Introduction To Bioethics (10-1)

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TOPICS So, from those definitions, we can define in a larger scope or more in
particular are clearly kung anot Bioethics.
1. the importance of bioethics.
2. the definition of terms, especially those terms that we will use or you
will encounter as we go along with our discussions in this course. What is bioethics?
3. the history of ethics, or more specifically in particularly the history First, we can say, you know, that bioethics, as a science deals with
of bioethics. the life sciences, namely, medicine, healthcare, genetics,
A. biology, research, and the like.
BIOETHICS is defined as a discipline that deals with the (So iton bioethics, dakot iya scope, it looks into medicine, it looks into
healthcare, the way we handle our patients, the way we execute
ethical implications of biological research, in the field of
healthcare, and genetics, and especially those researches and
healthcare in the field, field of medical technologies, and biology.)
sciences. Etymologically, it means from the Greek word bios and
(We do research. And of course, these researchers, these practices
ethos. Bios; life and ethos; behavior, ethics pertains to the
have ethical implication because they involve persons, and by ethics,
look into that. It gives us the principle; it gives us the regulation, and philosophical discipline that deals with the morality of human
guidelines how to do those researches.) conduct.
B. (So, morality again, morality pertains to the correctness, the rightness
Bioethics is the study of ethical issues that emanate from of an action, of a human conduct.)
the changes and developments in the life science
technologies. Bioethics as we can see is a collective effort in philosophy,
(Bioethics is defined as the study of those ethical issues that emanate theology, law and medicine, as it confronts the complex
from changes and developments in those life sciences and crisscrossing and intertwining of science and technology in the
technology. Among of these is genetics, researches that affects, the ambit of human life.
genes of a human person, so we can mention genetic engineering, or, (So iton Bioethics actually is a collective effort, inin mga principio, mga
or any, you know, population control those that ethical issues that principles, coming from philosophy, theology, law, medicine nga bagat
arise from developments and changes that happens in life sciences gn kukuhaan and as we look into it look into the complex issues now
and technologies.) intertwining crisscrossing of Sciences and Technology, of course,
C. more specifically in the ambit of human likeness.
It is a branch of ethics that deals with the life sciences, So amo iton it bioethics, more or less makakasiring kita nga it
and their impact in society. bioethics is that science is that ethics that deals with the sciences, life
(So, this third definition is more or less a larger scope. It says that it is sciences, mainly medicine, healthcare, genetics, biology, and
the branch of ethics, that deals with the life sciences also Life research, and the ??, more or less, we can understand more simply,
Sciences also we can mention a number of Life Sciences, not just what bioethics is in that sense.)
healthcare. We can also include, the beginning the conception of life.
Even death and dying, you know, they are part of life sciences, and WHY IS BIOETHICS IMPORTANT?
its impact in society. (Kayano ba mag kailangan mag study hit bioethics? Di nala kita
How does these sciences, impact the society? Or our conception of kumita diretso dayon panambal? Diri nala kita diretso kung how to
what is right and what is wrong? How it affects our communities? Also, provide healthcare? Kayano we have to study Bioethics? Why do we
for us persons as we are.) have to take this course, or take this subject?)
D. Now, bioethics is important, first, because there is a
It is defined as a branch of ethics that goes into biological prevalence of Bioethical Issues, whether we like it or not
science and medicine. damo iton it bioethical issues, that pertains to life, (e.g.,
(Also, anything to do with life, and of course medicine.) abortion, genetic engineering, even euthanasia.)
F. Issues that deal to the correctness and rightness of an
It is defined as a systematic study of the human conduct action.
in the areas of the life sciences and healthcare. (There is a ?? issue, ethical issue that pertains to bioethics, so
(So more or less. This definition now, is more specific, it goes into the mayada kita hini mga issues na sugad nga nahihinabo, or that
human conduct in the areas of life sciences, and healthcare. So diri
is happening as we are having this discussion.)
la hiya na focus hin issues, diri la hya bagan nakadto hito nga mga
There is a prevalence of biomedical issues. That is why
changes that arises from developments and changes in life sciences,
technologies, but also in human conduct that deals with healthcare bioethics;
and life sciences. 1. As a field of study, that gave us guidelines
So, everything we do as we care to haaton pasyente, everything we regulations or principles, how to go along with
do in relation to our patients or clients it involves bioethics.) them is very much important.
It is defined as it belongs to the hospices, of medical 2. Progress and advances in biological technology
ethics, and is loosely anchored in the avenues of Life have affected human values.
(So, bioethics bagat hiyat gn susuksuk ha medical ethics, and loosely (So, we know, ethics, gives us the principle or give us the idea, the
anchored in the avenues of Life Sciences and bagat distantly related. rightness know what to do. What’s the right thing to do?
So those sciences that pertains to life.) So, biological technology, whether we like it or not, have affected our
H. human values.
It is the study of the moral problems in medicine and So, yana amo iton an development han biological technology naiba
biological technology. na ghapon an aton human values. Example, an issue on euthanasia
(So, bioethics is defined as the moral study on the moral problems. A and assisted suicide, or dying. Pag patay han mga kalagsan na waray
key is the moral problems, when we say about morality it pertains to na gamit ha society, as those people who advocate those things tells
what is right and what is wrong. us so inin na mayda mga tawo nga nasiring “Okay la ito” may mga
And of course, it gives us a specific area, a specific scope kung kutob tawo nga nasiring nga “Tama la ito.”
ngain it bioethics. In the problems in medicine, and biological So, again, iton development of biological technology have affected our
knowledge.) human values. An issue on abortion or the use of contraception, yana
So, those were just a few definitions of bioethics. As mentioned in our nag iiba iba ito but, of course, as a Catholic priest, I know where we
book from Dr. Eddie Gaborno bioethics, a philosophical journey, where we stand. Pero yana mag iba iba na iton, for example mayda
and a critical analysis into the life sciences. A Guide to health care na siring na okay la iton may nasiring nga diri liwat iton. Depende ito

hiton hit era pag understand hit personhood ngan human life. kung - study of living organisms.
anot pinagkaiba.) 4. Bioethics
- the study of the morality of human conduct
3. Because ethics is essential to the practice of concerning human life in all its aspects, from the
healthcare, for it provides knowledge of the moment of its conception to its natural end.
morality of an act, and service as a guiding (So, by ethics is the study of the morality of the human conduct
principle for healthcare practitioners observed in concerning human life. From the moment of conception to its natural
addressing healthcare issues that are in the first end.)
place, moral issues where the forces of 5. Health Ethics
goodness should prevail over the forces of evil. - is the study of the morality of the human
(So, ini klaro ini yana kayano importante it bioethics, that was conduct concerning health and healthcare.
according to ?? ethics is very essential nga practice of healthcare Healthcare - is concerned about life in
because it serves as a guiding principle for healthcare practitioners in relation to health, and not in relation to other
addressing healthcare issues, which in the first place, moral issues, fields.
why man moral issues? Because it deals with a person, nag aalaga
kamo, nag aalaga kamon tawo. Everything that pertains to a person,
(Health Ethics is different from bioethics, it goes into the
it is always a moral issue. Mayda ghap iton moralidad pag abot hiton study of human conduct concerning health and
tawo, because whether we like it or not, man is a moral being. Kaparte healthcare, specifically health and healthcare. Samantala
hit iya pag ka tawo. it Bioethics, anything about life, anything basta kanan
So very important, because bioethics gives us a guiding principle in kinabuhi, basta nag kikiwa, bisan zygote la or ano la dida,
addressing healthcare issues, especially on our researchers na aton basta may kinabuhi hit kanan tawo ada kay sulod ito it
gn hihimo, para ano? for goodness to prevail, and evil will be avoided.) Bioethics. Pero iton healthcare, it pertains to only health
4. Good may be done, and evil be avoided in the and healthcare only.)
practice of healthcare. Healthcare ethics, it sets the standards of guidelines,
(So of course, maaram kita ito na it practice of healthcare, kay danay relative to studies inquiries and decisions on the part
baga diri maupay or danay may gray area. May mga situation na we
of healthcare professionals in relation to the delivery
have to make a decision, for example a situation where you are forced
kung ano tim bubuhuion kung an nanay or an baby? Gin hahatag ito of healthcare.
it bioethics kung anot hihimoun na tama. So very important it bioethics It treats issues such as our withdrawal of life support
in the practice of healthcare, but in the core of that, kayano important system, testing of diseases, access to healthcare
ini, services, brain death, clinical death, suicide,
Because healthcare issue is first and foremost a moral issue, euthanasia, vices and virtues, and conscience, and
because it deals with persons. So, that is why bioethics is ??
important.) What is the relationship between bioethics and
So makadto kita it some definitions of terms na are very healthcare ethics?
important, as we start, as we go along in our course ha (Because I know that health care ethics is incorporated to
discussion. bioethics. Nasusulod it healthcare ethics ha bioethics.)
6. Professional Ethics
The first thing to note is ethics.
- pertains to the normative moral system that
1. Ethics - is defined as a philosophical and
injuncts a kind of behavior that is expected of a
practical science that deals with the morality of
human acts or human conduct.
(So when we say professional ethics now those are the
(So, when we say in inga tutulo nga mga butang, we have to be
reminded, first is ethics as a science. Kayano Science it Ethics.
behaviors, expected of a professional, of course, iba tim
Science means – a systematized body of knowledge. expectation ha nakahuman pagskwela compared ha waray
Ethics - is a systematized body of knowledge. nakaskwela, education is important, iba’t gios hit waray naka
So tikang pa han una nakada na in inga ethics, and there have been eskwela ha naka eskwela. Not of course, diri kita
a collection of ethical views, magiba iba na pagintindi hit ethics and it nakakaminus hit waray maka skwela, they can be good
is a systematized body of knowledge.) people…)
2. PhilosophIcal (diri ini an pilosopo na diri ito HISTORY OF ETHICS
amo an waray gamit na baton) - Ethics as a philosophical ??? has been there since the
- Ethics is philosophical, because it seeks out; it ancient philosophers. It is said that it began with the
looks into the ultimate causes the ultimate principles, Greek Sophists. They were those wise men of the
the ultimate truth of human conduct. Greeks of ancient time around 5th century BC.
(And of course, ethics, being practical, it's a practical science, (Plato, Aristotle, even Socrates, they go into that depth, into
because it deals of things, because it deals about what to do. Kung that field of study, ethics, the conduct of a human person anot
anot angay himoun for every given situation, or for every given angay himoun hit human person. Even it aton Asian
problem or issue that may arise iton na aton exercise of human
philosophy, an era una na mga pakiana is on the area of
conduct or in bioethics, in our exercise of healthcare services.
So, ethics are a philosophical and practical science that deals with the ethics. Sanglit mga Chinese philosophers or Asian
morality of the human acts or human conduct. philosophies. They always look into the ideal citizen, the ideal
So, meaning of ethics, aside from those three words na akon discuss. person, something like that.
We have to look into the morality of human acts or human conduct. Of We can say that the term, the word or the study of ethics have
course, we know morality means what is right, or the rightness or the been there, since the dawning of philosophy. But more
wrongness of an action, but the key word is HUMAN ACTS, and importantly, as we look into the history ethics, they have been
HUMAN CONDUCT. there, Ancient to Medieval Period, Nakada iton hira St.
It covered la hit ethics are those what we call human acts or human
Thomas and later on to the modern area, but more importantly
conduct, kay mayda liwat gn sisiring in some other way. Act of man –
buhat han tawo, may pag kaiba. HUMAN ACTS it involves our we should look into the history of bioethics. Kakano ba nag
intellect and will. Act of man – pag katurog, pahkaon, ganoin. start an bioethics?)
Nagagawas ito hya ha scope of ethics. Kung Human Act na it goes to HISTORY OF BIOETHICS
the ambit of ethics.)
3. Biology

- the word bioethics was introduced by Danielle
Callahan, in 1969. Together with Willard
Gaylin as the founder of the Hastings Center.
(So, the term bioethics. It was introduced in 1969. This is 20th
century term. But it was Van Rensselaer Potter who
popularized the term Bioethics in the year 1979. Hastings
Center was founded by Willard Gaylin and Daniel Callahan,
and it was the center that addressed the issues of death
and dying, behavior control, genetic engineering, genetic
counseling, population control, ethical issues in
biomedicine, public policy. 1969 mayda na sinisiring
genetic engineering, very advanced at that age. So, it was
popularized at the Kennedy Institute of Ethics an mga founder
ini is Andre Hellegers and father Henry Richardson in
Georgetown University.
So, at the Kennedy Institute of Ethics. The main intensive
trainings in bioethics for healthcare workers, hospital
administrators, politicians, lawyers, public policymakers,
sociologists, theologians, and philosophers. So ano an gn
himo han Kennedy Institute ethics now. Gin serve like a school
and a training center, para han mga kalain lain na mga
professionals na may kalabutan hiton bioethical issues.
Mind you ha States, dako ito na kaso when it pertains to
healthcare practice, crucial ini haira na issue, kay it deals with
the right of persons. 1970, nag abot ghapon an The Society
of Health and Human Values. It was founded by the
Committee on medical ethics and theology of United
ministries in education and methodist, and Presbyterian
Churches Society.)

(In this Society they’ve looked into those. Nauna an Hastings

Center, an death and dying, behavior control, an bioethical
issues, na mag pepertain han health and life on. So, from then
on, until right now, naka-carried out ini na bioethics, bisan an
Catholic Church mayda man ini gn sisiring na opisina that
deals and looks into these bioethical issues na ig didiscuss as
progress and technology.
(This is where we end an aton first part. So, to wrap up. So,
we have discussed, the introduction to bioethics. What is
bioethics? And we looked into the importance of bioethics,
definition, and the short history of bioethics of 1969. So as a
field of study. So, it aton sunod na discussion will be on the
human person and we will discuss the personhood, the human
acts and acts of human. Thank you.)

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