TST Prep's TOEFL Diagnostic Test, TEC
TST Prep's TOEFL Diagnostic Test, TEC
TST Prep's TOEFL Diagnostic Test, TEC
D ag c Te
f he TOEFL Te
Kno Yo Sco e
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
D ec
This is a condensed ersion of the act al TOEFL test. Here is ho it looks compared to the f ll TOEFL test,
hich as pdated on A g st 1st, 2019.
TOEFL Test Diagnostic Test
Reading 54 min tes, 30 q estions 18 min tes, 10 q estions
The main p rpose of this test is for o to identif o r c rrent abilit le el and get a ro gh idea of hat
o might score on test da .
Follo the steps before each section so o mimic the test da e perience.
*** Be a a e ha hi i l a e i a e f c e le el, a i e ha hi i he c e
ill ea e da .
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
n this diagnostic test for the reading section, o ill be e pected to read an academic passage and
ans er ten q estions abo t it.
Step 1: Find a q iet space and time for o to foc s for abo t 45 min tes (if o plan on completing both
the reading and listening sections).
Step 2: Create t o copies of the diagnostic test. t ill be m ch easier to read and ans er the q estions.
Also, the real test ill ha e a similar la o t.
Step 3: For the reading, hen o are read to start, set a timer for 18 min tes. Be s re to stop after 18
min tes e en if o ha en t ans ered all the q estions.
Good luck!
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
The ceratopsians, also kno n as ceratopsia or ceratopia, are among the most ell-kno n and distincti e of all
dinosa r species. The majorit of ceratopsians ere fo r-legged dinosa rs that ranged in length from one meter
(three feet) to nine meters and in eight from 23 kilograms (50 po nds) to 5,400 kilograms. The earliest
ceratopsians li ed aro nd 161 million ears ago, and the last ones died o t appro imatel 66 million ears ago
d ring the Cretaceo s-Paleogene e tinction e ent. The first fossil remains of ceratopsians ere disco ered in the
mid to late nineteenth cent r , and the ere first classified as separate from other dinosa r species in 1890 b
Othniel Charles Marsh, one of the preeminent paleontologists of the period.
The most disting ishing feat res of ceratopsians can be fo nd on their sk lls. The t picall ha e parrot-like
beaks, a frill of bone on their heads, and one or more horns on their faces. ndeed, the name ceratopsian deri es
from the Greek ords for horn and face. n chasmosa rines like Triceratops, the horns and frill ere s all
long, b t the frill rarel had spines; in centrosa rines like St racosa r s, the horns and frill ere relati el short
b t the frill often had spines. The f nction of the horns and bon frills is ncertain. One theor is that the ser ed
a defensi e p rpose to protect the dinosa rs from attacks b predators s ch as T rannosa r s Re . Ho e er, in
some species of ceratopsians, the horns ere small and the frills ere either small or relati el fragile beca se
the had large openings in them, hich o ld ha e se erel limited their defensi e al e. Other theories are that
the helped the animals rid themsel es of e cess heat, or recogni e others of the same species.
The majorit ie among scientists is that ceratopsians ere herbi ores. n addition to their beak, hich is
designed for biting thro gh hea egetation, the ha e ro s of teeth in their cheeks that o ld ha e allo ed
them to e tract n trition b che ing and grinding plants. n terms of ho the li ed, e idence from bone beds
areas in hich fossils of do ens or h ndreds of indi id al dinosa rs of different ages and genders ha e been
fo nd s ggest that man , if not all, species of ceratopsians li ed together in herds. These herds ma ha e
contained h ndreds of animals that mo ed slo l across the land gra ing the lo -l ing egetation. n general,
males had larger frills and horns than females and ma ha e been correspondingl larger o erall, too.
The er earliest species of ceratopsians from the J rassic period ha e onl been fo nd in parts of hat is
no Asia. This fact strongl s ggests that this is here the dinosa rs originated. Fossil e idence from later
periods sho s that ario s species of ceratopsians had migrated to hat is no North America b the middle of
the Cretaceo s period. The n mber of ceratopsian fossils disco ered in these regions implies that some species of
ceratopsians ere the dominant herbi ores in their en ironments. n parts of Mongolia, for instance, the most
common dinosa r fossils disco ered are those of t o species of ceratopsians: Psittacosa r s and Protoceratops.
And in estern parts of North America, more than eight in ten large fossils of dinosa rs are from Triceratops.
Un s all , the sk lls of ceratopsians are the most commonl preser ed bones.
The earliest species of ceratopsians to be disco ered ere Agatha mas, Pol ona , and Monocloni s, all in the
1870s. Among the most recentl identified species is Wendiceratops, hich as nearthed in Alberta, Canada
bet een 2011 and 2014. To date, scientists belie e the ha e disco ered and classified almost eight different
species of ceratopsians. Among the most n s al of these is the Psittacosa r s, hose name translates to
parrot-li ard, the onl ceratopsian belie ed to ha e alked on t o legs rather than fo r. Like the parrot-li ard, a
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
n mber of the classifications are still the s bject of debate. Some scholars ha e contended that fossil bones,
hich ha e been classified as coming from t o different species of ceratopsians, co ld in fact represent
indi id als of the same species b t of different ages -- a j enile and a mat re ad lt, for e ample -- or e en
different genders. The iss e of classification is not likel to be resol ed ntil man more additional fossils are
disco ered.
Reading Paragraph 1
The ceratopsians, also kno n as ceratopsia or ceratopia, are among the most ell-kno n and distincti e of all
dinosa r species. The majorit of ceratopsians ere fo r-legged dinosa rs that ranged in length from one meter
(three feet) to nine meters and in eight from 23 kilograms (50 po nds) to 5,400 kilograms. The earliest
ceratopsians li ed aro nd 161 million ears ago, and the last ones died o t appro imatel 66 million ears ago
d ring the Cretaceo s-Paleogene e tinction e ent. The first fossil remains of ceratopsians ere disco ered in the
mid to late nineteenth cent r , and the ere first classified as separate from other dinosa r species in 1890 b
Othniel Charles Marsh, one of the preeminent paleontologists of the period.
a. Charismatic
b. Formati e
c. mpassi e
d. Recogni able
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
Reading Paragraph 2
The most disting ishing feat res of ceratopsians can be fo nd on their sk lls. The t picall ha e parrot-like
beaks, a frill of bone on their heads, and one or more horns on their faces. ndeed, the name ceratopsian deri es
from the Greek ords for horn and face. n chasmosa rines like Triceratops, the horns and frill ere s all
long, b t the frill rarel had spines; in centrosa rines like St racosa r s, the horns and frill ere relati el short
b t the frill often had spines. The f nction of the horns and bon frills is ncertain. One theor is that the ser ed
a defensi e p rpose to protect the dinosa rs from attacks b predators s ch as T rannosa r s Re . Ho e er, in
some species of ceratopsians, the horns ere small and the frills ere either small or relati el fragile beca se
the had large openings in them, hich o ld ha e se erel limited their defensi e al e. Other theories are that
the helped the animals rid themsel es of e cess heat, or recogni e others of the same species.
3. Which of the follo ing is NOT true about the horns and frills of ceratopsians?
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
Reading Paragraph 3
The majorit ie among scientists is that ceratopsians ere herbi ores. n addition to their beak, hich is
designed for biting thro gh hea egetation, the ha e ro s of teeth in their cheeks that o ld ha e allo ed
them to e tract n trition b che ing and grinding plants. n terms of ho the li ed, e idence from bone beds
areas in hich fossils of do ens or h ndreds of indi id al dinosa rs of different ages and genders ha e been
fo nd s ggest that man , if not all, species of ceratopsians li ed together in herds. These herds ma ha e
contained h ndreds of animals that mo ed slo l across the land gra ing the lo -l ing egetation. n general,
males had larger frills and horns than females and ma ha e been correspondingl larger o erall, too.
5. n paragraph 3, all of the follo ing are mentioned about ceratopsians EXCEPT
7. Which of the follo ing best e presses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in
paragraph 3? ncorrect choices change the meaning in important a s or lea e out essential
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
Reading Paragraph 4
The er earliest species of ceratopsians from the J rassic period ha e onl been fo nd in parts of hat is
no Asia. This fact strongl s ggests that this is here the dinosa rs originated. Fossil e idence from later
periods sho s that ario s species of ceratopsians had migrated to hat is no North America b the middle of
the Cretaceo s period. The n mber of ceratopsian fossils disco ered in these regions implies that some species of
ceratopsians ere the dominant herbi ores in their en ironments. n parts of Mongolia, for instance, the most
common dinosa r fossils disco ered are those of t o species of ceratopsians: Psittacosa r s and Protoceratops.
And in estern parts of North America, more than eight in ten large fossils of dinosa rs are from Triceratops.
Un s all , the sk lls of ceratopsians are the most commonl preser ed bones.
9. Look at the four squares (A, B, C, D) that indicate here the follo ing sentence could be added to
the passage.
A The earliest species of ceratopsians to be disco ered ere Agatha mas, Pol ona , and Monocloni s, all in the
1870s. B Among the most recentl identified species is Wendiceratops, hich as nearthed in Alberta, Canada
bet een 2011 and 2014. C To date, scientists belie e the ha e disco ered and classified almost eight different
species of ceratopsians. D Among the most n s al of these is the Psittacosa r s, hose name translates to
parrot-li ard, the onl ceratopsian belie ed to ha e alked on t o legs rather than fo r.
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
10. D RECT ONS: An introductor sentence for a brief summar of the passage is pro ided belo .
Complete the summar b selecting the THREE ans er choices that e press the most important
ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summar because the e press ideas
that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is orth 2
Ce a ia a e a ell-k ki d f di a i h e e al di i g i hi g fea e .
a. The horns and frills on their head ere sed for ario s p rposes
b. Ceratopsian dinosa rs died o t beca se of predators like T rannosa r s
c. t is rare to find ceratopsian fossils e cept in specific regions of Asia
d. Ceratopsia remains s ggest that these species thri ed for millions of ears on m ltiple continents
e. Ceratopsian dinosa rs ate mostl plants and tended to li e ith others
f. There are man species of ceratopsia b t the e act n mber is disp ted
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
The L e g Sec
n this part of the test, o ill be e pected to listen to one con ersation and t o academic lect res.
Step 1: Pla the first passage on the ne t page onl once, itho t looking at the q estions.
Step 2: After listening to the passage, ans er the fi e q estions on the follo ing page. Ans er the
q estions in order. Yo can NOT skip q estions.
Step 3: After o finish those q estions, t rn the page and pla the second passage. Do not look at
the q estions.
Step 4: After listening to the passage, t rn the page and ans er the ne t si q estions.
Step 5: Pla the final passage onl once itho t pre ie ing the q estions.
Step 6: T rn the page and ans er the si q estions abo t the third passage.
Good luck!
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
Listening Passage #1
Directions: No listen to a con ersation bet een a st dent and his professor.
Do NOT look at the q estions on the ne t page ntil after o listen. Get a pen and a piece of paper and
get read to take notes. Click the icon abo e or the link belo hen o re read .
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
3. Listen again to part of the con ersation. What does the professor mean hen she
sa s this?
4. B the end of the con ersation, ho does the professor feel about the student's research?
a. She belie es she can help him ith some reso rces
b. She feels like he sho ld be talking to another professor
c. She thinks he o ld be better off st d ing in the librar than in a cafe
d. She feels that he is not read for grad ate-le el co rses
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
5. What point does the student make about his stud habits?
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
Listening Passage #2
Do NOT look at the q estions on the ne t page ntil after o listen. Get a pen and a piece of paper and
get read to take notes. Click the icon abo e or the link belo hen o re read .
ind po er
ind t rbine
lattice blades
monopole design
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
2. According to the professor, ho man birds do ind turbines kill each ear in America?
3. What does the professor sa about earl designs of ind turbines? Select t o.
4. What point does the professor make about the Windstalk design?
5. What does the speaker impl about the impact of the use of ind turbines on the en ironment?
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
Listening Passage #3
Do NOT look at the q estions on the ne t page ntil after o listen. Get a pen and a piece of paper and
get read to take notes. Click the icon abo e or the link belo hen o re read .
Ne Orleans
Thomas Jefferson
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
2. According to the professor, hich modern-da states ere holl ithin the Louisiana Territor
at the time of its purchase? Select t o.
a. Arkansas
b. Colorado
c. Kansas
d. Lo isiana
4. Listen again to part of the lecture. What does the professor impl hen he sa s this?
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
6. What effects of the Louisiana Purchase does the professor mention? Select t o.
a. t increased the pop lation and nat ral reso rces of the United States
b. t ga e the United States more control o er the continent
c. t pro ed the United States co ld emplo peacef l diplomac methods
d. t allo ed the United States to prod ce more timber for trade
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
The S ea g Sec
n this section, o ill be e pected to ans er three speaking q estions. Keep in mind that on test da o
ill ha e fo r speaking q estions.
n this shortened ersion of the TOEFL test q estion three has been omitted. Q estion three consists of a
reading and listening passage on an academic topic. n this test, q estion three matches the format of a
t pical TOEFL Speaking q estion n mber fo r, here o listen to an academic passage.
Step 1: Read the q estion and set a timer based on the directions.
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
Directions: Yo ill no be asked a q estion abo t a familiar topic. After o hear the q estion,
o ill ha e 15 seconds to plan o r response and 45 seconds to speak.
a. Stack books
b. Read to children
c. Help ith nternet searches
PREPARE - 15 Seconds
SPEAK - 45 Seconds
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
Speaking Task 2
Directions: Yo ill no read a short passage and then listen to a con ersation on the same topic.
Yo ill then be asked a q estion abo t the passages. After o hear the q estion, o ill ha e 30
seconds to prepare o r response and 60 seconds to speak.
The M sic and Drama Department has decided to discontin e the Uni ersit Orchestra s spring
concert. The reason for this decision is that there has been er little interest in the e ent o er
the past three ears. n other ords, there ha e not been eno gh tickets sold to j stif the cost.
This ear, the concert ill be replaced b the Drama Department's prod ction of Hamlet
beca se s r e s sho that st dents prefer to atch pla s than listen to classical m sic concerts.
The increase in re en e from ticket sales ill be sed to reno ate and e pand the a ditori m.
The oman e presses her opinion on the Uni ersit Orchestra Spring Concert being canceled. State her opinion
and e plain the reasons she gi es for holding that opinion.
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
Directions: Yo ill no listen to part of a lect re. Yo ill then be asked a q estion abo t it. After
o hear the q estion, o ill ha e 20 seconds to prepare o r response and 60 seconds to speak.
Using points and details from the talk, e plain hat eq it compensation is, and h companies might offer it to
emplo ees.
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
The W g Sec
n this shortened ersion of the TOEFL Writing section, o ill be e pected to rite at least 300 ords in
response to a q estion. Please be s re to pro ide o r opinion on the q estion, along ith reasons and
e amples. Yo ill ha e 30 min tes to t pe o r response.
n this shortened ersion of the TOEFL test, q estion one has been omitted. Q estion one consists of a
reading and listening passage on an academic topic.
Step 1: Read the q estion and set a timer based on the directions.
Step 2: T pe o r essa in a program that does not incl de an a tomatic spell check f nction.
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
Directions: For this task, o ill rite an essa in response to a q estion that asks o to state,
e plain, and s pport o r opinion on an iss e.
T picall , an effecti e essa ill contain a minim m of 300 ords. Yo r essa ill be j dged based on the
q alit of o r riting. This incl des the de elopment of o r ideas, the organi ation of o r essa , and
the q alit and acc rac of the lang age o se to e press o r ideas.
N e ha e e , e le a e a a e f he i a ce f g d heal h. U f a el , a ha e
life le habi ha a e diffic l b eak. i c cial f e le ad be e h ical a d die a
i e if he e ec i e hei heal h. Which f he f ll i g d hi k i he be a
a i g d heal h?
- Pa ici a i g i g
- Lea i g h c k heal h eal
- J i i gag a d f ll i g a ic e e ci e i e
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
An e Ke
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
Note to Student
All the scores in each section of this hando t are gi en based on a range of points (i.e. 26-28), rather than
a specific score. Here are three reasons h :
***Check o r ans ers and then se the ke s belo to estimate o r reading and listening scores.
11 28-30 17 29-30
10 26-28 16 28-29
9 23-26 15 26-28
8 20-23 14 24-26
7 17-20 13 22-24
6 14-17 12 20-22
5 11-14 11 18-20
4 8-11 10 16-18
3 5-8 9 14-16
2 2-5 8 12-14
1 0-2 7 10-12
6 8-10
5 6-8
4 4-6
3 2-4
2 0-2
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
Ceratopsians: Ans er Ke
1. D ( ocabular )
D is the correct ans er beca se distincti e means characteristic of one person or thing, th s making it
more "recogni able. This ord is describing ceretopsia, a species of dinosa r, so A ( charismatic ) does not
make sense. Also, the conte t cl e before this ord indicates that the are also ell-kno n, so D is the
best fit.
2. B (detail)
B is correct beca se the a thor states that The majorit of ceratopsians ere fo r-legged dinosa rs that
ranged in length from one meter (three feet) to nine meters and in eight from 23 kilograms (50 po nds) to
5,400 kilograms. A is incorrect beca se this information as ne er mentioned. C is not correct beca se the
third sentence states "the last ones died o t appro imatel 66 million ears ago...". D is incorrect beca se the
last sentence of paragraph one mentions that "...the ere first classified as separate from other dinosa rs in
1890", not disco ered.
3. B (negati e detail)
B is the correct ans er beca se the sentence in the middle of the passage states, "...the f nction of the
horns and bon frills is ncertain." A is incorrect beca se the passage states that the horns and frills ere
sometimes strong, hile at other times fragile. C is incorrect beca se the passage states "...the horns ere
small and the frills ere either small or relati el fragile...". D is not correct beca se the last sentence of the
paragraph states, "...other theories are that the helped the animals rid themsel es of e cess heat...".
4. B (inference)
B is correct beca se after mentioning ceratopsian in the second sentence, the follo ing t o sentences
describe s b-species of ceratopsian: chasmosa rines and centrosa rines. A is incorrect beca se it is not
mentioned in the passage. C is incorrect beca se e en tho gh the last sentence of paragraph 2 states
"...the helped the animals rid themsel es of e cess heat..." this co ld be d e to factors other than climate. D
is incorrect beca se sk ll si e is ne er mentioned or all ded to.
5. A (negati e detail)
A is the correct ans er beca se the passage mentions that the ha e ro s of teeth in their cheeks that
o ld ha e allo ed them to e tract n trition b che ing and grinding plants, not animals. This means that
option C is tr e, so it is incorrect. Choices B and D are incorrect beca se the paragraph states that
ceratopsians li ed together in herds and that the males ere larger than females.
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
6. A (author's purpose)
A is correct beca se the second sentence of the paragraph states, "in addition to their beak hich is
designed for biting thro gh hea egetation...". B is incorrect beca se it does pro ide more details on ho
ceratopsia look, b t this is not the reason h the a thor mentioned their teeth. C is incorrect beca se the
a thor does not mention that the ere good at finding certain plants. D is also incorrect beca se the
li ed in a herd, b t this is not related to the mention of their teeth.
7. A (paraphrasing)
A is the correct ans er beca se it best e presses the main idea of this sentence. The most important
piece of information in this sentence is that the "...e idence from bone beds...s ggest... ceratopsians li ed
together." B is not correct beca se the onl incl de half of this information. C is rong beca se it incl des
some information that is not directl stated b t m st be inferred, partic larl that the ate and slept
together. D is also rong beca se this is not hat the sentence is sa ing.
8. D (detail)
D is correct beca se the second sentence of the paragraph states, "...that ario s species of ceratopsians
had migrated...". A is incorrect beca se the ne er mention ho man fossils scientists e pected to find. B
is incorrect beca se the a thor stated the opposite in the last sentence of the paragraph. C is incorrect
beca se the passage ne er mentions that triceratops ere dominant.
9. B (insert)
B is the correct ans er. The ke no n reference here is "After these initial findings...", hich is all ding to
the pre io s sentence that states "...the earliest species of ceratopsians to be disco ered ere...". Therefore, A
o ld not make sense at the start of the paragraph. C and D are also incorrect beca se the sentences that
follo e plain here the ere nearthed and hat as disco ered, so this sentence m st come before
A, D, and E are the correct options beca se these choices are directl related to the gi en statement,
"Ceratopsia are a ell-kno n kind of dinosa r ith se eral disting ishing feat res." B is ne er mentioned in
the passage. C is incorrect beca se the li ed on m ltiple continents. F is incorrect beca se it is not
directl related to the main idea.
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
Keep in mind that there are onl 10 q estions, b t the highest ra score is 11. Q estion #10, the s mmar
q estion, is orth t o points.
Reading Section
11 28-30
10 26-28
9 23-26
8 20-23
7 17-20
6 14-17
5 11-14
4 8-11
3 5-8
2 2-5
1 0-2
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
Listening Ans er Ke
1. C (main idea)
After some conf sion, in the middle of the passage, the st dent states, "Act all , j st anted to talk to o
abo t the reading list for o r class. Yo see, Professor Saeed lets s choose o r o n topic for this
end-of-semester assignment. came p ith an interesting topic and started researching it, b t co ldn t find
man books or articles ith sef l information. When mentioned this to him, Professor Saeed said m topic as
something that o co er in o r class. as hoping to see o r reading list to do more foc sed research. Wo ld
that be possible?" Since the st dent is looking for a reading list ith helpf l reso rces, it is clear that C is the
best choice. A is incorrect beca se that as part of the conf sion in the beginning and not h the
st dent came to the office. B is incorrect beca se the st dent is not complaining and D is incorrect
beca se he ne er mentions that he rote the assignment.
2. C (detail)
Within the first 30 seconds, the professor states, Yo are right, that m teaching orld histor class ne t
semester, b t m not s re it s orth disc ssing. don t mean to so nd negati e, b t if o are in Professor
Saeed s orld histor class this semester, o ha e no reason to take m class ne t semester. The t o of s ha e
different teaching st les, of co rse, b t the classes are prett m ch the same. A is incorrect beca se she
alread kno s he has enrolled in Professor Saeed s class. B is incorrect beca se the st dent has not asked
an q estions abo t Professor Saeed s c rric l m and D is ne er mentioned or implied.
3. B (function)
The ke phrase here is in the first fe ords here the professor sa s, Well, that makes more sense in one
respect, hich implies that she nderstands a portion of the sit ation, b t she is still nclear abo t
something else, hich is h B is the best ans er.
4. A (detail)
A is correct beca se she is elaborating on the reso rces she can pro ide hen her comp ter is p and
r nning and also hat is a ailable in the librar . B is incorrect beca se this is her feeling to ards the
beginning of the con ersation. C and D are incorrect beca se the are ne er mentioned or implied b the
professor. At the end of the con ersation she gi es some conditions, b t finall states:
- Great! No , the second iss e is that since it s for grad-le el class, some of the books in the reading list are
reser ed for grad st dents. As nderstand it, o can se those books in the librar , b t not borro them.
- That s fine. M friends like st d ing in a coffee shop or at home, b t generall find those en ironments
distracting, so m fine ith reading in a librar .
- Well, so that s fine. ll send o the list as soon as can, Peter.
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
5. D (detail)
D is correct beca se the librar is a q iet place, especiall hen compared to a coffee shop. A and B are
incorrect beca se the st dent act all states or implies the opposite. C is incorrect beca se the st dent
ne er mentions isiting the librar before. At the end of the con ersation, the st dent ass res the
professor that:
- Great! No , the second iss e is that since it s for grad-le el class, some of the books in the reading list are
reser ed for grad st dents. As nderstand it, o can se those books in the librar , b t not borro them.
- That s fine. M friends like st d ing in a coffee shop or at home, b t generall find those en ironments
distracting, so m fine ith reading in a librar .
- Well, so that s fine. ll send o the list as soon as can, Pete.
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
1. A (main idea)
After listening to the hole passage, it s clear that A is the best ans er. B is incorrect beca se the topic is
ind t rbines, not po er generation in general. C is also incorrect beca se the talk is abo t ho birds are
affected b ind t rbines, not the ind.
2. B (detail)
B is the correct ans er beca se at aro nd the one min te mark the professor states, There s considerable
debate abo t ho man birds are killed b t rbines in the United States ann all , and estimates ar from as
lo as ten tho sand to as high as half a million.
3. B, C (detail)
B and C are correct beca se the professor states, Earlier t rbines had lattice blades that attracted birds and
res lted in man deaths. A and D are ne er mentioned in the passage.
4. C (detail)
When the professor describes Windstalk he states, When ind ca ses the stocks to s a , the discs compress
generating a c rrent. Since the stocks gentl s a in the ind rather than rotating er q ickl , birds are more
likel to see them, and it s considered nlikel that the o ld collide ith them. This is h C is the best
ans er. The Windstalk has no blades, so B is incorrect. A and D are also rong beca se the professor
ne er mentions ho large or narro the Windstalk is. t is the gentle s a that makes the stocks easier for
birds to see, not their si e or shape.
5. B (inference)
n the er last lines of the passage, the professor concl des b sa ing that, The impact of ind t rbines on
bird pop lations indicates ho comple the problems can be. When researchers are looking for so rces of
energ that ill minimi e the en ironmental damage, the need to consider the entire ecos stem. The ke
phrase is indicates ho comple the problem is hich implies that it is diffic lt to predict ho a ne energ
so rce ill affect the en ironment, so B is the best ans er. The professor ne er mentions other forms of
energ , so A is not an inference that can be made. C and D are both topics mentioned in the lect re, b t
the professor ne er implies that either m st be done.
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
6. A (function)
To ards the end of the passage, the professor states Some operators are t rning technolog to protect bird
pop lations. At one facilit in Te as, radars are sed to detect flocks of birds. n this case, A is the best ans er
beca se it describes the f nction of this statement in the lect re. The professor has listed se eral possible
sol tions, s ch as offshore ind farms and the Windstalk design, that ha e been created to protect birds.
This is an alternati e sol tion sing technolog . B and D are incorrect beca se this is not here offshore
ind farms or Windstalk t rbines are located. C is also incorrect beca se California, not Te as, is here
the original ind t rbines ere b ilt.
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
So, does an one remember hat e ere disc ssing last class?
Ye , e e e alki g ab al e a i e e e g ce , a d e i ed h he did a
bec e a eal iable i f il f el il he e d f he 90 , ab 20 ea ag .
So, toda , d like to talk more specificall abo t ind po er, one of the more pop lar alternati e energ options.
Yo see, to generate electricit from ind, t rbines are req ired. These are large machines ith blades that t rn
hen ind p shes against them. This motion is con erted into energ in the form of electricit . Ha e an of o
e er send these big kind of indmills before?
Ye , ha e, he a d i i g a h e la ea , he e a a h ge field f he e gia
i d ill . The l ked e c l.
Ha, ell, the definitel do ha e an interesting look. And, more importantl , there are man benefits to sing
ind t rbines, especiall hen compared to the oil and gas e se to po er o r e er da lifest le.
For one thing, the ind is a rene able energ so rce, nlike fossil f els hich, in theor , e ill one da r n o t
Also, ind does not prod ce an greenho se gases, s ch as carbon dio ide. And, as most of o alread kno ,
carbon dio ide has been linked to climate change. No , despite these positi es, there are nintended do nsides
to ind t rbines.
Well, it s tr e. The ind t rbines are b ilt high in the air since there is more ind the higher o go. Ho e er,
these blades ma also be spinning in the path of fl ing birds. f the birds don t see the t rning blades, the ma
fl into them.
No there s considerable debate abo t ho man birds are killed b t rbines in the United States ann all , and
estimates ar from as lo as ten tho sand to as high as half a million. The real fig re is ndo btedl
some here bet een these t o e tremes.
Whate er the act al fig res, it s a problem that people are tr ing to sol e.
One potential sol tion is thro gh better design of the ind t rbines. Earlier t rbines had lattice blades that
attracted birds and res lted in man deaths. Modern ind t rbine design appears to be less dangero s. Toda ,
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
there s a monopole design ith three solid spinning blades. Of co rse, there is still a risk for the birds hen fl ing
into the blades, b t this design is meant to arn birds and signal them to fl aro nd.
Other ind t rbine designs ha e gotten rid of the blades altogether. The Windstalk is one s ch design that is less
dangero s for birds. This de ice has no blades. Energ is generated b more than a tho sand narro 50-meter
tall poles packed tightl together. Within each hollo carbon, ire pole is a stalk of small ceramic discs, and
bet een the discs are electrodes. These discs and electrodes are connected to a cable r nning p the pole. When
ind ca ses the stocks to s a , the discs compress, generating a c rrent. Since the stocks gentl s a in the ind
rather than rotating er q ickl , birds are more likel to see them, and it s considered nlikel that the o ld
collide ith them.
Planners of ind t rbine projects are also orking to red ce the risk of bird deaths. When the first ind t rbines
ere b ilt in California, more than 20 ears ago, the ere simpl placed in ind locations. Unfort natel , this
also t rned o t to be a migrator ro te for birds. No , legislation has been p t into place that pre ents ind
t rbines from being constr cted in migrator paths.
There s also a gro ing trend to b ild ind farms offshore, in oceans or major lakes. Offshore inds are t picall
stronger, allo ing more electricit to be generated. There are fe er birds near these ater-based t rbines and
therefore fe er deaths res lt.
Some operators are t rning to technolog to protect bird pop lations. At one facilit in Te as, radars are sed to
detect flocks of birds. f a large gro p of birds is approaching a ind farm, the t rbines sh t do n and the onl
restart once the birds ha e passed. The impact of ind t rbines on bird pop lations indicates ho comple
en ironmental problems can be. When researchers are looking for so rces of energ that ill minimi e
en ironmental damage, the need to consider the entire ecos stem.
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
1. D (main idea)
For this q estion, the best ans er is D. A is incorrect beca se, hile the professor does pro ide some
backgro nd information abo t the Lo isiana P rchase, it is not hat this passage is mostl abo t. B is
incorrect beca se the professor is not tr ing to con ince the class that the sale as important, b t instead,
gi e information abo t it. C is incorrect beca se Thomas Jefferson is not the main foc s of the lect re.
2. A, C (detail)
This q estion is diffic lt beca se the professor mentions se eral states in the lect re that ere holl and
partiall ithin the Lo isiana Territor . He sa s, t incl ded not onl the present-da states Arkansas, o a,
Kansas, Misso ri, Nebraska, and Oklahoma, b t also parts of the present-da states of Colorado, Lo isiana, of
co rse, Minnesota, Montana, Ne Me ico, North, and So th Dakota, Te as and W oming. The latter
mentioned states of Colorado and Lo isiana are incorrect beca se onl parts of their states ere incl ded.
3. B (detail)
A little after the one min te mark of the lect re, the professor asks, So, h as the Lo isiana P rchase so
important? Well, for one thing, it ga e the United States greater control o er its o n continent, hich is h B is
the correct ans er. While C and D ma be tr e statements, the professor ne er mentions them as reasons
the Lo isiana P rchase as important.
4. B (inference)
n the restated part of the lect re, the professor sa s, There as some opposition to the p rchase among
politicians ho claimed that the US constit tion did not grant the right to acq ire territor thro gh p rchase.
Jefferson accepted this ie point b t arg ed as the p rchase as in a form of a treat and as the constit tion
granted him, as a president, po er to negotiate treaties, then the p rchase as in fact constit tional. Beca se
the opposition tho ght the co ld not acq ire territor nder the constit tion, and Jefferson act all
tho ght it as in fact constit tional, it can be inferred that some politicians felt the Lo isiana P rchase
as nconstit tional. Therefore, B is the best ans er.
5. C (function)
C is the correct ans er. n the e cerpt the professor states, On this basis, he agreed to pa the s m of 11
million dollars, to cancel French debt that as almost 4 million dollars. This total of 15 million is eq i alent
appro imatel to a q arter of a billion in toda s terms. A is incorrect beca se nothing is implied abo t it
being o erpriced. B is incorrect beca se it has nothing to do ith the q estion. D is incorrect beca se j st
beca se it as a larger s m of mone does not mean it is more e pensi e. Rather he is j st sho ing ho ,
d e to inflation, the n mber o ld be different b t the price o ld still be the same.
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
6. B, C (detail)
n this part of the lect re, the professor states, So, h as the Lo isiana P rchase so important? Well, for
one thing, it ga e the United States greater control o er its o n continent. This is h B is correct. C is correct
beca se later on in the lect re the professor states, Another important effect of the Lo isiana P rchase is
that it irt all do bled the si e of the o ng United States itho t a need for ars or conq ests. This sho ed
other nations that the United States as illing to se peacef l diplomac to resol e international disp tes. A
and D are not correct beca se, altho gh possibl tr e statements, the are not impacts of the p rchase
mentioned b the professor in the lect re.
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
The 19th cent r as a time of man important e ents in the histor of the United States. One of the most pi otal
hich occ rred near the start of the cent r , in 1803, as the Lo isiana P rchase, the name gi en to the US
go ernment s p rchase from France of appro imatel 830.000 sq are miles of the Lo isiana territor named
after the French King Lo is the 14th, the S n King.
This territor stretched from the Mississippi Ri er in the east to the Rock Mo ntains in the est and from
Canada in the North to the G lf of Me ico So th of Me ico in the So th.
t incl ded not onl the present-da states Arkansas, o a, Kansas, Misso ri, Nebraska, and Oklahoma, b t also
parts of the present-da states of Colorado, Lo isiana, of co rse, Minnesota, Montana, Ne Me ico, North and
So th Dakota, Te as, and W oming.
The p rchase had important implications for the US not j st at that time, b t contin ing do n to the present
da . ndeed, it s been described as one of the three most important e ents pon hich the continental po er of
the modern United States is fo nded.
So, h as the Lo isiana P rchase so important? Well, for one thing, it ga e the United States greater control
o er its o n continent. For most of the second half of the 18th cent r , American politicians ere concerned
abo t hich co ntr controlled Lo isiana. For m ch of that period, Lo isiana as controlled b France, b t after
the Spanish defeated the French in the so-called 7-Years War, from the mid-1750s to 1763, it as controlled b
Spain ntil 1800 hen the French again took control.
The US go ernment anted to get o nership of this land beca se it did not like ha ing E ropean po er
controlling territor in continental North America. t also anted access to the port of Ne Orleans to facilitate
trade. Ho e er, it as ass med b most Americans, incl ding Thomas Jefferson, nder his presidenc the
p rchase as act all completed, that it o ld be necessar to acq ire this ast territor little b little. And, in
fact, the US go ernment s original plan for the p rchase as j st to p rchase the port of Ne Orleans and St.
Jason s lands.
When negotiation bet een the US and France began, ho e er, Jefferson as soon offered the chance to b the
entire Lo isiana territor . There as some opposition to the p rchase among politicians ho claimed that the US
Constit tion did not grant the right to acq ire territor thro gh p rchase. Jefferson accepted this ie point b t
arg ed as the p rchase as in a form of a treat and as the constit tion granted him, as a president, po er to
negotiate treaties, then the p rchase as in fact constit tional. On this basis, he agreed to pa a s m of 11
million dollars, to cancel French debt that as almost 4 million dollars. This total of 15 million is eq i alent to
appro imatel a q arter of a billion in toda s terms.
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
Another important effect of the Lo isiana P rchase is that it irt all do bled the si e of the o ng United States
itho t a need for ars or conq ests. This sho ed other nations that the United States as illing to se
peacef l diplomac to resol e international disp tes. t also contrib ted to a stronger sense of nationalism that
had not been apparent before. n simple terms, Americans began to take more pride in their co ntr , to feel it
as strong and globall important.
And the land that formed Lo isiana Territor as not j st ast, it had ample s pplies of al able nat ral
reso rces, incl ding gold, sil er, and other ores, ast forests that co ld be c t do n for timber, and m ch of the
land as ideall s ited for agric lt re ith rich soil and a pleasant climate.
Taken together, these factors astl increased the ealth of the United States.
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
There are 17 q estions, and each q estion is orth one point, hich is h the total ra score is 17.
Listening Section
17 29-30
16 28-29
15 26-28
14 24-26
13 22-24
12 20-22
11 18-20
10 16-18
9 14-16
8 12-14
7 10-12
6 8-10
5 6-8
4 4-6
3 2-4
2 0-2
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
Speaking Section
think that o ld prefer to read to children if had to ol nteer at the ni ersit librar beca se like
being aro nd kids. Before had kids, didn t like acting sill or childish, b t no lo e it. can make animal
noises, sing songs and pla games itho t orr ing abo t ho look. lo e seeing m kids smile and bet
o ld lo e seeing the children at the ni ersit librar smile as ell. Also, belie e reading is important. When
kids are introd ced to books in an interesting and engaging a at a o ng age, it has a h ge impact on their
f t re de elopment. Belie e it or not, think reading to children is something er meaningf l. So, to s m p,
o ld definitel ant to read to children at the librar .
The reading anno ncement deals ith the ni ersit s decision to cancel the orchestra s spring concert. n
the con ersation, the oman sa s that she is er pset abo t this decision. For one, the school is claiming that
ticket sales ha e been too lo to j stif the cost of the concert. Ho e er, the oman points o t that the
ni ersit reall sho ld ha e collaborated ith the M sic and Drama departments first to promote the sho and
increase sales. Also, the anno ncement states that st dents prefer seeing pla s o er classical concerts. To this,
the oman e plains that the s r e that as done does not adeq atel represent the opinion of the entire
st dent bod beca se it as cond cted b st dents in the political science department. So, this is h the
oman disagrees ith the school s decision to cancel the spring concert.
n the lect re, the professor e plains eq it -based compensation. He elaborates on t o benefits of a
compan gi ing its emplo ees stocks, in addition to their s al pa . First, it is a deterrent for emplo ees to q it. t
can take eeks or months to train a ne emplo ee, and so it is costl hen one of them lea es. Emplo ees ith
stock in the compan are more likel to sta longer. Secondl , companies can act all gain more profits b
pa ing orkers in eq it . t makes sense ho he e plains it. An emplo ee ill make more mone if their stock in
the compan does ell, so the are more likel to ork e tra hard and promote their compan in order to see
the b siness be s ccessf l. As the compan makes more profits, the stock rises, and the orkers gain more
ealth. So, these are j st t o reasons h a compan might offer eq it compensation to its emplo ees.
D ag c Te f he TOEFL Te
Writing Section
No one can den that there are a lot of different options hen it comes to sta ing fit. f ere forced to choose,
o ld definitel opt for joining a sports team. t is m firm belief that orking together as a team hile
performing a ph sical acti it is the best a to sta in shape for a n mber of reasons, and ill de elop these
ideas in the s bseq ent paragraphs.
First of all, ph sical health is connected to the mind. f o o ld like to impro e o r health, it is cr cial that
both o r mind and bod ork in harmon . Participating in an athletic cl b gi es o the opport nit to not onl
e ercise b t to interact ith others and b ild relationships. ha e to admit that m opinion on this matter has
been profo ndl infl enced b m o n personal e perience. A fe ears back, joined a kickball team that met
e er S nda thro gho t the s mmer in Brookl n. did not e pect to form s ch tight bonds ith a gro p of
strangers. E er S nda , e orked as a team on the field and bonded as friends off the field. Still, to this da ,
m kickball b ddies are some of m closest friends. As a res lt, m social life impro ed and it had a positi e
effect on m o erall ell-being. For this reason, belie e e er one sho ld join a sports team, e en if the do not
like the sport.
Secondl , joining a team ill p sh and e pand o r strength and end rance. Pla ing a sport is more
npredictable than e ercising in the g m. The game ill force o to react in a s that ill p sh the limits of
o r ph sical capabilities. Dra ing from m o n e perience, ne er e ercised m ch hen decided to join the
kickball team. did not think a sport like kickball o ld demand m ch ph sical pro ess. While there as less
r nning than in a sport like soccer, kickball demanded short b rsts of energ and sharp hand-e e coordination.
ran faster, kicked harder, and pla ed better than had anticipated. Moreo er, the ne t da , m entire bod as
sore beca se it had orked in a s it as not acc stomed to. o ld ha e ne er p shed m self that hard at the
g m. t s certainl clear to see h think joining an athletic cl b is the best a to sta in shape.
n light of the reasons mentioned, strongl belie e that participating in a sport is the best option for an one ho
is thinking abo t sta ing fit. Athletic teams ha e a positi e effect on o r mental ellness and p sh o r bod to
e tremes o ne er tho ght ere possible.