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International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research, Vol. x(x), Mar. 2004.

(pISSN: 2541-5972, eISSN: 2548-1479) 00

Effect Of The Use Of Biodiesel B50 From Palm

Oil On Lubricant Oil Degradation And Wear
On Diesel Engine Components
Choirudin Nur Ruyan1, Beny Cahyono 2
Abstract¾ Alternative diesel fuel sources are attracting worldwide attention due to the world energy crisis. As early as
1900, vegetable oil was used as diesel fuel. So far, the need for oil in Indonesia as a supply of refinery capacity is still
dependent on outside parties. At the same time, the demand for power increases in line with economic and population
growth. For this reason, new alternative fuels are needed to reduce the need for fossil fuels. Biodiesel fuel with palm oil as
the main ingredient is an alternative fuel to replace diesel fuel (diesel fuel). Because Indonesia is the world's largest
producer of crude palm oil, with a production of 31,010.015 tons in 2015, it is possible to develop alternative fuels based on
palm oil. However, using vegetable oil biodiesel can cause losses in the engine's lifetime. The use of coconut oil in a drastic
decrease in the viscosity of the lubricating oil and increased the level of metal wear on the engine. This study discusses the
effect of biodiesel B30 from palm oil (Palm Oil) on the degradation of engine lubricating oil and wear and tear on diesel
engine components. The method used is experimentation by testing diesel engines for a long time with the standards of the
Engine Manufacturer Association (EMA). The use of biodiesel B50 palm oil causes more significant degradation of the
lubricating oil than Pertamina Dexlite. It is proven by the lubricating oil tested with biodiesel fuel B50 palm oil has a
decrease in viscosity of 16.17% greater. From the lubricant, data used oil analysis on engine components YANMAR TF-85
MH in attention condition, but the oi is still within tolerance limits. Lubricating oil fueled by biodiesel B50 palm oil after
running for 2 hours contained 8 ppm aluminum metal, 27% larger iron metal, and 1 ppm more chromium metal in the
lubricating oil after being used in diesel engines. The use of biodiesel B50 palm oil also causes a more significant piston ring
gap and a worse condition of the journal bearing. In addition, this test found that the deposit generated from the use of
biodiesel B50 palm oil was 30.97% greater in the diesel engine component. From the number of residues on diesel engine
components, it can be concluded that using Pertamina Dexlite fuel is better than using palm oil B50 biodiesel fuel.

Keywords¾B50 Biodiesel, Degradation, Deposit, Palm Oil, Water

and temperature of the exhaust gas from the vessel's

I. INTRODUCTION1 main engine rather than using High-Speed Diesel (HSD)
fuel. On the other hand, the use of biodiesel causes an

T o reduce fuel production from petroleum, the

government requires the use of biodiesel. Presently,
increase in the number of fuel consumption when
compared to the use of HSD. Pandey et al. [3], in their
research on the effect of Karanja oil methyl ester, caused
a decrease in the main brake power on the 780 HP
researchers have attracted considerable attention from engine. In their research, Yuksek et al. [4] showed that
biodiesel fuel to reduce power from oil and utilize rapeseed biodiesel doesn't generate a significant
renewable energy sources. Biodiesel is used as an difference in performance. compounds, so biodiesel is a
alternative fuel because its advantages in reducing cleaner fuel and easier to handle than diesel. Another
emissions and performance are comparable to diesel characteristic of biodiesel is that it has a higher cetane
fuel. number and viscosity and better lubrication properties
In its use, biodiesel can affect the performance of the than diesel.
diesel engine. Hanif [1], in his research about the The mandatory implementation of B50 in Indonesia in
influence of palm oil biodiesel, reported that the use of early January 2020 is said to be able to save foreign
palm oil biodiesel resulted in an increase in fuel exchange and is also more environmentally friendly.
consumption of diesel engines from 11.93% to 13.48%, However, several complaints emerged from consumers
decreasing thermal efficiency decreased by 2.96% to regarding its effect on the engine in its development. In
5.33%. Volumetric efficiency is relatively the same as a response to this, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral
pure diesel fuel engine. Nurhadi [2], in his research Resources Research and Development Center described
about the use of biodiesel on patrol vessels, resulted that the tests carried out. As a result, there is a decrease in
the use of biodiesel causes a decrease in the load, power, power and fuel consumption of up to 0.87 percent.
However, tests of large cars such as trucks over 3.5 tons
show an increase in power.
Choirrudin Nur Ruyan, Departement of Marine Engineering.
Institution Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember. Surabaya, 60111, Indonesia. The use of coconut oil results in an increase in the level
E-mail: [email protected] of metal wears on the engine. (Dawn et al., 2007). Using
Author Author name is with Departement of …., biodiesel based on a mixture of 20% crude oil
University/Institution, City, Postal Code, Country. E- (KOME20) increases the metal content of iron,
mail:…………………. aluminum, copper, chromium, nickel, zinc, lead, and
Author A. Author name is with Departement of ….,
University/Institution, City, Postal Code, Country. E- magnesium. This is more than using fossil fuels in the
mail:…………………. lubricating oil after 200 hours of use (Dhar et al., 2014).
After using Pongamia oil biodiesel for 256 hours, the
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research, Vol. x(x), Mar. 2004. xx-xx
(pISSN: 2541-5972, eISSN: 2548-1479) 00

metal content of iron, copper, nickel, lead, chromium, with a ratio of 1: 1 with methyl ester. Then 0.5% vinegar
magnesium, zinc, and aluminum in the lubricating oil was added from 1000 ml of methyl ester. This washing
increased diesel fuel (Gopal et al., 2015). process uses a bubble method by utilizing air bubbles to
However, using biodiesel causes more significant bind glycerol which has been bound to methanol with
degradation of the lubricating oil properties. This can water. This process takes a minimum of 8 hours.
cause a loss in the lifetime of the engine because, in the (Ristianingsih, et al., 2015).
diesel engine, there are components that move with each 4. Precipitation Process
other, both linear motion and rotary motion. Movement After the solution was bubbled for 8 hours,
or contact between elements in a machine will cause then the solution was allowed to stand for 24 hours so
friction. If the variance is allowed to occur, it will cause that the solution was separated between the glycerol and
losses such as wear and tear to damage. Therefore, the methyl ester.
lubrication is required. 5. Drying Process
The function of lubrication is to reduce friction between The results of the washing in the form of ethyl
metal and other engine components to minimize the risk ester were removed and put into a glass cup, then dried
of damage to the engine. In addition, lubrication helps by heating at a temperature of 80-100°C. This process is
reduce heat generated due to conflict and minimizes intended to reduce the water content in the oil. The dried
engine power wasted against friction forces. methyl ester was cooled to room temperature.
This study discusses the effect of biodiesel B50 from (Ristianingsih, et al., 2015)
palm oil on the degradation of engine lubricating oil and 6. Palm Oil Biodiesel
wear and tear on diesel engine components. The method After going through the drying process, ethyl ester or
used is to research lubricating oil in diesel engines that biodiesel will be produced with a volume reduction of
have been working for a long time. It is hoped that 20%.
biodiesel will only slightly affect the characteristics of C. Standard Procedure Experiment
the lubricating oil compared to the use of pure diesel Experiments in this study aimed to determine
fuel. the results of the use of biodiesel on lubricating oil and
II. METHOD engine component wear.
Literature study was conducted by collecting D. Lubricating Oil Sampling Standard
references on biodiesel and its effects on lubricating oil Sampling of lubricating oil in this study was
and engine components. The process of making carried out by taking 100 ml of lubricating oil from a
biodiesel using palm oil includes degumming, machine that had been running. Lubricating oil samples
esterification and transesterification processes. Biodiesel were taken every 0 hours, 100 hours, and 200 hours.
B50 is a diesel engine fuel that has a mixture of 50% E. Laboratory Examination
vegetable oil. In biodiesel itself, microbes can also grow Laboratory examination in this study aims to
which can trigger problems in the engine. At this stage, determine the characteristics or properties of the
preparations are made to be able to carry out the lubricating oil from engines that are run using biodiesel
experiment, the preparations are in the form of: and diesel oil. The characteristics of the lubricating oil
A. Preparation of Diesel Motor and Generator examined were kinematic viscosity, viscosity index,
The diesel motor used in the experiment and total base number (TBN), Fourier Transform Infrared
later data will be taken regarding the effect of biodiesel Spectroscopy (FTIR) and metal content in the
use on the degradation of lubricating oil and wear of lubricating oil.
diesel engine components. The engine used in this F. Data Analysis
experiment is the YAMAR TF 85 MHS Data analysis in this study was conducted to
B. Biodiesel Production find out and analyze more deeply the effect of using
To be able to make palm oil biodiesel, the palm oil biodiesel on the degradation of lubricating oil
following steps are carried out: and wear and tear on diesel engine components. This
1. The process of making methoxide solution data analysis will answer the research objectives that
The methoxide solution was made by mixing methanol have been described previously. The data needed to be
and KOH in a ratio of 1: 6. For every 1 liter of palm oil able to analyze the effect of using palm oil biodiesel on
needed, 166 ml of methanol and 4 grams of KOH are lubricating oil degradation and wear on diesel engine
needed. The mixture is then stirred (Samlawi, 2018) components is data from previous laboratory studies.
2. Transesterification process These data include kinematic viscosity figures, viscosity
The sample and methoxide solution were put into the index, total base number (TBN), flash point, pour point
container. The mixture is then stirred using a stirrer and metal content in lubricating oil.
while heated using a heater at a temperature of 65°C for
1 hour. After heating and stirring using a stirrer, the III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
mixture was allowed to stand for 1 night to separate the A. Component Deposit
methyl ester and glycerin. The top product is methyl To determine the effect of using biodiesel fuel B50 palm
ester and the bottom product is glycerin (Ristianingsih, oil on the combustion process, the mass of the deposit
et al., 2015). was measured. Measurement of deposit mass is carried
3. Washing Process out by taking deposits from several parts of the diesel
The methyl ester is put into a container for the washing engine components which are then weighed to
process. Next, distilled water was added to the container determine their mass. Deposits are taken on several
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research, Vol. x(x), Mar. 2004. xx-xx
(pISSN: 2541-5972, eISSN: 2548-1479) 00

diesel engine components, namely injectors, pistons, and greatly affects changes in viscosity at a temperature of
cylinder heads. 100°C. This is evidenced in Figure 1.
Table 1. Diesel Engine Component Deposit Mass
Component Deposit Mass
No Component
Dexlite (Cn 51) B50
1 Injektor 0,03 g 0,06
2 Cylinder Head 1,31 g 1,68
3 Piston 1,01 g 1,65
Total Mass of Deposit 2,34 g 3,39

B. Physical Properties and Metal Content in

Lubricating Oil
To find out the effect of using palm oil B50
biodiesel fuel on the degradation of lubricating oil, a
lubricating oil test was carried out. The test was carried
out by taking a sample of lubricating oil after being
tested on a machine with biodiesel fuel B50 palm oil for Figure 1. Viscosity 100°C
200 hours. Furthermore, the sample is tested in the
E. TBN (Total Base Number)
laboratory to test the properties of the lubricating oil. The lubricating oil in the engine tested using Pertamina
The lubricating oil properties tested included kinematic Dexlite fuel experienced an increase in the TBN value of 0.01
viscosity at 40°C, kinematic viscosity at 100°C, mgKOH/g or 0.09% of the initial TBN value. Meanwhile, the
viscosity index, flash point, pour point, total base lubricating oil in the engine tested with Biodiesel B50 Palm
number (TBN) and water content (Springer, 2008). In Oil experienced a decrease in the TBN value of 0.18
mgKOH/g or 1.78%. The decrease in the value of TBN is due
addition, the metal content of the lubricating oil was also to its nature as an acid neutralizer that has been used in the
tested to analyze the metal wear of diesel engine combustion process. So that the additive content in lubricating
components. oil which is generally alkaline is reduced. This is evidenced in
C. Oil Rating Analysis figure 2.
Oil rating or lubricant condition is the overall
condition of the lubricant which is affected by
oxidation, viscosity, chemical reaction of the lubricant,
depletion of additives, etc. All of these things indicate
the performance of the lubricant or a change in
properties which may make the lubricant unfit for
further use. The results that affect the overall condition
of the oil include the Physical Test and the FTIR test.

Table 2. Physical Test

V100c TBN
Fuel Lube Name 100 200 100 200
Mesin New New
hour hour hour hour
Yanmar Mobilgard
Dexlite 14 12,84 12,06 10 8,52 10,07
TF-85 MH HSD 15W-40 Figure 2. TBN (Total Base Number)
Yanmar Mobilgard
B50 14 12,6 11,87 10 10,78 9,88
TF-85 MH HSD 15W-40
F. FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy)
FTIR before and after testing. Lubricating oil in
Table 3. FTR Test
engines tested using Pertamina Dexlite and B50 fuel has
increased but is still within normal limits with maximum
Type FTIR-abs New hour FTIR-abs 100 hour FTIR-abs 200 hour
Soot Oxi Nit Sul Soot Oxi Nit Sul Soot Oxi Nit Sul
limits or has warning bias. This is evidenced in figure 3
Yanmar .
Dexllite <1 <1 <1 <1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1
TF-85 MH
B50 <1 <1 <1 <1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 1
TF-85 MH

D. Viscosity 100°C
Is a physical test on lubricants to determine the
overall viscosity condition. This test is to determine the
viscosity of the lubricant is still in good condition, not
runny or thicker, to ensure the lubrication process is
maintained properly. Overall, the viscosity of the
lubricant on the Yanmar TF85-MH engine equipment is Figure 3. FTIR Test
in good condition. The use of biodiesel B50 palm oil
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research, Vol. x(x), Mar. 2004. xx-xx
(pISSN: 2541-5972, eISSN: 2548-1479) 00

G. Equipment Rating a. Piston Rings

Equipment rating is used to see the presence of The condition of the piston ring when it is at
particles in the lubricant which can indicate component Top Dead Point (TDC) the piston ring gap on the engine
wear. It is usually used to evaluate the performance of tested using Pertamina Dexlite fuel has an increase of
machines and equipment and can be used to schedule 0.2 mm; 0.1mm; and 0.05 mm on the compression
preventive maintenance to increase productivity. piston ring 1, compression piston ring 2, and
compression piston ring 3. Meanwhile, when the piston
Table 4. Equipment Rating ring is at the Lower Dead Point (TMB), the piston ring
has an additional gap of 0.1 mm; 0.1mm; and 0.15 mm
Lube Equipment Rating 100hour Equipment Rating 200hour on the compression piston ring 1, compression piston
Mesin Name Fe Cu AI Cr Ni Tin Pb Fe Cu AI Cr Ni Tin Pb ring 2, and compression piston ring 3. biodiesel B50
Yanmar Mobilgard
TF-85 Dexlite HSD 15W- 27 1 4 3 0 2 3 35 2 8 4 1 3 3
palm oil did not have much effect on the addition of the
MH 40 piston ring gap(Witek et al., 2017)
Yanmar Mobilgard .
TF-85 B50 HSD 15W- 26 2 5 2 0 2 2 48 2 8 3 1 3 6 At TDC condition, the compression piston ring
MH 40 gap of 1 engine with biodiesel fueled engine B50 palm
oil is 0.05 mm smaller than the engine fueled by
From the lab results, the wear metal condition on the Pertamina Dexlite. In the same condition, the
YANMAR TF-85MH engine is NORMAL. compression piston ring gap 2 on the dexlite fuel engine
The metal content parameters used to see the condition is 0.1 mm larger. While on the compression piston ring
of the equipment are: 3 there is no difference in the piston ring gap. While in
a. Iron (Fe) TMB conditions, the compression piston ring gap 1 on
Is the main component of all equipment, for wear the B50 biodiesel fuel engine is 0.05 mm smaller than
and contamination in the trivector, most of which are the Pertamina Dexlite engine. In the same condition, the
caused by this element, the cause of which can be due to gap between compression piston ring 2 and piston ring
friction between materials or the oil is polluted by dirt compression 3 using biodiesel B50 palm oil experienced
from the outside. The use of biodiesel B50 palm oil a larger increase of 0.15 mm and 0.05 m(Agarwal, 2003)
affects the wear and tear of ferrous metals in diesel . This difference can be caused by differences in the
engines. viscosity of the lubricating oil in the engine which can
b. Copper (Cu) result in differences in the formation of an oil film when
It is used as a mixed element because of its lubricating the piston rings that rub against the cylinder
malleability, good thermal and electrical conductivity, liner.
making it suitable for HE equipment and bearings.
c. Aluminum (AI)
Aluminum is a material that has high strength
with a light weight and is corrosion resistant because
there is an oxide layer. Al alloying with certain metals
can withstand high temperatures
The use of biodiesel affects the performance of the (a) (b) (c)
lubricating oil so that it affects the metal content in the
lubricating oil. In the results of the second test, the Figure 4. (a) new piston rings, (b) piston rings after running using dexlite, (c)
piston rings after running using palm oil b50
lubricating oil tested in the diesel engine fueled by
biodiesel B50 palm oil after running 200 hours had the Table 5. Piston Ring Gap Using Pertamina Dexlite Fuel
same aluminum metal content, namely 8 ppm based on
laboratory testing but still within reasonable limits with Top Dead Point Position (TMA) Bottom Dead Point Position(TMB)
the maximum value and danger above 18 ppm metal Piston Gap Piston Gap
No Gap After Gap After
content in the oil. lubricant. Rings Before Rings Before
Testing Testing
ke- Test ke- Test
In this study, the wear of chrome metal can be
seen in the piston ring gap of the two engines that have 1 1 0,5 mm 0,75 mm 1 0,5 mm 0,6 mm
been tested with biodiesel fuel B50 palm oil and 2 2 0,5 mm 0,6 mm 2 0,4 mm 0,5 mm
Pertamina Dexlite. The piston ring on the Pertamina 3 3 0,5 mm 0,55 mm 3 0,3 mm 0,45 mm
Dexlite engine has a larger gap addition. Therefore, it
can be concluded that the metal content of chromium is Table 6. Piston Ring Gap Using B50 Palm Oil
more commonly found in engines fueled by Pertamina Top Dead Point Position (TMA) Bottom Dead Point Position(TMB)
Dexlite palm oil. No
Piston Gap Gap After
Piston Gap Gap After
The greater metal wear in the biodiesel fueled Rings Before Rings Before
Testing Testing
ke- Test ke- Test
engine B50 palm oil is due to a decrease in the viscosity
1 1 0,5 mm 0,7 mm 1 0,5 mm 0,55 mm
of the lubricating oil which is greater than the engine
2 2 0,5 mm 0,7 mm 2 0,4 mm 0,65 mm
fueled by Pertamina Dexlite.
3 3 0,5 mm 0,55 mm 3 0,3 mm 0,5 mm
1. Wear Analysis of Diesel Motor Composition
Components Fueled by Dexlite and Biodiesel B50 Palm
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research, Vol. x(x), Mar. 2004. xx-xx
(pISSN: 2541-5972, eISSN: 2548-1479) 00

b. Piston the combustion chamber and the temperature of the

Visually, the use of biodiesel B50 palm oil cylinder head itself.
affects the formation of deposits on the piston
component of the diesel engine. In figure 5 it can be
seen that the piston on the engine tested with biodiesel
fuel B50 palm oil experienced an uneven buildup of
deposits than the piston on the engine fueled by
Pertamina Dexlite. On the piston with biodiesel fuel B50
palm oil there is also a small amount of rust that is
orange-brown in color. This is due to the oxidation
reaction of biodiesel fuel in the combustion chamber.
Where Fe ions will dissolve into biodiesel or deposited
on metal surfaces so that they will react with free fatty
acids in biodiesel and form fatty acid salts on metal
surfaces. Research conducted Reactions that occur in the
corrosion process are:
Fe + 3O2 → 2Fe2O3 Figure 7 Cylinder Head Component Deposit Mass in Diesel Engines
Fe2O3 + 6R‟COOH → 2Fe(R‟COO)3 + 3H2O
2R‟COOH + Fe → Fe(R‟COO)2+H2 d. Journal Bearing (Road Metal)
This reaction is based on research on the formation of
corrosion on metals due to the use of biodiesel by Visually, there are significant differences in the
Setyawan (Setiawan, et al., 2016). road metal components (journal bearings) on engines
with biodiesel fueled B50 palm oil compared to road
metal on engines with Pertamina Dexlite fuel. The road
metal on the engine with biodiesel fuel B50 palm oil has
minor damage in the form of a small "coke" while the
engine with dexlite fuel only has thin scratches on the
Table 7. Road Metal Component Gap
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 5. (a) New Piston, (b) Piston After Running Using Dexlite, (c) No Fuel
Piston After Running Using B50 Palm Oil Gap Before Test Gap After Test
1 Dexlite 0,05 mm 0,065 mm
c. Cylinder Head Biodiesel B50
From Figure 6 it can be seen that there are 2 Minyak Kelapa 0,05 mm 0,055 mm
differences that occur in the cylinder head on the engine Sawit
tested with biodiesel fuel B50 palm oil and Pertamina
Dexlite. By visual observation, it can be seen that in the In table 7 it can be seen that the measurement
cylinder head on the engine with biodiesel fuel B50 results of the gap (gap) of the road metal on the engine
palm oil there is a little rust that is orange-brown in with biodiesel fuel B50 palm oil has a smaller size than
color. the road metal on the engine with dexlite fuel, namely
with a size of 0,055 mm and 0,065 mm with
measurements made on the edge of the metal road
surface because if the measurement is made in the
middle of the road metal surface, the measuring
instrument in the form of a plastic gauge will be

(a) (b) (c) e. Injector

Figure 6. (a) New Cylinder Head, (b) Cylinder Head After Running The use of biodiesel fuel B50 palm oil affects the
Using Dexlite, (c) Cylinder Head After Running Using B50 Palm Oil formation of deposits on the diesel engine injector
components. This can be seen in the characteristics of
The use of B50 biodiesel fuel affects the
the deposit and the mass of the deposit on the injector.
formation of deposits on the cylinder head, as evidenced
In Figure 8 it can be seen that there is no significant
by figure 7 the mass of deposits on engines with
difference between the injectors on the engine tested
biodiesel fuel produces 19.5% smaller deposits than
with dexlite fuel and biodiesel fuel B50 palm oil where
engines with Pertamina Dexlite fuel. This means that the
both have deposits.
use of biodiesel B50 palm oil causes less wear on the
cylinder head components than dexlite fuel. The
difference in the amount of deposits on the cylinder
head is caused by the difference in the temperature of
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research, Vol. x(x), Mar. 2004. xx-xx
(pISSN: 2541-5972, eISSN: 2548-1479) 00

B50 palm oil has a decrease in viscosity of 16.17%

greater and from the lubricant data used oil analysis on
engine components TF-85 MH in atyention condition
but lubricant is still within tolerance limits, decreased
TBN is 1.78% higher, and in the FTIR test the Nitration
value is greater than 1 this nitration number comes from
the reaction of the lubricant component with nitrogen
oxides than the lubricating oil tested with Pertamina
Dexlite fuel.
(a) (b) (c) From this test, the result is that the use of
biodiesel B50 palm oil causes greater metal wear in the
Figure 8. (a) New Injector, (b) Injector After Running Using Dexlite, lubricating oil than the use of Pertamina Dexlite.
(c) Injector After Running Using B50 Palm Oil.
Evidenced by the metal content in the lubricating oil
However, the deposits on the injectors with B50 tested with both fuels. Lubricating oil fueled by
palm oil biodiesel fuel are drier and therefore more biodiesel B50 palm oil contains the same metallic
difficult to remove. The location of the deposit on the aluminum, 27% greater iron metal, and 1 ppm more
injector with biodiesel fuel B50 palm oil is only at the chromium metal in the lubricating oil after being used in
tip of the injector nozzle. Meanwhile, deposits on engine diesel engines.
injectors with Pertamina dexlite fuel are more evenly
This research was supported by RAMS Laboratory, Center of
Excellence of Maritime Safety and Marine Installation, and
Department of Marine Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh
Nopember Surabaya. I am very grateful to my family, my friends who
always supported me during my study activity.

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IV. CONCLUSION [13] Ruspitaningati, S. R., Permatasari, R., & Gunardi, I. (2013).
Pembuatan Biodiesel Dari Minyak Kelapa Sawit Dengan
From this test, it was found that the use of Menggunakan Katalis Berpromotor Ganda Berpenyangga Γ-
biodiesel B50 palm oil caused a greater degradation of Alumina (Cao/KI/Γ-Al2O3) Dalam Reaktor Fluidized Bed.
the lubricating oil than the use of Pertamina Dexlite. It is [14] Ridha, M., & Darminto. (2016). Analisis Densitas, Porositas,
proven by the lubricating oil tested with biodiesel fuel Dan Struktur Mikro Batu Apung Lombok Dengan Variasi
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research, Vol. x(x), Mar. 2004. xx-xx
(pISSN: 2541-5972, eISSN: 2548-1479) 00

Lokasi Menggunakan Metode Archimedes Dan Software

Image-J. Jurnal Fisika Dan Aplikasinya, 124-130.
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