PTC 2021 Brüggemann

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Pipeline Technology Conference 2021, Berlin

Technical assessment of gas transmission pipelines made of steel for the

use as hydrogen transmission pipelines

By Albert Großmann and Henning Brüggemann,

Dr.-Ing. Veenker Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, Hannover/Germany

1. Abstract
As part of the planned conversion of the energy supply to regenerative energy
sources, hydrogen plays a decisive role as an energy source. From an ecologi-
cal and economical point of view, the transport of large quantities of hydrogen
gas only makes sense by means of pipelines. As part of the research pro-
gramme Zwanzig20 of the BMBF, studies were carried out concerning safety
aspects of operating hydrogen-carrying high-pressure gas transmission pipe-
The work focussed on developing a Pipeline Integrity Management System
(PIMS) adapted to hydrogen-rich gases, taking into account possible forms of
hydrogen-induced damage to the pipeline materials present in the existing
structure with typical previous wear under normal operating conditions.
The findings extend the PIMS used by the operators by hydrogen-related as-
pects and enable condition statements concerning the degree of utilisation of
the gas transmission pipelines depending on the operation mode with hydrogen.
Condition-describing models and algorithms provide information about the cur-
rent and future condition of the gas transmission pipelines.

2. Gas transport and storage

The technological connection of hydrogen from regenerative energy with the
gas transport and storage system opens up promising possibilities to efficiently
store and supply energy. The logical consequence is to use the existing gas
infrastructure. In general, gaseous hydrogen can be transported and stored in
the existing gas infrastructure, however, some specific characteristics of hydro-
gen must be considered in order to use this infrastructure safely and economi-
cally. Hereafter, an overview is given about handling hydrogen and, as a result,
about expanding the condition assessment for gas transmission grids.
For about 100 years the technology for transporting and storing gas has been
successfully used. Large high-pressure volume flows are transported in steel
pipelines and stored in caverns or reservoirs. The construction and operation
processes of this infrastructure have been optimised for the special characteris-
tics of the gases to be transported and adjusted to changing conditions, e. g. for
the conversion from town gas to natural gas.
The Pipeline Integrity Management Systems (PIMS) are tools to support the
safe and economic operation of the gas grids. For the condition assessment
these PIM systems consider information about the known impacts on gas grids.
Future changes of these impacts and their effects on the integrity assessment
must be considered adequately in the PIMS. So, the challenge is to develop an

Abstract PTC-2021
Pipeline Technology Conference 2021, Berlin

The Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkstoffmechanik IWM, Salzgitter Mannesmann

Forschung GmbH, DBI Gas- und Umwelttechnik GmbH, TÜV SÜD Industrie
Service GmbH, ONTRAS Gastransport GmbH and Dr.-Ing. Veenker Ingenieur-
gesellschaft mbH cooperate in developing an H2-PIMS for the transport of gas-
es with added hydrogen (mixes of natural gas and hydrogen). The project was
launched in July 2016 as part of the “Zwanzig20” funding programme of the
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) (Federal Ministry of Ed-
ucation and Research) under the umbrella of HYPOS e. V. „Hydrogen Power
Storage & Solutions East Germany“ (HYPOS).

3. Effects of hydrogen on steel

The admixture of hydrogen to natural gas in the existing gas grid results in
changes of the characteristics of steel, not only concerning tenacity reduction of
the steel but also the susceptibility to crack formation and subsequent crack

Already at the end of the 1950s the effect of hydrogen on the mechanical char-
acteristics of steel were analysed. Smooth tensile samples from flexible steel
were strained in clean hydrogen atmosphere and the constriction was meas-
ured. Already a hydrogen pressure of 1 bar resulted in diminished constriction
compared with tests in the open air that showed with increasing hydrogen pres-
sure up to 150 bar just approx. 60 % of the initial constriction. The tests also
demonstrated that during ductile yield new (active) surfaces were created where
hydrogen molecules were absorbed and dissociated.

The fracture mechanical material data of steels shows the effect of hydrogen on
steels. Fracture toughness of the steels is reduced the more hydrogen is sup-
plied and the risk of crack formation increases. Even if the stress of the compo-
nents (steel pipes, fittings) does not reach critical fracture toughness, also with
low load fluctuations a “steady” crack may grow. Load fluctuations in pure natu-
ral gas grids normally are neglected as they are not relevant for the usual integ-
rity defining influences. With regard to damage mechanisms due to hydrogen,
however, also low load fluctuations caused by hydrogen can be decisive for the
lifecycle of the components.

Abstract PTC-2021
Pipeline Technology Conference 2021, Berlin

Figure 1: Crack growth and alternating loads

To ensure safety in natural gas grids, attention must be paid on the influence of
effects which are decisive for the integrity and caused by the known damage
mechanisms of hydrogen.

4. Condition assessment adaptation

The main target of a PIMS is to demonstrate technical integrity and safety of the
existing gas transmission grid to the operator. In addition, the results from the
PIMS are the basis for a technical economical operation of the existing gas
transmission grid, the rehabilitation planning and the planning of new construc-
tions. Starting point of a PIMS is the technical data of the gas transmission grid
which may vary during operation. This mainly concerns condition data resulting
from maintenance or regular inspection of the pipeline grids. Thus, for example,
measurement data of the cathodic corrosion protection (CCP) may vary due to
external influences (stray current) or isolation defects (third-party influence).
Also corrosion and subsequent material loss or weld seam defects recognised
over time become part of the integrity assessment.
Based on this data the condition of the gas transmission grid is described by
means of suitable models and verified assessment algorithms and a condition
statement can be made by means of forecast algorithms. These condition
statements enable the operator, if required, to take rehabilitation measures for
the gas transmission grid or even strategic decisions like, for example, the
building of new pipeline sections. The H2-PIMS includes the hydrogen aspect in
this procedure. Major elements in developing the H2-PIMS are compiled in the
following figure.

Abstract PTC-2021
Pipeline Technology Conference 2021, Berlin

Figure 2: Basic structure of the H2-PIMS model development

Literature studies
Material tests Influence H2 on material
H2 damage processes

H2 impact modelling

Assessment models Safety analyses

neuronal networks, deterministic/probabilistic
FEM, analytics, approach
knowledge-based systems expert-based (TÜV)

Pipeline Integrity Management System
hydrogen-rich natural gas in gas transmission grids


• proof of integrity
• deterministic and probabilistic stability proof
• present and future technical condition
• time-dependent changes of condition
• critical condition forecast
• recommendation of measures

Irid data Business objective

technical data
Network planning /
process data
inspection data future network

To develop the H2-PIMS at first additional information is needed concerning the

influence of hydrogen on the material steel to draw conclusions regarding dam-
age behaviour of hydrogen on gas transmission pipelines. This additional infor-
mation is gained during material tests and it focusses on the toughness charac-
teristics of steel. Notched bar impact energy and crack growth values are the
basis for describing the damage model of crack formation and crack growth at
pipes or weld seams. For this purpose, among others, crack toughness under
hydrogen atmosphere KIEAC, crack toughness in the open air KIC, the J-Integral

Abstract PTC-2021
Pipeline Technology Conference 2021, Berlin

and the crack growth values da/dN are required. Furthermore, these values are
differentiated depending on the hydrogen concentration and the steel grades.
With this additional data it is possible to derive hydrogen based condition mod-
els which allow condition statements and forecasts with regard to technical in-
tegrity and safety of the natural gas transmission grid.
Apart from technical and material values, e. g. pipe geometry, steel grades, es-
sential input values of a hydrogen-based condition assessment are also pro-
cess values of the natural gas transmission grid, e. g. pressure flow over time,
temperature and the hydrogen share. In the future this grid operation knowledge
will have large influence on the condition assessment. Thus, the virtually static
approach of the internal pressure, for example, is developed to a dynamic ap-
proach which corresponds better to a changing hydrogen supply and the related
damage mechanisms. Also specific component characteristics of the natural
gas transmission grid should be considered for the integrity assessment. In de-
tail, differentiated assessments are made for straight pipes and components
(e.g. figure 3).

Figure 3: Finite element model T piece with surface crack

As a result, condition statements are made with regard to the rate of hydrogen
embrittlement at gas transmission pipelines and a possible crack growth de-

Abstract PTC-2021
Pipeline Technology Conference 2021, Berlin

pending on the operation mode of the pipeline grid at the time of assessment
and in the future.

Condition statements will be based on the classical deterministic proof concepts

(figure 4) as well as on statistical ones and, thus, will allow a Structural Reliabil-
ity Analysis (SRA) and subsequently a Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA).

Figure 4: Statistical assessment

In figure 4 a partial result of a statistical analysis is depicted. Result points re-

sulting from dispersing input values are depicted in the so called Failure As-
sessment Diagram (FAD). The FAD proof is an elastic ductile analysing concept
which assesses permissibility of a crack-like feature with regard to two criteria.
Kr is a specific material criterion which standardises crack toughness of the ma-
terial. Lr is a load specific criterion which shows the rate of plasticisation of the
The advantage of the statistical assessment methods is the consideration of
even improbable results. Thus, for example, uncertainties during measuring
crack depths or fluctuation of notched bar impact energy are considered in the
technical condition assessment. The whole knowledge gained and the imple-
mentation of all results in the technical condition assessment of the H2-PIMS
result in failure probabilities for each pipeline section (SRA). The failure proba-
bility changes at the section limits. The sections may be very short, for example
the sphere of a metal loss feature, areas of crack suspicion or weld seams, or

Abstract PTC-2021
Pipeline Technology Conference 2021, Berlin

very long if the typical cross section is constant and no special features are
documented. An exemplary result is depicted in figure 5.

Figure 5: Exemplary results of the H2-PIMS condition assessment

By means of parameter studies, especially of the theoretical aging process of

the pipeline within the system, effects which may become critical in the future
are recognised.

Later on, the results of the SRA can always be used when further safety-related
analyses are required during the planning and approval process, for example
the compilation of a QRA. By means of an SRA it can not only be demonstrated
that there is the requirement of a safe planning based on deterministic design
but also that the expected failure probabilities stay within the limit values when
statistic assessment algorithms are applied.

5. Conclusion
Hydrogen is a key element to achieve the energy transition. In this context also
material interactions and related safety aspects of transporting energy must be
The condition assessment of gas transmission grids is based on the detailed
knowledge of material characteristics of the steels used. This can be derived
from notched bar impact energy or crack growth tests which are part of the as-
sessment by H2-PIMS.

Abstract PTC-2021
Pipeline Technology Conference 2021, Berlin

With the data collected and by means of models describing the condition, algo-
rithms demonstrating the integrity of the natural gas transmission grid as well as
forecast algorithms the future condition can be predicted and the operators can
take measures for rehabilitation of the pipeline grids.
Thus, the H2-PIMS expands the existing PIMS models by the hydrogen aspect
and allows statements regarding the condition of natural gas transmission pipe-
lines with hydrogen added to the natural gas

Dr.-Ing. Veenker Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH

Henning Brüggemann, Dr. Albert Großmann
Heiligengeiststraße 19
30173 Hannover
Phone: +49 511 284990
e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract PTC-2021

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