Unit - 2 BOP Solutions
Unit - 2 BOP Solutions
Unit - 2 BOP Solutions
Q.1. You are required to find out the overall balance, showing clearly all the sub balances from
the following data:
Balance of Payments
Particulars Amount Amount
A. Current Account:
i. Goods Account
Export (+) 1,03,000
Imports (-) )
Total of Goods Account 3,000
B. Capital Account
i. Foreign Direct Investment
Direct Investment by foreigners (+) 3,00,000
Direct Investment abroad (-) -
Total Foreign Direct Investment 3,00,000
Q.2. Prepare a BOP statement for France from the following data:
Balance of Payments
Amoun Amoun
t t
A. Current Account:
i. Goods Account
Export (+) 5,000
Imports (-) -4,000
Total of Goods Account 1,000
B. Capital Account
i. Foreign Direct Investment
Direct Investment by foreigners (+) 2,000
Direct Investment abroad (-) -4,500
Total Foreign Direct Investment -2,500
BOP 3,000
a. An exporter sells watches to Russia for Rs. 5,00,000. The exporter accepts Rs.50,000 in
cash and remaining as a one-year bill of exchange.
b. Mohan, an Indian, goes to Sri Lanka on vacation with Rs.2,000. He spent Rs.1,000 on
services received and bought souvenirs for Rs. 900 to bring with him.
c. An Indian company import cloths worth Rs.5000 from Nepal.
d. Karim from Bangladesh immigrates to India with Rs. 1,000.
e. Karim finds a job and sends Rs.1,500 to his family in Bangladesh.
f. ABC company of India decides to invest Rs. 6,00,000 in Mauritius to establish a business
unit. Half of this investment is made in cash; remaining half is arranged by selling bonds
in France.
g. Profit made by Mauritius subsidiary of the ABC Company is Rs.20,000, of which 25% is
remitted to the parent company in India.
h. The Government of Sri Lanka issues bonds for Rs. 50,000 with an interest rate of 5%.
Indian buys 20% of these bonds.
i. An exporter, Madan, sells spare parts worth Rs.25,000 to Colombia and receives payment
on delivery.
j. An US exporter sells to India a process equipment for Rs.15,00,000.
k. The Government of Sri Lanka paid interest of 5% on its bonds.
l. Indian importer paid Rs.2,500 to an English Shipping company as charges.
m. Karim sold some of his property in Bangladesh for Rs.5,000. His family members paid
Rs. 1,000 to Air India for travel and remaining amount, they brought in cash.
Balance of Payments
Particulars Amount Amount
A. Current Account:
i. Goods Account
Export (+) 75,000
Imports (-) -15,05,900
Total Goods Account -14,30,900
International Finance- Alaknanda Lonare
B. Capital Account
i. Foreign Direct Investment
Direct Investment by foreigners (+)
Direct Investment abroad (-) -6,00,000
Total Foreign Direct Investment -6,00,000
BOP -21,84,400