SSL Cert Replace
SSL Cert Replace
SSL Cert Replace
For Example
Ensure that the “IP Infra" installed serveris added othe domain
Comte ame dain an oro ting
Futcemparrane [iene Foon
DNS! = femtsab local
Pa = xxx
Note FGDN and FSM are entered according to the "eornputer namo" andTulleomputer name" of the server where “EP Infra i installe,
1. (Optional) Ads addtional ONS x or IPxvalues as needed to cover al the possisle ONS, hostnames, and IPs used by the Forcepoint
Manager. Depending on the signing authority, some files may not be necessary or vale, so please confirm with that authority beforehand,
nese additions to openssL.en wil specify the Subject Alternative Names (SAN) variations to inelide in the certieate reque
8. Open an administrative Command Prompt and navigate tothe \Websense\EIP Infralapeche\cont\websenselssl directory. Set the
‘openssl executable fo use the EIPInra's configuration fle by means of ereating en environmental variable for OPENSSL, CONF.
Note The openssl executable provided in the apachelbin flderisnet actualy installed tothe operating system It defaults to
Jusrlocaisl (which does net exist in Windows) forts opensslent path the ervronmentalvarable inet set
Use the fllowing Command Prompt command t set an OS environment variable for OPENSSL. CONF pointing othe
‘Apache openssLent sl:
‘set OPENSSL_CONF "© \Program Fils (x86)\Websense\EIP Inralapachelcon‘\opensslen”/M
Note The path to openssLent wilder the Management lnrastucture has been installed toa diferent lacation than the detaut. Update
‘this path as necessary
‘This €an also be done trom the Control Panel under System > Environmental Variables.
‘Confirm that the fllowing command retums the coreet lection
Greate a Certificate Signing Request
Note The folowing commands assume that the Command Promat has navigated tothe "Websense\EIPntalapache\confiwebsense\ss
9. Generate the key and seis passphrase (make note forthe following steps
\L\.ein|openssloxe gonrsa~des3 -out HTTPD-SERVER KEY 2048
hitps1supportforcepoint. comislartcle/How-te-create-and:instal-a-new-server-certiicate-inlo-TRITON-EIP infrastructure 218sortti21, 831 AM How to Greate and instal a New Server Certificate forthe Forcepoint Management Intrastructure
‘This ill eveate HTTPO-SERVER KEY within the SSL folder,
10, Generate the Cerieate Request with the passphrase set the previous step:
|.binlopenssl.exe req -new-out HTTPD-SERVER.CSR -key HTTPO-SERVER Key
[Add -shaSi2 or higher for stronger signature algorthm
|.lin|openssl.exe req -shaSt2 -new out HTTPD-SERVER.CSR -key HTTPD-SERVER Key
‘Complete the various prompts that appear. The will reate HTTPD-SERVER.CSR under the SSL. directory
1, Verity Subject Alternative Names ae present in the request
\.\binlopenssLexe req text -noout in HTTPD-SERVER.CSR
412 Sign the CSR using ONE of the two methods below
tng Certiteate Atha o&:
1 Send the CSR to the Signing Certcate Authority (CA, preferably via aweb interface. The Web Interface can output the ceticate a6 a
PEM/Base-t4 certificate, DER certificates are incompatible with Apache HTTPD services.
1 you cannot ure a web interface, conver the certificate from DER to PEM/Ba¢e-64 by using OpenSSL. See The Most Common OpenSSL.
‘Commands {ntps:/wawsslshopper comyarticle-mest-commen-openssl-commands html) and sral to Converting Using OpenSSL.
1 H you are using hia party cerifeate vendors use “Apache Web Server” as the target serverin order to get the correct certificate type,
Ir signing the CSR using the oeal CA, run one ofthe flloing commands:
Notes: The frst command syntaxwillinclide ‘Subject Alternate Names" information within the sell signed certifeate, The second
‘command syntax il exclude the ‘Subject Alternate Names" information, The'-days parameter wil st the length of ime for which the
Certtieate willbe vain these examples 1825 days (5 year)
12. Create an un-enerypted key, which you willthen install slong with the certieate, From the "Websense\EIP
Inttalapache\connwebsonse\ss folder, un the flowing commana
Provide the pass phrase set n Step 9. This willoutput SERVER KEY.UNSECURE inthe SSI. directory.
Note Its recommended to rename the original encrypted key to something else and the new un-enerypted key
(SERVER KEYUNSECURE) to HTTPD-SERVER KEY. In the below steps, HTTPD-SERVER.KEY wil ter othe unencrypted ke.
Installing the Signed Certificate and Key
[Woh the corcteate generated by the signing CA and the certiicate key, they ean nowbe used by the Farcepoint Management Intastructure
14. Stop and Disable the "Websense TRITON Web Server sevice.
15, Backup the existing HTTPD-SERVER.CER ang HTTPD-SERVER.KEY files from”\Wentense\EIPInralapache|conflkeystorehitpa
16,Move the signed certiieate and HTTPD-SERVEREY he generate earls tothe “Websense\EPInralapache\eonfkeystore\ntpd’
‘directory, Ensure thatthe signed cerlifeate le named HTTPD-SERVER.CER” and the keys named HITPD-SERVERKEY" (the casei
17, Create a backup ofthe following tegity locaton: HKEY, LOCAL, MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Won6432Node\WebsencelElP Inia
hitps1supportforcepoint. comislartcle/How-te-create-and:instal-a-new-server-certiicate-inlo-TRITON-EIP infrastructure aissortti21, 831 AM How to Greate and instal a New Server Certificate fr the Forcepoit Management Inrastructure
18, Open a Command Prompt and navigate tothe \Websense\EIP Iniralapachelconfkeystoreihttp rectory.
19. Type the following command (inform can be set to PEM or DER depending onthe format ofthe key you are converting):
|.binlopensslexe pkes8-topke -out httpd-serverkey.pk8-n htpd-serverkey v1 PBE-SHAT-ADES -intorm PEM
‘This converts your KEY int the necessary PKCSS format
20, Provide the password forthe key and press Enter.
21. Very hat the new key lee created (httpd-server.key.pke)
22. From the Command Promat navigate to\Websense\EIPIntalapachelbin and execute the allowing commane:
bis exe encrypt [PASSWORD] set
Replace [PASSWORD] witn the desired password youwish to set forthe key.
Note BLS exe encodes the password setin the KEY hile within the Windows registry se Apache can read it without it beng in plaintext.
‘Should you need te revert toa previous eerteate witha diferent key password thats unknown. estore the FIP intastructure trom a
backup in dere do sa
23. Check that the encoded password string ereated in Step 22 using bs.ex isthe same asthe password string saved inthe registry key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Websense\EIP Infra|APASSPHRASE.I the password stings do net match,
Update the value in the APASSPHRASE registry key tobe the sting rom Step 22. Ina such key exists, ereate @ DWORD type key and enter
the password string trom Step 22 asthe value
24, Confirm that htt
Infrapache\conf\keystorethttd directory
ver key. pk are present within the \WebseneelEIP
Important Comment out the ine containing