Maed-Finals (Sarah May M. Abayari)
Maed-Finals (Sarah May M. Abayari)
Maed-Finals (Sarah May M. Abayari)
l. Read the following statements and choose your answer on the choices provided below.
1.It is a set of forces that causes people to engage in one behavior rather than some alternatives
a. Motivation
b. Interpersonal skills
c. Human relation
d . Job specialization
a. autocratic
b supportive
c. Custodial
d. collegial
3.It is one of the functions of management, Monitoring and correcting the actions of the organization
b. Leading
c. Organizing
d. Controlling
4. Monitoring and correcting the actions of the organization and its members to keep them directed
toward their goals
a. Operant conditioning
b. Social learning
c. classical conditioning
d. shaping behavior
5. It is the process or technique of stimulating or inspiring somebody to get desired reaction so the
planned goal is achieved
a. Motivation
b. Learning
c. Strategy
d. Rewards
6. It is a modification of Maslow’s hierarchy, where the five needs are collapsed into three categories
(existence, relatedness, and growth).
a. Need-based theories
c. ERG theory
7. Theory of motivation that an individual’s motivation is affected by how much they value any reward
associated with an action (Valence), how much they believe that by putting effort into something they
will be able to generate good results and how much they believe that generating good results will result
in a reward (Instrumentality).
8. It is an organized and systematic group, comprising of individuals with competent skills and expertise,
who gather for the attainment of a common objective, collaboratively. The team members work as a
single unit and take up the responsibility of task completion mutually. Team building is a well-organised
process, that requires proper nurturing of a workgroup.
a. Organization
b. Company
c. group
d. team
9. virtual teams allow member to meet without concern for space or time and enables organization to
link the workforce together which could have been done in past
a. virtual teams
c. Process Team
d. Self-Managed Team
10. This is using words and deeds to bully or discredit the other person involved in the conflict. They may
try to damage the reputation of the other person or destroy them financially or professionally so that
they can ‘win’.
A. litigation
B Physical assault
c. verbal abuse
d. Runaway
11.It is one of the types of reactions to conflict, It occurs when the interaction between groups is very
important to goal attainment, and the goals are compatible.
a. Avoidance
b. Competition
c. Accommodation
d. collaboration
12. It refers to the act of putting things into a logical order or the act of taking an efficient and orderly
approach to tasks, or a group of people who have formally come together.
a. organization
b Organizational structure
c. Formal organization
d. Informal organization
13. always consider relevant information about your receiver such as mood, background, race,
preference, education, status and needs, among others.
a. completeness
b. consideration
c. clarity
d. concreteness
14. the message should be specific instead of general and it should be supported by facts, figures, and
real-life examples and situations.
a. completeness
b. consideration
c. clarity
d. concreteness
15.It refers to various ways, strategies and tools which the employees use in their official, interpersonal,
and small group communication activities.
a. communication
b. language
c. Coordination
d. Information sharing
16. It is a type of grapevine communication where a random process in which someone transmits the
information to others in accordance to the laws of probability and then these others pass the
information in a similar way.
b. Probability chain
c. gossip chain
d. cluster chain
17. One of the barriers of communication, not having the right IT infrastructure, slow computers, poor
quality audio teleconference systems making it difficult to hear what is being said.
a. noise
b. Physical location
c. culture
d poor equipment
18. It refers to social and emotional interaction between two or more individuals in an environment.
Also defined as the close association between the individuals who share common interest and goals.
b. Interpersonal relationship
c. Interpersonal needs
d. sense of security
19. The act or process of carrying out or accomplishing tasks, actions or function through the
coordination between a number of people with same goals and objectives
a. group processor
b. group structure
c. group performance
d. external condition
20.It is the informal guidelines of behavior and a code of conduct that provides some order and
conformity to group activities and operations. These rules are expected to be followed by all the group
a. group norms
b. Performance norms
c. Appearance norms
d. Arrangement norms
21. Is a relatively permanent group with functional reporting relationships and is usually included in the
organization chart. Consisting of individuals who report directly to the manager or head of office
A Friendship groups
b. task group
c Affinity/committee group
d. command group
22.It is a part of the stages of development that members start to communicate their feelings but still
view themselves as individuals rather than part of the team. They resist control by group leaders and
show hostility.
A forming
b. storming
c. Norming
d. Performing
23. An organizational structure wherein the power to make important decisions and to provide strategic
direction for the organization is concentrated to an individual or a handful of individuals, or to a specific
a. centralization
b Decentralization
c. Management Philosophy
d. Diversification
24. Power is shared by a powerful central government and states or provinces that are given
considerable self-rule, usually through their own legislatures.
a. Unitary system
b. Confederal system
c. Federal system
d. Democratic system
25. It is a type of conflict, when there is a discord, among members regarding nature of work to be
a. Task conflict
b. Process conflict
c. Relationship conflict
d. Culture conflict
26. It is one of the causes of conflict, if one employee requires certain information from another, who
does not respond properly, conflict sparks in the organization.
a. Managerial expectations
b. Communication disruption
c. Mis understanding
d. lack of accountability
27. It is a belief system shared by an organization’s members, and a set of values held by individual in an
organization. These values define good or acceptable behaviors and bad or unacceptable behavior
a. Organizational culture
b. Culture
c. Values
d. Organizational beliefs
28. This method of communication are particularly powerful because they include not only speakers’
words but also their changes in tone, pitch, speed, and volume
b. Written communication
c. oral communication
d. all of the above
29.It is the capacity to direct or influence the behavior or the course of action of others.
a. Inspirational appeal
b. Tactics
c. Power
d. Politic
30. It is associated with human communication that are not express orally or in writing. It conveys more
meaning than words do.
a. Oral communication
b. nonverbal communication
c, written communication
2. What role does changing technology play in your daily activities as teacher?