; Bureau of Agricultural Research,


Despite the relevance of soil reactivity for alien plant establishment, few studies

have taken this important component into account. Through a replicated experiment in

controlled conditions, we investigated the effects of soil pH on the germination, growth

(plant height, width, dry weight, etc.) and reproductive investment (inflorescence size

and number of flowers) of Ambrosia artemisiifolia (common ragweed), an allergenic

species that is highly invasive and alien in Europe. We also looked into whether soil pH

has an impact on the species' total pollen allergenicity. Plants were cultivated in natural

soils with pH values of 5 (acid), 6 (sub-acid), and 7 (neutral) generated by liming

procedures after preliminary germination tests on agar at varying pH (from pH4 to pH8)

(calcium hydroxide solution). Plants cultivated at pH7 were shorter and produced leaves

at a slower rate than those grown at pH5 and pH6; also, plants grown at pH7 did not

generate flowers or pollen. At pH5 and pH6, we also saw that larger plant (as measured

by the dry weight of the aerial biomass) had larger and more numerous inflorescences

and discharged pollen earlier. Finally, pollen samples taken from plants cultivated at

pH5 (Integrated Optical Density, IOD, range: 1.12–1.25) had a larger IgE-binding signal

than those collected from plants grown at pH6 (IOD range: 0.86–1.03). Despite the

constraints of only examining the effects of pH in controlled conditions, this research

reveals that soil pH has a significant impact on A's growth and development.

artemisiifolia and suggests that it may play a role in restricting the plant's range and

toxicity. As a result, future field tests should evaluate the efficacy of liming in the

management and control of ragweed and other alien species. (Rodolfo Gentili, 2018)

Mung bean (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek) is widely used as vegetable in developing

world as it measures up to animal sources. The seeds have high nutritional value with

high proteins, fibers, resistant starch and phytonutrients making them rich in

antioxidants to reduce aging (Ronald et al. 2016). Mung bean is also used against

chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes and cardiac diseases, and it is considered to be

essential for myelination by oligodendrocytes within the brain (Chen et al. 2012). Mung

bean has been consumed in many forms like fried, boiled, powdered and sprouted.

However, mung bean sprout is the most nutritious form as it contains 200% more

protein as compared to other consumable forms. The nutritional value per 100 g of

mung bean sprout is that it contains 7 g protein, 18 g carbohydrate, 24 g fat, 0.026 g

sodium, 0.06 g potassium, 0.02 g iron, 0.029 g calcium, 103.5 calories of energy and

other important vitamins (Hanumantha et al. 2016). One of the most important benefits

of sprouting mung beans is that it helps in the elimination of the anti-nutrient agent

called phytic acid. Phytic acid is a well-known anti-nutrient that is present in other forms

of mung beans. This agent inhibits some of our important digestive enzymes that digest

proteins and carbohydrates, including amylase, trypsin and pepsin. Thus, sprouted

mung beans have higher digestibility as they are devoid of phytic acid. It also has

increased absorption of vitamins, iron, zinc, magnesium and other minerals. Due to

unique quality, mung bean sprouts are very famous and have high demand. However,

sprouting requires certain specific conditions. The most important of which is favorable

temperature in the range of 25-30°C. Furthermore, it requires water free from any

dilution and proper light (Islam et al. 2017). Sprouts grow well in hot and humid weather,

but the demand of sprouts increases in winter season when the condition is not

favorable for sprouting. This increases demand of mung bean sprouts during winter and

compels the hotels and suppliers to explore alternative ways of having fresh mung bean

sprouts in winter. Although freezing or storage helps, it has the disadvantage of causing

brownish discoloration in the sprouts. The growers try to grow sprouts in winter, but it

fails to achieve the required yield and quality because mung bean seeds are sensitive to

environmental condition. Special oven is nowadays also supplanted for this purpose,

but the percent of sprouts emergence and yield is still very low (Maninder et al. 2017).

The present study emphasizes on the impact of temperature and water purity on the

percent of emergence and yield of mung bean sprouts.

Crop plants are exposed to environmental stresses which can limit their productivity

and growth. This is important because in 2011, 82% of the global energy supply

consisted of plant-based foods with demand only continuing to rise (Alexander 89).

Germination and early seedling stages are crucial in the plant life cycle, so it is

important to identify an ideal growth medium to ensure crops are efficiently yielded to

meet this increasing global demand. When environmental conditions cannot support

healthy growth, seeds enter a dormant stage to avoid

premature germination and will only continue to germinate if conditions become ideal

again (Wolny 2). Further in the life cycle, the most typical effect of salt stress on plants

is stunted growth as salinity reduces cell division and the synthesis of RNA, DNA, and

proteins (Sheoran 171). Salinity is one of the most impactful environmental factors, and

approximately 20% of all cultivated lands around the world contain high enough salt

concentrations to cause salt stress to crop plants (Kaymakanova 326). By determining

the factors that contribute to an ideal growth medium, the dormancy stage can be

shortened or avoided altogether to render faster germination, and plants will be able to

reach their maximum growth potential to yield larger volumes of harvestable crop.


Research Design
The goal of this study is to see if the pH level has an effect on seed germination

by observing the growth of mungo seeds and sprouts. The researchers employed

five (5) distinct types of water with various pH levels to achieve this. The researchers

monitored the growth of the mungo plant every day from the beginning of the

experiment because this study is focused on the important effects of pH level on a

growing plant. To gather the needed data from this inquiry, extraneous variables or

influences that could alter the behavior of the subject being studied were strictly

maintained. In first day to second day, ten (10) sprays were used to moisten all of the

subjects and in the third to five day, twenty-five (25) sprays. The plants were

observed for five (5) days to attain the said data.

Materials and Method


 Mungo Seeds (150)

 Water (Deep Well, Tap, Distilled, Isotonic, Alkaline)

 Plastic Container

 Ruler

 Tissue Paper

 Spray

 Tweezers

Preparation of Mung Bean seeds

Seed samples of mung bean (Vigna radiata) from a local supermarket were

washed with water, seeds that floated were discarded to ensure uniformity of viable

seeds. The seeds were soaked 5 hours in distilled water because of balanced pH


Preparation of Seed Set-up

Thirty (30) mungo seeds were selected for each plastic container which means

there are (150) mungo seeds for the five containers. Seeds were place equidistantly.

Water was sprayed to the seeds to help them grow into sprouts. Observations were

made for the whole day until it grows into sprouts. After five (5) days of observation, the

mungo seeds are now full-blown sprouts.

Monitoring of Growth

After the preparation for the set-up for was done, the next task was to take care of

the plants. All the subject materials were watered equally and photographed every

day. The plants were exposed to light for a whole day until the seeds will grow into

sprouts. The number of sprouts for each plastic container were monitored and

recorded within the five-day period of sprout growing. When sprouts have grown at

the last day of monitoring, we measured the height of the tallest sprout per container

and all the data were gathered.

Data Gathering

The quantity of mung bean seeds that germinated, the length of sprouts, and the

number of sprouts with leaves were all recorded. Molds were found, sprouts curled, and

root tips dried out, among other discoveries.



This chapter presents the findings, results and discussion on “The Mung Bean

(Vigna Radiata) a Comparative Studies: The Infamous Munggo in Different Water pH



On day 3, 100% germination of the seed samples in various water types was found,

as shown in Table 1. The germination of mung bean seeds was affected by the type of

water utilized. Seeds in isotonic water did not germinate at the same speed as seed

samples in other water types, which was noteworthy. Molds began to grow at the same

rate as the other seed samples in different water types on day 4, and by day 5 had

covered 4/30, or 13.3%, of the seed samples (see Figure 1).



TAP 27/30 30/30 30/30 30/30 30/30

DEEPWELL 28/30 30/30 30/30 30/30 30/30

DISTILLED 27/30 29/30 30/30 30/30 30/30

ALKALINE 29/30 29/30 30/30 30/30 30/30

ISOTONIC 27/30 30/30 30/30 30/30 30/30

The above results were plotted onto a graph that follows:



The number of sprouts with leaves is shown in Table 2 below. On day 5, 100% of

the deep well sprouts had leaves, followed by distilled water (96.67%) and alkaline

water (90%). Some sprouts in an isotonic water setup did not continue to grow and form

leaves due to the presence of mold in some seeds. It contained only 10% of seeds with

leaves. Although 100% of the sprouts in the deep well set-up had grown leaves by day

5, visible signs of withering began to appear on day 2 (see in figure 1).



TAP 0/30 3/30 23/30 24/30 28/30

DEEPWELL 0/30 4/30 28/30 29/30 30/30

DISTILLED 0/30 6/30 22/20 23/30 29/30

ALKALINE 0/30 6/30 20/30 27/30 27/30

ISOTONIC 0/30 0/30 0/30 0/30 3/30

The above results were plotted onto a graph that follows:





Tap Water Deep Well Distilled Alkaline Isotonic






Figure 1. Comparative Growth of Mung Bean under Different Water Types

On the last day of our experiment, we measured the tallest sprout. Table 3 shows that

seeds grown in deep well water set-up produced the longest average length of sprouts

with a length of 235mm at day 5 among the various water types examined, followed by

distilled water (197mm), alkaline water (186mm), tap water (168mm) and isotonic water

(12mm). The molds that covered the seeds slowed the growth of sprouts in the isotonic

water setup.

Table 3. Length of Mung Bean Sprouts


(in millimeter)

TAP 168 mm

DEEP WELL 235 mm





The pH of the water used is to blame for the rotting and warping of the Mung Bean

Sprouts/Seeds. The hydrogen and hydroxide ions are measured by pH.

Mung Bean, like other legumes, requires phosphorus, potassium, calcium,

magnesium, and sulfur, and in an alkaline environment, it can show signs of iron

chlorosis and other micronutrient deficiencies (Oplinger E.S, et al, 1990), as its

performance is greatest between pH 6.2 and 7.2. (Li, Piper, n.d.). When the pH of

water, growing media, or nutrient solution is less than 7.0, it is acidic, meaning it has

more hydrogen ions than hydroxide ions; when the pH is greater than 7.0, it is alkaline,

meaning it includes more hydroxide ions. (Jesse Futch, n.d.)

Table 4. pH scale of some common liquids

The application of isotonic water caused all 30 seeds to germinate, but at a slow

manner. On the third day, there was no discernible development because some of the

sprout tips had begun to rot and molds. The acidity of the isotonic water is responsible

for the rotting and warping of the seeds. In reality, isotonic drinks are classed as drinks

that can cause tooth erosion, which is defined as the loss of tooth enamel as a result of

direct acid contact. Dental erosion (Gaba Int'l)

From Day 1 to Day 2, the seeds moistened with Alkaline water showed the best

growth performance, with their group being one of the most promising samples for being

one of the fastest germinating seeds along with deep well water in just one day. With

their group, most sprouts germinated on the first day and were still competing with Deep

Well water-moistened seeds on the second day. However, the curling and drying of their

sprouts could have been an impact of alkalinity, as the environment was alkaline with a

pH of 9.

Although alkaline water enriches plants with nutrients such as magnesium, calcium,

and phosphorus, it also causes nutrient deficiencies such as boron, iron, zinc, and

manganese deficiencies, which according to causes necrosis and

stunted growth in plants (Wikipedia, Plant nutrition), as seen in the alkaline water-

moistened Mung Bean sprouts.

Pure water is widely recognized as the finest for watering plants. Because distilled

water is filtered, hazardous or difficult-to-process components are already removed, it

performed better than alkaline water. Although the lack of chemicals in distilled water

aids photosynthesis and is free of all detrimental effects of sugar, acids, or bases, and is

healthy for plants, according to Natasha Gilani in her e-how post, they don't include any

additional nutrients and minerals, thus fertilizer is recommended. (Gilani N., n.d.)

At the end of the 5-day experiment, deep well or hard water-moistened seeds had

the highest yield. Although the Illinois Department of Public Health defines "hardness"

as the total concentration of insoluble calcium and magnesium in water (Illinois

Department, Commonly Found), are still thought to be unsuitable for plants, and are

frequently softened with sodium carbonate. Furthermore, well water, according to Gilani,

possesses plant-nurturing agents and has the same impact as organic fertilizers like

manure in that it contributes critical nutrients to the soil because it comes from deep

underground. It accelerated the growth and development of Mung Bean sprouts,

germinated all Mung Bean seeds, and produced longer and straighter Mung Bean

sprouts as well as more Mung Bean leaves that were healthier and greener than the

others (Gilani, n.d.).



This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions and

recommendations based on the data analyzed in the previous chapter.

The effects of different types of water on mung bean germination and growth in terms

of length and number of leaves were found to be significantly different. Continuous

development of mung bean sprouts is not possible with isotonic or alkaline water. The

idea that ionized water, such as alkaline or isotonic water, would be ideal for producing

mung bean sprouts has thus been dismissed.

Plants are weakened and eventually killed by too much alkaline and acid. Minerals

that are beneficial to animals and humans are not always beneficial to plants, and can

even inhibit their growth and development. They, like salt and sugar, can prevent plants

from absorbing the proper amount of water. They can even make seeds vulnerable to

bacterial and fungal development, as well as nutritional deficits. Plants cannot

successfully osmose in an alkaline or acidic environment, putting their growth and

survival at risk.

Pure water, such as collected rainwater, is thought to be the ideal choice because it

is free, but with climate change and the possibility of acid rain, we may need to

reconsider. Purified water and distilled water, on the other hand, may not be practical for

watering our plants, not only because they are expensive, but also because we must

consider adding fertilizer to the soil to ensure that the plants receive the nutrients they

require, as distilled water is devoid of these nutrients.

Hard water, such as deep well water, is best for growing mung bean plants because

it includes nutrients from the ground, similar to the effect of organic fertilizers. Some

plants prefer to drink well water because it has all of the nutrients that they require.

Many vital elements for plants, including as potassium, calcium, iron, and magnesium,

can be found in the water filtered through rocks that ends up in the Well. If you've

planted veggies like sweet potatoes or radishes, well water is better because they need

a pH of 5.5 to 6.5 to thrive. Well water also contains a large number of beneficial

microorganisms that are not only beneficial to plant growth and function, but also assist

the plant grow healthily.


Based on the merit of the findings, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. There is a significant difference on the effect of different types of water pH on

mung bean germination and growth in terms of length and number of leaves.

2. Too much alkaline and too much acid can weaken and eventually kill plants.

3. The water pH that requires the seed to germinate and grow healthier is between

5.5 to 6.5, and suitable water type is deep well water.

In the light of the above conclusions, the following recommendations were made:

1. For better plant growth, use a water pH that has a pH level of between 5.5 and


2. Using alkaline and isotonic water makes your plants weak and eventually killed

by too much alkaline and acid.

3. Deep well water is inexpensive rather than other types of water and it is best

among the rest in terms of seed germination and plant growth due to having

many nutrients from the ground, similar to the effect of organic fertilizer.


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Brgy. Rasario, Pozorrubio, Pangasinan

Contact Number: 09617548153

Email Address: [email protected]

Personal Information
Age: 18

Date of Birth: January 15, 2004

Place of Birth: Rosario, Pozorrubio, Pangasinan

Gender: Female

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Father’s Name: Gary Louie E. Gumallaoi

Mother’s Name: Liezl M. Gumallaoi

Educational Attainment

Primary Level Rosario Elementary School

Rosario Pozorrubio Pangasinan

School Year 2009-2016

Secondary Level Benigno V. Aldana National High School

Cablong, Pozorrubio, Pangasinan

School Year 2016-2022


Brgy. Palacpalac Pozorrubio, Pangasinan

Contact Number: 09092526375

E-mail Address: [email protected]

Personal Information

Age: 18

Date of Birth: October 27, 2003

Place of Birth: Pozorrubio, Pangasinan

Gender: Male

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Father’s Name: Nestor D. Soliven

Mother’s Name: Ofelia D. Soliven

Educational Attainment

Primary Level Palacpalac Elementary School

Palacpalac Pozorrubio Pangasinan

School Year 2009-2016

Secondary Level Benigno V. Aldana National High School

Cablong, Pozorrubio, Pangasinan

School Year 2016-2022


Brgy. Sison, Pangasinan

Contact Number: 09022693709

E-mail Address: [email protected]

Personal Information

Age: 18

Date of Birth: October 11, 2003

Place of Birth: Pozorrubio, Pangasinan

Gender: Male

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Father’s Name: Eduardo E. Malubag

Mother’s Name: Rosalinda B. Malubag

Educational Attainment

Primary Level Pozorrubio Central School

Pozorrubio Pangasinan

School Year 2009-2016

Secondary Level Benigno V. Aldana National High School

Cablong, Pozorrubio, Pangasinan

School Year 2016-2022


Brgy. Dilan, Pozorrubio, Pangasinan

Contact Number: 09685157413

E-mail Address: [email protected]

Personal Information

Age: 18

Date of Birth: December 23, 2003

Place of Birth: Dagupan, Pangasinan

Gender: Male

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Born Again

Father’s Name: Alfredo G. Pasaron Jr.

Mother’s Name: Jony F. Pasaron

Educational Attainment

Primary Level Dilan Elementary School

Dilan, Pozorrubio, Pangasinan

School Year 2009-2016

Secondary Level Junior high: Dilan Integrated School

Dilan Pozorrubio, Pangasinan

School Year 2016-2020

Senior high: Benigno V. Aldana National High School

Cablong, Pozorrubio, Pangasinan

School Year 2020-2022


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