Cot Q4 Grade 8
Cot Q4 Grade 8
Cot Q4 Grade 8
Explain ingestion, absorption, assimilation, and excretion [S8LTIVa-13]
Knowledge: Identify the different organs that comprises the human digestive system.
Skills: Draw an eye-catching poster that will show at least three healthful practices that will maintain the normal
functioning of the digestive system.
Attitudes: Cite the importance of knowing the parts and functions of the organs that comprises the digestive
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages:
2. Learners’ Material pages:
3. Textbook pages: 291-306 pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resources (LR) portal: Science Quarter 4 – Module 1:
Structures and Functions of the Digestive System pages 6-7, 13 -14
B. Other Learning Resources
Audiovisual set (laptop, projector, and speakers) Illustrations and diagrams, meta cards, Audio-visual clips
A. Preparation :
1. Greetings
2. Classroom Rules/Standards
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Energizer
A. Reviewing previous Class, did you eat your breakfast?
lesson or presenting
the new lesson. (ELICIT) What have you eaten during your breakfast?
One Student will read the Mechanics:
1. Groupings
2. The teacher will say a Food Word and Group 1 will say another food from the last
letter of the food given by the teacher, Then Group 2 will say another food from
the last letter from the food given by group 1; Group 3 from Group 2; Group 4
from Group 3; Group 5 from Group 4. (End)
3. Another Set will start-same sequence as No. 2. It will be 3 sets.
The teacher will say..Fried Chicken
Group 1: Noodles
Group 2: Soup
Group 3: Pancit
Group 4: Tortang Talong
Round 1:
I was doing house chores and I think of “Jackfruit”
Round 2:
I went to Prince Hypermart Mall, while driving I am thinking of “Sisig” for lunch.
Round 3.
I got hungry while shopping and I am thinking of “Ice cream”.
After the game the group will answer the following question:
C. Presenting
examples/instances of Let the students’ pick and post the digestive organ on the labeled body parts on
the new lesson the board.
Reference: (
Guide Questions: e
1. What are the organs of digestive system?
2. If one organ in the digestive system will be removed, do you think it will still
serve its function?
Digestive system is the system responsible for breaking down food particles and
gives nutrients to the different parts of the body. It is a complex process of
turning the food you eat into nutrients which our body uses for energy, growth,
and cell repair needed to survive.
There are four stages of digestion namely the ingestion, absorption,
assimilation and excretion.
1. Ingestion. It refers to the entry of food into the alimentary canal through
the mouth. When food is ingested into your mouth, your teeth, tongue,
and saliva work together to begin the process of digestion. It is the first
step refers to the consumption of the materials.
2. the process by which digested food nutrients and water
are taken from the intestine and moved throughout the body.
3. Assimilation. is a process of taking in digested food nutrients into the
cell by providing materials in building new protoplasm and energy
needed during the cell activities. This process occurs in the small
intestine. Assimilation simply means resynthesizing or putting back
together all those molecules to form a bigger formation of proteins,
polypeptides, carbohydrates, and lipids. After the absorption process, the
digested food products such as the glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids
are in the bloodstream. These nutrients should be delivered in the cell.
4. Excretion/Egestion. the process of removing wastes and excess water
from the body. The excretion in the digestive system works with the
excretory system to excrete or eliminate the waste product of our body.
After the absorption and assimilation process that happens in the small
intestine, the undigested materials move to the large intestine.
Materials Needed:
Game board
C. Developing Mastery Study the figure below and answer the questions that follow.
Illustrated by: Rosa Mia L. Pontillo
1. How does ingestion begin?
a. mouth
b. stomach
. small intestine
3. How are nutrients from the food you eat absorbed after digestion?
D. Finding practical 1.Since we experienced COVID19 pandemic, if our body is infected with
applications of the Covid19 virus, what will happen to our digestive system?
concepts and skills 2. What organ of digestive system can Covid19 virus affect?
in daily living. 1. How Covid19 impacts the digestive system?
2. at will you do as a student to avoid covid19?
E. Making
generalizations and What are the differences between the 4 stages of Digestion?
abstractions about
the lesson
Categories 5 4 3 1
Neatness and The work The work The work is The work
Organization is is presented in appears
presented presented an sloppy and
in a neat, in a neat organized unorganized
clear, and but may be . It is hard
organized organized hard to read to know
that is easy that is at times. what
to read. usually information
easy to goes
read. together.
Concepts Most Most Minimal Insufficient
concepts concepts acceptable number of
are all relating number of concepts
significant to topic concepts selected
concepts were selected, relating to
selected selected. with some topic.
and they relationships
clearly to the topic.
relate to the
Presentation There are There are There are 4- There are
no errors in 1-3 errors 5 errors in more than
spelling in spelling. five errors.
punctuation spelling.
It refers to the
entry of food
Digestion into the
Ingestion alimentary
Process canal through
the mouth.
is the process
Absorption by which
digested food
nutrients and
water are
taken from the
intestine and
throughout the
. is a process of
Assimilation taking in digested
food nutrients into
the cell by
materials in
building new
protoplasm and
energy needed
during the cell
the process of
removing wastes
Excretion and excess water
from the body.
G. Additional activities Direction: Draw an eye-catching poster that will show at least three healthful practices
for application or that will maintain the normal functioning of your digestive system. Use short bond
remediation paper for your output.
Prepared by:
Secondary School Teacher I
School Head