LoRa IO Controller UserManual v1.4.2
LoRa IO Controller UserManual v1.4.2
LoRa IO Controller UserManual v1.4.2
1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Specifications.............................................................................................................................. 6
5. FAQ ......................................................................................................................................... 34
5.3 How to set up LT to work in 8 channel mode in US915, AU915, CN470 bands? ....................... 36
5.4 How to set up LT to work with Single Channel Gateway such as LG01/LG02? ......................... 38
6. Trouble Shooting..................................................................................................................... 40
9. Support ................................................................................................................................... 41
10. Reference................................................................................................................................ 42
1. Introduction
1.1 What is LT Series I/O Controller
The Dragino LT series I/O Modules are Long Range LoRaWAN I/O Controller. It contains different
I/O Interfaces such as: analog current Input, analog voltage input, relay output, digital input and
digital output etc. The LT I/O Modules are designed to simplify the installation of I/O monitoring.
The LT I/O Controllers allows the user to send data and reach extremely long ranges. It provides
ultra-long range spread spectrum communication and high interference immunity whilst
minimizing current consumption. It targets professional wireless sensor network applications
such as irrigation systems, smart metering, smart cities, smartphone detection, building
automation, and so on.
The LT I/O Controllers is aiming to provide a simple plug and play, low cost installation by using
LoRaWAN wireless technology.
The use environment includes:
1) If user’s area has LoRaWAN service coverage, they can just install the I/O controller and
configure it to connect the LoRaWAN provider via wireless.
2) User can set up a LoRaWAN gateway locally and configure the controller to connect to the
gateway via wireless.
1.2 Specifications
Hardware System:
SX1276/78 Wireless Chip
Power Consumption:
Idle: 4mA@12v
20dB Transmit: 34mA@12v
LoRa Spec:
Frequency Range:
Band 1 (HF): 862 ~ 1020 Mhz
Band 2 (LF): 410 ~ 528 Mhz
168 dB maximum link budget.
+20 dBm - 100 mW constant RF output vs.
+14 dBm high efficiency PA.
Programmable bit rate up to 300 kbps.
High sensitivity: down to -148 dBm.
Bullet-proof front end: IIP3 = -12.5 dBm.
Excellent blocking immunity.
Low RX current of 10.3 mA, 200 nA register retention.
Fully integrated synthesizer with a resolution of 61 Hz.
FSK, GFSK, MSK, GMSK, LoRaTM and OOK modulation.
Built-in bit synchronizer for clock recovery.
Preamble detection.
1.3 Features
LoRaWAN Class A & Class C protocol
Optional Customized LoRa Protocol
Frequency Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/RU864/IN865
AT Commands to change parameters
Remote configure parameters via LoRa Downlink
Firmware upgradable via program port
1.4 Applications
Smart Buildings & Home Automation
Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Smart Metering
Smart Agriculture
Smart Cities
Smart Factory
Image v1.4.1
Fix watchdog bug. This bug cause some device will un-stop reboot with the v1.4 firmware.
Image v1.4
Add hardware support for LT-22222-L
Update LoRaWAN stack to DR-LWS-002
Change to Class C by default
Add Software Watchdog
Re-construct Payload format, use the new decoder for v1.4.
Add Downlink command to pre-set count number
First bug for endless loop when TDC is too small
Image v1.2
Add counting feature
Image v1.1
Voltage and Current reserve three decimal, previous is two
Can use any Fport for downlink
Add AT+CFG to print all settings
Fix current and voltage glith bug
The LT controller can be powered by 7 ~ 24V DC power source. Connect VIN to Power Input V+
and GND to power input V- to power the LT controller.
PWR will on when device is properly powered.
3. Operation Mode
3.1 How it works?
The LT is configured as LoRaWAN OTAA Class C mode by default. It has OTAA keys to join network.
To connect a local LoRaWAN network, user just need to input the OTAA keys in the network
server and power on the LT. It will auto join the network via OTAA. For LT-22222-L, the LED will
show the Join status: After power on TX LED will fast blink 5 times, LT-22222-L will enter working
mode and start to JOIN LoRaWAN network. TX LED will be on for 5 seconds after joined in
network. When there is message from server, the RX LED will be on for 1 second.
In case user can’t set the OTAA keys in the network server and has to use the existing keys from
server. User can use AT Command to set the keys in the devices.
The LG308 is already set to connect to TTN network . So what we need to do now is only
configure register this device to TTN:
Step 1: Create a device in TTN with the OTAA keys from LT IO controller.
Each LT is shipped with a sticker with the default device EUI as below:
Input these keys in the LoRaWAN Server portal. Below is TTN screen shot:
Add APP EUI in the application.
Step 2: Power on LT and it will auto join to the TTN network. After join success, it will start to
upload message to TTN and user can see in the panel.
Size(bytes) 2 2 2 2 1 1 1
voltage voltage Current Current
DIDORO is a combination for RO1, RO2, DI3, DI2, DI1, DO3, DO2 and DO1. Totally 1bytes as below
bit7 bit6 bit5 bit4 bit3 bit2 bit1 bit0
RO is for relay. ROx=1 : close,ROx=0 always open.
DI is for digital input. DIx=1: high or float, DIx=0: low.
DO is for reverse digital output. DOx=1: output low, DOx=0: high or float.
Note: DI3 and DO3 bit are not valid for LT-22222-L
DIDORO is a combination for RO1, RO2, DO3, DO2 and DO1. Totally 1bytes as below
bit7 bit6 bit5 bit4 bit3 bit2 bit1 bit0
RO1 RO2 FIRST Reserve Reserve DO3 DO2 DO1
RO is for relay. ROx=1 : close,ROx=0 always open.
FIRST: Indicate this is the first packet after join network.
DO is for reverse digital output. DOx=1: output low, DOx=0: high or float.
Note: DO3 bit is not valid for LT-22222-L.
For LT22222-L:
AT+TRIG=0,100, 1 (set DI1 port to trigger on low level, valid signal is 100ms)
AT+TRIG=1,100, 1 (set DI1 port to trigger on high level, valid signal is 100ms )
Size(bytes) 4 2 2 1 1 1
Current Current
DIDORO is a combination for RO1, RO2, DI3, DI2, DI1, DO3, DO2 and DO1. Totally 1bytes as below
bit7 bit6 bit5 bit4 bit3 bit2 bit1 bit0
RO1 RO2 FIRST Reserve Reserve DO3 DO2 DO1
RO is for relay. ROx=1 : close,ROx=0 always open.
FIRST: Indicate this is the first packet after join network.
DO is for reverse digital output. DOx=1: output low, DOx=0: high or float.
Note: DO3 is not valid for LT-22222-L.
The AVI1 is also used for counting. AVI1 is used to monitor the voltage. It will check the voltage
every minute, if voltage is higher than VOLMAX mV, the AVI1 Counting increase 1, so AVI1
counting can be used to measure a machine working hour.
Size(bytes) 4 4 1 1 1
DIDORO is a combination for RO1, RO2, DI3, DI2, DI1, DO3, DO2 and DO1. Totally 1bytes as below
bit7 bit6 bit5 bit4 bit3 bit2 bit1 bit0
RO1 RO2 FIRST Reserve Reserve DO3 DO2 DO1
RO is for relay. ROx=1 : close,ROx=0 always open.
FIRST: Indicate this is the first packet after join network.
DO is for reverse digital output. DOx=1: output low, DOx=0: high or float.
Note: DO3 is not valid for LT-22222-L.
Size(bytes) 2 2 2 2 1 1 1
voltage voltage Current
Example payload:
a) 05 01 11 07 D0
b) 05 01 10 07 D0
Relay1 will change to NO, Relay2 will change to NC, last 2 seconds, then both change back to
original state.
c) 05 00 01 07 D0
Relay1 will change to NC, Relay2 will change to NO, last 2 seconds, then relay change to NO,
Relay2 change to NC.
d) 05 00 00 07 D0
Relay 1 & relay2 will change to NC, last 2 seconds, then both change to NO.
3rd ~ 6th bytes: the new value in hex format: 00 00 00 AB: count: 0xAB = 171.
Example payload:
e) A9 01 01 01 01 07 D0
DO1 pin & DO2 pin & DO3 pin will be set to Low , last 2 seconds, then change back to original
f) A9 01 00 01 11 07 D0
DO1 pin set high, DO2 pin set low, DO3 pin no action , last 2 seconds, then change back to
original state.
g) A9 00 00 00 00 07 D0
DO1 pin & DO2 pin & DO3 pin will be set to high , last 2 seconds, then both change to low.
Mydevices provides a human friendly interface to show the sensor data, once we have data
in TTN, we can use Mydevices to connect to TTN and see the data in Mydevices. Below are
the steps:
Step 1: Be sure that your device is programmed and properly connected to the network at
this time.
Step 2: To configure the Application to forward data to Mydevices you will need to add
integration. To add the Mydevices integration, perform the following steps:
After added, the sensor data arrive TTN, it will also arrive and show in Mydevices.
When use need to connect a device to the DI port, both DI1+ and DI1- must be connected.
LEDs Feature
PWR Always on if there is power
SYS After device is powered on, the SYS will fast blink in GREEN for 5
times, means RS485-LN start to join LoRaWAN network. If join
success, SYS will be on GREEN for 5 seconds. SYS will blink Blue on
every upload and blink Green once receive a downlink message.
TX Device boot: TX blinks 5 times.
Successful join network: TX ON for 5 seconds.
Transmit a LoRa packet: TX blinks once
RX RX blinks once when receive a packet.
DI2 For LT-22222-L: ON when DI2 is high, LOW when DI2 is low
For LT-33222-L: ON when DI2 is low, LOW when DI2 is high
DI2 For LT-22222-L: ON when DI2 is high, LOW when DI2 is low
For LT-33222-L: ON when DI2 is low, LOW when DI2 is high
DI3 For LT-33222-L ONLY: ON when DI3 is low, LOW when DI3 is high
DI2 For LT-22222-L: ON when DI2 is high, LOW when DI2 is low
For LT-33222-L: ON when DI2 is low, LOW when DI2 is high
In PC, User needs to set serial tool(such as putty, SecureCRT) baud rate to 9600 to access to
access serial console for LT. The AT commands are disable by default and need to enter password
(default:123456) to active it. As shown below:
If sensor JOINED
5. FAQ
Below shows the hardware connection for how to upload an image to the LT:
Board detected
Notice: In case user has lost the program cable. User can hand made one from a 3.5mm cable.
The pin mapping is:
5.3 How to set up LT to work in 8 channel mode in US915, AU915, CN470 bands?
By default, the frequency bands US915, AU915, CN470 works in 72 frequencies. Many gateways
are 8 channel gateways, in such case, the OTAA joined time and uplink schedule is long and
unpredictable while the end node hopping in 72 frequencies.
User can configure the end node to work in 8 channel models by using the AT+CHE command,
the 500kHz channels are always includes for OTAA.
For example, in US915 band, the frequency table is as below. By default, end node will use all
channels (0~71) for OTAA Join process. After OTAA JOINED, end node will use these all channels
(0~71) to send uplink packets.
LT Series LoRa IO controller User Manual 36 / 42
When user uses the TTN network, the US915 frequency bands use are:
903.9 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125
904.1 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125
904.3 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125
904.5 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125
904.7 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125
904.9 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125
905.1 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125
905.3 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125
904.6 - SF8BW500
Because the end node is now hopping in 72 frequency, it is makes the devices hard to Join the
TTN network and uplink data. To solve this issue, user can access the device via AT Command and
to set the end node to work in 8 channel mode. The device will work in Channel 8-15 & 64-71 for
OTAA, and channel 8-15 for Uplink.
5.4 How to set up LT to work with Single Channel Gateway such as LG01/LG02?
In this case, users need to set LT-33222-L to work in ABP mode & transmit in only one frequency.
Assume we have a LG02 working in the frequency 868400000 now , below is the step.
Step1: Log in TTN, Create an ABP device in the application and input the network session key
(NETSKEY), app session key (APPSKEY) from the device.
Note: user just need to make sure above three keys match, User can change either in TTN or Device to make then
match. In TTN, NETSKEY and APPSKEY can be configured by user in setting page, but Device Addr is generated by
Step2: Run AT Command to make LT work in Single frequency & ABP mode. Below is the AT
123456 Enter Password to have AT access.
AT+FDR Reset Parameters to Factory Default, Keys Reserve
123456 Enter Password to have AT access.
AT+NJM=0 Set to ABP mode
AT+ADR=0 Set the Adaptive Data Rate Off
AT+DR=5 Set Data Rate (Set AT+DR=3 for 915 band)
AT+TDC=60000 Set transmit interval to 60 seconds
AT+CHS=868400000 Set transmit frequency to 868.4Mhz
6. Trouble Shooting
6.1 Downlink doesn’t work, how to solve it?
Please see this link for how to debug:
7. Order Info
8. Packing Info
Package Includes:
LT I/O Controller x 1
Stick Antenna for LoRa RF part x 1
Bracket for controller x1
Program cable x 1
9. Support
Support is provided Monday to Friday, from 09:00 to 18:00 GMT+8. Due to different
timezones we cannot offer live support. However, your questions will be answered as soon
as possible in the before-mentioned schedule.
Provide as much information as possible regarding your enquiry (product models, accurately
describe your problem and steps to replicate it etc) and send a mail to
10. Reference
Product Page:
LT-33222-L: http://www.dragino.com/products/lora-lorawan-end-node/item/138-lt-33222-l.html
LT-22222-L: http://www.dragino.com/products/lora-lorawan-end-node/item/156-lt-22222-l.html
Image Download
AT Command Manual
Hardware Source