Econometrics Note Gujarati Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Nonlinear Regression Models

Models that are linear in the parameters and/or models that can be transformed so
that they are linear in the parameters is called Linear Models. On occasions,
however, for theoretical or empirical reasons we have to consider models that are
nonlinear in the parameters. In this chapter we take a look at such models and study
their special features.
14.1 Intrinsically Linear and Intrinsically Nonlinear Regression Models

Linear Regression:
Here, a model that is linear in the parameters as well as the variables is a linear
regression model and so is a model that is linear in the parameters but nonlinear in
the variables.
Non-linear Regression:
On the other hand, if a model is nonlinear in the parameters it is a nonlinear (in-the-
parameter) regression model whether the variables of such a model are linear or not.
Intrinsically Linear Regression:
However, one has to be careful here, for some models look nonlinear in the
parameters but are inherently or intrinsically linear because with suitable
transformation they can be made linear-in-the-parameter regression models.
Intrinsically Non-Linear Regression:
But if such models cannot be linearized in the parameters, they are called
intrinsically nonlinear regression models. (NLRM)
Examples of LRM and NLRM:

In Exercise 2.6, Models a, b, c, and e are linear regression models because they are
all linear in the parameters. Model d is a mixed bag, for β2 is linear but not ln β1. But
if we let α = ln β1, then this model is linear in α and β2.
In Exercise 2.7, Models d and e are intrinsically nonlinear because there is no simple
way to linearize them. Model c is obviously a linear regression model.
Taking the logarithms on both sides of a, we obtain lnY i = β1 + β2Xi + ui, which is
linear in the parameters. Hence Model a is intrinsically a linear regression model.
Model b is an example of the logistic (probability) distribution function. On the
surface, it seems that this is a nonlinear regression model. But a simple mathematical
trick will render it a linear regression model, namely,
Ln (1 – Yi / Yi) = β1 + β2 Xi + ui ………………………….. (14.1.1)
Therefore, Model b is intrinsically linear.
Cobb–Douglas (C–D) production function
We will see three types of C-D function whether they are linear or non-linear.

CES Production Function

14.2 Estimation of Linear and Nonlinear Regression Models
To see the difference in estimating linear and nonlinear regression models, consider
the following two models:

By now you know that Eq. (14.2.1) is a linear regression model, whereas Eq. (14.2.2)
is a nonlinear regression model. Regression (14.2.2) is known as the exponential
regression model and is often used to measure the growth of a variable, such as
population, GDP, or money supply. Suppose we consider estimating the parameters
of the two models by ordinary least squares (OLS). In OLS we minimize the residual
sum of squares (RSS), which for model (14.2.1) is:

̂1 and β
where as usual β ̂2 are the OLS estimators of the true β’s. Differentiating the
preceding expression with respect to the two unknowns, we obtain the normal
equations shown in Eqs. (3.1.4) and (3.1.5).

Solving these equations simultaneously, we obtain the OLS estimators given in Eqs.
(3.1.6) and (3.1.7).
Observe very carefully that in these equations the unknowns (β’s) are on the left-
hand side and the knowns (X and Y) are on the right-hand side. As a result we get
explicit solutions of the two unknowns in terms of our data.
Now see what happens if we try to minimize the RSS of Eq. (14.2.2).

The normal equations corresponding to Eqs. (3.1.4) and (3.1.5) are as follows:

Unlike the normal equations in the case of the linear regression model, the normal
equations for nonlinear regression have the unknowns (the βˆ’s) both on the left- and
right-hand sides of the equations. As a consequence, we cannot obtain explicit
solutions of the unknowns in terms of the known quantities.
To put it differently, the unknowns are expressed in terms of themselves and the
data! Therefore, although we can apply the method of least squares to estimate the
parameters of the nonlinear regression models, we cannot obtain explicit solutions
of the unknowns. Incidentally, OLS applied to a nonlinear regression model is called
nonlinear least squares (NLLS).

Estimating Nonlinear Regression Models: The Trial-and-Error Method

The data in Table 14.1 relates to the management fees that a leading mutual fund in
the United States pays to its investment advisors to manage its assets. The fees paid
depend on the net asset value of the fund. As you can see, the higher the net asset
value of the fund, the lower are the advisory fees, which can be seen clearly from
Figure 14.1.

To see how the exponential regression model in Eq. (14.2.2) fits the data given in
Table 14.1, we can proceed by trial and error. Suppose we assume that initially β1 =
0.45 and β2 = 0.01. These are pure guesses, sometimes based on prior experience or
prior empirical work or obtained by just fitting a linear regression model even though
it may not be appropriate.
Since we know the values of β1 and β2, we can write Eq. (14.2.2) as:

Since Y, X, β1, and β2 are known, we can easily find the error sum of squares in Eq.
Now, we have to ensure that this error term is lowest. This will happen if the
estimated Y values from the model are as close as possible to the actual Y values.
With the given values, we obtain = 0.3044.
But how do we know that this is the least possible error sum of squares that we can
What happens if you choose another value for β1 and β2, say, 0.50 and −0.01,
Repeating the procedure just laid down, we find that we now obtain = 0.0073.
Obviously, this error sum of squares is much smaller than the one obtained before,
namely, 0.3044. But how do we know that we have reached the lowest possible error
sum of squares, if by choosing yet another set of values for the β’s, we will obtain
yet another error sum of squares?
Such a trial-and-error, or iterative, process can be easily implemented. And if one
has infinite time and infinite patience, the trial-and-error process may ultimately
produce values of β1 and β2 that may guarantee the lowest possible error sum of
squares. But you might ask, how did we go from (β1 = 0.45; β2 = 0.01) to (β1 =
0.50; β2 = −0.01)? Clearly, we need some kind of algorithm that will tell us how we
go from one set of values of the unknowns to another set before we stop. Fortunately
such algorithms are available.
14.4 Approaches to Estimating Nonlinear Regression Models
There are several approaches, or algorithms, to NLRMs: (1) direct search or trial and
error, (2) direct optimization, and (3) iterative linearization.
Direct Search or Trial-and-Error or Derivative-Free Method
In the previous section we showed how this method works. Although intuitively
appealing because it does not require the use of calculus methods as the other
methods do, this method is generally not used. First, if an NLRM involves several
parameters, the method becomes very cumbersome and computationally expensive.
For example, if an NLRM involves 5 parameters and 25 alternative values for each
parameter are considered, you will have to compute the error sum of squares (25)5
= 9,765,625 times! Second, there is no guarantee that the final set of parameter
values you have selected will necessarily give you the absolute minimum error sum
of squares. In the language of calculus, you may obtain a local and not an absolute
minimum. In fact, no method guarantees a global minimum.
Direct Optimization In direct optimization
We differentiate the error sum of squares with respect to each unknown coefficient,
or parameter, set the resulting equation to zero, and solve the resulting normal
equations simultaneously. We have already seen this in Eqs. (14.2.4) and (14.2.5).
But as you can see from these equations, they cannot be solved explicitly or
analytically. Some iterative routine is therefore called for. One routine is called the
method of steepest descent.
Like the method of trial and error, the method of steepest descent also involves
selecting initial trial values of the unknown parameters but then it proceeds more
systematically than the hit-or-miss or trial-and-error method. One disadvantage of
this method is that it may converge to the final values of the parameters extremely
Iterative Linearization Method
In this method we linearize a nonlinear equation around some initial values of the
parameters. The linearized equation is then estimated by OLS and the initially
chosen values are adjusted. These adjusted values are used to relinearize the model,
and again we estimate it by OLS and readjust the estimated values. This process is
continued until there is no substantial change in the estimated values from the last
couple of iterations. The main technique used in linearizing a nonlinear equation is
the Taylor series expansion from calculus.
Estimating NLRM using Taylor series expansion is systematized in two algorithms,
known as the Gauss–Newton iterative method and the Newton–Raphson iterative

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