KCA Psalm121
KCA Psalm121
KCA Psalm121
Big Idea: Even when it’s hard, trust in God
Key Question: How do we trust God?
Memory Verse: The Lord keeps you from all harm and watches over your life. Psalm 121:7
Overview: Today, we’re looking at another famous psalm. This psalm talks about the long and dangerous journey the
Israelites would make to go to Jerusalem. They would do this every year so they could worship God in the temple. It
was a very scary journey and it would take days to get there. The Israelites would sing this song to encourage
themselves to keep going and to trust that God would get them safely to Jerusalem.
We can learn a lot from this psalm. We may not worry about traveling long distances to worship God, but we all have
hard things in our lives where we need to trust in God’s protection. Some of you may have friends at school that aren’t
very nice to you or maybe someone in your family is really sick. Whatever the problem, you can trust that God is right
there with you. He will help you to be strong and brave. He will protect you and help you because He loves you and is
watching over you. We can trust that God will keep us safe. Instead of being afraid, or filled with worry, we can
approach every problem with confidence because God will be with us every step of the way.
5 min WARM UP: What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done? Allow each kid to share. The point: Get kids thinking about
(hike, race, sport, battled an illness, yard work, chores) some hard things they’ve had to do. This psalm talks about a
What made it hard? Were you able to finish the hard journey the Israelites had to take and why they had to
challenge? trust God to help them. We need to trust God, too.
5 min PREVIEW: Write out the Big Idea and Memory Verse Answer: Instead of responding with fear or worry, we should
and Key Question on a whiteboard. Have the kids copy pray and ask God to help us.
it down on Activity Page #1. (if applicable) God is always there for us. He knows everything we’re going
through. We need to pray and ask God to help us when we’re
scared or worried instead of just acting on our own. He has
LARGE GROUP: Gather for songs and videos with other the answers! When we focus on God, our problems don’t
20 min
kids. Then return to small group to finish this guide. seem as overwhelming because God is bigger and He will
help us.
Bonus Questions: Why should you trust God? How has God
RECAP: Read the Lesson Overview from the Teacher’s helped you?
5 min
Guide to the class and then answer the KEY 4-5th: Why is it hard to trust God in hard times? What do you
QUESTION. typically do when you’re scared or worried? What does God
want you to do instead?
Bonus Activity:
Play Bible Hangman
Trust in God
Option #2
Trust God Hand Craft Supplies needed
● template of hand (pg 6)
● Give each kid a hand template (pg 6)
● ½ a sheet of construction
● Have kids cut out the square around the hand
paper, one per kid
● Give each kid a piece of construction paper
● hole punch
● Have kids glue their hand onto the construction paper
● yarn (12 inches long), pre
● Have kids color and decorate
cut, one per kid
● As they color, read the poem (printed on hand) to the class
● scissors
● Have kids punch a hole at the top of the construction paper
● crayons
● Help kids put the yarn through the hole and tie so they can
● glue
hang it in their room.
● stickers
Bonus Activity:
Play the Silly Memory Verse
Say the verse as a class. Then, say
the verse while clapping your
hands. Say it again while spinning
More @ pursueGOD.org/kids
PSALM 121 - Trust in God’s Protection KID AND PARENT GUIDE
Online @ pursueGOD.org/kids
Watch this week’s lesson video as a family (see link above) and fill in the blanks.
Answer these questions together as a family. Memorize this week’s Bible verse:
“The Lord keeps you from all harm and
1. What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever
watches over your life.”
done? (hike, race, sport, battled an
Psalm 121:7
illness, yard work, chores) Were you able
to finish the challenge?
Bonus: Read these additional passages as a
2. Why is it better to trust in God than family this week
ourselves? ❏ Read Joshua 1:9. What things worry
3. How do you normally respond in hard you? How can you show courage in
situations? How should you respond? those situations?
4. Why is it good to know that God is ❏ Read Isaiah 41:10. How does God give
stronger than any problem we could us strength?
ever encounter? ❏ Read Psalm 18:30 Why is God’s way
5. How does it make you feel to know that perfect?
God will always protect you?
6. Read Proverbs 3:5-6. Why shouldn’t we
trust our own way of thinking? What
does it look like to seek God’s will and Parent Signature_______________________________
not our own?
Learn the 3 basic truths of the Christian
. faith in the Foundations for Kids series.
Even when it’s hard, How do we “The Lord keeps you from
trust in God trust God? all harm and watches
over your life.”
Psalm 121:7
More @ pursueGOD.org/kids
1. What psalm are we learning about today?
a. 121 b. 307 c. 4
2. What is the Big Idea today?
a. Make your bed b. Read the Bible c. Even when it’s hard, trust in God
3. We should trust God
a. Sometimes b. Never c. Always
4. What is the name of the book full of God’s words?
a. Green Eggs and Ham b. Bible c. Dictionary
5. Jesus died for our
a. House b. Toys c. Sins
6. We trust God by
a. Worrying b. Crying c. Praying
7. Who would make the long journey that Psalm 121 is about?
a. Israelites b. Americans c. Russians
8. Where were the Israelites traveling to in the psalm?
a. Store b. Zoo c. Jerusalem
9. What is the first book of the Bible?
a. Mark b. Genesis c. Colossians
More @ pursueGOD.org.