CIP Cleaning Processes in The Dairy Industry: Article
CIP Cleaning Processes in The Dairy Industry: Article
CIP Cleaning Processes in The Dairy Industry: Article
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Procedia Food Science 5 (2015) 184 – 186
International 58th Meat Industry Conference “Meat Safety and Quality: Where it goes?”
This paper presents the basic principles of CIP washing process in the dairy industry. CIP procedures mean automatic or semi-automatic
internal sanitation of production facilities without dismantling them. This method of sanitation requires special design of the surfaces to be
© 2015 The Authors.
2015 The Authors. Published
Published byby Elsevier
Elsevier Ltd.
Ltd.This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of scientific committee of International 58th Meat Industry Conference “Meat Safety and Quality: Where it
goes?” (MeatCon2015)”.
Peer-review under responsibility of scientific committee of The 58th International Meat Industry Conference (MeatCon2015)
1. Introduction
In the last 10-15 years techniques and washing of equipment used for food processing have been perfected1. In the past,
cleaning of the equipment in dairies has been done by workers who had to dismantle the equipment and enter the reservoir to
reach the area they needed to clean up. Products were often infected by inadequately cleaned equipment2. The system of circular
“cleaning in place” (CIP) which is adapted to the various parts of the production plant has been developed in order to achieve
good results in cleaning and sanitation. In the pipelines, valves have been installed in order to perform programmed opening and
closing in order to regulate the circulation of fluids3,4. Pumps which dictate circulation of the fluid enable automatic circulating,
washing and rinsing, a technique called washing in place or CIP. CIP can be defined as circular washing, with fluid running
through tubes and machines, and through the stages of enclosed machines because it is too expensive to disassemble and open
them frequently5.
There are various types of CIP systems1: a) simple closed systems (washing by circulation) - typical for devices of limited
volume, such as plate heat exchangers, filters or chargers or little CIP systems for so-called “lost washing” - for each wash a new
2211-601X © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of scientific committee of The 58th International Meat Industry Conference (MeatCon2015)
Nurgin Memisi et al. / Procedia Food Science 5 (2015) 184 – 186 185
cleaning solution is prepared, and b) the automatic CIP system conducts return of the washing solution.
Benefits of CIP procedures for sanitation of equipment, machinery and pipelines, which are washed in dairy plants are 6: a)
greater safety - fewer manual operations, removal of the human factor errors, safety at work; b) higher quality of sanitation -
control of the washing is implemented via the control panel and the results are reproducible; c) controlled costs - lower labor
costs, the controlled use of resources for sanitation, water and energy.
The transition of fluid over surfaces of equipment at high speeds creates the effect of mechanical friction that releases dirt
deposits. This only applies to flows in pipes, heaters, pumps, valves, separators, etc. The dairy industry uses a variety of
machines, so the design and the volume of the internal parts or surfaces have to be monitored, and it is difficult to run only
circulating washing3,7. Here, mechanical cleaning is not sufficient but must be augmented with specially designed nozzles for
For effective CIP, equipment must be connected in the cleaning circuit and must be easy to clean. All surfaces which are
washed must be accessible to detergents2. The equipment and pipelines should not have blind ends to which detergents cannot
access or through which they cannot run1. Machines and pipes must be placed so that they can easily drain. All places from
which residual water after washing cannot run off will become a place for bacterial growth and cause a serious risk of product
contamination8. Materials in the process, like stainless steel, plastics or elastomers, must be of such quality that they leave no
trace, smell or taste to the product. They must also be resistant to contact with detergents and disinfectants at the cleaning
temperature7. Stainless steel is a universal material for surfaces in contact with the product in modern dairies9.
CIP programs in dairies differ according to whether circuits include cleaning of the heating surfaces or not. Accordingly, they
can be divided into the following programs:
A - CIP programs for rotary washing into which are included pasteurizers and other equipment containing heating surfaces
(UHT, etc.).
B - CIP programs for rotary washing which involve tanks for the reception of pasteurized milk with a pipe system.
The main difference between these two programs and types is in that the acid circulation is always included in the first type so
as to remove deposits of proteins and salts from heating surfaces10,11. CIP rotary washing into which pasteurizers and other
equipment containing heating surface are grouped is called “hot components” 8.
Pasteurizers are usually sanitized in the morning, before the start of production. This is typically carried out by hot water
circulation at 90-95°C for about 10-15 minutes just after the temperature has reached at least 85°C. In some dairies, after
washing with water, CIP system is programmed to start rinsing with acidic detergents, in order to first remove salt deposits and
break up the layer of dirt and thereby enable the breakdown of the proteins by alkaline detergents10. If the disinfection is
performed by chlorine chemicals, there is a risk of fast corrosion if deposition of acidic detergents occurs7. Accordingly, where
the cleaning process begins with alkaline and ends with acidic detergent, after the final rinse water, the equipment to be cleaned
should be rinsed with weak alkaline solution to neutralize acid before disinfecting by chlorine chemicals 1.
Conventional CIP systems have four reservoirs: with cold water, an acid, a base and the so-called steamy water, and there are
systems with another added hot water tank.
The operator has the option of choosing the washing program. A complete wash or particular washing step can be selected. In
the system, there are sensors for measuring levels, temperature and concentration of the fluids in each tank8. All signals from the
probes and pumps are forwarded to the central computer. All the relevant data for the system can be seen at the terminal, and it is
possible to select washing program cycle, generate diagrams, etc.
CIP is a process that is used for washing and cleaning of technological elements (tanks, pasteurizers, pipelines) without
dismantling them. Conventional CIP systems have four reservoirs: with cold water, an acid, a base and the so-called steamy
water, and there are systems with another added hot water tank.
Operator has the option of choosing the washing program. It can be selected complete wash or particular washing step. In the
system, there are sensors for measuring levels, temperature and concentration of certain fluids in each tank (Christian and Fryer,
2006). All signals from the probes and pumps are forwarded to the central computer. All the relevant data for the system can be
seen at the terminal, and it is possible to select washing program cycle, generate diagrams, etc. In practice, there are no
restrictions in meeting individual requests for the size and complexity of the CIP system. CIP station in a dairy consists of the
necessary equipment for the storage, tracking and distribution of cleaning liquid to the various CIP circuits. A centralized CIP
system has found its place in many dairies, but in large dairies with a large processing capacity, the distance between the central
CIP systems and peripheral CIP circuits becomes too long. CIP pipe systems contain large amounts of fluids, even if they are
“pumped out”. The residual water in the pipes after flushing dilutes detergent solution, which means that large amounts of the
concentrated detergent must be added in order to maintain the required concentration. The greater the distance, the higher the
4. Conclusion
Modern technology implemented in food processing methods and microbiological food safety standards have led to reduced,
but not completely eliminated, likelihood of diseases that are associated with food and the occurrence of food product defects in
industrialized countries. On the other hand, modern methods of food production and processing are based on the use of various
forms of secure technologies for washing and sanitation of the equipment that aim to simultaneously provide and maintain
product safety and acceptable, and at the same time, unchanged quality from the moment of production to the moment of
Preventing human diseases that are transmitted by food, reducing the failure of finished products and improving their quality,
are the basic trends in the modern food industry. The development of modern food industry includes a diverse array of
technological processing procedures and range of food products, so as well as an increasing volume of production, adequate and
timely application of sanitary principles is a necessary factor in the process of creating a healthy food product.
The results presented in this paper are part of Project III, No 46009: “Improvement and development of hygienic and
technological procedures in production of foodstuffs of animal origin with the aim of producing high-quality and safe products
competitive on the global market” funded by the Ministry of Education Science and Technological Development of Serbia.
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