Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
I. Objectives
a. Content Standards
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts, uses, and importance
of Statistics, data collection/gathering and different forms of data representation,
measures of central tendency, measures of variability, and probability
b. Performance Standards
The learner is able to collect and organize data systematically and compute
accurately measures of central tendency and variability and apply these appropriately
in data analysis and interpretation in different fields.
c. Most Essentials Learning Competencies
1. Illustrates the measures of central tendency (mean, median, and mode) of
statistical data.
2. Calculates the measures of central tendency of ungrouped and grouped data.
d. Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, the students should be able to:
1. define measures of central tendency;
2. describe the three measures of central tendency;
3. understand the concepts of the three measures of central tendency; and
4. differentiate the three measures of central tendency.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Measures of Central Tendency
Materials: Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Activity Sheets, Cups, and straws
Skills: 4C’s of 21st Century Learning (Collaboration, Communication, Creativity,
Critical Thinking)
Values Integration: Rationality, Attentiveness, Collaboration, and Cooperation
Strategies: Lecture-Discussion Method, Collaborative Method, and Game-based
References: Mathematics Quarter 4 – Module 4: Measures of Central Tendency
III. Procedures
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Routinary Activities
1. Greetings
2. Prayer
3. Class Reminders
4. Checking of Attendance
B. Review
Before we proceed to our lesson for
today, let’s have a quick review.
Can you give the definition of a line A line graph is used to represent changes in
graph? data over a period of time.
Can you define a pie graph? A pie is used to show how all the parts of
something are related to the whole.
Can you give a brief definition of a Graphs are used to represent data that can
graph easily be interpreted by the reader. It can be a
pie graph, bar graph, and line graph.
C. Motivation
But before we start our lesson, let’s
play a game.
1. The class will be divided into
3 groups
2. The teacher will give you cups
and straws
3. The game consists of 4
rounds. Every round, the
teacher will give instructions.
4. The first group to finish the
task will gain 1 point each
5. The group with more points
will win the game and will
receive a reward
Round 1:
Each group will have 5 cups and a
designated number of straws in each
cup with a total number of 25 straws
- Rearrange/regroup the straws
where each cups have the
same number of straws
E. Application
Let’s have a group activity.
1. With the same group in our
previous activity, create a
concept map about the
measures of central tendency
2. The concept map must
include, definitions and
examples of the three
measures of central tendency
3. The group leader will explain
their concept map in front of
the class.
F. Generalization
Let’s have a quick recitation of the
things that we have discussed today.
Differentiate the mean, median, and Mean is the average of the given set of data,
mode the median is the middle value, while the
mode is the most frequent value in the set of
G. Evaluation
Test I
Read each statement carefully
and identify which word/s is/are being
described. Choose your answer from
the box below. Write your answer
before the number.
Test II
Differentiate the three
measures of central tendency using a
Venn diagram
Activity Sheet: Activity Day 1
H. Assignment
Prepared by:
Nazie Grace A. Dulnuan
BSED Math 4A
Since this is the first day of the week, I developed a lesson plan with an objective to
introduce the measures of central tendency. My learning objectives only focus on the
low-order thinking skills of grade 7 learners. Defining the measures of central tendency,
describing the three measures of central tendency, understanding the concepts of these
measures, and differentiating them are my learning objectives for the day 1 lesson.
This lesson plan aims to develop the learners’ 21st Century Skills which are
Collaboration, Communication, Creativity, and Critical Thinking skills. This is also prepared
for a purpose of enhancing the students' values like rationality, attentiveness, collaboration,
and cooperation. The skills and values will develop if the teaching strategies are appropriate
for the learners. Lecture-discussion and collaborative methods will be the mode of instruction
since the discussion contains group activity. It is also game-based learning since by doing the
group activities which are in the form of games, students may understand the concept of the
mean, median, and mode. I used Grade 7 4th Quarter module for my reference.
Routinary activities contain greetings, prayer, class reminders, and checking of attendance. In
the review part, since the previous lesson is all about the use of appropriate graphs to
represent organized data: pie chart, bar graph, line graph, histogram, and ogive, I prepared a
review to recognize the different graphs using the game 4 pics 1 word. On the other hand, the
motivation part allows the students to collaborate with each other in doing the task and be
able to understand the concepts of mean, median, and mode. The motivation helps in
introducing the topic which is measures of central tendency.
The lesson proper focuses on defining the measures of central tendency and
understanding the concepts of the mean, median, and mode. The motivation was used to
elaborate on the meaning of the three measures of central tendency. For example, round 1,
demonstrate the concept of getting the mean/average of the data where students
rearrange/regroup the straws so that each cup will have an equal number of straws.
Mean/average is what we get by distributing the data equally among all members or entities.
After the lecture/discussion, we need to ensure that the students understand the lesson.
Therefore, as part of the generalization, I allow students to recite and answer the questions
regarding the lesson. The questions formulated are also aligned with the learning objectives.
In the application part, students will again cooperate and collaborate with their
groupmates in creating a concept map about the measures of central tendency. This will allow
them to know that they have different ideas about the lesson. Furthermore, in evaluating the
student's understanding of the lesson, I prepared a two-part test that will allow them to
achieve the learning objectives. In the latter part is the assignment section, I ask them to give
three real-life examples where the measures of central tendency are being used aside from the
given examples during discussion since this is just the day 1 and I also want them to see the
relationship of the measures of central tendency to the real world.