In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Praise the presence of
Allah SWT who has given His grace and guidance so that I can complete the assignment of a
paper entitled "The Influence of Foreign Cultures on Indonesian Culture Among
Adolescents". This is just in time.
The purpose of writing this paper is to fulfill the tasks that have been given. In
addition, this paper also serves to add insight about "The Influence of Foreign Cultures" for
readers as well as writers.
I would like to thank the lecturers as those who have given this task so that I can add
insight and knowledge in accordance with the field of study that I am engaged in.
I also thank all those who have shared some of their knowledge so that I can complete
the task of this paper. I realize that this paper I wrote is far from perfect. Therefore, I will
look forward to constructive criticism and suggestions for the perfection of this paper.
05 October 2022
FOREWORD........................................................................................................................... ii
2.3 The Influence of Foreign Cultures on Culture in Indonesia among Teenagres ................. 6
BIBLIOGRAPHY… ............................................................................................................. 11
1.1 Background
Indonesia is a pluralistic nation, famous for its diversity and uniqueness. The culture
that is owned by the Indonesian people is a pluralistic culture and is very rich in variety.
Indonesia itself consists of various ethnic groups, which inhabit tens of thousands of islands.
Each ethnic group has its own cultural diversity. In each of these cultures there are high social
and artistic values. In the current condition, culture is starting to be abandoned, even some
Indonesian people are ashamed of their culture as the identity of a nation.
The differences that occur in Indonesian culture are due to different growth processes
and influences from other cultures that are mixed in it. Judging from the development of the
times in the current era of globalization, it is very fast because of new discoveries in all fields.
New discoveries in the world of technology, for example, which are dominated by western
countries, amaze us so that we can only shake our heads and can enjoy and use them as
In addition to these new discoveries that have become entrenched, there are also other
phenomena in the era of globalization that occur in Indonesia, especially among teenagers,
where teenagers tend to imitate western culture. One example is the habits of western people
that we usually see both in electronic media, print and in person, such as how to dress and
fashion which has become the culture of our society, especially among teenagers. This
influence can spread more quickly to the lower classes due to artists in the entertainment
world who have a higher level of modernization. From his behavior and style, he is seen as an
example and deserves to be imitated because it is considered more advanced and modern.
If the above influences are allowed, what will happen to the young generation? The
morale of the nation's generation is damaged, anarchic actions arise between the young
people. Its relationship with the value of nationalism will be reduced because there is no love
for the nation's own culture and a sense of caring for the community. Whereas the younger
generation is the future successor of the nation.
2. The positive and negative impacts as well as the effects of the entry of foreign
cultures into Indonesia, especially among teenagers?
3. How to anticipate the negative impact of the entry of foreign cultures into Indonesia
which destroys many customs and can lead to deviant behavior in society?
4. What are the main factors causing the entry of foreign cultures into Indonesia?
1.3 Destination
1. Provide information to teenagers, about the impact of the entry of foreign culture
in Indonesia.
2. To make young people aware of the dangers that threaten our country from
inside and outside.
3. Knowing how to overcome the problem of cultural crises.
4. Provide an overview to the youth about the influence of the entry of foreign cultures
in Indonesia.
2.1 Definition of Culture
Culture or culture comes from the Sanskrit language, namely buddhayah, which is the
plural form of buddhi (mind or reason) which is defined as matters relating to human mind
and reason. In English, culture is called culture, which comes from the Latin word Colere,
which means to cultivate or work. It can also be interpreted as cultivating the land or farming.
The word culture is also sometimes translated as "culture" in Indonesian.
Culture is a way of life that develops and is shared by a group of people and is passed
down from generation to generation. Culture is made up of many complex elements,
including religious and political systems, customs, languages, tools, clothing, buildings, and
works of art. Language, like culture, is an inseparable part of human beings, so many people
tend to think of it as genetically inherited. When a person tries to communicate with people of
different cultures and adapt their differences, it proves that culture is learned.
Culture is a comprehensive way of life. Culture is complex, abstract, and broad. Many
aspects of culture also determine communicative behavior. These socio-cultural elements are
scattered and encompass many human social activities.
Some of the reasons why people have difficulty communicating with people from
other cultures can be seen in the definition of culture: “Culture is a complex set of values
polarized by an image containing a view of its own peculiarities.”
This "coercive image" takes different forms in various cultures such as "crude
individualism" in America, "individual harmony with nature" in Japan and "collective
obedience" in China. This coercive cultural image provides its members with guidelines for
proper behavior and establishes a world of logical meanings and values that its most humble
members can borrow to gain a sense of dignity and affinity with their lives.
Thus, it is culture that provides a coherent framework for organizing one's activities
and enabling one to predict the behavior of others. Culture is closely related to society.
Melville J. Herskovits and Bronislaw Malinowski argue that everything contained in society
is determined by the culture that is owned by the community itself. The term for that opinion
is Cultural Determinism.
Herskovits views culture as something that is passed down from one generation to
another, which is then referred to as superorganic. According to Andreas Eppink, culture
contains the whole notion of social values, social norms, science and all social, religious, and
other structures, in addition to all the intellectual and artistic statements that characterize a
From these various definitions, it can be concluded that culture is something that will
affect the level of knowledge and includes a system of ideas or ideas contained in the human
mind, so that in everyday life, culture is abstract. While the embodiment of culture are objects
created by humans as cultured creatures, in the form of behaviors and objects that are real, for
example patterns of behavior, language, living equipment, social organization, religion, art,
and others, all of which are aimed at to help humans in carrying out social life.
Indonesia has been acculturating with various cultures for a long time. Indonesia's
strategic location, which was on the route of 2 international trade centers in the past, India
and China, had a great influence on indigenous culture. With the mixing of the two cultures,
it develops the local indigenous culture.
Apart from the influence of foreign cultures in the past, the rapid development of the
current era of globalization is increasingly pressing the process of cultural acculturation,
especially the influence of Western culture. With the advancement of modern technology
accelerates access to knowledge about other cultures. Bringing change to the basic level of
human life in Indonesia. The influence of interaction with Western culture colors the lives of
Indonesian people. The increasing population growth in this country, coupled with the
problem of increasingly scarce supplies of food, energy, and strategic industrial materials,
and the widening gap in technology mastery risk shifting differences and interests in society.
More than that, the presence of Western culture seems to dominate and has always
been the trend-center of society. The habits and lifestyle of western people seem to be a
modern mirror. This clearly erodes a person's behavior and actions. Blowing Western
influence, is considered as a hallmark of progress in the expression of contemporary culture.
Though not necessarily in accordance with the needs of the situation and conditions of the
community itself. This situation continues to erode the culture and local wisdom which is the
cultural heritage of the people of the archipelago. This is also where traditional values are
slowly becoming extinct because they are unable to compete with modern culture in the form
of social interaction.
At first the entrance to foreign culture in Indonesia was through the colonization of
foreigners in Indonesia. Not only did they take the spices and colonize them in general, but
they also instilled their culture into interfering with Indonesian culture. In contrast to the
colonial period, nowadays the entrance of foreign culture is through advances in technology
and information. Siauddin Sardar calls the present as the information revolution as described
in his book Challenges of the Islamic World in the 21st Century. In the information
revolution, information intervention is difficult to stem because its flow is not limited by
space and time. At any time, incoming information can enter every office and household,
even through print and electronic mass media such as newspapers, television and the internet.
One of the characteristics of the information revolution is that openness and freedom
of information is something that is difficult to avoid because in addition to providing positive
impacts such as information on the development of science and technology, there are also
negative impacts such as promiscuity, clothing that shows genitalia, individual and hedonic
The nickname that is often used to describe Western civilization and its component
societies today is "technological" civilization. Optimistic images of information technology
and its useful role promote the idea that computers are never wrong; it can solve all the
problems of society; it is even considered a “magic spell” that can provide information to
everyone. Most of the youth in this country have been fooled by this beautiful and
exaggerated picture of technology and communication.
A small number of countries are now considered to have reached the modern level,
while a large number are still in the process of moving in that direction. Modernization has
now reverberated in the world. Modern countries feel proud because their modernization has
been successful, while developing countries are passionately accompanying the
modernization movement. Nevertheless, the development of technology in the field of
information, apart from providing the freedom to access as much information as possible,
there is still room for the community to make choices selectively according to the interests
and needs of the community.
Indonesia is known as a multi-ethnic and religious country, that's where Indonesia has
a variety of different cultures. In each of these cultures there are high social and artistic
values. In the current condition, Indonesian culture is slowly fading away. This is due to the
development of technology which can eventually have a negative impact on the indigenous
culture of Indonesia. With the development of many electronic media, western culture can
easily enter Indonesia, thus starting to change the mindset and behavior of the Indonesian
Western culture that entered Indonesia actually had a positive and negative impact on
the people of Indonesia. Positive impacts, for example, creativity, innovation in the
development of science and technology, disciplined life and professionalism, etc. However,
in writing, the focus is more on the negative impact of foreign culture on Indonesian culture,
especially among teenagers.
The negative impact of foreign or western culture on Indonesian society, especially
among teenagers, has reached an alarming stage because there is a tendency for teenagers to
have forgotten the culture of their own nation. Culture goes along with or talkative about how
to dress, for example. Teenagers don't want to be said to be old-fashioned, tacky if they don't
follow the western-style dress code because they are considered modern, trending and
following the times, even though they show their genitals which are prohibited by religious
teachings or contrary to community customs for generations.
In addition to the way of dressing and fashion, promiscuity and how to have fun
among teenagers which are seen as deviant behavior both religiously and socially are also a
problem for culture in Indonesia. Generally, Indonesian youths behave in a non-selective way
in accordance with their religious values and their customs.
The youth also feel that the culture in their own country seems far from
modernization. So that teenagers feel prestige if they do not keep up with the times even
though it is contrary to the values of their religious and cultural teachings. So that in the end
the teenagers prefer western culture, compared to our own culture.
1. Government Role
The government should be able to take strategic policies through restructuring the
education system, especially regarding curriculum arrangements. Generally, every school
implements a system of teaching knowledge about religious knowledge to school youth with
a running time of only two hours a week. Of course, this is not enough time to expect a
change in student behavior so that it requires additional lesson hours or the creativity of the
teacher in the field of study in the form of religious activities in the school environment such
as recitation activities or thematic studies according to religious views.
The government should reorganize the education system and encourage the creativity
of teachers in the field of study. Regarding religious lessons and understanding, it is not only
focused on the field of religious study which is considered to have insufficient time, but every
general subject teacher can also include religious values when teaching in front of his
students. For example, in geography, the teacher can explain the power of God to create the
heavens and the earth, the history of the national struggle pioneered or led by Islamic scholars
or fighters such as Prince Diponegoro, Sultan Hasanuddin and others. These warrior figures
are at the same time a form of resistance to the colonization of foreign countries who want to
control Indonesia's territory and economic resources as well as to spread its culture.
The role of scholars and culturalists through work programs of religious organizations
and cultural studios is very strategic to prevent the entry of foreign cultures in society,
especially among the younger generation. The involvement of religious and cultural leaders
through work programs of religious organizations such as Nahdlatul Ulama (NU),
Muhammadiyah and others can be directed at cultivating youth to have religious-based
cultural resilience.
Likewise, the role of humanists and artists through organizations or art studios can
design work programs that are of interest to teenagers so that they are not interested in the
rah-rah culture that comes from foreign cultures.
If this can be played optimally by religious leaders and culturalists, then the pattern of
fostering the younger generation can be directed at inculcating Pancasila values and religious
teachings that are more directed and measurable, both from internal school activities such as
the teaching and learning process and teaching and learning process. outside school such as
mosque youth, arts and culture. With this policy, teenagers can also interact directly with the
community as social actors.
The family is the environment where children spend most of their time. Parents are
the main figures in the family who are most responsible for the future of their children and
other family members. Therefore, the family environment greatly contributes to the quality of
behavior or morals of family members, especially their children. Family environment and
the social environment must remain positive in the sense that the people around us must be
people who "do not lead us astray". Parents should be able to take more portions among other
The role of parents is very much needed, in addition to supervising the children and
with whom they hang out, but occasionally parents have to go directly to supervise their
children so that their children do not get mixed up. In modern society, a teenager is very
dependent on the way his parents or family educate him. Through interactions in the family,
adolescents will learn patterns of behavior, attitudes, beliefs and ideals and values in the
family and society.
3.1 Conclusion
Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the influences of foreign
cultures have contributed to the development of Indonesian culture, especially on the life,
culture and nature of the mind among teenagers which can damage the ecosystem of the
younger generation in the future. As a young generation, they should be able to behave
selectively towards the influence of globalization in accordance with the religious values
adopted and customs in their country. As well as instilling the values of Pancasila and
carrying out religious teachings as well as possible. And don't forget to have a strong spirit of
nationalism, such as loving domestic products.
Sidi Gazalba, Islam & Sociocultural Change. Jakarta: AlHusna Library, 1983.
Mizan, 1988.
Kun Maryati, Juju Suryawati, Sociology for SMA and MA class X. Jakarta: Erlangga, 2001.