Ipc2022-86922 Progress of Assessment Model Development For Determining

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Proceedings of the ASME 14th International Pipeline Conference

September 26 - 30, 2022, Calgary, Alberta, Canada



Xian-Kui Zhu, Bruce Wiersma
Savannah River National Laboratory
Aiken, South Carolina 29808, USA

ABSTRACT 1. Introduction
A technical review is presented of corrosion assessment The pipeline systems are critical infrastructure in the energy
models for determining the remaining strength of pipelines sector that provides an economic and safe transportation of large
containing metal loss or corrosion defects. Initially, burst volumes of crude oil or natural gas over long distances to meet
pressure prediction models for defect-free pipes, including the increasing energy demands. The pipelines are made of
strength and flow theory determined burst solutions and their carbon steels, and most pipelines are buried underground per
experimental validations were considered. Next more accurate regulations. Due to underground water or sour soils, steel pipes
burst pressure predictions that cover a wide range of pipeline are susceptible to external corrosion attack that threatens the
grades were discussed by comparing thick wall burst solutions pipeline integrity. The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT)
and machine learning models with full-scale burst data that cover [1] has collected pipeline incident reports since 1970, which are
a wide range of pipeline grades up to X120. updated every year. Dai et al. [2] performed a statistical analysis
Corrosion assessment models were categorized into three on recent significant incidents for crude oil and natural gas
generations with respect to the reference stress. The 1st, 2nd, and pipelines and showed that corrosion is one of three major failure
3rd generation models correspond to the flow stress, UTS, and causes for both the oil and gas pipelines. As such, corrosion
both UTS and strain hardening rate. Seventeen corrosion models assessment is critical for pipeline operators to manage the asset
were evaluated and compared with full-scale burst data for a integrity for buried pipelines [3].
wide range of pipeline steels from low to high grades. The focus For determining the maximum loading capacity of pressure
was on validating two recently developed 3rd-generation models vessels, many empirical, analytical or numerical methods [4]
that can determine more accurate burst strength for corroded have been developed for defect-free cylinders subject to internal
thin-wall pipes. As the 4th-generation models, three typical thick- pressure. Christopher et al. [5] evaluated a set of available burst
wall corrosion assessment models and machine learning models pressure prediction models for both thin-wall and thick-wall
were introduced to predict more accurate results for corroded pressure vessels. Law and Bowie [6] assessed the burst pressure
thick-wall pipes. prediction models for high-strength line pipes. More recently,
After that, advances in corrosion model development were Zhu and Leis [7] evaluated a set of burst pressure prediction
discussed, including constraint effect, bulging factor and defect models for a variety of pipeline steels in terms of the strength
width effect. Finally, major technical challenges in development theories and the plastic flow theories. The most accurate model
of corrosion assessment models were discussed with regard to was identified for defect-free line pipes.
full-scale experimental tests, numerical simulations, material The natural gas industry began work to investigate the threat
failure criteria and real corrosion defect assessment. posed by corrosion in the late 1960s [8], with a view to quantify
when reinforcement or replacement of corroded pipes was
KEYWORDS: pipeline, corrosion defect, remaining strength,
required. Experimental data from full-scale tests on pipe
corrosion assessment model, Zhu-Leis solution
segments removed from service lines were trended in reference
to burst pressure as a function of the length and depth of metal-

This work was produced by Battelle Savannah River Alliance, LLC under Contract No. 89303321CEM000080 with the U.S.
Department of Energy. Publisher acknowledges the U.S. Government license to provide public access under the DOE Public Access
Plan (http://energy.gov/downloads/doe-public-access-plan).

loss defects [8]. The trending function was originated in the NG- 2.1. Strength models of burst pressure
18 equations [9-10] that were developed at Battelle in the early For a large diameter, thin-wall defect-free pipe, four
1970s for determining fracture failure of pipelines containing strength models [4] of burst pressure were obtained in terms of
cracks. Based on the NG-18 equation for collapse-controlled the UTS and the Tresca , von Mises and Zhu-Leis criteria as well
failure, the oil and gas industry developed an empirical corrosion as the flow stress criterion [10].
assessment code. ASME published the first edition of the B31G
1). Tresca strength solution:
manual in 1984. B31G has been revised and updated in 1989 2𝑡
(Mod B31G) and 2009 (B31G-2009) [11]. 𝑃0 = 𝜎𝑢𝑡𝑠 (1)
With advances in steel making technology, both strength
2). von Mises strength solution:
and toughness of modern pipeline steels have significantly 4𝑡
improved, and many high-strength pipeline grades, such as X70 𝑃𝑀0 = 𝜎𝑢𝑡𝑠 (2)
and X80, are being utilized today. Accordingly, over the past few
3). Zhu-Leis strength solution:
decades, many improved corrosion assessment models [12] were 1 2 2𝑡
developed for better managing the high-strength pipelines. 𝑃𝑍𝐿0 = (1 + ) ̅ 𝜎𝑢𝑡𝑠 (3)
2 √3 𝐷
Among them, the ultimate tensile stress (UTS)-based models can
determine more accurate burst pressure of corroded line pipes, 4). Flow stress-based failure solution:
and thus has been accepted by Standards BS 7910 [13] and API 𝑃𝑓0 = 𝜎𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤 (4)
579 [14] for a general fitness for service (FFS) assessment of
where D (𝐷 ̅ ) is the outside (mean) diameter, and t is the wall
pressure vessels. However, ASME B31G and Mod B31G remain
in use today in the pipeline industry, even though those methods thickness. The flow stress flow = (ys+uts)/2, with ys the yield
are known to be (overly) conservative. stress (YS) and uts the UTS. Zhu-Leis strength solution in Eq.
Recently, Zhu [15] summarized primary available corrosion (3) was determined using a new multi-axial, average shear stress
assessment methods for metal-loss defects in pipelines and strength theory developed by Zhu and Leis [21-22]. Equations
discussed some practical challenges facing the oil and gas (1) to (3) show that the Zhu-Leis strength solution is equivalent
industry. Zhu [16] discussed the numerical approaches used to to the average of Tresca and von Mises strength solutions.
predict burst pressure of line pipes with metal-loss defects. Leis To evaluate the accuracy of four strength models in Eqs (1)
et al. [17] presented numerical results that minimized the to (4), experimental data for burst pressure (Pb) for more than
uncertainty in the B31G corrosion assessment model uncertainty. 100 full-scale tests of thin-wall cylindrical pressure vessels made
Zhou and Huang [18] assessed the error in the corrosion models. of carbon steel were compared with the burst pressure
Amaya-Gomez et al. [19] assessed the reliability of corrosion predictions from the four strength criteria, as shown in Fig. 1. All
models, and Bhardwaj et al. [20] quantified the uncertainty of materials used in the experiments are ductile steels with a wide
burst pressure models for corroded pipelines. However, those range of strain hardening exponent n from 0.02 to 0.18 that
publications have limited discussion on strain hardening effect, covers low to high-strength pipeline steels from Gr B to X120.
and were not address the machine learning application. 1.2

As such, this paper performs a technical review on 1.1


remaining strength assessment models for corroded pipelines. A Average

brief review of burst prediction models is first given to defect- 1.0
free pipes and then to corroded pipes. To understand the 0.9

development of the corrosion assessment models, typical burst Flow stress

models are categorized and critically evaluated in comparison to 0.8

Maxey (1986, X70) Mok et al. (1991, X60)
full-scale burst test data, with a focus on validating two recently 0.7 Chouchaoui (1993, X46) Kiefner et al. (1971, Gr.B-X65)
proposed corrosion assessment models. Recent advances are also Amano et al. (1986, X65-X70) Papka et al (2004, X120)
presented, including theoretical solutions for thick-wall pipes 0.6
Hillenbrand et al (2000, X100) Law et al (2005, X65-X80)
and machine learning models. Finally, the major technical 0.5 Liessem et al (2004, X60-X80) Paslay et al. (1998, H40-Q125)
challenges for further improvement of corrosion assessment Okaguchi et al (2004, X80 & X120)
models were described. 0.4
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
2. Burst Pressure Models for Defect-Free Pipes Fig. 1. Comparison of experimental data of burst pressure
The burst pressure prediction for defect-free pipes is the and predictions by von Mises, Zhu-Leis, Tresca, and flow
basis for developing corrosion models for assessing pipelines stress criteria for various pipeline steels [4]
containing corrosion or metal-loss defects [4], where the
reference stress of corrosion model is defined by the burst Experimental details and References cited in Fig. 1 were
pressure of defect-free pipes. This section briefly reviews the described by Zhu and Leis [21]. All points in the figure are
strength and flow models of burst pressure for thin-wall defect- experimental data, and all lines are burst pressure predictions. As
free pipes, new strength theories for thick-wall defect-free pipes shown in Fig. 1, three circles contain three groups of test data.
and machine learning models. The purple, blue and red circles represent test data of burst

pressure for low, intermediate, and high strength carbon steels, 1.2

respectively. Four dash lines in red, green, blue, and yellow 1.1
denote the burst pressure predictions, respectively by the von
Mises, Zhu-Leis, Tresca, and flow stress criteria. This figure 1.0

shows that (1) von Mises strength criterion overestimates burst

pressure for all steels, (2) Zhu-Leis strength criterion is good for Mises flow solution Maxey (1986, X70)
high-strength steels but overestimated for low-strength steels, (3) Zhu-Leis flow solution Mok et al. (1991, X60)

Tresca strength criterion adequately predicts burst pressure for 0.7 Tresca flow solution Chouchaoui (1993, X46)

intermediate-strength steels, and (4) the flow stress criterion Kiefner et al. (1971, Gr.B-X65) Amano et al. (1986, X65-X70)
predicts the most conservative results for all steels. Papka et al (2004, X120) Hillenbrand et al (2000, X100)
Law et al (2005, X65-X80) Liessem et al (2004, X60-X80)
Also evident in Fig. 1, experimental data for burst pressure 0.5
Paslay et al. (1998, H40-Q125) Okaguchi et al (2004, X80 & X120)
have a linear trend with the strain hardening exponent n, and the 0.4
normalized burst pressure decreases with the increasing strain 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
hardening rate. Except for the flow stress criterion, the other
three conventional strength criteria do not consider the effect of Fig. 2. Comparison of three flow solutions and experimental
strain hardening rate on burst pressure. To improve these data for various carbon steels [21]
strength solutions, the flow theories of plasticity [4] were
recommended for use to develop more accurate burst pressure Using other full-scale test data and the statistical analysis,
solutions in terms of two material parameters. Seghier et al. [24] confirmed that the average shear stress yield
criterion is the best plastic flow criterion to predict burst pressure
2.2. Flow models of burst pressure of intact pipes for different steel grades ranging from X46 to
The Tresca theory and von Mises theory are two classic X100. Likewise, Zimmermann et al [25-26], Zhou and Huang
theories of plasticity developed for describing the nonlinear [27] and Bony et al. [28] among others assessed the available
plastic deformation in a metal during loading. They can burst prediction models and concluded that Zhu-Leis flow
determine two bound solutions of burst pressure for the same solution is the most accurate burst pressure prediction model for
pipe. To predict more accurate burst failure, Zhu and Leis [21- thin-wall pipes. Thus, Zhu-Leis flow theory [21] not only fills in
22] introduced a new concept of “average shear stress”, and the technical gap between Tresca and von Mises flow theories,
developed an associated multi-axial flow theory of plasticity, i.e. but also determines a more accurate burst pressure solution.
average shear stress flow theory that was often referred to as
Zhu-Leis flow theory. For a power-law hardening material, the 2.3. Burst pressure models for thick-wall pipes
new flow theory determined a new flow solution of burst The Zhu-Leis flow solution discussed above is accurate only
pressure. Accordingly, three flow solutions of burst pressure for thin-wall pipes with D/t > 40 and approximate for D/t ≥ 20.
were determined for thin wall, defect-free pipes in terms of In practice, there are many heavy-wall line pipes with wall
Tresca, Zhu-Leis and von Mises flow theories as: thickness large than 20 mm or 40 mm [29], leading to D/t < 20
or D/t < 10. In this case, all thin-wall theories fail. Thus, thick-
1 𝑛+1 4𝑡 wall solutions of burst pressure are desired and must be explored.
𝑃𝑇 = ( ) 𝜎 (5)
2 𝐷̄ 𝑢𝑡𝑠 For this purpose, recently Zhu et al. [30] introduced a yield
2+√3 4𝑡 criterion-based, two-parameter flow stress:
𝑃𝐴 = ( ) 𝜎 (6)
4√3 𝐷̄ 𝑢𝑡𝑠
1 𝑛+1 4𝑡 𝐾 𝑛
𝑃𝑀 = ( ) 𝜎𝑢𝑡𝑠 (7) 𝜎𝑓 = ( ) 𝜎𝑢𝑡𝑠 (8)
√3 𝐷̄ 2

where n is the strain hardening exponent and can be measured where K is a constant that is related to the yield criterion:
from a tensile test or estimated from the Y/T ratio [21, 23]. 1, for Tresca yield criterion
The experimental data of burst pressure shown in Fig. 1 2
were re-assessed to validate the flow theories. Figure 2 compares 𝐾= , for von Mises yield criterion (9)
the experimental data with Tresca flow solution in Eq. (5), Zhu- 1 1
Leis flow solution in Eq. (6) and von Mises flow solution in Eq. { 2 + √3 , for Zhu-Leis yield criterion
(7). This figure shows that (1) all test data and predictions of
burst pressure are functions of strain hardening rate in a similar With this two-parameter flow stress, the corresponding new
trend, (2) von Mises flow solution gives an upper bound strength theories were developed by Zhu et al. [30], and then
prediction, (3) Tresca flow solution gives a lower bound burst pressure solutions were obtained for thick-wall cylinders
prediction, and (4) Zhu-Leis flow solution is a better prediction subject to internal pressure:
that matches well with the burst data on average. Thus, those
𝐾 𝑛+1 𝐷
experiments validate Zhu-Leis flow theory and the associated 𝑃𝑏 = 2 ( ) 𝜎𝑢𝑡𝑠 𝑙𝑛 ( 0) (10)
2 𝐷𝑖
flow solution of burst pressure for thin-wall, defect-free pipes.

where D0 (Di) is the outside (inside) diameter of the pipe, and K 2.4. Machine learning models of burst pressure
takes the value in Eq. (9). Equation (10) is the burst pressure Recently, Zhu et al. [31] applied the state-of-the-art machine
solution for thick-wall pipes corresponding to Tresca, von Mises learning technology to model the burst strength of defect-free
and Zhu-Leis criteria. From Taylor series solution, one obtains: pipes in reference to a wide range of D/t ratios and steel grades.
Using the full-scale burst dataset shown in Fig. 1, three artificial
ln(𝐷0 ⁄𝐷𝑖 ) = 2𝑡⁄𝐷0 + 0.5(2𝑡⁄𝐷0 )2 (10a) neural network (ANN) architectures were created, and three
ANN models of burst pressure were determined. ANN model 1
The error of the second term in equation above is less than 2.5% has one input variable and one hidden layer, ANN model 2 has
if D0/t > 40 or 5% if D0/t > 20, but the error will be larger than three input variables and one hidden layer, ANN model 3 has
10% if D0/t ≤ 10 for thick-wall pipes. As a result, the thin-wall three input variables and two hidden layers, and all three ANN
burst solution is “accurate” only for D/t > 40. models have one output variable.
Figure 3 compares the Zhu-Leis burst pressure solutions Figure 4 shows the architecture of ANN model 2, where
predicted from Eq. (6) and Eq. (10) with the full-scale burst data three input variables are X1 = n, X2 = UTS, and X3 = D/t, and
(as shown in Fig. 1 with limited burst data for thick-wall pipes) the output variable Y = burst pressure. For each ANN model,
as a function of 𝐷/𝑡. From this figure, it is observed that: two activation functions were used to connect neurons in
different layers by use of weights and bias at each unknown unit.
(1) The newly proposed Zhu-Leis solution of burst pressure The activation functions coupled with specific algorithms were
for thick walls in Eq. (10) is very accurate and closely used to train and learn from the training dataset until the model
matches the burst pressure data for all pipes with a wide performance is satisfied in comparison to the validation dataset.
range of D/t ratios, including thin to thick walls. Once the ANN model is fully built, it can be used to predict burst
(2) For thin-wall pipes with 𝐷/𝑡 > 30, all burst pressures are pressure for pipes with different diameters and wall thicknesses
near to or less than 5,000 psi (34.47 MPa). The Zhu-Leis in any pipeline steel.
burst pressure solution for the thin-wall theory is very
close to that for the thick-wall theory. Neural Network Architecture
(3) For intermediate to thick-wall pipes with 𝐷/𝑡 < 30, all (three input units and five hidden neuros)
burst pressures are larger than 5,000 psi (34.47 MPa). The
mean diameter (MD)-based Zhu-Leis solution for thin-
wall pipes is either comparable or nearly identical to Zhu- X1 n2h1
Leis burst pressure solution for thick-wall pipes.
(4) In contrast, the OD-based Zhu-Leis solutions for thin-wall n3h1
X2 Y
pipes are significantly lower than those for the thick-wall
pipes with D/t < 10. As a result, the MD-based rather than n4h1
OD-based Zhu-Leis solution should be used generally. X3

Input hidden output
Full-scale burst data
40,000 layer layer layer
Zhu-Leis solution (MD, thin-wall theory)

Zhu-Leis solution (OD, thin-wall theory) Figure 4. Architecture of ANN model 2
Proposed thick-wall solution
Burst pressure (psi)

Figure 5 compares the model predicted burst strengths with
25,000 the measured burst pressure data for the full-scale tests in
consideration, where the model predictions include those
predicted by the three ANN models, the linear regression result,
15,000 and the Zhu-Leis solution for thick-wall pipes. As evident in this
figure, all model predictions are nearly identical to the burst data
when the measured burst strength is less than 15 ksi (103.42
MPa), while some deviations are observed when the measured
burst pressure is large than 15 ksi (103.42 MPa). For the latter
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
case, the model predictions from ANN model 2 and model 3 are
D/t more accurate than other models. Due to the simple architecture,
ANN model 2 is recommended as the best machine learning
Figure 3. Comparison of predicted and measured burst
pressures in the function of D/t (30)
model for predicting burst strength of defect-free, thin-wall or
thick-wall line pipes.

published in 1984. For a short defect, corrosion area was
40,000 assumed to be parabolic in shape with a curved bottom, and the
Zhu-Leis solution
Linear regression
burst pressure of the corroded pipeline was estimated by:
35,000 ANN1
2𝑡𝜎𝑓 1−(2/3)(𝑑/𝑡)
𝑝𝑏 = [ ], for 𝐿 ≤ √20𝐷𝑡 (13)
Predicted burst pressre (psi)

30,000 ANN3 𝐷 1−(2/3)(𝑑/𝑡)/𝑀

25,000 where the defect depth is limited within 80% of t, or d/t ≤ 0.8.
For a long corrosion defect, corrosion area was assumed to
20,000 have a rectangular shape with flat bottom, and Eq. (10) becomes:
15,000 2𝑡𝜎𝑓 𝑑
𝑝𝑏 = [1 − ], for 𝐿 > √20𝐷𝑡 (14)
𝐷 𝑡
In both equations above, the flow stress 𝜎𝑓 = 1.1 SMYS, where
SMYS is the specified minimum yield stress defined in API 5L
0 [32], and M is a Folia’s bulging factor [33] expressed as:
0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 45,000
Measured burst pressure (psi) 𝐿 2
𝑀 = √1 + 0.8 ( ) (15)
Figure 5. Variation of predicted burst strength with
measured burst strength for all full-scale tests [31]
ASME B31G model was calibrated with the vintage pipeline
grades up to X65, and thus may be inadequate to use for modern
3. Corrosion Assessment Models pipeline steels like X80 or X100.
Corrosion defects formed in aging pipelines can be very
3.1.2. Mod B31G (0.85 dL)
complicated in size, shape, location and orientation. Only axially
Practical applications showed that ASME B31G model can
oriented, isolated metal-loss defects in pipelines subject to
be overly conservative [34], and thus the modified B31G was
internal pressure are considered in this work. Other anomalies
proposed in 1989 by Kiefner and Vieth [35-36] in the associated
and loading conditions were not considered.
software RSTRENG as follows:
A general expression of burst failure stress or pressure of a
corrosion defect can be written as: 𝑝𝑏 =
] (16)
𝐷 1−0.85(𝑑/𝑡)/𝑀
Sf = SR× f (defect geometry) (11)
where the defect depth is limited within 80% of t or d/t ≤ 0.8, the
Pb = SR 2t/D × f (defect geometry) (12) flow stress was redefined as 𝜎𝑓 = 𝑆𝑀𝑌𝑆 + 69 (𝑀𝑃𝑎), and the
bulging factor M was replaced by:
where Sf denotes the burst hoop stress, Pb is the burst pressure,
SR is a reference stress, and f is a function of defect geometry 𝑀 = √1 + 0.6275 (
𝐿 2
) − 0.003375 (
𝐿 4
) , if 𝐿 ≤ √50𝐷𝑡 (17a)
(depth d, length L and width W). In many cases, defect width √𝐷𝑡 √𝐷𝑡
𝐿 2
has small effect, and f can be simplified as f (d/t, L/(Dt)). 𝑀 = 3.3 + 0.032 (
) , if 𝐿 > √50𝐷𝑡 (17b)
Absent a defect, Eq. (11) must predict the failure stress of defect-
free pipe, and thus SR is equal to the failure stress of defect-free Note that 1) the actual yield stress was used in the original
pipes. Note that Eq. (12) is consistent with the notation used in NG-18 equations, 2) the SMYS makes B31G and Mod B31G
API 579 [14] for Level-1 defect criterion. more convenient and conservative for practical applications, and
Based on different definitions of the reference stress, 3) replacement of 2/3 factor in B31G with the 0.85 factor in Mod
available corrosion models can be categorized into three B31G reduces the model conservatism. The Mod B31G model
generations as reviewed below. The newest, fourth generation was accepted in the newer edition of ASME B31G-2009 [11]
models are under development. and in Level-1 procedure of API 579-2016 [14]. Ma et al. [37]
compared different versions of B31G in detail.
3.1. The first-generation models (1960s – 1970s)
The first-generation models were empirical and developed 3.1.3. PRCI RSTRENG (effective area model)
in the 1960s to 1970s with the reference stress SR= flow stress. For better approximation of a real corrosion area with river
bottom profiles, an effective area method was proposed in 1989
3.1.1. ASME B31G by Kiefner and Vieth [35] to estimate the remaining strength:
Based on full-scale test data obtained in the early 1970s for
2𝑡𝜎𝑓 1−𝐴𝑑 /𝐴0
pipeline steels up to X65, Maxey et al. [10-11] developed a set 𝑃𝑏 = [ ] (18)
𝐷 1−𝐴𝑑 /𝐴0 𝑀
of semi-empirical equations (i.e., NG-18 equations) to estimate
the burst pressure of line pipes with cracks. Based on the NG-18 where the flow stress and the bulging factor are the same as
equation for collapse-controlled failure, a corrosion assessment defined in Mod B31G, Ad denotes the effective area of a complex
model B31G was developed by ASME, and the first edition was corrosion defect profile, and A0 = tL is the axial cross-section

area. This model allows for determination of a more accurate 1.0

corroded area using the discrete approach, and thus to determine X52, d/t =0.5 ASME B31G

a more accurate burst pressure of the real corrosion defect. A 0.8

Mod B31G

personal-computer code called RSTRENG [35] was developed CSA Z662/Shell-92
by Pipeline Research Council International (PRCI) for 0.6
predicting more accurate burst pressure for corroded pipes. This

Pb / P0
effective area model was adopted in Level-2 procedure of B31G
[11] and API 579 [14].
For a machined rectangular defect with a uniform depth, Eq.
(18) becomes: 0.2

2𝑡𝜎𝑓 1−(𝑑/𝑡)
𝑃𝑏 = [ ] (19) 0.0
𝐷 1−(𝑑/𝑡)/𝑀
0 2 4 6 8 10 12

If a corrosion defect is long enough, 1/M approaches zero L / (Dt)^0.5

and Eq. (19) reduces to Eq. (14). In 1992, Richie and Last [38] Fig. 6. Comparison of the 1st-G corrosion models for X52
adapted Eq. (19) as a corrosion defect acceptance criterion, i.e.,
Shell-92 model with the flow stress 𝜎𝑓 = 0.9𝜎𝑢𝑡𝑠 and defect
depth d/t ≤ 0.85. The Shell-92 model first used the UTS. ASME B31G
GrB, d/t =0.5
Mod B31G
3.1.4. CSA Z662 CSA Z662

Based on Eq. (19) and the Shell-92 model, Canadian Shell-92

Standards Association (CSA) developed their corrosion Pb / P0
assessment code – CSA Z662 [39] to predict burst pressure by:
2𝑡𝜎𝑓 1−(𝑑𝑎𝑣𝑒 /𝑡)
𝑃𝑏 = [ ] (20)
𝐷 1−(𝑑𝑎𝑣𝑒 /𝑡)/𝑀

where dave is the average defect depth, the bulging factor M is

the same as Eq. (17), and the flow stress is defined as: 0.0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
L / (Dt)^0.5
1.15𝜎𝑦𝑠 , SMYS≤241 MPa (or 35 ksi)
𝜎𝑓 = { (21) Fig. 7. Comparison of the 1st-G corrosion models for GrB
0.9𝜎𝑢𝑡𝑠 , SMYS>241 MPa (or 35 ksi)

3.1.5. Comparison of the first-generation models 3.2. The second-generation models (1990s-2000s)
Figures 6 and 7 compare the first-generation (1st-G) models The second-generation numerical models were developed in
discussed above for a fixed uniform defect with depth of d/t = the 1990s to 2000s with SR = UTS.
0.5 and for two lower strength steels X52 and GrB, where the x- 3.2.1. LPC model
axis denotes the normalized defect length, and the y-axis denotes Based on a burst test database and a large amount of elastic-
the normalized burst pressure with Pb the model predicted burst plastic finite element analysis (FEA) results for X65 corroded
pressure and P0 the Tresca strength solution in Eq. (1). In those pipes, Fu et al. [40-41] at British Gas in 1995 developed a line
figures, five 1st-G models include ASME B31G, Mod B31G, pipe corrosion (LPC) criterion for determining burst pressure for
RSTRENG, Shell-92 and CSA Z662 criteria. The material corrode pipes:
properties were assumed to be SMYS and specified minimum
2𝑡𝜎𝑢𝑡𝑠 1−𝑑/𝑡
tensile stress (SMTS) [32]. 𝑃𝑏 = [ ] (22)
𝐷−𝑡 1−𝑑/𝑄𝑡
For X52, Fig. 6 shows that the Mod B31G model predicts
the highest burst pressure for all given defect lengths; the CSA where uts is the UTS of pipeline steels, and the parameter Q is
Z662 and Shell-92 are identical with predictions slightly lower a curve-fit bulging factor from the FEA results as:
than the RSTRENG results; and ASME B31G predicts a
comparable result to Mod B31G for a short corrosion defect, but 𝑄 = √1 + 0.31 (
) (23)
the lowest result for a long corrosion defect. √𝐷𝑡

For GrB, Fig. 7 shows that the Shell-92 model predicts the The LPC criterion was adopted into DNV RP-F-101 [42] in
highest results of burst pressure over the given defect length, and 1999 with SR=0.9UTS and statistical factors, and then adopted
followed in order are Mod B31G, RSTRENG, and CSA Z662 in BS7910-1999 [13] with SR=(ys+uts)/2.
models. ASME B31G model may predict a comparable result to
RSTRENG for a short corrosion defect, but the lowest result for 3.2.2. PCORRC model
a long corrosion defect. In parallel to the development of the LPC model, Leis et al.
[43-44] at Battelle developed the PCORRC model:

2𝑡𝜎𝑢𝑡𝑠 𝑑 𝐿 1.0
𝑃𝑏 = [1 − (1 − 𝑒𝑥𝑝( − 0.157 ))] (24)
𝐷 𝑡 √𝐷(𝑡−𝑑)/2
X65, d/t =0.5

For a very long metal-loss defect, Eqs (22) and (24) reduce 0.8

to the simple equation:

2𝑡𝜎𝑢𝑡𝑠 𝑑 0.6
𝑝𝑏 = [1 − ] (25)

Pb / P0
𝐷 𝑡

Thus, LPC and PCORRC criteria are identical to each other for 0.4
CSA Z662/Shell-92
long corrosion defects. If a defect is absent, Eq. (25) reduces to LPC
Eq. (1), i.e., the Tresca strength solution for defect-free pipes. BS7910
This implies that both LPC and PCORRC models have the basis Choie (2003)
of the Tresca criterion with one single material parameter. Yeom (2015)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
3.2.3. Choi limit load
L / (Dt)^0.5
In 2003, Choi et al. [45] carried out a series of full-scale tests
on machined metal-loss defects for X65 pipeline steel and Fig. 8. Comparison of the 2nd-G corrosion models for X65
performed the detailed 3D elastic-plastic FEA calculations on
the defects, where all axial defects were assumed to be 3.3. The third-generation models (2000 to 2020)
elliptically curved. By trending the FEA outcomes, they obtained The third-generation models to be discussed below utilize a
the following limit load: two-parameter reference stress SR=f (UTS, n) that is defined
from the flow theory for defect-free pipes.
2𝑡 𝐿 𝐿 2 𝐿
0.9𝜎𝑢𝑡𝑠 [𝐶0 + 𝐶1 ( ) + 𝐶2 ( ) ] , for ( )<6
𝑃𝑏 = {
𝐷𝑖 √𝑅𝑡 √𝑅𝑡 √𝑅𝑡
(26) 3.3.1. von Mises flow model coupling with PCORRC
2𝑡 𝐿 𝐿
𝜎𝑢𝑡𝑠 [𝐶3 + 𝐶4 ( )] , for ( )≥6 Since the 2000s, extensive experimental and numerical
𝐷𝑖 √𝑅𝑡 √𝑅𝑡
studies of corroded pipes have been conducted [47-55], with a
focus on the high-strength pipeline grades X70, X80 and X100.
where Di is the inside diameter of the pipe, R is the mean radius,
For those high-grade steels, plastic deformation local to a defect
and C0, C1, C2, C3, C4 are functions of d/t. Absent a defect, Eq.
is significant at collapse due to strain hardening. In order to
(26) reduces to Pb=0.9uts×2t/Di for defect-free pipes. Thus, the quantify the effect of strain hardening, Zhu and Leis [23] started
limit load in Eq. (26) may be conservative for some steels. to utilize the von Mises flow theory to characterize the plastic
collapse of line pipes. Using the reference stress SR from Eq. (7)
3.2.4. Recalibrated PCORRC model and the defect geometric term of the PCORRC in Eq. (24), a
Recently, based on full-scale test data and a set of 3D FEA modified PCORRC was obtained:
calculations for X70 corroded pipes, Yeom et al. [46] in 2015
recalibrated the PCORRC model:  d
4 t  L    (28)
pd =  uts  1 − 1 − exp  − 0.157 
 t
( 3)
2𝑡 𝑑 𝐿 1+ 0.239( −1) 0.596 D
   D (t − d ) / 2 
𝑝𝑏 = 0.9𝜎𝑢𝑡𝑠 × (1 − (1 − 𝑒𝑥𝑝 (−0.224 ))) (27) Y /T
𝐷 𝑡 √𝐷(𝑡−𝑑)/2
This is the first 3rd-G model that provided insight into the effect
Absent a defect, again, Eq. (27) reduces to Pb=0.9uts×(2t/D) for of the UTS and YS on the collapse of a defect in carbon steels.
defect-free pipes. This model may be also conservative. Because of non-conservatism in von Mises solution, the Zhu-
2005 model in Eq. (28) may overestimate burst pressure.
3.2.5. Comparison of the second-generation models
Figure 8 compares the second-generation (2nd-G) models 3.3.2. Mises flow model coupling with reformulated PCORRC
discussed above for a fixed uniform defect depth of d/t=0.5 and In 2013, Ma et al. [56] also adopted the von Mises flow
for a moderate strength steel X65, where the material properties strength as the reference stress SR and coupled it with the
were assumed to be the SMYS and SMTS. In this figure, six 2nd- geometric term of PCORRC. After recalibration for various
G models include LPC (DNV), BS7910, PCORRC, Limit load machined defects in X70 and X80 pipes, these authors
by Choie (2003), and Reformulated PCORRC by Yeom (2015). reformulated PCORRC model for predicting the burst pressure:
For comparison, RSTRENG and CSA Z662 are also included in
Fig. 8. This figure shows that 1) LPC and PCORRC predict  d
4 t  − 0.4174 L  d 
 (29)
comparable results, 2) BS7910 and RSTRENG predict similar pd =  uts   1 −  1 − 0.7501 exp  1 −  
results that are lower than the LPC predictions, 3) CSA Z662 and ( 3) 1+ n
D  t
   Dt 
 t  
Yeom (2015) predict comparable results that are lower than
Comparison of Eqs (29) and (24) shows the geometrical term in
RSTRENG predictions, and 4) Choie (2003) and Yeom (2015)
Eq. (29) is quite different from that used in the original PCORRC
are comparable for short defects and become almost identical to
be the lower bound for long defects.

3.3.3. Zhu-Leis flow model coupling with PCORRC Note that the defect geometric function in Eq. (35) contains a
In order to improve the Mod PCORRC in Eq. (28) for a polynomial and is easy for engineers to understand and apply.
corroded pipeline, Zhu [57] in 2018 obtained another M-
PCORRC by using the Zhu-Leis flow solution and the geometric 3.3.8. Comparison of the third-generation models
term of PCORRC. This M-PCORRC is expressed as: Figure 9 compares the third-generation (3rd-G) models
discussed above for a fixed uniform defect depth of d/t=0.5 and
4𝑡𝜎𝑢𝑡𝑠 𝑑 0.157𝐿 for a high strength steel X70, where the material properties were
𝑝𝑏 = ( ) ̅
× (1 − (1 − 𝑒𝑥𝑝 (− ))) (30) assumed to be the SMYS and SMTS. In this figure, Six 3rd-G
4√3 𝐷 𝑡 √𝐷(𝑡−𝑑)/2
models include the first Mod PCORRC model by Zhu-2005, the
3.3.4. Zhu-Leis flow model coupling with LPC reformulated PCORRC model by Ma-2013, the new corrosion
Similarly, using the Zhu-Leis flow solution and the model by Zhu-2015, another Mod PCORRC by Zhu in 2018, the
geometric term of LPC, the following Mod LPC model [58] was Mod LPC model, the Ref-B31G model by Abdelghani in 2018.
obtained in 2021 for predicting burst pressure of corroded pipe: In order to compare with the 2nd-G models, LPC and PCORRC
models are included in Fig. 10. This figure shows that 1) the Zhu-
4𝑡𝜎𝑢𝑡𝑠 1−𝑑/𝑡 2005 is an upper bound solution, 2) the Ref-B31G is a lower
𝑝𝑏 = ( ) [ ] (31) bound solution, and 3) all other models determine comparable
4√3 ̅
𝐷 1−𝑑/𝑄𝑡
results. Two bounding models determine two extreme solutions:
3.3.5. Tresca flow model coupling with ASME B31.G one is non-conservative, and the other is over-conservative.
Recently, Abdelghani et al. [59] adopted the Tresca flow Figure 10 compares Mod-LPC with LPC and M-PCORRC
strength as SR and coupled with the geometric term of ASME with PCORRC. The new model Zhu-2015 is also included in this
B31.G in Eq. (19). Using their FEA results, the bulging factor figure. It is observed that 1) Mod-LPC is shifted up from the LPC
was recalibrated. As such, they reformulated the B31G model for in a factor of 1.03, 2) Mod-PCORRC is shifted up from the
predicting the burst pressure of a corroded pipeline: PCORRC in the same factor of 1.03, and 3) the two modified
models are close to Zhu-2015 model. Thus, strain hardening
1 𝑛 2𝑡𝜎𝑢𝑡𝑠 1−𝑑/𝑡 effect is insignificant for X70.
𝑃𝑏 = ( ) (32) 1.2
2 𝐷 1−𝑑/𝑡𝑀
X70, d/t =0.5
where the bulging factor was recalibrated as: 1.0 Zhu-2005
2 4 0.8 M-PCORRC
𝑀 = √1 + 0.45 ( ) + 0.050625 ( ) (33) M-LPC
√𝐷𝑡 √𝐷𝑡
Pb / P0


3.3.6. Analytic model for long corrosion defects 0.4

For long corrosion defects, both LPC and PCORRC models
reduce to Eq. (25) that is the Tresca strength solution coupling 0.2
with a geometric factor of (1-d/t) due to a flat defect. In a similar
way, Zhu [53] simply extended the plastic flow solutions in Eqs 0.0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
(5) to (7) for defect-free pipes to a long corrosion defect (L>D),
L / (Dt)^0.5
and obtained the burst pressure as:
Fig. 9. Comparison of the 3rd-G corrosion models for X70
𝐾 𝑛+1 4𝑡𝜎𝑢𝑡𝑠 𝑑
𝑃𝑇 = ( ) ̅
[1 − ] (34)
2 𝐷 𝑡 1.1
X70, d/t =0.5
where K takes the value in Eq. (9) for the Tresca, von Mises and 1.0
Zhu-Leis criteria. Using full-scale burst data [49], Zhu [53] PCORRC

confirmed that the Zhu-Leis solution in Eq. (34) is a better 0.9 LPC
prediction of burst pressure for long corrosion defects. Thus, Eq. 0.8 M-PCORRC
(34) is a 3rd-G corrosion model for a very long defect.
Pb / P0



3.3.7. A new polynomial model

In reference to the Zhu-Leis flow solution in Eq. (34) for a
long defect, Zhu [16] obtained a new polynomial corrosion 0.5
model for predicting more accurate burst pressure as:
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
2+ 3
n +1
4t uts  d  L  L    
1 −  1 − 1 /  1 + 0.1385
L / (Dt)^0.5
Pb =  
 + 0.1357   
D  t    Dt     Fig. 10. Comparison of LPC, PCORRC and their modified
 4 3     Dt
models for X70

3.4. Validation of corrosion assessment models (a)
3.4.1. Evaluation of the first two generation models
The first two generation models are frequently used in the X65, d/t =0.5 PCORRC M-PCORRC
Zhu-2005 Ma-2013
integrity assessment of aging pipelines. To better understand the 1.0 Zhu-2015 LPC
difference of available models, the PHMSA office in the U.S. M-LPC R-B31G

DOT sponsored a large project [55] in the mid-2000s to B31G Mod B31G
thoroughly evaluate those corrosion models. A large integrated

Pb / P0
FST Data
test database that contains 313 full-scale vessel and ring
expansion test data for real and machined metal-loss defects 0.6
were collected for line pipes ranging from Grade A25 to X100.
These experimental tests were conducted by many organizations 0.4
for more than fifty years in the oil and gas industry. The metal-
loss defects were axially isolated, and only internal pressure was
applied with known pipe geometries, defect sizes, and material 0.2
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
properties. Actual material properties were used as needed in the
L / (Dt)^0.5
calculations of failure pressure.
Comparisons [58] showed that (1) the RSTRENG model is (b)
the most accurate one with the least scatter, and most data points 1.2
fall into a relatively small scatter; (2) the B31G model is the most X65, d/t =0.5 PCORRC M-PCORRC
conservative one with a large scatter range; (3) the Mod B31G
Ma-2013 Zhu-2015
is less conservative than the B31G with a reduced scatter range; 1.0
and (4) the LPC and PCORRC models predict comparable LPC M-LPC

results with a scatter range similar to the Mod B31G. Note that FST Data

the two 2nd-G models were developed for defects with uniform
Pb / P0

bottom, but not for actual river-bottom corrosion defects. Thus,
their predictions are conservative. However, the pipeline
industry has not accepted the 2nd-G models of LPC or PCORRC
models for predicting the remaining strength of actual corrosion
defects, and continues to use ASME B31G, or Mod B31G, or
RSTRENG in the daily pipeline integrity assessment. On this
basis, a decision is made for corroded pipelines as to whether 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
they need a repair, replacement or rerun without an action. L / (Dt)^0.5

3.4.2. Experimental validation of all three generation models Fig. 11. Comparison of corrosion model predictions with test
Kim et al. [47] conducted a set of full-scale experimental data, (a) all models, and (b) selected 2nd-G models
tests for machined metal-loss defects and obtained reliable burst
pressure data for a Korean X65 pipeline steel. The burst pressure For the 2nd-G models, the LPC and PCORRC predictions are
data were reported for machined defects with a fixed uniform comparable and match the test data with a small conservative
depth of d/t = 0.5 and six lengths of L = 50, 100, 200, 300, 600, error. For the 3rd-G models, (1) the Zhu-2005 model is non-
and 900 mm. The pipe diameter is 762 mm (30 in.) and the wall conservative, (2) the Ref-B31G model is too conservative, and
thickness is 17.5 mm (0.69 in.). The actual YS and UTS of the (3) all other four models are comparable for all defects.
X65 pipe are 495 MPa and 565 MPa. The burst pressures are Figure 11(b) compares the four selected 3rd-G models and
predicted using all 3rd-G corrosion models, and compared with the two 2nd-G models with the experimental data. Again, all
test data, as shown in Figs 11(a) and 11(b). those six models predict comparable results and closely match
Figure 11(a) compares the full-scale test (FST) data with the test data. However, further observation shows that (1)
predictions from all models: four 1st-G models (B31G, Mod PCORRC is slightly conservative for all defects, (2) LPC is
B31G, RSTRENG, and CSA Z662), two 2nd-G models (LPC conservative for short defects, (3) Ma-2013 is conservative for
and PCORRC), and six 3rd-G models (Mod-LPC, Mod- short defects and slightly non-conservative for long defects, (4)
PCORRC, Zhu-2005, Ma-2013, Zhu-2015, and Ref-B31G). Mod-LPC is accurate for short defects and slightly non-
For the 1st-G models, (1) the RSTRENG predicts conservative conservative for long defects, and (5) Zhu-2015 and Mod-
results for all defects, (2) the Mod B31G predictions are very PCORRC are nearly identical to each other and the most
accurate for short defects but non-conservative for long defects accurate in comparison to the full-scale test data.
with length L > (20Dt), (3) the B31G predictions are
3.4.3. Experimental validation of Ma-2013 model
conservative, particularly for long defects, and (4) the CSA Z662
Ma et al. [56] collected 79 full-scale experimental data for
predictions are the lower bound and too conservative.
corrosion defects in pipelines from public literature. The pipeline

grades ranging from X42 to X100 were categorized into three
groups, i.e., low strength steels (X42 to X56), mid-strength steels
(X60 and X65) and high-strength steels (X80 to X100). Those
authors compared their model (Ma-2013) predictions with the
full-scale burst data, as shown in Fig. 12, and concluded that the
Ma-2013 model is very accurate for the high-strength and mid-
strength steels, but less accurate for the low-strength steels.
Recall that the 3rd-G models of Mod-PCORRC, Mod-LPC
and Zhu-2015 are comparable to the Ma-2013 model. Thus, it is
reasonably anticipated that all these 3rd-G models accurately
predict burst pressures at least for corrosion defects in the high-
strength and mid-strength pipeline steels.

Fig. 13. Comparison of the M-PCORRC predictions with the

experimental data for machined defects in modern pipeline
grades ranging X52 to X100 [60]

4. Recent Developments
4.1. Thick-wall burst pressure solutions
The thick-wall theory discussed in Section 2.3 for defect-
free pipes can be extended to corroded thick-wall pipes. Using
the Zhu-Leis solution in Eq. (10) for thick walls, Mod-PCORRC
Fig. 12. Comparison of Ma-2013 predictions with full-scale model in Eq. (30), Mod-LPC model in Eq. (31) and the new
burst data of burst pressure of defects in various pipeline polynomial corrosion model in Eq. (35) are adapted as the 4th-
grades [56]
generation for corroded thick-wall pipes, respectively:
3.4.4. Experimental validation of Mod-PCORRC model
More recently, Leis [60] assessed the reference stress and 2+√3 𝐷 𝑑 0.157𝐿
𝑝𝑏 = 2 ( ) 𝜎𝑢𝑡𝑠 𝑙𝑛 ( 0) (1 − (1 − 𝑒𝑥𝑝 (− ))) (36)
the geometric term of the PCORRC model and its modified or 4√3 𝐷𝑖 𝑡 √𝐷(𝑡−𝑑)/2
reformulated version using full-scale experimental datasets for
machined defects with flat bottoms for a range of pipeline grades 2+√3
𝐷 1−𝑑/𝑡
from X52 to X100. Figure 13 compares the predicted failure 𝑝𝑏 = 2 ( ) 𝜎𝑢𝑡𝑠 𝑙𝑛 ( 0) [ ] (37)
4√3 𝐷𝑖 1−𝑑/𝑄𝑡
pressure using the Mod-PCORRC model in Eq. (30) with the
actual failure pressure for the machined defects. As evident in 𝑛+1
this figure, the predictions agree well with the actual data in a 𝑃𝑏 = 2 (
𝐷 𝑑
𝜎𝑢𝑡𝑠 𝑙𝑛 ( 0) [1 − (1 − 1/ (1 +
4√3 𝐷𝑖 𝑡
very high best-fitting correlation factor of 0.991 between the
model predictions and actual burst pressure data. 𝐿 𝐿 2
Similarly, Leis [60] also evaluated the Mod-PCORRC 0.1385 + 0.1357 ( ) ))] (38)
√𝐷𝑡 √𝐷𝑡
model using the calibration database of ASME B31G and Mod
B31G for a set of complex actual corrosion defects that have These thick-wall corrosion models should have a similar
irregular river-bottom shapes. The comparison showed a good accuracy to the corresponding thin-wall corrosion models in Eqs
agreement between the predicted failure pressure and the actual (30), (31) and (35) for thin-wall pipes, but with much higher
failure pressure with a best-fitting correlation factor of 0.922. In accuracy for corroded thick-wall pipes. Experimental valuations
contrast to this, the corresponding best-fitting correlation factor of these thick-wall models will not be reported here.
is 0.617 and 0.698 for B31G and Mod B31G, respectively.
Therefore, those full-scale burst data validate the accuracy of the 4.2. Machine learning models of burst pressure
proposed Mod-PCORRC model, and this model is adequate to Recall that Section 2.4 applied machine learning approaches
use for more accurately predicting the burst pressure for to model the burst pressure of defect-free pipes. Similarly, ANNs
pipelines with metal loss defects. can be employed to model the remaining strength of corroded

pipelines. All ANN approaches used for defect-free pipes are minimum failure pressure. This approach reduces the
applicable to corroded pipes in the same manner. The only conservatism and improves the accuracy of RSTRENG.
difference is that more input variables and hidden neurons are o Most recently, Project EC-2-10 Phase I [69] completed in
needed for modeling corroded pipes. 2020 numerically quantified the defect width effect on the
Figure 14 shows the sketch of a typical ANN model for burst failure of metal-loss defects.
determining burst pressure of corroded pipelines. At least, there
Based on the FEA results obtained for EC-2-7 and the
will be six input variables: UTS, n, D/t, d/t, L/(Dt), and W/D,
reference stress obtained for EC-2-6, an alternative corrosion
and one output variable: burst pressure. For assumed hidden
assessment model was developed, where the bulging factor is a
neurons and hidden layers, the best ANN model can be solved
combined function of defect length, depth and width that is
for a given training and testing dataset. The example of ANN
different from the original bulging factor. This was a significant
model will be presented elsewhere.
improvement. Figure 15 compares the EC-2-6 model with
RSTRENG, PCORRC and Mod-PCORRC in reference to the
Input hidden output model predictions with the full-scale burst data [47]. It shows
layer layer layer that EC-2-6 model is comparable to PCORRC or Mod-PCORRC
and improves RSTRENG on the burst pressure prediction.
X65, d/t =0.5 PCORRC

EC-2-6 model


FST Data
Pb / P0


Figure 14. Sketch of typical ANN model for corroded pipes


Note that the thick-wall burst models and machine learning

models just discussed above are the newest, 4th-generation 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
models in development. L / (Dt)^0.5

Figure 15. Comparison of burst pressure predicted from

4.3. PRCI Research on Corrosion Assessment four corrosion models with burst test data
Corrosion assessment has been one of the major research
topics at PRCI for managing pipeline integrity for over a half 4.4. Constraint effect
century. Since the early 2000s, the first author has participated As is well known, the crack-tip constraint due to crack depth
in a series of PRCI corrosion research projects from EC-2-5 to and crack length has a significant effect on the fracture toughness
EC-2-10. of surface cracks in ductile steels. Likely, corrosion defect sizes
(depth, length and width) have a constraint effect [70] on the
o Project EC-2-5 [61] completed in 2011 assessed the remaining strength of defects in ductile pipeline steels. Recently,
corrosion severity for high-strength pipeline steels. Zhu [58] numerically explored the constraint effect on the
o Project EC-2-6 [62] completed in 2017 developed a more material strength local to metal-loss defect due to defect
accurate reference stress for corrosion assessment by using geometry change. Their results showed that local bulging occurs
Zhu-Leis flow solution [21] for defect-free pipes. at a defect and increases with defect length or depth, which is
o Project EC-2-7 Phase I [63] completed in 2016 numerically consistent with experimental observations. Because of bulging,
assessed the PRCI corrosion model errors. Project EC-2-7 larger radial displacement was generated at the defect center, and
Phase II [64] completed in 2017 carried out full-scale tests higher burst stress was resulted correspondingly. Moreover, the
on machined metal-loss defects to assess corrosion model von Mises stress normalized by the UTS is a function of defect
error for X70 pipes. The FEA results and test data achieved sizes rather than a constant. Clearly, this demonstrates the
for this project were presented by Leis et al. [17, 65]. constraint effect on the local strength of corroded pipeline steels.
o Project EC-2-8 [66] completed in 2019 assessed the Such a constraint effect can be calibrated using reliable full-scale
applicability of existing metal-loss models for corroded burst test data for a well-designed set of defect sizes.
pipelines in low-hardening steels.
o Project EC-2-9 [67] completed in 2019 provided a technical 4.5. Bulging factor and shape factor
review of the plausible profiles (Psqr) corrosion model that The conservative corrosion assessment models: ASME
was recently developed at TC Energy [68]. Psqr proposed B31G, or Mod B31G or RSTRENG remains in use in the oil and
multiple plausible profiles to use RSTRENG to determine a

gas industry, and thus it is necessary to assess these model errors. criteria in the defect failure simulation includes the RIKS
A general format [61-63] of B31G criterion can be expressed for instability model for determining global failure and many local
the hoop stress at failure Sf, in the form of: failure criteria, such as the von Mises effective stress equals to
𝑑 0.9 true UTS, 1.0 true UTS and 1.0 engineering UTS. Thus, use
1−𝑆𝐹 ( )
𝑆f = 𝑆𝑅 [ 𝑑
] (36) of an appropriate material failure criterion in the FEA is a great
1−𝑆𝐹 ( )/𝐵𝐹
𝑡 challenge [58].
where SF denotes shape factor, and BF denotes bulging factor.
In B31G, SF=2/3, and BF is given in Eq. (12). In Mod B31G, 5.3. Assessment of real corrosion defects
SF=0.85, and BF is given in Eq. (14). To improve B31G, a Assessing real metal loss defects faces many challenges.
general function of three parameters SR, SF and BF needs to be First is to detect defects in pipelines and to characterize defect
determined. More recently, Leis et al. [25] discussed the effect sizes. This needs advanced in-line inspection (ILI) technology
of SF and BF on the errors of B31G and Mod B31G models. and tools, such as magnetic flux leakage (MFL), ultrasonic
For a machined defect with uniform bottom, SF = 1, and BF technology (UT), geometric tool and others. Once a corrosion
is an undetermined parameter. Recently, the numerical study [17] defect is detected and characterized, its assessment is a great
showed that the BF is a function of both defect length and depth, challenge. Any real corrosion defect is not an isolated single
and the BF of B31G is overestimated for all depths. This is the uniform defect, but a cluster of corrosion pits with a river bottom
root cause for the conservatism of B31G and Mod B31G. profile and may be not axially oriented. In addition, separate
corrosion clusters may have an interaction to each other, and
4.6. Defect width effect assessing corrosion defect interaction is another challenge. For
In all corrosion models discussed above, the defect width is some old pipelines, material properties may not be documented
not considered because its effect is insignificant generally for for all pipe segments. This can be an additional challenge for
narrower defects. Although the corrosion defect width is not a assessing corrosion defects in ageing pipelines.
primary parameter, it does affect the burst failure of wide 6. Conclusions
defects. As shown in the PRCI report [69], PCORRC may This paper delivered a technical review on progress and
underestimate the burst pressure for narrow defects (i.e., defect development of corrosion assessment models for predicting the
width angle is less than 5°), and overestimate burst pressure for remaining strength of corroded line pipes. Detailed comparisons
wider defects (i.e., defect width angle is larger than 30°). The and critical evaluations were performed on typical corrosion
width effect has been coupled in the BF of the EC-2-6 model. models for both defect-free and corroded line pipes.
For defect-free pipes, a brief review was made of both the
5. Major Technical Challenges strength and flow theory-based solutions for predicting the burst
5.1. Experimental burst tests pressure of thin-wall pipes. Experimental comparisons were
Full-scale experimental tests play a key role in measurement presented to validate the Zhu-Leis flow solution. To determine
of reliable burst pressure data. Most full-scale burst tests are more accurate burst pressure for thick-wall pipes, the newly
conducted using hydrostatic tests that are usually expensive, proposed thick-wall flow solutions and machine learning models
particularly for large diameter pipes due to material and vessel were also discussed and validated in comparison to full-scale
manufacture costs. To reduce material costs, investigators may burst data for a wide range of pipeline grades from GrB to X120.
use a short cylindrical vessel with a length about two times the A total of 10 burst models were evaluated for defect-free pipes.
diameter or even shorter. As a result, test data obtained from a For corroded pipes, available corrosion assessment models
short vessel may be inaccurate and incapable of representing a were categorized into three generations in terms of the reference
long pipe, because its burst pressure is likely elevated due to the stress used in each model. The 1st, 2nd, or 3rd generation were
end-cap effect. This is particularly true for a short vessel with a defined when the flow stress, the UTS, or both the UTS and
long defect. Thus, a short vessel should not be used to measure strain hardening rate were used. A total of seventeen corrosion
burst pressure in a full-scale test. In general, a vessel should have models were discussed and evaluated. Of which, five models are
at least five times diameter to avoid the end-cap effect. A three- the 1st generation, six models are the 2nd generation, and six
segment design of long pressure vessel is a way to represent the models are the 3rd generation. The focus was on validating two
full-scale test challenge [58]. newly proposed models, i.e., Mod-PCORRC and Zhu-2015.
Comparisons with full-scale burst data showed that these new
5.2. Numerical simulation and material failure criteria corrosion assessment models are more accurate in prediction of
The FEA numerical simulation of pipeline failure is based remaining strength for corroded pipelines.
on the continuum theory. However, the continuum theory has no In addition to the three generation models, this work also
material failure criteria, and thus a prescribed material failure introduced three typical thick-wall corrosion models and
criterion is needed in the FEA simulation to ascribe material machine learning models as the 4th generation models for
failure local to a defect. Different failure criteria have been used predicting more accurate burst pressure for corroded thick-wall
in the FEA calculations of failure pressure, which resulted in pipelines. Moreover, recent advances on improving corrosion
different predictions. The most often used material failure models were reported, including the PRCI corrosion research

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generation models will become the efficient tools for real the ASME pressure vessels and Piping Conference, Boston,
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Research and Development (LDRD) program within the 2012: 1-8.
Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL). This document [19] Amaya-Gomez R, et al. Reliability assessments of corroded
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