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Human Resource

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Rechelle Guiron

The subject of this analysis is the human resource process of employees organization

of Mayorga, Leyte municipality the objective of the analysis is to in-depth understood

the principle of human resource as well the operational function and procedures on

government agencies specifically the employees of Mayorga Leyte in accordance with

ideals and standard set by the civil service commission on monitoring employee

performance and management. The study not only focuses on the procedure on the

local of Mayorga but as well as whole ideals of Human resource process of Civil Service

Commission it also discuss the researcher think are important programs, policy and

strategy on Human resource development that I thinks is very useful and important on

understanding the process of human resource.

Human resource

We know how important the human resource is on our government function to further

understand the process we define what human resource is first, human Resources is

the organizational function that deals with the people and issues related to people such

as compensation and benefits, recruiting and hiring employees, onboarding

employees, performance management, training, organization development and culture,

and advising senior staff about the impact on people of their financial, planning, and

performance decisions on the people in the organization. The human resource also is

the one responsible to set standards on the qualification on the employees based on the

needs and functions that they will be taking place. Being part of the government
organization is a huge a responsibility and involves decision making which makes

human resource in the government organization more important due to the nature and

scope of the responsibility unlike private company and business.

According to the municipal budgeting officer of Mayorga, Leyte the human resource

process that they are adopting is the same policy that other local Government Unit are

following. The Civil Service Commissions memo circular, besides this they can also

send request of additional benefits for their employee through their employees

association through CNA – Collective Negotiating Agreement though this still would

need to go through deliberation among the members and then this will go through the

mayor’s office though this negotiation is still subject to change and availability. They

also provides project that will provide health benefits on local employees.


As a private employee the existence of Civil Service Commissions was not relevant and

somewhat not important to me but fortunately the study allows me to understand the

function and the importance of the commission to our society most importantly on the

function of the government sector.

Civil Service Commission is a constitutional institution that was established by the

Philippine Government with primary responsibility over the civil service. Its tasked is to

monitor and overseeing the integrity of the government actions and processes. This

commission was founded back in September 19, 1900

This details below shows the general function according to the Civil Service

Commission website
CSC Resolution No. 1700653 – 2017 the Omnibus Rules on Appointment and

Other HR Actions

Civil service on the implementation of the current procedures and qualification of

individual that wants to apply for government according to CSC Resolution No.

1700653 – 2017 the Omnibus Rules on Appointment and Other HR Actions which

promulgated them the preparation and submission of and actions to be taken on

appointments and other human resource movements in the government.

This requires both local municipalities and others government agencies to submit

vacant position to civil service commission so that they will be the one to set up rules of

employment which includes setting up the standard requirement as well as job posting

of the set position to the public, one of the ways that we can view position availability

through the civil service commission website you will be able to see mandatory requires

for education, trainings and experience , they also provides specific data and

information regarding salary and others . Though recommendation from municipal

Mayor and superior are highly consider on the application of individuals for positions

they should still at least reach the minimum required as standard set by the civil service

commission on the position. Unlike in the city employee positions, the municipality

doesn’t have large numbers of employee especially on health due to limited numbers of

available and qualified medical professional available on far away provinces and local

municipality usually request medical assistance and staff from either their regional

Health Department like example Doctors, Dentist and nurses, it was also explained that

medical professionals like them usually takes visit schedule on certain community or

municipality. Depending on the location as well as the population sometimes they do

offer one doctor and assigned 2 nurses on certain municipality just like on Mayorga,

Leyte. Application and acceptance of Local government employees are also allowed to

accept local internal application but they as well follow the same guidelines that the civil

service commission had set and should have passed the Civil Service Commission

Examination or any licensure requirement to be part of the government body.

Competency-Based Learning and Development Program

One of the programs that was available on the civil service commission is their The

CSC aims to integrate competencies in human resource systems of government

agencies, not only in recruitment but also in training and employee development. The

Competency-Based Learning and Development Program (CBLDP) directly addresses

the problem of competency gaps. It operates under the competency-based L&D

framework, an approach that uses competencies as the standards against which

employee development needs are assessed and priorities are set against the need of

the organization. CBLDP utilizes competencies as the foundation for designing targeted

programs with learning outcomes that directly link to the competency requirements.

The trainings that are given to employees are focused on their needs. L&D opportunities

include formal classroom training, on-the-job training, self-development, and

development activities and interventions. It also corresponds to evolution of the Human

Resource maturity levels of government agencies by upgrading the competency of the

individuals. L&D interventions mold high-performing individuals who, in turn, make up

high-performing organizations. This program is somewhat not always available on all

government agencies but this is highly recommended and is part of the basic guidelines

provided by the Civil Service Commissions on all government Agencies for their

employee development.

Competency-Based Recruitment and Qualifications Standards

The CSC aims to integrate competencies in human resource systems of government

agencies, starting with recruitment. The Competency-Based Recruitment and

Qualifications Standards (CBRQS) was created. With this program, the Civil Service

commission will be able to provide standard procedure and test that will help ensure

that government will be able to select and choose the most competent and reliable

employees for the job. According to the civil service commission a competency is often

defined as a set of observable, measurable, and vital skills, knowledge, and attitudes

that are translations of capabilities deemed essential for organizational success.

 The civil service commission has set up a strategic performance management system

that allow human resource on government agency to continuously monitor performance

and reform programs to keeps employees in check on providing service to its people

according to the civil service commission The Strategic Performance Management

System (SPMS) is a mechanism that links employee performance with organizational

performance to enhance the performance orientation of the compensation system. It

ensures that the employee achieves the objectives set by the organization and achieves

the objectives that it has set as its strategic plan. This data was gathered through

training manual that was set and distributed to all Local Government Unit and Human

Resource the basic goal of the Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS) is

to improve performance of government employee at

The SPMS Objectives are: (a) to concretize the linkage of organizational performance

with the Philippine Development Plan, Agency Strategic Plan, and Organizational

Performance Indicator Framework OPIF; (b) to ensure organizational and individual

effectiveness by cascading institutional accountabilities to the various levels of the

organization; and (c) to link performance management with other Human Resource

The Strategic Performance Management System has the following basic elements

that’s is used as a guidelines on goals that’s humans resource aim to fulfill

a. Goals that are aligned to agency mandate and organizational priorities

b. System that is outputs/outcomes-oriented

c. A team approach to performance management 

d. Forms that are user-friendly and shows alignment of individual and organizational


e. Information systems that support monitoring and evaluation

f. A Communication plan

More importantly, the Strategic Performance Management System complements the

Results-Based Performance Management System that is implemented by the Office of

the President and that links organizational performance to societal goals. It is also

linked to the Performance-Based Incentive System (PBIS) that consists of the

Productivity Enhancement Incentive (PEI) and the Performance-Based Bonus (PBB)

that employees will be able to receive after the human resource evaluation as long as

they can meet the standard performance requirements. Thus giving the employee who

shows remarkable opportunity to be rewarded for the service they provide to the

society. This is just one of the example that human resource programs that civil service

commission enacted for the benefits of the employee government and satisfaction.

The Strategic Performance Management System Process *SPMS

The SPMS follows a four-stage cycle, consisting of the following:

1. Performance planning and commitment

during this stage, success indicators are determined. Success indicators are

performance level yardsticks consisting of performance measures and performance

targets. These shall serve as bases in the office’s and individual employee’s preparation

of their performance contract and rating form.

2. Performance monitoring and coaching

the performance of the office and every individual shall be regularly monitored at

various levels. Monitoring and evaluation mechanisms ensure that timely and

appropriate steps can be taken to keep a program on track, and that its objectives or

goals are met in the most effective manner.

Managers and supervisors act as coaches and mentors to provide an enabling

environment/intervention to improve team performance, and to manage and develop

individual potentials.

3. Performance review and evaluation

This phase aims to assess both office’s and individual employee’s performance level

based on performance targets and measures as approved in the office and individual

performance commitment contracts.

Part of the individual employee’s evaluation is the competency assessment vis-à-vis the

competency requirements of the job. The assessment shall focus on the strengths,

competency-related performance gaps and the opportunities to address these gaps,

career paths, and alternatives.

4. Performance rewarding and development planning

The results of the performance evaluation/assessment shall serve as inputs for the

agency’s HR Plan, which includes identification and provision of developmental

interventions, and conferment of rewards and incentives

Global HR trends reveal that organizations are shifting to performance pay in their pay

reform agenda. Researchers note that traditional HR does not really give importance to

performance as basis for pay or allowance increase. Pay has also rarely been used to

motivate productivity. Now, more and more organizations in Asian countries are looking

at pay increase and giving of incentives as a means to boost their competitiveness in

terms of employment. Singapore, in particular, reaped the benefits of shifting to a high

wage economy in order to build a highly motivated workforce.


In the Philippines from the Civil Service Commission, the Human Resource

Management Officers (HRMOs), the Local Chief Executive (LCE), the Presiding Officer,

to the Sanggunian, set different roles and responsibilities in order to disaggregate and
distribute functions and decentralize managerial process in order to improve quality and

performance outcomes. As a service provider sector the government goal is to improve

the standard performance and provide quality service to everyone. They also planned to

increase the level of customer satisfaction to the citizen. I believe that this goal is

possible if the government will be able to adapt the new public human resources which

focus on delivering satisfactions not only its customers but basically to employee. Our

cultures always focus on product and hierarchy structure something that is quite hard to

change on our current human resource environment however new studies and

application of the new human resource has proved to be effective on different countries

such as United States , European country and even Singapore. Out of all the different

human resource theory and system I think this one will be the most suitable to our

country due to the fact that this will help government employee stay out of any

corruption we know that the current reason most employee do corruption is due to low

salary and needs. But with New Human resource management it will provide a

standardize and competitive salary to government employee it also focus on

performance incentives these things will improve employee engagement and


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