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Cambay Oil Feild

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History and Geology

 The evolution of the Cambay basin began following the
extensive outpour of Deccan Basalts (Deccan Trap) during late
cretaceous covering large tracts of western and central India.
It's a narrow half graben trending roughly NNW-SSE filled with
Tertiary sediments with rifting due to extensional tectonics.
 India's state-owned Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC)
discovered oil at Cambay in 1958, which was considered to be
the first oil discovery outside of Assam in India. The Cambay
field contains oil and gas resources in the Miocene, Oligocene
and Eocene reservoirs.It is predominantly an oil-bearing area.
 The basin has been actively explored since 1960 with
production started in 1961 by ONGC.
 More than 2318 exploratory wells have been drilled in Cambay
Basin. Out of 244 prospects drilled, 97 are oil and gas bearing.
 Oilex is the operator of the Cambay Field with a 30% interest.
Oilex NL Holdings India has a 15% share and Gujarat State
Petroleum Corporation has a 55% share.
 A consortium of Manan Oilfield Services and Bedrock Drilling
was contracted to provide well management services for re-
fracking the existing C-77H well and drilling two new
hydraulically fractured horizontal wells at Cambay in October

Production Data
 Australia based oil and gas explorer Oilex Ltd says its Cambay
Basin block in Gujarat has been independently assessed to hold
in-place natural gas reserves of 1.3 trillion cubic feet and 1.6
billion barrels of oil.
 The discovered gross in-place reserves of the Cambay Basin
block near the town of Khambhat have been independently
evaluated by Netherland, Sewell and Associates Inc to hold
1.314trillion cubic feet of gas and 1.6333 billion barrels of oil,
the company said in a statement.
 Of this, 484.7 billion cubic feet of gas and 83.3 million barrels of
oil were deemed unrisked and recoverable. Oilex has drilled
many wells in the Cambay field and had announced that an
evolution of these has concluded there are undiscovered gross
in-place volumes of 12644 tcf of gas and 11592 billion barrels of
 Cambay 77-H is on a “self-flow” with no artificial lift, which
means a significant proportion of reservoir energy within the
drainage area of the well has been used to recover large
volumes of operation water.
 The company said the hydrocarbon liquid to gas ratio (LGR)
found during flowback at the Cambay Field was an estimated
250% higher than expected.
 Flowback has yielded 100 bbls (oil barrels) of liquids per
MMscfd (Million Standard Cubic Feet Per Day) of gas.
EOR techniques
 Among various Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) methods, gas
injection has been proven to be one of the effective ways of
enhancing oil recovery from mature fields. The field under
study has approached the economic limit of production under
conventional recovery methods (primary and secondary
recovery). Since start of production in sixties, the field has
produced 48.5 % of the initial oil in place and the water cut has
increased to 89 % in April 2011. Responding to the industry
needs, initially a comprehensive study was performed to
evaluate the potential of immiscible CO2 injection for the
recovery of residual oil after water flooding in this mature field.
 Based on the results obtained from laboratory studies it was
found that CO2 injection yields significant incremental
recovery. Simulation results show significant increase in field oil
production, essentially from 200 to 1100 m3/day and
considerable decrease in water cut were observed. In addition,
detailed PVT simulations were carried out to obtain an
equation of state (EOS) that would better describe the phase
changes in the reservoir. These results would form the basis for
carrying out CO2 EOR simulations on a field scale.
 Low Salinity Waterflooding (LSW) is an eco-friendly and low-
cost enhanced oil recovery (EOR) method. Earlier laboratory
tests and field trials have shown that injecting chemically
modified water can lead to incremental oil recovery. The aim is
to study the feasibility of LSW in a part of Cambay Basin of
India. The reservoir rock sample, crude oil sample and
formation brine data were collected for this study from the
study area. The analysis of crude oil shows the presence of
resin (06.54 %w/w) and asphaltene (0.23 %w/w) which are the
prerequisite for obtaining the LoSal Effect (LSE). The study
shows a low value of pH (<7) along with the presence of
calcium ion in the formation of brine which is another
important parameter required for implementing LSW. The X-
Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscopic (SEM)
study of the rock samples show the presence of kaolinite and
illite clays along with pyrite, pyrite-illite, quartz, magnesite and
orthoclase. Earlier studies have found that kaolinite migration
occurs during LSW which improves the oil recovery efficiency
by wettability alteration of reservoir rock, enhancing Sweep
Efficiency and reducing Oil-Water Interfacial Tension. Also,
sometimes illite tends to migrate along with the flowing fluid.
Apart from those, pyrite plays a major role in the wettability
modification under low salinity environment. Thus, polar
compounds (resin and asphaltene) in crude oil, low value of pH
and divalent cation in the formation brine and kaolinite, illite
and pyrite in the reservoir rock make the study area a suitable
candidate for LSW.

 The major oil and gas producing fields in Gujarat are

found in Cambay basin. It is known that a huge amount of
water is produced with oil and gas production which is
called produced oilfield water. Some useful elements
(iodine, lithium and strontium) are present with this
oilfield water which may be extracted in case of their
abundance. The investigation of iodine, lithium and
strontium concentrations in produced oilfield water was
accomplished by Ion chromatography while for other
cations ICP instrument was used. In oilfield water, iodine
content ranges from 0.08 to 1.89 mg/l, lithium content
ranges from 0.06 to 2.90 mg/l and strontium content
ranges from 0.24 to 73.5 mg/l. In addition to above
element, Na, Mg, K, Ca, Al, Ba, Fe, Se, Cu, Zn, As, Cd and
Hg were also analyzed. The pH and TDS of all the samples
were also measured. There is considerable variation in
iodine, lithium and strontium in oilfield water samples
collected from oil and gas producing fields of Gujarat.
There is no definite pattern of variation in iodine, lithium
and strontium content.
Remaining recoverable reserves
 Based on economic assumptions, the production will continue
until the field reaches its economic limit in 2033. The field is
expected to recover 37.28 Mmboe, comprised of 8.62 Mmbbl
of crude oil & condensate and 172.01 bcf of natural gas
 The Cambay field contains oil and gas resources in the
Miocene, Oligocene and Eocene reservoirs. The current field
development targets the Eocene EP-IV tight siltstone reservoir,
which is estimated to contain 930 billion cubic feet (bcf) of gas
and 61 million barrels (Mbl) of condensate.

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