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Phoresis Extended Minicap

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Rel. 5.6.

March 2012

(only for Capillarys/Phoresis with SQL Engine)


Revision Description Date Autor

Rev. 0 First version - -
Rev. 1 New version for Rel. 5.6.x and Phoresis with SQL engine March 2012 Sebia Italia
Rev. 2 News from Rel. 5.6.9 August 2012 Sebia Italia
Rev. 3 Correction of content table and Appedix 11 (Hb Neonatal) April 2013 Sebia Italia
Rev. 4 Add X for type of dot in the optional field of the curve Semptember 2013 Sebia Italia
Add a new function (default enable) for send the cords of the curve only with
type 0 (normal point, and 8, separator)


This manual provides all the information to interface a Capillarys system or Phoresis
scanner to a host computer or LIS (Laboratory Information System) through a RS232C
serial link, network TCP-IP connection or via file transfer over network.
It describes the communication protocols and message formats used by Phoresis in
receiving and transmitting data.


Pag. 3 Rs-232 serial link and TCP-IP connection

Pag 4 Importing a worklist in worklist mode from the Host
Pag 5 Importing a worklist in query mode from the Host (query by patient ID)
Pag 6 Exporting the result to the Host
Pag 12 File-Transfer (Network)
Pag 12 Importing the worklist in worklist (total) mode from the host
Pag 13 Importing the worklist by query (Partial) mode
Pag 15 Exporting the results to the Host (Result file from Phoresis)
Pag 19 Setting parameters

Pag 25 APPENDIX 1 Analysis program codes

Pag 26 APPENDIX 2 Connector pin assignment
Pag 27 APPENDIX 3 CRC 32 calculation (in C language)
Pag 28 APPENDIX 4 Optional Flags transmission
Pag 29 APPENDIX 5 IF image transmission
Pag 29 APPENDIX 6 ELP image transmission
Pag 30 APPENDIX 7 Attached Card data import
Pag 32 APPENDIX 8 HbA1C program details
Pag 33 APPENDIX 9 Enable additional field transmission settings
Pag 35 APPENDIX 10 PhoresisExtended advanced settings
Pag 37 APPENDIX 11 Hb Neonatal details


The RS-232C serial link and TCP-IP connection consists of message exchange between Capillarys/Phoresis
and the host computer.
Through these messages, it is possible to import either the entire worklist in one time (Worklist or Total
mode) or patient by patient (Query or Partial mode) according to the present patient ID numbers (entered
through the keyboard or scanned with the tube barcode reader) in the Phoresis worklist and to export after
running the samples the corresponding patient results.

The operator has to click on the Host icon on the main screen, and then select either Import worklist or
Import (ID query) according to the setting to import the patient data or Export results to transmit the sample
results and thus for the selected analysis program and current date.

6 types of messages allow the host and Phoresis to communicate together:

MSG1 Worklist request (or Total request)

MSG2 Transfer OK (ACK)
MSG3 Demographic data of a single patient
MSG4 Transfer error (NACK)
MSG5 Result data of a single patient
MSG6 Query request (or Partial request of a single patient by patient ID number)
MSG7 No data (EOT)

All messages start with a STX character (ASCII 02h) and end with an ETX character (ASCII 03h).

The last patient to download to Phoresis in Worklist mode after a MSG3 request and the last patient analysis
results uploaded (MSG5) to the Host end with EOT character (ASCII 04h) instead of ETX in order to indicate
to the receiver that there are no more patients to transmit.


The Worklist or Total mode allows the operator to download the patient demography of all the patients or a
group of patients by indicating the start and end sample numbers (e.g. 1 to 50 or 51 to 51 when it is an
emergency patient) and thus for the selected analysis program and current date.

The operator has to click on the Host icon, select Import worklist, enter the start and end sample numbers
and confirm with OK as shown on the following screen before starting downloading the patient data.

Communication protocol:




 Phoresis sends a MSG1 to the Host and waits for a MSG2, then waits for the MSG3.

 When Phoresis has received correctly a MSG3 from the Host, it answers with a MSG2 (ACK) and thus
for all the patients downloaded. In case of wrong reception, Phoresis answers with the MSG4 (NACK)
and consequently the Host retransmits the MSG3 for a max of 3 times then goes to the next patient.

 When the Host does not have anymore samples to download to Phoresis, the last character of MSG3
becomes EOT (ASCII 04h) instead of the ETX (ASCII 03h) character transmitted after each of the
previous samples.

 When the operator does not know the number of samples to download, he has to enter 9999 as the last
sample number.

 Every messages have a fixed length.

 This mode is highly not recommended for the use of instruments provided with a barcode reader as
Minicap, Capillrys and Assist.

 This Mode is unavailable in TCP-IP connection.

The Query or Partial mode allows the operator to download the patient data of the selected analysis
program and current date after entry of the patient ID numbers first in the worklist.
The patient ID numbers can be entered either from the keyboard or a barcode reader from Worklist by single
sheet or Worklist by table menu. Once the patient ID numbers have been entered, the operator has to click
on the Host icon, select Partial request enter the start and end sample numbers and confirm with OK as
shown on the following screen before starting downloading the corresponding patient data.


To enter the patient ID numbers with a barcode reader, select Worklist by single sheet and uncheck all the
fields except ID number from Options menu. To verify all the worklist fields once the samples have been
downloaded, select Worklist by table and View all.

Communication protocol:



 Phoresis sends a MSG6 to the Host and waits for a MSG2, then waits for the MSG3.

 When Phoresis has received correctly a MSG3 from the Host, it answers with a MSG2 (ACK), and thus
for all the patients downloaded. In case of wrong reception, Phoresis answers with the MSG4 (NACK)
and consequently the Host retransmits the MSG3 for a max of 3 times then goes to the next patient.

 When the Host does not have patient data for a ID, should send MSG7 instead of MSG3.

 The Sample number (position in the Worklist) is not used in Query reception since it is given by
Phoresis. The Host should return 0000 for this field, if a different value is transmitted, Phoresis
will ignore it.

This procedure allows the operator to upload the whole patient results of the selected analysis program for
the current date to the Host once the samples have been run and edited.
The operator has to click on the Host icon, select Export results then Phoresis asks for the start and end
sample numbers to export as shown on the following screen:

Communication protocol:



 Phoresis starts the transmission sending MSG5 (first patient) then waits for MSG2 (ACK) from the Host,
then continues with the next MSG5 (next patient) and waits again for MSG2, and thus up to the last
sample selected by the operator.
 If Host answers a MSG4 (NACK), Phoresis retransmits the previous patient results and waits again for
the MSG2 (ACK) for max. 3 times then goes to the next patient results.
 When Phoresis does not have anymore samples to transmit to the Host, the last character of MSG5
becomes EOT (ASCII 04h) instead of the ETX (ASCII 03h) character transmitted at the end of each
previous sample.
 Every record as a fixed length


No. Description Start Length Note

1 STX 1 1 ASCII 02h
2 Analysis program code 2 1 Letter from A to Z , 0 to 9 (see index 1 )
3 Start sample number 3 4 Aligned right e.g. 0001 (1)
4 End sample number 7 4 Aligned right e.g.0010 (9999 or nothing)
5 ETX 11 1 ASCII 03h
TOTAL 11 bytes


No. Description Start Length Note

1 STX 1 1 ASCII 02h
2 ACK 2 1 ASCII 06h
3 ETX 3 1 ASCII 03h
TOTAL 3 bytes


No. Description Start Length Note

1 STX 1 1 ASCII 02h
2 Analysis program code 2 1 Letter from A to Z , 0 to 9 (see index 1 )
3 Sample number 3 4 Aligned right e.g. 0001
4 Patient ID number 7 15 Alphanum. charact., aligned left and spaces
5 Patient Name 22 30 Alphanum. charact., aligned left and spaces
6 Date of birth 52 8 DDMMYYYY
7 Sex 60 1 M or F
8 Age in years 61 3 Aligned right e.g. 015
9 Department 64 20 Alphanum. charact., aligned left and spaces
10 Sample date 84 8 DDMMYYYY
11 Concentration (e.g. total protein) 92 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator: “.” (2Eh)
12 Free 1 97 30 Alphanum. charact., aligned left and spaces
13 Free 2 127 30 Alphanum. charact., aligned left and spaces
14 Free 3 157 30 Alphanum. charact., aligned left and spaces
15 Free 4 187 30 Alphanum. charact., aligned left and spaces
16 Free 5 217 30 Alphanum. charact., aligned left and spaces
17 ETX or EOT 247 1 ASCII 03h or 04h for the last sample
TOTAL 247 bytes


No. Description Start Length Note

1 STX 1 1 ASCII 02h
2 NACK 2 1 ASCII 15h
3 ETX 3 1 ASCII 03h
TOTAL 3 bytes


No. Description Start Length Note

1 STX 1 1 ASCII 02h
2 Program code 2 1 Letter from A to Z , 0 to 9 (see index 1 )
3 Sample number 3 4 Aligned right e.g. 0001
4 Patient ID code 7 15 Alphanum. charact., aligned left and spaces
5 Patient Name 22 30 Alphanum. charact., aligned left and spaces
6 Date of Birth 52 8 DDMMYYYY
7 Sex 60 1 M or F
8 Age in years 61 3 Aligned right e.g. 015
9 Department 64 20 Alphanum. charact., aligned left and spaces
10 Sample date 84 8 Format DDMMYYYY
11 Concentration (e.g. total protein) 92 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
12 Measurement unit of concentration 97 8 Alphanum. charact., aligned left and spaces
13 Free field 1 105 30 Alphanum. charact., aligned left and spaces
14 Free field 2 135 30 Alphanum. charact., aligned left and spaces
15 Free field 3 165 30 Alphanum. charact., aligned left and spaces
16 Free field 4 195 30 Alphanum. charact., aligned left and spaces
17 Free field 5 225 30 Alphanum. charact., aligned left and spaces
18 Operator ID 255 3 Alphanum. charact. e.g. JON
19 Date of Analysis 258 8 Format DDMMYYYY
20 Number of fractions (max. 10) 266 2 Aligned right e.g. 06
21 Fraction 1 name 268 10 Alphanum. charact., aligned left and spaces
22 Fraction 2 name 278 10 Alphanum. charact., aligned left and spaces
23 Fraction 3 name 288 10 Alphanum. charact., aligned left and spaces
24 Fraction 4 name 298 10 Alphanum. charact., aligned left and spaces
25 Fraction 5 name 308 10 Alphanum. charact., aligned left and spaces
26 Fraction 6 name 318 10 Alphanum. charact., aligned left and spaces
27 Fraction 7 name 328 10 Alphanum. charact., aligned left and spaces
28 Fraction 8 name 338 10 Alphanum. charact., aligned left and spaces
29 Fraction 9 name 348 10 Alphanum. charact., aligned left and spaces
30 Fraction 10 name 358 10 Alphanum. charact., aligned left and spaces
31 Fraction 1 % value 368 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
32 Fraction 2 % value 373 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
33 Fraction 3 % value 378 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
34 Fraction 4 % value 383 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
35 Fraction 5 % value 388 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
36 Fraction 6 % value 393 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
37 Fraction 7 % value 398 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
38 Fraction 8 % value 403 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
39 Fraction 9 % value 408 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
40 Fraction 10 % value 413 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
41 Fraction 1 conc. value 418 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
42 Fraction 2 conc. value 423 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
43 Fraction 3 conc. value 428 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
44 Fraction 4 conc. value 433 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
45 Fraction 5 conc. value 438 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
46 Fraction 6 conc. value 443 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
47 Fraction 7 conc. value 448 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
48 Fraction 8 conc. value 453 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)

49 Fraction 9 conc. value 458 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
50 Fraction 10 conc. value 463 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
51 Peak 1 name 468 10 Alphanum. charact., aligned left and spaces
52 Peak 2 name 478 10 Alphanum. charact., aligned left and spaces
53 Peak 3 name 488 10 Alphanum. charact., aligned left and spaces
54 Peak 4 name 498 10 Alphanum. charact., aligned left and spaces
55 Peak 1 % value 508 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
56 Peak 2 % value 513 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
57 Peak 3 % value 518 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
58 Peak 4 % value 523 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
59 Peak 1 conc. value 528 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
60 Peak 2 conc. value 533 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
61 Peak 3 conc. value 538 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
62 Peak 4 conc. value 543 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
63 Pathological Flag 548 1 0 = Normal , 1 = Pathological
64 Ratio 1 (e.g. A/G for the proteins) 549 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
65 Ratio 2 554 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
66 Comment 559 230 Alphanum. charact., aligned left and spaces
67 Reference pattern flag 789 1 0 = Normal pattern , 1 = Reference pattern
68 QC sample flag 790 1 0 = Normal sample , 1 = QC sample
Optional fields -- --
69 Curve
82 Programmable fields + the attached card comment
124 Extended comment
69/82/124/125 ETX or EOT 791/XXX 1 ASCII 03h or 04h for the last sample

TOTAL Variable 791 bytes without optional fields

GLOBAL/POSITION: 790 + 1 = 791 bytes/Line


No. Description Start Length Note

1 STX 1 1 ASCII 02h
2 Program Code 2 1 Letter from A to Z , 0 to 9 (see index 1 )
3 Patient ID number 3 15 Alphanumeric. character., aligned left and spaces
4 ETX 18 1 ASCII 03h

TOTAL 18 bytes


No. Description Start Length Note

1 STX 1 1 ASCII 02h
2 EOT 2 1 ASCII 04h
3 ETX 3 1 ASCII 03h
TOTAL 3 bytes

Optional fields for the curve

69 Number of dots of the curve 791 4 Aligned right e.g. 0300

70 Curve scale flag 795 1 A = Automatic scale, M = Manual scale
71 Curve scale factor 796 4 Aligned right with zero (from 0100 to 1000)
72 Start Peak 1 Coord. (peak position) 800 4 Aligned right e.g. 0127
73 End Peak 1 Coord. (peak position) 804 4 Aligned right e.g. 0127
74 Start Peak 2 Coord. (peak position) 808 4 Aligned right e.g. 0127
75 End Peak 2 Coord. (peak position) 812 4 Aligned right e.g. 0127
76 Start Peak 3 Coord. (peak position) 816 4 Aligned right e.g. 0127
77 End Peak 3 Coord. (peak position) 820 4 Aligned right e.g. 0127
78 Start Peak 4 Coord. (peak position) 824 4 Aligned right e.g. 0127
79 End Peak 4 Coord. (peak position) 828 4 Aligned right e.g. 0127
80 Curve dots 832 Max4800 XYYY format, see after

81 Separator “|” (pipe) 2032 1 ASCII 7Ch

TOTAL Variable 1242 bytes for a curve made of 300 dots.

The length of the curve optional fields depends of the number of dots of the curve:

 Number of dots (No. 69)

Max. 1200 dots.

 Curve scale flag (No. 70)

"A" = Automatic, the scale is determined by the max. (Y) Amplitude value of the curve (curve full scale).
"M" = Manual, the scale is multiplied by a percentage factor of the max. value.

 Curve scale factor (No. 71)

A number from 100% to 1000% to redraw the curve with the new manual scale.

 Start/End Peak coord. (No. 72-79) peak position

4 couples of coordinate values indicating the start and end positions of the 4 peaks (monoclonal
peaks) on the curve.

Note that in the latest versions of Phoresis / Capillarys is possible to highlight up to 10 areas, but
only the first four areas will be sent to LIS.

 Curve dots (No. 80)

A set of dots for the curve coded under the following format: XYYY

X representing the type of dot:

0 = ASCII (30h) Normal dot
8 = ASCII (38h) Dot corresponding to a minimum separator.
4 = ASCII (34h) Dot corresponding to a manually deleted minimum separator.
C = ASCII (43h) Dot corresponding to a manually inserted minimum separator.
1 = ASCII (31h) Dot corresponding to a deleted fraction.
5 or X = ASCII (35h) Dot corresponding to a deleted fraction and deleted minimum separator.

YYY (hexadecimal value) indicating the Y amplitude of the dot (right aligned, min. = 000, max. = FFF).

 Separator character (No. 81)

"|" pipe char. (ASCII 7Ch) to indicate to the host the last dot of the curve.

 The curve consists today of 300 dots, so it means that it has a total length of 1200 characters, and
the whole optional fields for the curve has a total length of 1242 bytes. In the future, the number of
dots of the curve could be increased from 300 up to 1200 dots (4800 characters).

Additional field transmission: 40 programmable fields + the attached card comment
No. Description Start Length Note
82 ** (2 Characters 2Ah) 791 2 Indicates the additional field transmission
83 Programmable field #1 793 15 Alphanum. charact.
84 Programmable field #2 808 15 Alphanum. charact.
85 Programmable field #3 823 15 Alphanum. charact.
86 Programmable field #4 838 15 Alphanum. charact.
87 Programmable field #5 853 15 Alphanum. charact.
88 Programmable field #6 868 15 Alphanum. charact.
89 Programmable field #7 883 15 Alphanum. charact.
90 Programmable field #8 898 15 Alphanum. charact.
-- --------- ---- --- ---
120 Programmable field #38 1348 15 Alphanum. charact.
121 Programmable field #39 1363 15 Alphanum. charact.
122 Programmable field #40 1378 15 Alphanum. charact.
123 Attached card comment 1393 256 Alphanum. charact.
TOTAL 858 bytes

The content configuration of the 40 programmable fields can be done by modification of the host.ini file (into
the Host folder) or by specific windows in configuration.

Host.ini file example to transmit the additional Capillarys data

TIPO=Phoresis Extended

The additional instructions to transmit the programmable fields (corresponding to Capillarys here) are in bold

Optional field for the extended comment

124 Extended comment -- max3000 Alphanum. charact. With max 3000 charact.

This optional field has a variable length from 0 to 3000 characters. All CR+LF (ASCII 0Dh+0Ah) entered in
the extended comment will be converted in RS characters (ASCII 1Eh).

The connection via File Transfer happens through read/write of files in a folder shared in network between
Phoresis and the Host.
Two files, of configurable path and name, one containing the Worklist data and the other one, the result data
are in ASCII format with a structure of record, will be read therefore from a common text editor.

This file containing the patient demography of all the samples to scan is generated by the Host.
The record has a fixed length.
The operator has 2 options to download the worklist of the selected analysis program for the current date:
Worklist (Total) mode or Query (Partial) mode



The Worklist or Total mode allows the operator to download the patient demography of all the patients or a
group of patients to run on the system by indicating the start and end sample numbers (e.g. 1 to 50 or 51 to
51 when it is an emergency patient) and thus for the selected analysis program and current date.

The operator has to click on the Host icon, select Import worklist, sets from which sequence should begin the
import of the data and confirm with OK as shown on the following screen before starting downloading the
patient data.

 This mode is highly not recommended for the use of instruments provided with a barcode reader as
Minicap, Capillrys and Assist.

 Note that changing the value 'Start from Number' implies that the received data is shifted from the
original sequence of a value equal to that indicated.
For example: if you enter 10 in 'Start from Number' and the file contains 10 records, from 1 to 10, the
samples will be imported in positions start from sequence 10 to sequence 20.

 There is a configuration to force the sequence of all records in the file.

When Auto Sequence is enabled the sequence will depend by absolute row position in the file and
not by Sample number.

S00029222222222 PATIENT 2 NAME 01011960F040DEPARTMENT

S00039333333333 PATIENT 3 NAME 01011970F030DEPARTMENT

Two example records will be imported into sequence number 1 and 2 instead of sequence 2 and 3.


The Query or Partial mode allows the operator to download the patient data after entry of the patient ID
numbers first in the Worklist. The patient ID numbers can be entered either from the keyboard or a barcode
reader from Worklist by single sheet or Worklist by table menu.
Once the patient ID numbers have been entered, the operator has to click on the Host icon, select Import (ID
query), enter the start and end sample numbers and confirm with OK as shown on the following screen
before important the corresponding patient data.

To enter the patient ID numbers with a barcode reader, select Worklist by single sheet and uncheck all the
fields except ID number from Options menu.
To verify all the worklist fields once the samples have been downloaded, select Worklist by table and View


No. Description Start Length Note

1 Analysis program code 1 1 Letter from A to Z , 0 to 9 (see index 1 )
2 Sample number 2 4 Aligned right e.g. 0001
3 Patient ID number 6 15 Alphanum. charact. aligned left and spaces
4 Patient Name 21 30 Alphanum. charact. aligned left and spaces
5 Date of birth 51 8 DDMMYYYY
6 Sex 59 1 M or F
7 Age in years 60 3 Aligned right e.g.. 015
8 Department 63 20 Alphanum. charact. aligned left and spaces
9 Sample date 83 8 DDMMYYYY
10 Concentration (e.g. total protein) 91 5 Not fixed a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
11 Free 1 96 30 Alphanum. charact. aligned left and spaces
12 Free 2 126 30 Alphanum. charact. aligned left and spaces
13 Free 3 156 30 Alphanum. charact. aligned left and spaces
14 Free 4 186 30 Alphanum. charact. aligned left and spaces
15 Free 5 216 30 Alphanum. charact. aligned left and spaces
16 CR+LF 246 2 ASCII 0Dh + 0Ah
TOTAL 247 bytes

Example of protein worklist with 4 samples (analysis program code: S)

S00019111111111 PATIENT 1 NAME 01011950M050DEPARTMENT

S00029222222222 PATIENT 2 NAME 01011960F040DEPARTMENT
S00039333333333 PATIENT 3 NAME 01011970F030DEPARTMENT

S00049444444444 PATIENT 4 NAME 01011980M020DEPARTMENT



This file is generated by Phoresis after selection of the patients to export by the operator.
It contains all the numerical results and demographic patient data.
It consists of a sequential ASCII record with a fixed length when the optional fields are not selected or a
variable length when they are selected.

The procedure allows the operator to upload the whole patient results of the selected analysis program for
the current date to the Host once the samples have been run and edited.
The operator has to click on the Host icon, select Export results, enter the start and end sample numbers to
upload and confirm with OK as shown on the following screen:


No. Description Start Length Note

1 Program code 1 1 Letter from A to Z , 0 to 9 (see index 1 )
2 Sample number 2 4 Aligned right e.g. 0001
3 Patient ID number 6 15 Alphanum. charact. aligned left and spaces
4 Patient Name 21 30 Alphanum. charact. aligned left and spaces
5 Date of Birth 51 8 Format DDMMYYYY
6 Sex 59 1 M or F
7 Age in years 60 3 Aligned right e.g. 015
8 Department 63 20 Alphanum. charact. aligned left and spaces
9 Sample date 83 8 Format DDMMYYYY
10 Concentration (e.g. total protein) 91 5 Not fixed decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
11 Measurement unit of concentration 96 8 Alphanum. charact. aligned left and spaces
12 Free field 1 104 30 Alphanum. charact. aligned left and spaces
13 Free field 2 134 30 Alphanum. charact. aligned left and spaces
14 Free field 3 164 30 Alphanum. charact. aligned left and spaces
15 Free field 4 194 30 Alphanum. charact. aligned left and spaces
16 Free field 5 224 30 Alphanum. charact. aligned left and spaces
17 Operator ID 254 3 Alphanum. character e.g. JON
18 Date of Analysis 257 8 DDMMYYYY
19 Number of fractions (max.10) 265 2 Aligned right with e.g. 06
10 Fraction 1 name 267 10 Alphanum. charact. aligned left and spaces
21 Fraction 2 name 277 10 Alphanum. charact. aligned left and spaces
22 Fraction 3 name 287 10 Alphanum. charact. aligned left and spaces
23 Fraction 4 name 297 10 Alphanum. charact. aligned left and spaces
24 Fraction 5 name 307 10 Alphanum. charact. aligned left and spaces
25 Fraction 6 name 317 10 Alphanum. charact. aligned left and spaces
26 Fraction 7 name 327 10 Alphanum. charact. aligned left and spaces
27 Fraction 8 name 337 10 Alphanum. charact. aligned left and spaces
28 Fraction 9 name 347 10 Alphanum. charact. aligned left and spaces
29 Fraction 10 name 357 10 Alphanum. charact. aligned left and spaces
30 Fraction 1 % value 367 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
31 Fraction 2 % value 372 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
32 Fraction 3 % value 377 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
33 Fraction 4 % value 382 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)

34 Fraction 5 % value 387 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
35 Fraction 6 % value 392 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
36 Fraction 7 % value 397 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
37 Fraction 8 % value 402 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
38 Fraction 9 % value 407 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
39 Fraction 10 % value 412 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
40 Fraction 1 conc. value 417 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
41 Fraction 2 conc. value 422 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
42 Fraction 3 conc. value 427 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
43 Fraction 4 conc. value 432 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
44 Fraction 5 conc. value 437 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
45 Fraction 6 conc. value 442 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
46 Fraction 7 conc. value 447 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
47 Fraction 8 conc. value 452 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
48 Fraction 9 conc. value 457 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
49 Fraction 10 con. value 462 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
50 Area 1 name 467 10 Alphanum. charact. aligned left and spaces
51 Area 2 name 477 10 Alphanum. charact. aligned left and spaces
52 Area 3 name 487 10 Alphanum. charact. aligned left and spaces
53 Area 4 name 497 10 Alphanum. charact. aligned left and spaces
54 Area 1 value % 507 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
55 Area 2 value % 512 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
56 Area 3 value % 517 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
57 Area 4 value % 522 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
58 Area 1 conc. value 527 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
59 Area 2 conc. value 532 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
60 Area 3 conc. value 537 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
61 Area 4 conc. value 542 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
62 Pathological Flag 547 1 0 = Normal , 1 = Pathological
63 Ratio 1(e.g. A/G for the proteins) 548 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
64 Ratio 2 553 5 Not fixed with a decimal separator “.” (2Eh)
65 Comment 558 230 Alphanum. charact. aligned left and spaces
66 Reference pattern flag 788 1 0 = Normal pattern , 1 = reference pattern
67 QC sample flag 789 1 0 = Normal sample , 1 = QC sample
Optional fields --- ---
68 Curve
81 Programmable fields + the attached card comment
123 Extended comment
68/81/123/124 CR + LF 790/XXX 2 ASCII 0Dh or 0Ah

TOTAL Variable 791 bytes without optional fields

GLOBAL/POSITION: 789+2 = 791 bytes/Line

Optional fields for the curve

68 Number of dots of the curve 790 4 Aligned right e.g. 0300

69 Curve scale flag 794 1 A = Automatic scale, M = Manual scale
70 Curve scale factor 795 4 Aligned right with zero (from 0100 to 1000)
71 Start peak 1 Coord. (peak position) 799 4 Aligned right e.g. 0127
72 End peak 1 Coord. (peak position) 803 4 Aligned right e.g. 0127
73 Start peak 2 Coord. (peak position) 807 4 Aligned right e.g. 0127
74 End peak 2 Coord. (peak position) 811 4 Aligned right e.g. 0127
75 Start peak 3 Coord. (peak position) 815 4 Aligned right e.g. 0127
76 End peak 3 Coord. (peak position). 819 4 Aligned right e.g. 0127
77 Start peak 4 Coord. (peak position) 823 4 Aligned right e.g. 0127
78 End peak 4 Coord. (peak position) 827 4 Aligned right e.g. 0127
79 Curve dots 831 max4800 See hereafter
80 Separator “|” (pipe) 2031 1 ASCII 7Ch

TOTAL Variable 1242 bytes for a curve made of 300 dots.

The length of the curve optional fields depends of the number of dots of the curve:

 Number of dots (No. 68)

Max. 1200 dots.

 Curve scale Flag (No. 69)

"A" = Automatic, the scale is determined by the max. (Y) Amplitude value of the curve (curve full scale).
"M" = Manual, the scale is multiplied by a percentage factor of the max. value.

 Curve scale factor (No. 70)

A number from 100% to 1000% to recalculate and redraw the curve with the new manual scale.

 Start/End Peak coord. (No. 71-78) peak position

4 couples of coordinate values indicating the start and end positions of the 4 peaks (monoclonal
peaks) on the curve.

Note that in the latest versions of Phoresis / Capillarys is possible to highlight up to 10 areas, but
only the first four areas will be sent to LIS.

 Curve dots (No. 79)

A set of dots for the curve coded under the following format: XYYY.
X representing the type of dot:

0 = ASCII (30h) Normal dot

8 = ASCII (38h) Dot corresponding to a minimum separator.
4 = ASCII (34h) Dot corresponding to a manually deleted minimum separator.
C = ASCII (43h) Dot corresponding to a manually inserted minimum separator.
1 = ASCII (31h) Dot corresponding to a deleted fraction.
5 or X = ASCII (35h) Dot corresponding to a deleted fraction and deleted minimum separator.

YYY (hexadecimal value) indicating the Y amplitude of the dot (right aligned, min. =000, max. =FFF).

 Separator character (No. 80)

"|" pipe char. (ASCII 7Ch) to indicate to the host the last dot of the curve.

 The curve consists today of 300 dots, so it means that it has a total length of 1200 characters, and
the whole optional fields for the curve has a total length of 1242 bytes. In the future, the number of
dots of the curve could be increased from 300 up to 1200 dots (4800 characters).

Additional field transmission: 40 programmable fields + the attached card comment
No. Description Start Length Note
81 ** (2 Characters 2Ah) 790 2 Indicates the additional field transmission
82 Programmable field #1 792 15 Alphanum. charact.
83 Programmable field #2 807 15 Alphanum. charact.
84 Programmable field #3 822 15 Alphanum. charact.
85 Programmable field #4 837 15 Alphanum. charact.
86 Programmable field #5 852 15 Alphanum. charact.
87 Programmable field #6 867 15 Alphanum. charact.
88 Programmable field #7 882 15 Alphanum. charact.
99 Programmable field #8 897 15 Alphanum. charact.
-- --------- ---- --- ---
119 Programmable field #38 1347 15 Alphanum. charact.
120 Programmable field #39 1362 15 Alphanum. charact.
121 Programmable field #40 1377 15 Alphanum. charact.
122 Attached card comment 1392 256 Alphanum. charact.
TOTAL 858 bytes

The content configuration of the 40 programmable fields can be done by modification of the host.ini file (into
the Host folder) or by specific form in configuration.

Host.ini file example to transmit the additional Capillarys data

TIPO=Phoresis Extended



The additional instructions to transmit the programmable fields (Corresponding to Capillarys here) are in
bold characters.

Optional field for the extended comment

123 Extended comment -- max3000 Alphanum. charact. With max 3000 charact.

This field has a variable length from 0 to 3000 characters. All CR+LF (ASCII 0Dh+0Ah) entered in the
extended comment will be converted in RS character (ASCII 1Eh)

From the main menu, click on Host icon, select successively Parameters and Host parameters,

Enter the password 4644 or free then the system displays the following screen:

Connection Method

File-transfer (Network), select the network path, enter the Worklist and result file names, confirm with OK,
and then restart Phoresis for the changes to be effective.

(Lock file is the name of semaphore files to prevent simultaneous access with LIS)

TCP/IP select the Remote Host Address or IP and the remote Host TCP Port, confirm with OK then restart
Phoresis for the changes to be effective.

(UDP connection mode is present but not supported)

RS232, select the COM port, set the baud rate, data bit, parity, stop bit and delays, confirm with OK then
restart Phoresis for the changes to be effective.

(Delay Answer are milliseconds of waiting time between sent and received messages and viceversa. Time
Out is a maximum time to receive a message from LIS. If not arrive in time, Host module will show an error.)

Trace ON check-box actives permanently writing of the log files into folder HOST of Phoresis.
This file logs all operations of connection with the LIS (outcomes and error of the communication).
The log files are daily and are named:


YYYY is the year

MM is the month
DD is the day

Protocol Type

When clicking in the Protocol type window, the system proposes only PhoresisExtended and Preference.

Preference protocol is not described in this manual because It does not give the possibility to use all the
capabilities of Phoresis such as the capability to use the date of birth, the laboratory code, the sample
collection date, the 5 additional free fields and the operator ID for the Worklist and the capability to transmit
the monoclonal peaks and the extended comment to the host.

Import Mode

Query ID. Request to LIS demographic data of patients by ID/Barcode tube

Worklist with Match good for ID. Request to LIS a Worklist and it will match Sample with demographic
data by ID/Barcode tube. The position of the samples is the same as the instrument read

Worklist. Request to LIS a Worklist. Position of samples (Sequence) is the same received from LIS.

Before writing a record, the Host Module looks for a sample with correspondent ID to merge it with
the demographic data received.

If the position in which it must be written a demographic data there is a curve without ID or with ID
does not match, this last will be moved to the end of the work list.

This mode is not compatible with MiniCap because moving records causes a runtime error on the
affected records.
Moreover this mode does not allow to work with no ID / barcode on the tube, for example with
Hydrasys without sampler Assist.

It is possible to disable the displacement of the samples by changing the voice

OVERWRITE_PROGRAM in the section PHORESIS of the file HOST.INI.
This entry contains the list of codes of programs which enabled the overwrite function of demographic
data. In this way demographic data are written with no check.

Phoresis Extended Option

In above frame will be enabled/disabled options of protocol:

 [..], Add a button near of Title for setting some parameters (see Appendix 10).

 Enable curve transmission, See page 10 in RS232/TCP and page 17 in File Transfer.

 Enable additional field transmission, See page 11 in RS232/TCP and page 18 in File Transfer
and Appendix 9 for configuration (via gui or file INI).

 Enable extended comment transmission, See page 11 in RS232/TCP and page 18 in File

 Enable flags transmission, enabled/disabled additional option to transmission of normal range and
alarms of fractions value. See Appendix 4.

 Transmit IF image, enabled/disabled transmission of image file with scanned IF. This is active only
in file transfer mode. See Appendix 5.

 Transmit simulated ELP image, enabled/disabled transmission of image file with ELP image (is not
a real scanned image but a virtual rebuild). This is active only in file transfer mode. See Appendix 6.

 Enable Check of CRC16, enable/disable check and transmission of five chars for CRC. See
Appendix 3 for CRC16 calculation)

 Verify duplicated ID before transmission, enable/disable a pre transmission of results to check for
any duplicate IDs in the worklist. If there are duplicate IDs, Host module will open following window:

 Curve with Albumin on the right, this option is active only when Enable curve transmission is

 Import data in Card from file [File name]. enable/disable import of specific protein value from LIS
into 24 value of Attached Card. See Appendix 7

 Default comment [comment text], allows to specify a default text for all records that have empty

Deleting Worklist File

This frame is active only for File Transfer Mode.

Warning, this option should be adjusted based on the operation of the LIS:

No, after importation of demographics data the Worklist file will not be deleted.
The file size will grow, If LIS doesn’t erase it. This slows down the operations of importing data.

Yes, after importation of demographics data the Worklist file will be deleted.
If the worklist file is partially imported, demographics data not imported will be lost.

Deleting imported records, after importation will be removed only the imported records. Into the Worklist
file will remain only not imported rows.
We suggest to select this mode if you do not know how LIS manages this file and is mandatory if the LIS
handles the records in queue.

Specific config by program

In above frame will be enabled/disable function regarding a specific analysis program

Program’s code conversion

Use this text boxes to force a different code for each analysis program. It could be helpful during instrument
model changes because you can manage the communication with no LIS specialist support.

Three Tabs of this frame contain all settings concerning the realtime.

Enable automatic communication with HOST/LIS, enable/disable all automatic communication with LIS
for selected analysis program.

Don’t import data of Control Sample and specific ->[Id Pattern], if enable, auto import don’t request
demographic data for control sample (the QC records are identified by ID on database equal at
‘CONTROL*’). With button [Id Pattern] you can specify a text string that, if found in the ID field, disables
automatic import for that sample. For example, typing the string 'SAMPLE, ABC' all records with IDs that
start with SAMPLE or ABC will be excluded from automatic import.

Export only records with valid ID or barcode #, if enabled, only records with ID/Barcode are automatic
exported. Otherwise all samples (even with no ID) will send to LIS.

Automatic connection every [ ] sec, this text box specify waiting time in second between connection.
Warning, in earlier releases this timing was in milliseconds.

Automatic Import, kind of samples imported to LIS regarding import demographic data.
Warning, all records just exported will no longer be imported.

Automatic Export, , kind of samples exported to LIS regarding import demographic data.
Edited records are samples that they are displayed on Edit Curve (no more bold in the work list).
Identified records are samples that they have a right number of fractions (in according with Program
Warning, all HBA1C samples are identified

Other setting

If Enabled, it will allow to communicate to LIS in recall mode.

This checkbox will allow to write something into Free Field of demographic data after a
transmission/reception to LIS. You may specify which free field, for import and export and what to write
inside the field.
- If you leave the text box blank or ‘#T’ , it will write the time of operation (in format HH:MM:SS)
- #D it will write only the date of operation (in the default format of windows)
- #N it will write Date and Time of operation (in the default format of windows)
- #F;formatstring it will write Date and Time of operation conform to specific string (example
- FreeText it will write a specific text (example ‘Tx to Lis’)

This button open a new windows for the setting of Free Field transmission commands (the command usable
are the same of ‘Additional field transmission’ setting).
Leave blank to send records content or OFF to send empty field.

Analysis program codes

Codice_prog Intest
# ß2 Transferrine Electrophoresis
$ Protein Electrophoresis
@ HbA1c
0 Urin Electrophoresis
1 CSF ISOFOCUSING Electrophoresis
2 Hemoglobin Neonatal Electrophoresis
3 Urin Electrophoresis
4 Protein Electrophoresis
5 Protein Electrophoresis
6 Protein Electrophoresis
7 Hemoglobin Cord Bloods Electrophoresis
8 CSF Electrophoresis
9 IF Penta
A High Resolution Electrophoresis
B High Resolution Electrophoresis
C Protein Electrophoresis
D Protein Electrophoresis
E Protein Electrophoresis
F Protein Electrophoresis
H HDL Cholesterol Quantification
I ISO-LDH Electrophoresis
J Protein Electrophoresis
K High Resolution Electrophoresis
L Lipoprotein Electrophoresis
M ISO-PAL Electrophoresis
N Transferrin isoforms electrophoresis
O CSF Electrophoresis
P Urinary Protein Electrophoresis
Q ISO-CK Electrophoresis
R High Resolution Electrophoresis
S Protein Electrophoresis
T Hemoglobin Electrophoresis
U Urinary Protein Electrophoresis
V Hemoglobin Electrophoresis
W Urine Electrophoresis
X Sebia Test Pattern
Y Total Protein
Z IF/Bence Jones

Connector pin assignment

The output is compatible V 24 and RS 232C from one asymmetric 9 pin male connector (db9 connector or
COM port) located at the back of the PC.

Pin No. Signal Direction Description

1 DCD in Data Carrier Detect
2 RXD in Received Data
3 TXD out Transmitted Data
4 DTR out Data Terminal Ready
5 GND - Ground
6 DSR in Data Set Ready
7 RTS out Request To Send
8 CTS in Clear To Send
9 RI Ring Indicator


In normal condition, only pins RX, TX and GND are connected.

CRC CALCULATION (in C language)

The CRC is calculated from the following table_CRC_16 which is a table of 256 uint (unsigned integer)

Input data: Number of bytes to calculate

Buffer of date where the calculation is made
Output: CRC obtained for the complete buffer
The STX and ETX are not used for the calculation of the CRC
The CRC is a uint (unsigned integer) transmitted with 5 characters (completed with 0 when necessary)
The CRC is calculated on 16 bits

uint CalculateCRC16(uint NbBytes,char* Buffer) {

uint Loop,CRC;
uint Table_CRC_16[ 256 ] =

0x0000, 0xC1C0, 0x81C1, 0x4001, 0x01C3, 0xC003, 0x8002, 0x41C2,
0x01C6, 0xC006, 0x8007, 0x41C7, 0x0005, 0xC1C5, 0x81C4, 0x4004,
0x01CC, 0xC00C, 0x800D, 0x41CD, 0x000F, 0xC1CF, 0x81CE, 0x400E,
0x000A, 0xC1CA, 0x81CB, 0x400B, 0x01C9, 0xC009, 0x8008, 0x41C8,
0x01D8, 0xC018, 0x8019, 0x41D9, 0x001B, 0xC1DB, 0x81DA, 0x401A,
0x001E, 0xC1DE, 0x81DF, 0x401F, 0x01DD, 0xC01D, 0x801C, 0x41DC,
0x0014, 0xC1D4, 0x81D5, 0x4015, 0x01D7, 0xC017, 0x8016, 0x41D6,
0x01D2, 0xC012, 0x8013, 0x41D3, 0x0011, 0xC1D1, 0x81D0, 0x4010,
0x01F0, 0xC030, 0x8031, 0x41F1, 0x0033, 0xC1F3, 0x81F2, 0x4032,
0x0036, 0xC1F6, 0x81F7, 0x4037, 0x01F5, 0xC035, 0x8034, 0x41F4,
0x003C, 0xC1FC, 0x81FD, 0x403D, 0x01FF, 0xC03F, 0x803E, 0x41FE,
0x01FA, 0xC03A, 0x803B, 0x41FB, 0x0039, 0xC1F9, 0x81F8, 0x4038,
0x0028, 0xC1E8, 0x81E9, 0x4029, 0x01EB, 0xC02B, 0x802A, 0x41EA,
0x01EE, 0xC02E, 0x802F, 0x41EF, 0x002D, 0xC1ED, 0x81EC, 0x402C,
0x01E4, 0xC024, 0x8025, 0x41E5, 0x0027, 0xC1E7, 0x81E6, 0x4026,
0x0022, 0xC1E2, 0x81E3, 0x4023, 0x01E1, 0xC021, 0x8020, 0x41E0,
0x01A0, 0xC060, 0x8061, 0x41A1, 0x0063, 0xC1A3, 0x81A2, 0x4062,
0x0066, 0xC1A6, 0x81A7, 0x4067, 0x01A5, 0xC065, 0x8064, 0x41A4,
0x006C, 0xC1AC, 0x81AD, 0x406D, 0x01AF, 0xC06F, 0x806E, 0x41AE,
0x01AA, 0xC06A, 0x806B, 0x41AB, 0x0069, 0xC1A9, 0x81A8, 0x4068,
0x0078, 0xC1B8, 0x81B9, 0x4079, 0x01BB, 0xC07B, 0x807A, 0x41BA,
0x01BE, 0xC07E, 0x807F, 0x41BF, 0x007D, 0xC1BD, 0x81BC, 0x407C,
0x01B4, 0xC074, 0x8075, 0x41B5, 0x0077, 0xC1B7, 0x81B6, 0x4076,
0x0072, 0xC1B2, 0x81B3, 0x4073, 0x01B1, 0xC071, 0x8070, 0x41B0,
0x0050, 0xC190, 0x8191, 0x4051, 0x0193, 0xC053, 0x8052, 0x4192,
0x0196, 0xC056, 0x8057, 0x4197, 0x0055, 0xC195, 0x8194, 0x4054,
0x019C, 0xC05C, 0x805D, 0x419D, 0x005F, 0xC19F, 0x819E, 0x405E,
0x005A, 0xC19A, 0x819B, 0x405B, 0x0199, 0xC059, 0x8058, 0x4198,
0x0188, 0xC048, 0x8049, 0x4189, 0x004B, 0xC18B, 0x818A, 0x404A,
0x004E, 0xC18E, 0x818F, 0x404F, 0x018D, 0xC04D, 0x804C, 0x418C,
0x0044, 0xC184, 0x8185, 0x4045, 0x0187, 0xC047, 0x8046, 0x4186,
0x0182, 0xC042, 0x8043, 0x4183, 0x0041, 0xC181, 0x8180, 0x4040,

for (Loop=0;Loop<NbBytes;Loop++)
CRC=( ( CRC << 8 ) ^ Table_CRC_16[ (CRC >> 8 ) ^ Buffer[Loop] ] ); return(CRC);

Optional Flags transmission

This option allows alarm flags transmission. The optional field has fixed length of 23 chars:

1-10 chars Flag for value % of Fraction 1 to 10 (one char for fraction)
11-20 chars Flag for value concentration of Fraction 1 to 10 (one char for fraction)
21 char Flag of Total Protein concentration
22 char Flag of Rapport Rapp1 (A/G for protein EPH)
23 char Flag of Rapport Rapp2

It is possible to set-up chars of the flags by 3 values under [PHORESIS] section of HOST.INI:
FLAG_LOW= define the char used for Low (default 'L')
FLAG_NORMAL= define the char used for Normal (default 'N')
FLAG_HIGH= define the char used for High (default 'H')

Warning will be used only one char (the first) of the string

Item FLAG_MODE under [PHORESIS] section of HOST.INI is used to store the Normal Range:
FLAG_MODE=0 Normal Range from Section NORMAL in HOST.INI
FLAG_MODE=1 Normal Range from Phoresis Config (not yet available)

If you use NORMAL section in HOST.INI (see below), the normal range will search by Name of

Section [NORMAL], in HOST.INI is used to store the normal value of Fraction, PT and Rapport, usable by
Optional Field Flag:

P_FRAZ_n%=Min;Max Normal Value % for fraction n

P_FRAZ_Name%=Min;Max Normal Value % for fraction Name
P_FRAZ_n#=Min;Max Normal Value concentration for fraction n
P_FRAZ_Name#=Min;Max Normal Value concentration for fraction Name
P_PT=Min;Max Normal Value for PT (Concentration)
P_RAPP1=Min;Max Normal Value for Rapport 1 (A/G)
P_RAPP2=Min;Max Normal Value for Rapport 2

P the code Program (example J for Protein(e)6)
n fraction index (1 to 10)
Name Name of fraction (example 'Albumin' or ‘Albumine’, based on the user's language)
Min low value of normal range, use . as separator (Es: 5.6)
Max high value of normal range, use . as separator (Es: 34.63)

Example for Protein(e) 6 program (code J) :

[NORMAL] J00061102412805 Patient one

J_FRAZ_ALBUMINE%=55.8;66.1 11121920F091Department one 2003201253.20g/dl 1
J_FRAZ_ALPHA 1%=2.9;4.9 TX 11:40:59
J_FRAZ_ALPHA 2%=7.1;11.8 SB 2103201206Albumine Alpha 1 Alpha 2 Beta 1
J_FRAZ_BETA 1%=4.7;7.2 Beta 2 Gamma
J_FRAZ_BETA 2%=3.2;6.5 048.8006.9009.9005.9006.5022.0000.0000.0000.0000.025.96
J_FRAZ_BETA%=8.4;13.1 03.6705.2703.1403.4611.7000.0000.0000.0000.00
J_FRAZ_GAMMA%=11.1;18.8 000.0000.0000.0000.000.0000.0000.0000.00000.9501.00
J00071102429106 Patient two
J_FRAZ_ALPHA 1#=2.1;3.5 12011956M056Departemt two 1903201280.20g/dl 1
J_FRAZ_ALPHA 2#=5.1;8.5 TX 11:11:35
J_FRAZ_BETA 1#=3.4;5.2 SB 2103201206AlbuminE Alpha 1 Alpha 2 Beta 1
J_FRAZ_BETA 2#=2.3;4.7 Beta 2 Gamma
J_FRAZ_BETA#=6.0;9.4 054.4005.1011.7006.4006.9015.5000.0000.0000.0000.043.63
J_FRAZ_GAMMA#=8.0;13.5 04.0909.3805.1305.5312.4300.0000.0000.0000.001
J_PT=50.0;80.0 006.7000.0000.0000.005.3700.0000.0000.00001.1901.00Pres
enza di componente monoclonale giÓ tipizzata.


WARNING! This option is valid only for file transfer via network connections.

This option permits to transfer the IF image of the attached card. For each image stored in the attached card,
host module will create a file on the network path (same path used by result file). These files have JPEG
extension and they are created by following format:



P is the program code analysis

YYYYMMDD is the date of analysis
NNNNN is the sequence number of 5 digits right-aligned with zeros
ID is the field ID / Barcode has a variable length for a maximum 15 characters


WARNING! This option is valid only for file transfer via network connections.

This option permit to transfer the mathematical rebuild of the ELP image calculated from points of the curve.
With [Config…] button is possible to select parameters of image rebuilding and format of file:

Image Color, set base color of the rebuild ELP image.

Smoothing, two parameter for calibrate blending simulation of color.
Rotation, direction of rebuild migration.
Format, set image format and quality of jpeg compression
Dimension, set the size in pixel of the image
[Preview] Button show parameter modification effect

For each records with curve will be created a file on the network path (with the result file). Thess files have
JPEG or BMP extensions and they are created by following format:



P is the program code analysis

YYYYMMDD is the date of analysis
NNNNN is the sequence number of 5 digits right-aligned with zeros
ID is the field ID / Barcode has a variable length for a maximum 15 characters

(Active from Rel 4.4.4 of Host Module)

WARNING! This option is valid only for file transfer via network connections.

The attached card is created to storage of IF image but also it allows you to store 24 values of specific's
protein dosage and an extended comment (32000 characters formatted RichText).

The 24 values can be entered manually. You can also customize the names of the 24 values based
on customer needs.

WARNING the 24 names are common to all programs of analysis and to all records in the database

The option to 'Import data in the card' is used to fill these 24 fields during the acquisition phase of
demographic data.

The LIS will provide a second file containing the references of the patient (Sequence Number, Analysis
Program, ID / Barcode and date of sampling) and the values of specific proteins.


The configuration parameters are only HOST.INI editing in the section [PHORESIS]:


FILE_CARD This entry indicates the name of the file that contains the records of specific proteins. The file
must be located in the network path (with two files of demographic data).

VAL1-VAL24 These 24 entries allow the mapping between the codes of the LIS and the values of the card.
The codes are alphanumeric for 5 chars long. It is not mandatory to configure all 24 values.

FORCE_SEQUENCE Setting it to '1' to import data by position instead of ID / Barcode. When it is set to '0',
the data are imported for ID.


The file consists of variable length records terminated with CR + LF.

Each record has a fixed header of 28 chars length for this data:

Program Code 1 chars

Sequence 4 chars
ID / Barcode 15 chars
Date Request 8 chars

This header is followed by a variable number (between 1 to 24) of couples ‘code / value’. The code is 5 chars
and the Value is 15 chars long (Warning only first 10 chars of value are imported).

N. Descrizione Len. Note

1 Program Code 1 Letter from A to Z , 0 to 9 (see appendix 1)
2 Sequence 4 Format 0000
3 ID/Barcode 15 Alphanumeric
4 Request Date 8 DDMMYYYY
5 Analysis Code 1 5 Alphanumeric (example ‘IGG’)
6 Analysis Result 1 15 Alphanumeric (only first 10 chars are valid, example ‘traces’)
.. CRLF 2 ASCII 0Dh or 0Ah
Total Length Min 30 chars, max 510 chars (C+LF included)

Couple 5 and 6 are repeated for a max of 24 times.

Each record will have a variable length from a minimum of 30 chars (no value) and a maximum of 510 chars
(24 values).

J00012729423 21112006IgG 0.57 IgA traces IgM traces

IgD 1.23 IgE 5.90 Kappa0.97 Lambd0.35
Kfree2.80 LFree0.55 K/L 1.41 C3 traces C4
2.82 Cryo 0.06 PreAl6.65 Alb 3.89 ApoA15.55
J00083478326 21112006IgG traces IgA traces IgM 2.33
J00058759746 21112006IgG traces IgA 4.84 IgM 5.47
IgD 4.14 IgE 5.82 Kappatraces Lambd6.08
Kfree0.03 LFree7.57 K/L traces C3 traces C4

(Active from Rel. 5.6.1 of Host Module)

Host Module exported data of HbA1c correctly only from Rel. 5.6.1 and above.
The default values transmitted by Host are:

1st Fraction : always HbA1c% cal

2nd Fraction : percentage of the second fraction
N Fraction : percentage of fraction N
N+1 Fraction : Value in mmol / mol HbA1c
N+2 Fraction : The value of the EAG

The names of primary fractions (HbA1c%, HbA1c in mmol/mol and eAG) are forced with specific labels
The fractions in concentration are forced to zero value.
The areas in percent and the areas in concentration are forced to zero value
The names of areas are null

There is a section in HOST.INI to force the names of primary fractions and activate this mode on other

PROGRAM_CODES=@ Active mode for program code(default '@')
NAME_%CAL=HbA1c% Force Name of HbA1c % Cal (default HBA1C%)
NAME_MMOL/MOL=HbA1c# Force Name of HbA1c mmol/mol (default HBA1C#)
NAME_EAG=eAG Force Name of eAG (default AEG)

Example of transmission with no curves:

@0008CONTROLID:13 QC Control 1-08021/01 000

ADM2902201207HbA1c% Other Hb AHb A0 Hb A2 HbA1c# eAG
@00097239645112 patient 1 000
ADM2902201207HbA1c% Other Hb AHb A0 Hb A2 HbA1c# eAG
@00107231204233 patient 2 000
ADM2902201207HbA1c% Other Hb AHb A0 Hb A2 HbA1c# eAG
@00117231203718 patient 3 000
ADM2902201207HbA1c% Other Hb AHb A0 Hb A2 HbA1c# eAG

Enable additional field transmission settings
(Optional field are active from Rel. 5.2.5 of Host Module, configuration windows from Rel. 5.6.9)

From Rel. 5.6.9 this optional field of PhoresisExtended have a specific windows for settings.

Each of the 40 fields are configurable by a simple dropdown list with help online.

Some commands have secondary parameter with specific help

The windows store initial setting before user editing. Button ‘OK’ save se ne setting in Host Module
configuration and close the windows, ‘Cancel’ discard all setting and close the windows, ‘Reset to original’
discard user settings and reload initial configuration.

Empty command disable the field (will be send to host 15 space characters), the commands list are:

ANALISYS_TIME : Send execution time of analysis (example ‘11:55’)

NR_CAPILLARY :Send position of tube in rack (example ‘1’)

DO_MAX :Send D.O max value (example ‘0.237’)

INSTRUMENT_SN :Send Serial Number of Capillarys (example ‘768’)

VAL1/VAL24 :Send data for the specific protein (1 to 24) stored in Patient Card. Valide parameters
- Value to send content of the field (example ‘trace’)
- Name to send the label of the specific protein (example ‘IgG’)
- Min and/or Max to send value of normal range (example ‘5.16’)
- Unit to send unit of value (example ‘mg/dl’)

Remember that all parameters different from ‘Value’ are stored in PHORESYS.INI files)

NFLAGRAPP1 :Send normal flags for Rapport1 (A/G), valid parameters are
‘LowFalg,NormalFlag,HighFlag’ for example: ‘+,=,-‘

NFLAGRAPP2 :Send normal flags for Rapport1 (A/G), valid parameters are
LowFalg,NormalFlag,HighFlag’ for example: ‘+,=,-‘

NFLAGPT :Send normal flags for Concentration value (TP), valid parameters are
‘NormalFlag,HighFlag’ for example: <,=,>

NFLAG# :Send normal flags for fraction in concentration, valid parameters are
‘Name Of Fraction,LowFlag,NormalFlag,HighFlag’ for example ‘Albumin,L,N,H’

NFLAG% :Send normal flags for fraction in concentration, valid parameters are
‘Name Of Fraction,LowFlag,NormalFlag,HighFlag’ for example ‘Albumin,L,N,H’

HB_FLAG :Send the Type of Pathological Profile for the HbA1c test.

EXTRAFIELD :Extract value of specific tag from 'Extrafield' in record DB, the parameter is the name of
the tag, for example 'OriginalBarcodeRack'

TEXT :Send a fix text configured in the parameter for example 'TX'

WINUSER :Send the actual user name in MSWindows.

OS-ENVIRON :Send specific enviroment variable of MSWindows, the parameter is the name of the
enviroment variable for example 'COMPUTERNAME'.

#TABLENAME :Send content of the specified Field of the Database in the specified Table. The
parameter is the name of the Field, for example 'State'.

Remember that length of this fields in protocol are 15 chars.

PhoresisExtended advanced settings
(Advanced settings windows are active from Rel. Rel. 5.6.9)

This button open a new windows for configure advanced settings of PhoresisExtended protocol.

In this first release is possible to set command to send some additional information over Free Fields.
Empty command disable the overaid of the field (will be send the content of Free field in DB), the commands
list are:

OFF : Send 30 space characters.

ANALISYS_TIME : Send execution time of analysis (example ‘11:55’)

NR_CAPILLARY :Send position of tube in rack (example ‘1’)

DO_MAX :Send D.O max value (example ‘0.237’)

INSTRUMENT_SN :Send Serial Number of Capillarys (example ‘768’)

NFLAGRAPP1 :Send normal flags for Rapport1 (A/G), valid parameters are
‘LowFalg,NormalFlag,HighFlag’ for example: ‘+,=,-‘

NFLAGRAPP2 :Send normal flags for Rapport1 (A/G), valid parameters are
LowFalg,NormalFlag,HighFlag’ for example: ‘+,=,-‘

NFLAGPT :Send normal flags for Concentration value (TP), valid parameters are
‘NormalFlag,HighFlag’ for example: <,=,>

NFLAG# :Send normal flags for fraction in concentration, valid parameters are
‘Name Of Fraction,LowFlag,NormalFlag,HighFlag’ for example ‘Albumin,L,N,H’

NFLAG% :Send normal flags for fraction in concentration, valid parameters are
‘Name Of Fraction,LowFlag,NormalFlag,HighFlag’ for example ‘Albumin,L,N,H’

HB_FLAG :Send the Type of Pathological Profile for the HbA1c test.

EXTRAFIELD :Extract value of specific tag from 'Extrafield' in record DB, the parameter is the name of
the tag, for example 'OriginalBarcodeRack'

TEXT :Send a fix text configured in the parameter for example 'TX'

WINUSER :Send the actual user name in MSWindows.

OS-ENVIRON :Send specific enviroment variable of MSWindows, the parameter is the name of the
enviroment variable for example 'COMPUTERNAME'.

Remember that length of this fields in protocol are 30 chars.

(Active from Rel. 5.6.1 of Host Module)

Host Module can export data of Hb Neonatal but this analisys have some specific flag/data:

 Segment Barcode
 Punch Date
 Sample Data
 Hb Pattern
 Interpretation of ratio.

This could be send using Additional field transmission. In the configuration windows you could set this as in
the picture:

This commads could to send a specific Field of the table ‘ANAGRAFICA’ in the database. For example
#ANAGRAFICA;SAMPLE_INFO is the field ‘Sample_Info’ of the table ‘Anagrafica’ that store the ‘sample
Data’ column in the worklist.

201130112036960 Patient Test 2 11012013F000

1834 TS 2602201303Denatured
Hb A Hb F
0000000000000000Denatured Hb A Hb F
000.3013.5031.0000.000000000000000000000100.4400.00Punch - 2
00**S0109097 26/02/2013 Routine 861b22 FA 2;-1;3

WARNING: Interpretation of Ratio (HBINFO field) actually are send in coded format.


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