ISO27k Audit Exercise
ISO27k Audit Exercise
ISO27k Audit Exercise
The purpose of this exercise is to practice reporting on ISO27k audits and so refine your skills, learning and improving.
The table below contains 19 audit findings for this exercise – more than would normally be the case in a genuine audit. Imagine that you that you have
performed an ISMS internal audit, ISO/IEC 27001 certification audit, ISMS management review, or something similar, generating these issues. Complete the
remainder of the table as if you were reporting these findings to management, under the following columns:
• Clause: which clause/s of ISO/IEC 27001:2013 is/are (most) relevant - if any?
• Category:
o NC = Major non-compliance - a complete, blatant or serious failure to do whatever a main body clause of ISO/IEC 27001 requires. This MUST
be resolved as a priority in order for the organization to be certified;
o nc = Minor non-compliance - a relatively minor discrepancy between the organization and a ‘27001 main body clause. This SHOULD be
resolved as soon as practicable, but may not prevent certification;
o obs = audit observation - not a noncompliance as such, more a helpful comment or improvement suggestion, such as issues with the way
the organization has chosen and implemented Annex A or other controls;
o irr = irrelevant to, and probably out of scope of, a typical ISO27k audit.
• Impact: potential, possible or likely outcome for the organization if nothing is done to address and resolve this issue.
• Recommendations: what you might suggest ought to be done to resolve this issue (note: ultimately the client decides, not the auditor, but if a
certification auditor isn't happy with the response, he/she may refuse to certify until/unless the issue is resolved).
Since the context is important, you may find it helpful to envisage auditing an organization of a specific type, size, complexity and maturity, in a given industry
– not necessarily your current employer or clients! Also, auditing policies and reporting practices vary between organizations and situations e.g. some audit
functions stop short of making recommendations, leaving management entirely responsible for deciding what (if anything) to do in response to the audit
findings. This exercise is generic.
6. Marketing Department is
working on new product
launches in conjunction
with a professional services
supplier (an advertising
agency) that has not signed
a Non-Disclosure
Optional extras
For bonus marks:
• Review and comment on, or revise, the wording of the summary audit findings for grammar/readability, accuracy and relevance.
• What supporting evidence would you expect to have on file for each of the findings?
• Evaluate the findings as a whole (e.g. using a SWOT analysis) and write the remainder of the audit report accordingly.
• If you had to drop some of these findings, which would you remove/retain, and why? Explain your rationale.
• If you were asked for additional information or advice on any of these findings and recommendations, what ISO27k or other standards, advisories or
methods (if any) would be pertinent?
• Send feedback on the exercise and crib sheet to the authors, Jerry Lai and Gary Hinson. Improvement suggestions are very welcome. Please avoid
raising and discussing specifics on social media etc. so as not to tip-off other students who have yet to do the exercise and learn the ropes.