Abdelrahman Osama Abdelghaffar Abdelhadi: Contact
Abdelrahman Osama Abdelghaffar Abdelhadi: Contact
Abdelrahman Osama Abdelghaffar Abdelhadi: Contact
Phone: 01278261077 E-mail: [email protected]
LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/abdelrahman-osama-9b28a41b2
Address: El Shorouk city - Cairo
I am a hardworking and ambitious person with a lot of patience and accurate in appointments,
also loves working in teams and share ideas to achieve the best results.
Faculty of Engineering – Ain Shams University [2018-now]
Electronics and Communication Engineering
CGPA: 2.73
PCB circuit for a Sallen-key filter
Circuit simulation on Ltspice, design it on Eagle then implementing the on a PCB manually
using acetone and acid
GPS tracking system using Tiva board
The GPS subsystem stores the coordinates of the start point and it receives the new
coordinates continuously and calculates the distance, then it adds all these distance
intervals to get the total distance. There is a built-in LED turned on when the target
distance given by the user is reached and the current distance is continuously displayed on
LCD screen.
We used (Tiva C TM4C123G) and programmed it using embedded C
Using logic gates to make 3-bit adder circuit
We used two groups of 3 switches to make the input of the adder, we also displayed the
input on 7-segment, the input enters a circuit of logic gates that was designed according to
truth tables. The output was displayed on a 2 7-segments connected to decoders.