Gas Analysis Cement 3BDD016597EN Final

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Gas analysis in cement industry

Continuous monitoring to optimize

productivity, safety and sustainability
Expertise in process & emission monitoring
Gas analyzer systems at a glance

With 20 years of experience and more than 500 kiln systems

supplied worldwide, ABB is the market leader in cement plants
providing state-of-the-art gas analyzers.
SCK is the system designed for the sampling of hot cement The ACX analyzer system is tailored to the different cement
flue gas at kiln gas exit. In presence of hard encrustations the applications. It ensures effective monitoring on the primary
probe H allows the operator to save significant time for main- and secondary combustion, validates the clinker quality,
tenance due to an exclusive plunger design that mechanically minimizes the fuel costs through optimized combustion control
breaks encrustations without sampling interruption. Thus and support a safe operation.
lowering the maintenance costs while increasing the data
availability and production quality. ACF-NT is the only truly integrated and fully certified CEM
system offering high performances, extensive communication
capabilities as well as the longest maintenance interval in the

2 | ABB gas analysis in cement industry

Applications for gas analysis in
cement industry
4 5

4 CO, NOx,
CO, O2
Stack SO2, O2,
CO, (O2) H2O, HCl,

Coal bin
Bag filter

3 CO, O2 Coal mill

Raw meal #1 Electrostatic

Raw mill
Preheater (dust removing)

2 CO, O2 Cooling tower #1

Secondary firing (tyres, waste..) Cooler exhaust
Primary firing
(coal, oil, gas)

Rotary kiln
Cooler Dedusting
CO, NO, O2
(CH4, CO2, SO2) Clinker

Measuring point Application Measuring task Measuring components Analyzers Analyzer system
1 (Process) Kiln gas outlet – Optimization of primary firing CO, O2 , NO, Uras26, Limas11 ACX + SCK
– Lower fuel consumption CO 2, Magnos27, O 2 cell

– Maintain clinker quality CH 4, SO2
2 (Process) Calciner – Optimization of secondary firing CO, O2 Uras26 ACX
– Lower fuel consumption Magnos27, O 2 cell ACX + SCK
3 (Safety) Preheater – Prevention of explosion in ESP CO, O 2 Uras26 ACX

– Control of false air in preheater Magnos27, O 2 cell
4.1 (Safety) Coal bin – Prevention of smoldering CO, (O 2) Uras26 ACX

(Monitor of air entrance) (Magnos27, O 2 cell)
4.2 (Safety) Coal mill – Prevention of smoldering CO, O 2 Uras26 ACX

– Monitor of air entrance Magnos27, O 2 cell
5.1 (Emission) Emission – Emission monitoring CO, O 2 Uras26 ACX
Magnos206, O 2 cell

5.2 (Emission) Emission – Emission monitoring CO, NOx, SO 2, FT-IR ACF-NT
O 2, CO2 MultiFID14
HCl, TOC, HF ZrO 2 Sensor

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Advance Optima and EasyLine
The state of the art of continuous
gas analyzers
The modular gas analyzers Advance EasyLine is both a powerful and
Optima combine advanced technologies affordable series of instruments for
with more than 75 years of experience in the monitoring of gas concentrations
process and environmental gas analysis. in numerous applications. EasyLine
They are the innovative solution for the is based on the proven and reliable
demands of today and the challenges analyzer technology of ABB for
of tomorrow. The Advance Optima series extractive continuous gas analysis.
can be used in almost every form of
EasyLine key features
production and has proven itself in the − − Automatic calibration and proven calibration cuvettes
toughest processing environments. to save time and money for maintenance
− − The efficient alternative
Advance Optima key features − − Combine two analyzers in one enclosure for an excellent
−− Automatic calibration and proven calibration cuvettes price-performance ratio
to save time and money for maintenance − − Up to 5 measuring components in one unit
− − Top performances with unrivalled economy − − Ex versions available
− − Up to 4 fully combinable analyzer modules − − Easy connection for data acquisition
−− Up to 6 measuring components − − Analog outputs, digital I/O, Modbus, PROFIBUS
−− Ex versions available − − Easy to operate, Asian languages available
−− In-built PLC functionality with function block programming − − Internal quality control and reporting
− − Multi-analyzer systems
−− Simple, user-friendly operation
− − Unlimited communications – information anywhere
− − Analog I/O, digital I/O
−− Modbus, PROFIBUS, Ethernet (OPC)
−− Remote control and asset management software

4 | ABB gas analysis in cement industry

ACX – for continuous gas analysis
Standard system for process
control, safety and emission monitoring
ACX is a complete system solution for ACX offers
continuous gas analysis including every- − − Up to six measuring components, up to four analyzers and
the appropriate gas sampling and sample conditioning
thing from probe, sample lines, sample −− Compact and innovative standardized design: available
conditioning to reliable and certified in sheet steel or glass fiber cabinet, or mounting plate with
analyzers of the Advance Optima series. separate control unit and electrical distribution
− − Convenient and easy external operation
It can be operated from the outside. −− Process industry interfaces: Modbus, Profibus or Ethernet
The system is available in various variants for networking with PC, connection to PLC and process
tailored to your measuring tasks and it control system or integration in Windows application
− − Self diagnosis functions for easy service and maintenance:
is especially designed for easy service integrated and comprehensive self-control functions,
and maintenance. worldwide access for remote service, optional Analyze
IT Explorer software for monitoring and maintenance via
ACX benefits Ethernet
Reliability −− Certified analyzers with proven measuring technology:
− − Certification according European and International infrared/UV photometer, paramagnetic oxygen analyzer,
legislation electrochemical oxygen sensor, FID analyzer
− − Wide range of proven analyzers combined with worldwide
support for engineering and certified service Typical equipment in combination with ACX
Coal mill and coal bin
Profitability −− Probe tube 40
− − Saving time and money with automatic calibration through − − Filter unit PFE3
built-in calibration cell without gas bottles − − Back-purging unit
− − Cost reduction for routine maintenance through self
diag-nosis and remote control Wet kiln
− − Probe 40W
Flexibility −− Filter unit FE2
− − Modular system available in different variants to serve − − Back-purging unit
most gas analysis applications
− − Easy integration in customer network through a wide Preheater gas exit
variety of process interfaces and connectivity option −− Probe tube F
− − Fast configuration of sampling and conditioning

Kiln outlet
− − In combination with SCK system
- Probe tube 60S
- Probe tube H

Calciner gas exit

−− Probe 2
− − Filter unit FE2
−− Back-purging unit

Emission monitoring
−− Probe tube 40
− − Filter unit PFE2/PFE3

ABB gas analysis in cement industry | 5

SCK – the gas sampling system
for cement kiln and calciner
Safety and reliability at work
The SCK sampling system comprises the following
− − Probe retractor with pneumatic motor and chain-driven
water-cooled probe type 60S or type H
− − Cooling unit with speed-controlled heat exchanger and
cooling water circulation pump
−− Control unit with industrial controller including color
touch panel

SCK benefits
−− Experience gained by above 500 installations
− − Easy installation – delivered as three premounted and tes-
ted functional units
−− Easy connection to ACX or third party analyzer system
− − Pneumatically driven retractor for safe sampling
SCK is the ABB solution designed for - Automatically driven oven flap for your safety
the sampling of hot cement flue gas with - Automatic cyclic cleaning of probe and filter
− − The only manufacturer offering two different types of
a high dust load for gas analysis in rough water-cooled probes
and hard environmental conditions. − − All under control – user-friendly operation, diagnosis and
- Touch panel operation with trend display and
configurable alarm limits
- Predictive maintenance at your fingertips
- Remote access

Probe retractor

Cooling unit

Control unit

6 | ABB gas analysis in cement industry

Probe 60S and probe H
for kiln flue gas sampling
It’s expensive, not to have them
ABB is the only supplier on the market The advantages
that offer two different water-cooled The key advantages related to this special design are that the
plunger automatic movement set the tip of the probe free of
probes. Probe 60S has an optimized encrustations while continuing sampling the gas and measuring.
design of sampling openings to minimize That means:
clogging and dirtiness of filters. Probe H − − Without extraction of the probe
− − Without loss of valid data
with its unique plunger design is preferred −− Without maintenance efforts
where extremely hard encrustations are
to be expected. The higher availability The consequences are that the plant’s profitability is consider-
ably increased due to the combinations of two factors:
improves product quality and increases −− In best cases more than 95% data availability can be
the plant profitability. achieved with probe H design
− − Payback period of probe H is typically less than four
The challenge and the solution months.
Typically strong encrustations require cleaning manually
the probe on a regular basis. That results in:
− − Interruption of valid measuring values
− − Effort for maintenance work

The right solution in these cases is the probe H. It has an

exclusive design with a built-in plunger which automatically
and mechanically breaks the extreme hard encrustations at
the tip of the probe.

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ACX Fast
The unique tailored solution for safety
measurement on the ESP
ACX Fast is the specially designed ACX Why is it so important to sample at the top of preheater?
system for the CO monitoring before The CO concentration at the top of the preheater is the same
as the concentration entering the ESP. This allows the gas
the electrostatic precipitator (ESP) analysis an additional measuring time before the process gas
in a cement plant. With a very short reaches the ESP.
response time it allows a safe burning
Why not sample directly in front of the ESP?
process control, fewer shutdowns of the The high process gas velocity (around 12 m/s) requires a
ESP and lower environmental impact. sampling point up-stream of the ESP, otherwise the high CO
concentration reaches the ESP before the gas analysis has
When does it get dangerous in an ESP? taken place. Even with a short T90 time (2-3 s) a gas sampling
Dust particles get loaded in the electric field of the ESP and directly in front of the ESP is therefore not appropriate. In
separated. ESP acts as a source of ignition at high CO levels. order to achieve a very short response time for the complete
In practice, explosions may occur when CO is in the range of system, ABB has developed the ACX Fast extractive gas
8-12 Vol% and O2 > 6 Vol%. analysis system.

Where is the best sampling point? System performances and advantages

− − The gas analysis must be done before the process gas − − System T90 time for CO is less than 10 s
has reached the ESP. − − CO trigger level could be set higher
− − The ultimate gas sampling point for the ESP is at the top − − Sampling interruption only due to automatic back
of the preheater tower (preheater gas exit). purge and weekly calibration
− − With the dual switching configuration there are no
sampling interruptions during automatic back purge

T90 system time for CO


Probe type F Sample gas line L = 10 m SCC-C Fast SCC-F Fast Analyzer
250 l/h 250 l/h 250 l/h 250 l/h 100 l/h

2s 2s 2s 1s 2s

T90 system time for CO – approx. 9 seconds

8 | ABB gas analysis in cement industry

The turnkey multi-component fully
certified CEMS
ACF-NT is a reliable analyzer system ACF-NT benefits
to accurately monitor the composition Reliability
− − More than 20 years experience with FTIR spectrometers
of exhaust gases. in gas analysis and more than 1200 installation worldwide
− A turnkey CEM system with trouble −− Fully certified according European and International
free operation right from the start legislations
−− Worldwide support through certified service engineers
− Easy to operate and maintain
− Worldwide supported through a Profitability
reliable partner −− Best maintenance interval on the market and system
availability of 99%
−− Maintenance-free sample transportation through aspirator
ACF-NT offers pump
− − Measurement of 15 gas components − − Cost reduction for routine maintenance through remote
− − Hot/wet extractive measurement control and diagnosis
− − Powerful FTIR technology
− − Proven FID and ZrO2 sensors to measure the unburned Flexibility
hydrocarbons and the oxygen content − − Ready for operation – only electrical power supply and
− − Completely pre-engineered system with a compact and instrumental air are needed
modular design −− Easy adding of further measuring components –
− − Communication, control and maintenance via fieldbus and no additional hardware
Ethernet/TCP or modem −− Extra gas port to connect other analyzers – no need
for a separate probe
International certifications
− − TÜV certification according to the German and European
requirements, EU Directives 2000/76/EC, 2001/80/EC
and EN14181
− − MCERTS certified in Great Britain
− − Certified in USA according to US EPA and ASTM
− − Certified in Canada according to CAN/CSA and UL Std.

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10 | ABB gas analysis in cement industry
The Added Value
What you can expect from
a market leader

As one of the world’s leading suppliers of analyzer technology,

we offer our customers additional benefits and services other
manufacturers can not provide. With the added values ABB
Analytical helps to improve performance and reliability at work.

Best choice of analyzers tailored to your needs Unique time and cost saving calibration concepts
We offer the broadest selection of measuring principles under ABB has 30 years of unrivalled experience in producing
one roof. All types of analyzers share a common operation to gas-filled calibration cells, allowing internal calibration without
reduce the need for training and spare parts. test gas cylinders for photometers. Single-point calibration
with ambient air as the standard gas is also possible.
Certified sales and service partners wherever you are
Our “Manufacturer Certified Service” program involves more Unrivalled options for connectivity
than 300 service specialists with many years of experience ABB gas analyzers and systems excel in Ethernet network
and comprehensive know-how working for our clients on-site abilities and Modbus or PROFIBUS interfaces. This enables
worldwide. Our engineers are your professional partners the analyzer data to be easily read, archived and visualized on
dedicated to finding the best solutions for your measuring a PC, PLC or process control system.
tasks. They regularly undergo manufacturer training and
certification. Assured quality through independent certification
ABB provides all major international certificates for CEMS,
Long-term security in your investment hazardous area installations, metrological approvals, electrical
Our comprehensive and transparent life cycle plan for each safety and quality and environmental management.
of our products covers the service of spare parts and service
support for their entire lifetime. Our products are extendable
with upgrade programs keeping them technologically up-to-
date at all times.

Most powerful software solutions

Full remote control and maintenance access to the system
inside a protected network and quality monitoring (QAL3) are
available for ABB analyzers. Integrated controllers with PLC
functionality provide monitoring while controlling the measure-
ment from sample taking right up to analysis.

ABB gas analysis in cement industry | 11

Contact us

ABB Automation GmbH ABB Engineering Ltd. Note:

3BDD016597-EN 07.2011
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