Determination of The Amine Value: Mettler Toledo Application M242
Determination of The Amine Value: Mettler Toledo Application M242
Determination of The Amine Value: Mettler Toledo Application M242
Chemicals 60 mL glacial acetic acid 1) Rinse the sensor after each titration with glacial
acetic acid (or a stronger solvent like e.g. acetone,
if necessary).
2) Condition the sensor in water for at least 2
minutes to rehydrate the pH membrane of the
Titrant Perchloric acid (HClO4) in electrode.
glacial acetic acid. 3) Rinse the electrode with glacial acetic acid
C(HClO4) = 0.1 mol/L before going to the next sample to remove of all the
Water is a stronger base than glacial acetic acid
Standard TRIS / THAM (IUPAC: 2-Amino- and would interfere with the titration; therefore its
2-hydroxymethyl-propane-1,3- presence should be avoided.
Indication DG113-SC
A blank value for the solvent is usually not required,
Chemistry HClO4 + CH3COOH ⇌ if it is, a blank value like e.g. B[Amine Value] as
+ -
CH3COOH2 + ClO4 (titrant) given in the calculation should be used. If no blank
MOCA + CH3COOH2 ⇌ value is required, B[Amine Value] can be omitted
MOCA-H + CH3COOH (sample from the calculation.
When used for amine value determination of
Calculation Amine value in mg KOH/g: polyurethane raw materials, this application can be
R = (Q-B[Amine Value])*C/m used as a basis for compliance with ASTM D6979-
C = M/z 03 or ISO 25761.
B[Amine Value] = blank value The CH3COOH2 ions created in the titrant
solvent. composed of perchloric acid in glacial acetic acid,
are very strong proton donors to normally weak
bases, therefore the titrant works as an extremely
strong acid solution.
Waste Organic solvent waste.
disposal MOCA is harmful for the With a weak base like an amine this means that the
environment. solvent / titrant combination enhances the alkaline
properties of the amine. This makes it possible to
titrate the amine solution and get a sharp endpoint
Author, Melanie Nijman, v2.0
which would not be possible in aqueous solutions.
All results
Method-ID m242-08
Sample MOCA (1/6)
R1 (Amine value) 410.07197 mg KOH/g
Sample MOCA (2/6)
R1 (Amine value) 413.07536 mg KOH/g
Sample MOCA (3/6)
R1 (Amine value) 412.40496 mg KOH/g
Sample MOCA (4/6)
R1 (Amine value) 413.25155 mg KOH/g
Sample MOCA (5/6)
R1 (Amine value) 413.93275 mg KOH/g
Sample MOCA (6/6)
R1 (Amine value) 411.56977 mg KOH/g
Method-ID m242-08
R1 Amine value (mg KOH/g)
Samples n=6
Mean 412.38439
s 1.388390
srel 0.337%
Titration curve
006 Stir
Speed [50%] 50
Duration [s] 330
Condition No