Contemporary World. Module 1 4

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San. Jose, Malilipot, Albay

GE 3


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College Instructor


Comprehension Questions/ Process Questions:

1. What are the different interpretation and approaches to globalization?

 The different interpretations and approaches to globalization has been
occurred when it first comes out in the Webster’s Dictionary in 1961.
Globalization is classified into two definitions. The first one stating that it
is broad and inclusive. The second one it is narrow and exclusive.
Globalization is a kind if process in interacting and integrating with the
different companies, nations and organizations. It is called as an
interconnectedness of the countries in regards with the economy,
politics, social issues and services.

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using (a) broad and
inclusive definition (b) narrow and exclusive definitions of globalization?

A. Advantages of using broad and inclusive definition:

 Help us to know what is happening to the rest of the world.
 Knows about the economic climate around us.
 It gained variety of ideas about an issues that deals with
overcoming traditional boundaries.
 Explore our minds for the ideas of different countries their
practices, cultures and traditions.
 We can learn different things from the different perspective.
Disadvantages of using broad and inclusive definitions of
 It may cause a lot of confusion because there are lot of
theories that defines the globalizations.
 It can cause discouragement to someone that just want a
preview about the details of globalizations.
 It make to be more muddled.

B. Advantages of using narrow and exclusive definitions of

 It establish the clarity of a particular study which is the
 We can focus on a specific aspects of globalizations.
 It makes the definition become more precise.
 It clarifies the topic by supporting concrete examples.
 It help us to have an excellent ideas about globalizations.

Disadvantages of using narrow and exclusive definitions of

 It limits the idea of what is happening to the rest of the
 Exclusive definitions will decrease the global strategy of a
person for competitive battles on a global scales.

3. Why is defining and understanding globalizations important?

 It is very important to open or minds regarding what globalizations is.

Defining the globalizations means understanding the world. It help us to
have an idea, awareness and be formally informed to what are the latest
happenings around us. It means a lot to defined the globalization,
because it would help us to navigate things not just in our own country
but on the other countries as well. If we able to understand what is
globalizations then we can probably relate on what the contemporary
world means.

B . Make a concept map using word and phrases that define globalization.
Explain each word and phrases below.





Globalization is a broader phenomenon that happens around the world. There

are factors that defines globalization. Adapting Cultures, traditions, and
practices, through the globalization we can able to explore different cultures from
the different countries. We practiced some of their traditions that have been
become a vital part in our life. Worldwide Changes, globalization change the
world by providing different opportunities to any local or international foreign
goods and services. It improves the economic growth of a certain country because
of the collaboration of the different countries around the world. Movement of
People, nowadays some people prefer to engage in migration because they sees
lot of opportunities to the country or place that they want to migrate.
Technological Innovation, because of globalization we were able to have access
and easy ways in communicating our love ones or engaging in a transactions
everyday. Improved Transport, the transportation nowadays have improved into
many forms, it increase in trends because we integrate with different countries to
import and export well functioning cars, truck or any kinds of transport vehicles.
Lastly, the interdependence, with the impact of globalization we were able to ask
help or depends to different countries in order to get a good connection with
them. Nations were interdependent in a globalized world.

B . Look for a sample news event from a local or international writings . Analyze
and relate it with the context of globalization.
 In the present, there are lot of events that has happens around the
world. It creates a context with the idea of globalization, one of the best
example of it is the pandemic that cause people to suffer financially,
emotionally and mentally because of the effects of the virus. It creates a
huge disruption to the development of global health. But there are
different organization binding together to fight with these disease. They
give support for the health workers in order to improve the services to
the affected areas and people. These pandemic serves as a global
challenge that different countries experiencing everywhere around the
world. The globalization became the passageway in order to
communicate with different global health organization in formulating
ideas, plans and strategies in fighting the situation.

C . State the importance of defining and understanding globalization.

 The importance of understanding the globalization is that it provides
knowledge about the different issues that have a context with
globalization. We become globally involved and able to relate with the
forces that help to develop our countries growth. It involves the
connection between the nation to nation to create an interaction and
integration with each other. Because of the globalization a country can
join to the rest of the countries to have a good relationship that will lead
to the economic development of a country. We need to understand it
briefly and concise so that we can able to analyze what are the factors
that may affect the country’s development.


1. What are the demographic issues discussed?

 Uneven population growth worldwide

 Demographic Pressure on the Environment
 Slum Urbanization
 Spread of Diseases

2. Why is the increase and the decrease of population in countries essential

to its economic growth?

1. The increase and decrease of population is essential to the economic

growth of the country because it is associated on how it will provide
the needs of the people and the capacity to provide the standards pf
living by the population in the place. If the population growth
increases it may help to grow the economic development because of
the increase in the demand as it increased the number of population.
But it depends on how the country handles it may cause a disruption
because the needs of the people consumption also increases. It
would lead to depletion in the standards of living. In the decrease of
population growth may affect the economy’s development as the
demand will lower and the workforce will declined in producing
development in a certain country. These two factors are essential to
the growth of the economic development of every country across the

3. How does industrialized countries deals with the problem of population?

2. Industrialized countries deals with the problem of population by

dropping the growth of the numbers of the populations. If the
growth of populations in the developing countries increases then the
industrialized countries decreases the growth of populations.
Industrialized countries tend to limit the number of child in the
family for them to sustain the needs and the wants as well.

4. Differentiate two motives of migration the push factor and pull factor?

3. Push factor refers to causes that drove drives of people to abandon

their residence while the pull factor attracts immigrants because of
the availability of job opportunities.

5. Do you agree that the number of population affects one’s country

capacity to developed?

4. Yes, I agreed that the number of population affects the development

of the country. If a country have an increased in the population it has
the tendency to struggle in achieving the goal to develop. It is a vise
versa connection with the country with decreased number of
population growth. A country with decrease population will lead to
have the capacity to developed because there is least consumption
that is being used.

A . Research on other demographic issue that the Philippines are experiencing
as of today.

 In our present day Philippines experiencing demographic issues about

covid-19 pandemic. Filipinos suffer from the said virus, the risk of illness
and death increases as it continuously spread all over the place. The
most likely to get infected are the elderly ones. These pandemic cause
to have financial and economical problem that leads to poverty. Some
of people can’t work regularly stable. According to some research if the
covid-19 attributes deaths it increases to 10% of total death, the life
expectancy at birth will likely to reduce by 1.4 years. This is alarming
because of the pandemic our life expectancy decreases without even
noticing it.

B . for the demographic of the following countries: India, China, and

Philippines. Differentiate the 3 countries based on the data you gathered in
their current demographics.


1. China 1,446,387,787 7.54 1.7

2. Philippines 111,428,458 6 19.97
3. India 1,397,309,368 7.34 18.7

 Based from the data that I gathered, among the three countries china
remains to have the largest population followed by the India and last is the
Philippines. In terms in death rate, china has 7.54 per 1000 people, the
Philippines has 6 per 1000 people and India has 7.34 per 1000 people. From
the three countries China has smaller birth rate that composed of 1.7 per
1000 women, the Philippines have 19.97 per 1000 women and the India
that has 18.7 per 1000 women as well.

A . Write True if the statement is correct and False if its incorrect.

TRUE 1. Demography is the study of human population with respect to their size
and dynamics.
TRUE 2. Global Transition is when the fertility rates decline from high to low
trend in particular country or region.
TRUE 3. Motivations for immigrants are of two category which are thee push
factor and pull factor.
TRUE 4. Industrialized countries tend to limit the number of child in the family for
them to sustain the needs and the wants as well.
FALSE 5. The increase in population lessen the demographic pressure in the

B. Analyze the statement below and make a stand if you are pro or con on this
matter.200 word minimum.


“The Population Increases the Value of Life Decreases”

Every life in the earth is valuable. God created human to equally see the
worth of all the living things that he created. No matter what circumstances that
happens our value will still remain as we live.
As I’ve read the statements that as the population increases the value of
life decreases it made me realize how our life will be affected by the number of
the population. But I’m not in favor that population will be the basis on how we
value the life of every person in the community. The life should remain it’s value
even if the populations will double. The increased in the population is not the
basis how our life is to be valued. It will not decrease but it must increase in each
everyday of our lives. Although yes, it always affect our life, the way of living
because there are things that hinders the capacity to live according to our
satisfaction and fulfillment but these doesn’t mean that it will decrease our
worth. The worth of every individual cannot measured by any circumstances
instead it can be seen throughout our actions, dignity and behavior. We should
valued each other by treating everybody equally and right. God created human to
see the week the worth of all the living things in this world. Ourselves is the only
one who will decide how our life can be value.
On the other side, the population is the cause why some people nowadays
suffered a lot and decrease their expectancy to live because the amount of the
resources will be limited and declined as the growth in the population
continuously increasing. But always remember that as long as we live we must
always see our worth. Population is not the thing that decides how we value the
life of every individual in this world.


1. What are the reasons why people engage in migration?

 There are many reasons why people engaged in migrating to other

countries or places. One of the reason is the opportunity to work there
that give a high salary compared to their previous country. Poverty is
the most common cases why people migrate. The lack of opportunities
and having a low standards of living are one of their reason why they
prefer to move to another place. Other people tend to migrate because
they are seeking for protection or security towards the things that may
harm them.

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages in migration?

 The advantages in migration is that it provides opportunities in life, it

enable us to interact with other people and learned new ways of living,
it also help to establish our economic growth while the disadvantages in
migration is that some people who engage migration might experience
discrimination, faced a hard time to adjust with the new way of living
and may increases the population of the new place.

3. How can we lessen the number of people to migrate from his place to

 We can at least lessen the number of people who migrate to another

country by means of providing them educational assistance,
employment opportunities, stable jobs so that they will not be triggered
to find a suitable place to sustain their standards of living.
4. Do you agree that less immigrants of a place connotes its economical
 Yes, I agreed because if there is a less immigrants of a place then it
means that the country is lack on the standards of living of a person and
its economical development is not rarely approachable by the

5. In what way does migration helps the economic growth of a


 Migration support the economic growth of the country by

means of expanding the workforce of a certain place.
Increasing the income of people and their way of living
everyday. It would also help to establish in increasing the GDP
of the country. Improves the productivity of the skills of the
people who migrate to a place. It also reduces the poverty that
will lead to the development of the country.

IV – Activity

Conduct an interview to a former or current OFW(online or

face to face following the suggested health protocols ). Let
him/her answers the questions below.


1. Who/what are the reasons why he/she decided to leave the country?
 My family is the reason why I decided to go abroad, to secure our

2. How long have you stayed abroad?

 More than three years.

3. What are the problems she faced he/she was in the country she went to?
 Being homesick and adjusting with the culture.

4. What were your unforgettable experiences there?

 My boss treat me as their own family. The beautiful places where I visits
every time I have my day off.

5. How will you compare the Philippines with other countries?

 In Philippines there are many toxic people, unemployed because of the
lack in educational assistance. Lot of people didn’t follow the
implemented rules of the government. There are discrimination
experienced by PDWD and also having high standards when applying a
job. While in Taiwan, people always follow the rules that the
government implementing. Family planning 2-3 child only, the children
need to finished their education if not the parents will be punished and
be imprisoned. About naman sa discrimination, Taiwan doesn’t tolerate
that kind of act, people are equally treated right. Even elder people can
work as long as they can do their jobs.

6. What are the benefits you obtained to the country you went to?
 Free medicine, checkup, bonus in Chinese new year, yearly 7 days
vacation you can get it into cash if you don’t use it.
7. If you were given a chance, would you still go back to other countries ?
Why and Why not?
 Yes, because I still have many plans for my family’s future.
A. Identification. Write the correct answer in each item.

Migration 1. It means crossing the border of the political or administrative unit

for a certain period of time.
International migration 2. It refers to a movement from one place to another.
Internal migration 3. It refers to a movement within the country
Irregular Migrants 4. Known as undocumented or illegal immigrants.
Refugees 5. A person residing outside of hi/her country.

B. Give at least 5 reasons and explain why people migrate.

1. People migrates because of the lack of opportunity to their current country

that’s why they seek for new opportunities to other countries to achieve
betterment in life.
2. People engage in migration because they are seeking for security and
protection in order to scape from any violence or harm that they experienced in
their previous country.
3. People want to reunite with their family that is living across the country or
4. For educational purposes, like having a good chance to study abroad. People
will migrate because they know that it is a good opportunity to be not taken for
5. New employment, people migrate to other countries because they have new
employer or workplace that have higher salary compared to the latter place.


Comprehension Questions/ Process Questions:

1. What ways do international organization help our country economy?

 International organization help our economy by means of integrating

with our different local organization to build a connection to ensure that
the needs of the people will be attained. Trading is one of those things
that they’ve help us to improve our country’s economy.

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages on our economy being

involved in global trade/s?

 Being involved in global trades have advantages and disadvantages on

our economy. The advantages of it is that due to our lack of resources
we tend to ask some help to other countries to produce the goods,
product that we needed. Through engaging on trade it will boost our
country’s economy. But sometimes there are disadvantages being
involved in global trade one of it is that it may cause us a threat because
there will be a competition that may happen. We depends on developed
countries that’s why it may affect our development in some areas in our

3. Does the position of rich countries as giants in the economic chain

threaten the status of less developed countries in the global market?
 It depends because sometimes rich countries can serves as a goal so
that the less developed countries will achieve more to progress their
economy. On the other half it can be a threat to them because there will
be a competition that will happen. It is difficult for them to keep up with
more developed countries.
4. In the case of the Philippines, how much do you think are we involved in
the modern world system? What are the advantages and disadvantages
of being part of such?

 The Philippines have been involved in the modern world system in many
different aspects and ways. It help us a lot to the growth of our country.
Because of our involvement with other countries organization we were
able to create a lot of benefits from it. The advantage of being part in
this modern world is that it improves out economic development, builds
a good relationship with other organizations in the different countries.
The disadvantages of it is that it may trigger us to keep up with the
different countries that are also includes in the modern world system. It
can cause a competition between different countries.


1. Adidas P 8,000.00 Germany Adidas AG
2. Argentina P 28.00 Philippines Century Pacific
Meatloaf Food Inc.
3. Tender P 198.00 Philippines San Miguel
Juicy Corporation
4. RDL Baby P 65.00 Philippines RDL
Face Pharmaceutical
Laboratory Inc.
5. Realme C25 P 7,490.00 China Telecommunication
A. the chart or graph below identify the country of origin, manufacturer and
price of your chosen item or goods.


1. Which country has the largest product that has been produced in your

 The country that has the largest product that I’ve possessed is the China.

2. What are the reasons why the country cited is leading on the mass
production of products?

 The reason why the country cited is leading on the mass production it is
because the products that people usually needed are localized. Although
the Philippines is not developed as the rich countries we can able to
produce products or goods that will suits our taste.

3. Give the advantages and disadvantages of mass production that is

controlled by one country?

 The advantages of mass production that is controlled by one country is

that it will help to increase the productivity of that country that leads to
have lot of manufactured products, it will also be beneficial to
consumers because it may lower the prices of the goods that they are
purchasing. The disadvantages of it is that it may cause loss of jobs to
some skilled workers who used barehanded in making the production. A
country with a mass production will used machines instead in order to
gain more quantity of products.

B. Name the Different global actors and their functions.


1. NATO Washington DC, United Guaranteeing the
States April 4,1949 freedom and security of
its members through
political and military
2. WTO January 1, 1995 To ensure that trade
flows as smoothly,
predictably and freely as
3. BDO Unibank November 1976, Manila To provides a complete
array of industry leading
products and services
including ( corporate and
consumer ), deposit
taking, foreign exchange,
booking, trust and
investment, credit cards,
corporate cash
management and
4. UNCTAD December 30,1964 Promoting trade and
development particularly
in developing countries.
5. Apple Inc. April 1, 1976, Los Atlos, To create products that
California, United States enrich people’s daily


A . True if the statements is correct and False if its incorrect.

True 1. Economic globalization refers to the increasing interdependence of

world economies as a result of the growing scale of cross border trade of
commodities and services.

False 2. There are 3 types of economies associated with economic

globalization namely: protectionism, trade liberalization and fair trade.

True 3. WTO is responsible for trade in services, non tariff related barriers
to trade and other broader areas to trade liberalization.

False 4. Tariff are requires fees on imports or exports.

True 5. Immanuel Wallerstein model is what we called the capitalist world


B. Make a stand regarding the economic globalization argument with the

“ Global free trade has done more harm than good”

“Global free trade has done more harm than good”

We all live in a modern world system, we interact and integrate with other
countries. In terms of global trading we used it as an instrument in order to get
the things that we needed from other countries. As we all know that our country
are have limited resources we can’t make all the products or services without
asking help from the other countries. We were able to transact and introduce our
local goods globally.
I’m not in favor that the global trade done more harm than good because it
has many benefit to the economy. It helps the development particularly our
economy through many ways. We are blessed that we are part in the modern
world system. There are lot of benefits we can get if we engage in global free
trade. It allows the people to buy more products because it is more way lower in
prices. It enhances the economic development and build a strong relationship
with other countries.
It always depend on us how we give perspective about global free trade, to
some people it can cause harm more than good and some people see it as an
opportunity to create development. We can’t change the fact that it has
advantages and disadvantages to the people most specially to the country’s
economic development.

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