Generational Differences in Education.
Generational Differences in Education.
Generational Differences in Education.
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Technology has advanced dramatically in recent years, which has had several
consequences. The use of phones, laptops, and tablets has provided users with numerous
opportunities because it has enabled global communication and easy information acquisition.
Furthermore, it has been beneficial in education because it has enabled students to access various
educational materials online with just a touch of the screen. Several people in society have
adopted the use of various technological devices over the years, and the more the devices evolve,
the more people use them. The use of these technological devices, however, has had a negative
impact on society. Phones, for example, have made it easier for students to cheat during exams
because they can be hidden in their pockets. Furthermore, tablets, laptops, and phones have
resulted in cyberbullying, which has emotionally affected most students. Following the
coronavirus pandemic, technology has enabled various services without the need for face-to-face
interaction. Most educational institutions have adopted e-learning, which has been made possible
using phones, laptops, tablets, and iPhones. Furthermore, various companies have been holding
online meetings using platforms such as Zoom, which has allowed them to continue operations
Several mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, have been sold on the market
since 2010 because of various advantages. These mobile devices have advanced to the point
where they can perform multiple functions, much like laptop computers. As a result, the use of
phones, iPhones, and tablets has skyrocketed compared to laptops. According to the ITU, most
people in developing countries access the internet through mobile devices, and there were more
than 6 billion mobile users worldwide by the end of 2011. Furthermore, according to Leblois,
most developing countries are adopting mobile phones while ignoring laptop computers and
personal computer phases. This adoption is because mobile devices are less expensive than
computers and can perform almost all of the same functions as computers. Furthermore, mobile
devices have been designed to be easier to use than more detailed computers, promoting their use
among many populations. As a result of their high demand, more manufacturing industries
incorporate new mobile devices for competitive purposes, thereby promoting their evolution.
Alan Turing developed a software theory in 1935, paving the way for the introduction of
computer science and software engineering. In the late 1940s, the first generation of software had
instructions written in binary code. During those years, if a person wanted to buy software, he or
she also had to buy hardware, which is no longer the case. After a while, programming languages
evolved due to various research and attempted to broaden the scope of the software. Various
software has been developed that has positively impacted the education sector, particularly
during the coronavirus pandemic. Internet browsers such as Google and Chrome have enabled
students to conduct their research online by providing various information posted by scholars. In
addition, Google has provided a platform for online classes, reducing the risk of coronavirus
transmission among students and lecturers. As a result, these browsers have been extremely
Similarly, mobile apps for operating systems such as Android, Windows, and IOS have
enabled various online learning platforms. Android phones allow the installation of various apps
that students can use to study and attend classes online. Furthermore, photo and graphic
programs that were not available in previous years have promoted learning among engineering
students. The programs enable students to design their projects and draw graphs on computers,
which is more efficient than drawing on paper. Furthermore, the introduction of email software
has improved communication between students and their institutions while reducing resource
waste such as paper, ink, and time. Students used to type their assignments, print them, and
submit them physically, but thanks to advances in software technology, they can now submit
them in softcopy form via email. Furthermore, due to the advanced features in the software, the
introduction of word processor software has enabled students to type their assignments and edit
them as desired. Therefore, the evolution of the software system has had many positive effects
The hardware system has evolved in an attempt to improve the effectiveness and
efficiency of computer technology. Previously, if one wanted to carry some information with
him or her, they had to print it and carry it on paper. However, as computer technology has
advanced, flash disks that can store many data and are easily portable have been developed. This
computer technology is significant because students can store their softcopy notes on flash disks
and access them whenever they want. However, this has had a negative impact because some
students can access and copy assignments stored there, resulting in plagiarism.
In 1982, John Ellenby and his company Grid Systems released the first portable laptop,
which evolved into the current laptop. Various aspects of laptops have been improved, such as
random-access memory (RAM), allowing laptops to process data at high speed to provide
information. The first memory boards that were created could only be used with their respective
systems. As more research was conducted, memory chips with built-in error-checking capability
were developed, employing a method known as parity. According to Jain and others, this method
could only detect errors rather than correct them. As a result, laptops with non-parity memory
chips, which are still in use today, were developed to address errors. They've been useful in
education because mistakes made by students can be detected and corrected by the system.
Similarly, RAM's ability to process data at high speed has made learning more effective because
students no longer have to wait for their data to be processed for long periods.
Society has also depended on technology for various reasons to enhance their daily
activities instead of traditional carrying out duties. For instance, mobile phones have made it
easier for the members of society to communicate with their family members in different
regions, thus reducing the distance. Likewise, communication technologies and computers have
promoted the marketing of products on the internet, providing a 24-hour platform for consumers
to check for the newly available offers. In the same sight, the use of communication technologies
has helped reduce production and distribution costs since they have eliminated the use of
intermediaries who are paid to link the buyers and the sellers.
products can be ordered quickly by the use of computer networks and mobile phones and
delivered by transport companies who carry out their activities based on computer technologies.
Closely, non-tangible products such as software can also be transported electronically hence
doing away with the whole transport channel. In the same light, payments can also be made
electronically using new websites such as PayPal, reducing customers’ expenses and maximizing
globally, therefore, creating new markets and reaching a wider range of people. Accordingly, this
has allowed manufacturers to create innovative adverts to persuade the buyers who visit the
online shopping sites regularly. Consequently, the internet is helping in shaping the market
sector by eliminating the barriers that prevent people from accessing foreign markets.
Nevertheless, language barriers, differences in product costs, transport costs are some of the
Computers and information technologies have also helped in the provision of jobs for
society members at large. For instance, online shops such as Amazon that depend on the internet
to provide their services have employed society members skilled in communication technologies.
Similarly, computers such as laptops have helped save space in the offices since some employees
can carry out their duties from home by using the laptops. Correspondingly, the computers have
positively contributed to the employees work satisfaction since they can choose where to to
work, either at the office or from home. Members of the society have also benefited from the
internet since they can follow the trending news on Chrome, thereby keeping them updated. As a
result, society can take timely precautions in case of a disease such as COVID-19.
coronavirus. Also, the disease has affected many counties due to its ways of spreading among
individuals of all ages. As a result, the government ordered the closure of all learning places to
curb the spread of the disease. Therefore, learning institutions were forced to change from the
conventional method of learning to online learning. The change was to enable the learners to
continue with their curriculum despite the pandemic. Consequently, the new learning mode
involved using Google classrooms where teachers can project notes for the students to follow as
they listen to the teachers and take notes. Besides, e-learning has enabled students who study in
foreign countries to attend classes remotely since laws were enforced to cease modes of
travelling, which could encourage gatherings. Thus, the students could not travel to attend face-
to-face learning in their respective schools. Similarly, the teachers can issue class assignments
via the students’ emails and on the school’s websites for the learners to do.
On the same note, phones to attend online classes have made it reliable for the learners to
attend the classes regardless of their location during the pandemic. The learners can access
Google classrooms on their phones at any point since most students move around with their
phones while at home. Consequently, COVID-19 has restricted the learners to fully depend on
the online mode of learning since its effects continue increasing throughout the years from the
time it was discovered, affecting students' gatherings at school. Moreover, students’ participation
in the units that required presentations was facilitated by using tablets and laptops on Google
classroom and zoom, making it easy for the teachers to issue grades.
In my view, the application of online learning mode in many schools has helped make
students' learning process continuous despite the pandemic. For instance, the use of Google
classroom has enabled many students to gather information from their teachers regardless of
their places of stay or environments, making the learning process flexible. Also, e-learning has
enabled to solve congestions in schools that were overcrowded since the sites used for online
learning, such as Google classroom, can accommodate a bigger number of students than the
normal physical classrooms. Furthermore, the use of Google Classroom has helped the students
interact with their teachers despite the distance between them; therefore, the students could ask
questions and get instructions concerning the units. Similarly, Google classroom is cost-effective
since the learners do not have to travel longer kilometres to attend physical classes. In parallel, it
has helped solve the scarcity of resources in many schools, for example, inadequate teaching
On the contrary, some students cannot benefit from the online learning mode even though
it shaped the education sector during the COVID-9 pandemic when everything came to a stop.
Kalolo and John depicted that Information Communication Technologies, human resources
development, and telecommunications policies are the major problems facing e-learning in
countries is relatively low due to poor connectivity in the regions. Besides, some students cannot
purchase the internet bundles for accessing online classes since the pandemic came along with
many challenges where many parents lost their jobs. Some students lack access to phones,
laptops, and tablets on the same page, facilitating e-learning. As a result, these students do not
pandemic, it is helpful and disadvantageous to some groups of students and teachers. For
example, online learning does not promote socialization among students and teachers since they
can interact face-to-face with themselves and the teachers. Also, students’ participation in group
works in the classroom, looking at the teachers’ facial expressions, and helping each other in
doing class assignments are key factors for enhancing learning. However, online learning does
not promote such things, making it hard for the learners to adapt to the system. Some teachers
find it difficult to apply the e-learning method of teaching into the bargain since it appears to
have no off hours for working. Some students email the teachers regularly when asking for
few years. For this reason, mobile phones and tablets have improved their operating systems,
enabling them to perform more tasks than before. On the other hand, these devices have allowed
students to attend online classes, especially when COVID-19 spread globally, leading to the
closure of schools. Besides, Google classrooms have enabled most schools to run their classes
online, allowing for continuity of learning regardless of the student’s location. Also, Google
classroom is flexible since students can easily log into online classes at any time. Society has
also benefited from using computers since most members can easily work from home instead of
people in business and other activities. Therefore, the use of phones, tablets, and laptops has
helped in conducting online classes worldwide. On the contrary, students have experienced
challenges in applying the online learning mode since some learners lack access to internet
Works Cited
ITU “Key global telecom indicators for the World Telecommunication Service Sector” [WWW
Statistical highlights_June_2012.pdf
Jain, Shubham, et al. "Computing in memory with spin-transfer torque magnetic RAM." IEEE
Kalolo, John Fungulupembe. "Digital revolution and its impact on education systems in
Leblois, A., “In focus: Mobiles as Assistive Technologies” [WWW Document]. 2012 mEducation
topics/coronavirus#tab=tab-1 (2020).