Programming Practices and Techniques
Programming Practices and Techniques
Programming Practices and Techniques
1. Introduction to Computers.
2. Introduction to Programming tools.
3. Flowcharts and Pseudocodes.
4. Selection Constructs.
5. Operators.
6. Iteration Constructs.
7. Structured Programming.
8. Arrays.
9. File Handling.
10. Data Flow Diagrams
11. Elements of Programming Language.
1. Introduction to Computers.
The computer consists of different parts namely, central processing unit(CPU),
motherboard, random access memory(RAM), hard disk, main cabinet with all
the peripheral devices connected to the motherboard and an Operating
A workstation can be defined as a type of computer that is mainly used for
technical and scientific applications, desktop publishing and so on.
Booting is the process of loading the operating system when the user switches
ON the computer system.
Cloud computing is an approach enabling convenient and on-demand access
through the internet to resources such as networks, servers, storage,
applications and services.
Grid computing usually consists of one main computer that distributes
information and tasks to a group of network computers to accomplish a
common goal.
Utility computing is s service-provisioning model. In this model, the service
provider makes computing resources and infrastructure management available
to the customer as needed and charges them for specific usage rather than a
specific rate.
1. Desktop computers are not portable and are designed to fit on Desk
2. Match the following
RAM - is a volatile memory
Monitor - is used to display a variety of information
Processor - Executes all processes & instructions provided by memory
ROM - is a non-volatile memory
3. Which of the following component interact directly with the application on
screen without the need for a mouse or keyboard? Touch screen monitor
4. A traditional application server may have just 5%/50% utilization, whereas
virtualized servers can reach 10%/80% utilization
5. Which of the following environment has a modular structure and does not have
single points of failure? Grid computing
2. Introduction to Programming tools.
Languages are broadly categorized into three types namely, machine language,
assembly language and high level language.
Machine language uses strings of 0s and 1s to represent instructions. Assembly
language uses cryptic English like phrases for writing codes that represents
strings of numbers. High level languages use English words.
There are different types of codes for storing characters in memory such as
American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII), Binary Coded
Decimal (BCD) and Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC).
The data for processing is stored in the memory or primary storage. Memory is
measured in bytes.
A computer is an electronic device that accepts the raw data, processes the data
according to the instruction provided and generates the output.
The two aspects of programming are understanding the program specifications
and designing the logical solution.
The tools used to design the logical solution are flowcharts and pseudocodes. A
flowchart is a diagrammatic representation of an algorithm. A pseudocode is a
representation of an algorithm in a form that can easily be translated into
programming statements.
1. How many characters can a byte store? One
2. RAM is also known as primary storage.
3. Which of the following section of the RAM stores variables for a short time?
Data area
4. FORTRAN was one of the first languages introduced by IBM in 1957.
5. Which of the following options are the two modeling tools? Flowcharts and
3. Flowcharts and Pseudocodes.
Initially concentrate on the logic of the problem and draw out the main path of
the flowchart
Maintain consistent level of detail for a flowchart
Must not contain minute details. Only the essential meaningful steps need to be
Common and easy to understand words should be used.
Consistent usage of variable names.
Flow should be from left to right and top to bottom.
Must have only one START and one STOP point.
Should be simple
Advantages of using flow chart:
easy to understand (pictorial representation of the logic)
Effective analysis of problem (can be further broken down for detailed study &
Ease in coding(acts as a roadmap & helps to develop error-free code very fast)
Systematic debugging (detect/locate and remove errors from programs in a
systematic manner)
Systematic testing (ensures in correct selection of data for conforming with the
working of the logic)
Disadvantages of using flow chart:
Time consuming
Difficult to change
No standards
An algorithm can be defined as a procedure, formula or recipe for solving a
problem. It consists of a step of steps that help to arrive at a solution
A flowchart is a graphical representation of an algorithm. It charts the flow of
instructions or activities in a process. Each activity in a flowchart is depicted
using symbols.
A flowchart begins with the START or BEGIN keyword and ends with the END or
STOP keyword.
The DISPLAY keyword is used to display some value to the user in a flowchart.
Pseudocode is not actual code. It is a method of algorithm writing which uses a
certain standard set of words which makes it resemble a code.
Each pseudocode must start with the word BEGIN or START and with END or
The word DISPLAY, PRINT, or WRITE is used to display some value in
1. Algorithm is a set of steps listed in simple language.
2. Which of the following options are the two types of algorithms that are used?
Flowcharts and Pseudocodes
3. Which of the following symbol marks the start or end of the program? A
4. To display some value, the word DISPLAY or WRITE is used in pseudocode.
5. What is the function of connectors in a flowchart? To indicate the location of
4. Selection Constructs.
Conditions in a program where the path of execution may branch into two or
more options are referred to as programming, selection, conditional or
branching constructs.
The basic selection construct is an IF construct.
The IF/ELSE construct enables the programmer to make a single comparison and
execute the steps depending on whether the result of the comparison is True or
The AND statement can be used in conjunction with the IF statement for more
than one condition.
A nested IF is an IF statement inside another IF statement.
The DO CASE construct is used when a variable is to be successively compared
against different values.
The break statement breaks out of the switch case construct and continues
execution at the instruction following this construct.
1. The IF construct is a basic selection construct.
2. Identify the correct form of the IF…ELSE statement - IF condition statement set1
ELSE statement set2 END IF
3. Which of the following are a part of multiple selection statements? AND … OR
4. The Default statement can be mapped to the OTHERWISE statement in the
5. The DO CASE construct is used when a variable is to be successively compared
against different values.
6. Operators.
Operators are a set of symbols that help to manipulate or perform some sort of
function on data.
Operators can be classified into three types namely; arithmetic, relational and
logical operators.
Arithmetic operators help to manipulate numeric data and perform common
arithmetic operation on the data.
Relational operators compare two or more values or expressions and always
return either ‘True’ or ‘False’.
Logical operators are used in situations where multiple conditions need to be
When an equation involves all three types of operators, then the arithmetic
operators are evaluated first, followed by the relational operators and then the
logical operators
The programmer can specify the part of the equation that needs to be solved
first by using parenthesis
1. Operators are a set of symbols that help to manipulate or perform some sort of
function on date.
2. Which of the following is the C equivalent symbol for MOD? %
3. Which of the following has the first precedence among the arithmetic operators?
4. Match the following AND - !, OR - &&, MOD - %, NOT-||.
5. Which of the following will be evaluated in the expression 6/3 > 3? 6/3.
6. Iteration Constructs.
The iterative or looping construct is used to repeat certain steps a specific
number of times or till some specified condition is met.
The different types of loops are the WHILE loop, DO…WHILE loop, REPEAT…
The WHILE loop repeats a statement or a set of statements while a certain
specified condition is True.
The DO…WHILE loop executes as long as the condition is False.
The FOR loop provides a more concise loop control structure, which includes
counter variables, range and step Value.
A nested loop means a loop within another loop.
1. Which of the following is the function of a loop? Perform repetitive tasks
2. The WHILE loop repeats a statement or a set of statements while a certain
specified condition is True.
3. Which of the following is the general format of the REPEAT…until loop?
REAPEAT statement set UNTIL condition.
4. Which of the following is performed in FOR loop after initialization in C
language? CONDITION
5. The C language allows up to 15 loops to be nested within one another.
6. Structured Programming.
Structured programming also called as modular programming is a programming
approach that implements a logical structure on a program to make it
competent and easier to comprehend and modify.
Unified Modelling Language (UML) is a popular modeling language used to
specify, visualize, modify, construct and document the requirements and
specification of an object-oriented software system, which is under
A structure chart is a graphical representation of the decomposition of a
problem. It is a tool to assist in software designing.
Top-down structured technique is the process of dividing the overall task into
smaller components.
1. UML is a popular, standardized modelling tool used in Object-Oriented
Programming and Structured Programming systems.
2. Which of the following is used to model physical aspects of a system?
Component diagram
3. UML collaboration diagrams illustrate the relationship and interaction between
software objects.
4. Which of the following processes divides the overall task into smaller
components? Top-down structure technique
8. Arrays.
Arrays are an essential part of programming as they allow the programmer to
store more than one value in a variable at the same time retaining a single
Array can be defined as a collection of elements of same type that are
referenced by a common name.
All items in a one-dimensional array are stored either in a row or column and
indexing starts from zero and ends with the size of the array minus one.
Most languages support multi-dimensional arrays, where instead of storing the
data in a single dimension, it can be stored in more than one dimension.
Searching refers to the operation of finding the location of a specific item in a
group of items. The different search algorithms are as follows:
. Sequential Search
. Binary Search
. Binary Tree Search
Internal sorting takes place in the main memory when the data to be sorted is
small. The different types of internal sorts are as follows:
. Selection sort
. Quick sort
. Bubble sort
. insertion sort
External sorting is necessary when the number and size of objects are large and
cannot be accommodated in the main memory.
1. ARRAY is a word used in an algorithm to declare an array.
2. Which is the default way to search for a specific item in data? To compare the
item with each element of data one by one.
3. Which of the following options arranges the following steps for selection sort in
correct sequence?
1. Find the minimum value in the list by iterating over the whole list.
3. Swap this value with the first value in the list.
2. Repeat these two steps but each time decrease the list by starting with the
second position.
4. External sorting is necessary when the number and size of objects are large to
be accommodated in the main memory.
5. Which of the following sorting algorithm repeatedly iterates through a list,
compares the two adjacent elements at a time and swap them wherever
necessary? Bubble sort.
9. File Handling.
A file is a collection of correlated data or collection of bytes stored on a
secondary storage device, such as hard disk drive, a pen drive and so on.
A text file is a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially.
A programming language does not place constructs on the file and it is read or
written in a method selected by the programmer.
File organization refers to the relationship of the key of the record to the
physical location of that record in the computer file.
There are three types of file organization methods, they are as follow
A. Sequential.
B. Relative.
C. Indexed.
In sequential access searching the records are arranged in the ascending,
descending or chronological order of a key field which can be numeric or both.
In a computer program, a control break occurs when there is a change in the
value of a single key on which a file is sorted for some added processing.
1. In sequential access searching the records are arranged in the ascending,
descending or chronological order of a key field which can be numeric or both.
2. Which of the following file organization can directly locate the key to identify
the specific record without searching through the whole record? Direct file
3. Which of the following file organization does not allow to insert file in between
the records rather it needs to be added at the end? Sequential file organization
4. A text file is a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially.
5. Which of the following are file operations that an OS can provide? Creating a
file, reading a file, deleting a file
10. Data Flow Diagrams
The system flowchart is a way of visually presenting the flow of data through an
information processing system, the operations executed within the system and
the order in which they are performed.
A flowchart is the graphical representation of how a process works and depicts
the sequence of steps.
A data flow diagram is a modelling technique for examining and building
information processes.
A decision table is a table composed of rows and columns, separated into four
separate quadrants.
The HIPO chart is a tool used to analyze a problem and visualize a solution using
the top down design approach.
HIPO is a form driven technique that uses standard forms for documenting the
1. Flowcharts are usually drawn in the early stages of developing computer
2. Which of the following are the major components of DFD? Entities and data
3. Which of the following flowchart provides detailed depiction of a process by
mapping all the steps and activities that appear in the process? Detailed
4. HIPO is a forms driven technique that uses standard forms for documenting the
5. Match the following
DFD Components - DFD Symbols
A. External entities - Rectangular box
B. Data flow - Arrow headed lines
C. Process - Bubble (Circle or round corner square)
D. Data Store - Narrow opened rectangle
11. Elements of Programming Language.
Software programs are a set of written procedures or instructions in a sequential
format that are used to perform specific tasks by a computer.
The program development process includes planning, implementation, testing,
deployment and maintenance.
A programming language is a language designed using formal codes of reserved
words and symbols that express the process to be followed by a computer.
The programming languages are classified as structured programming, object-
oriented programming and aspect-oriented programming.
An interpreter is used to execute instructions that are written in high-level
A complier is used to translate the source code into the object code.
Program testing is a process of validating, evaluating and verifying the capability
of a software program and determining if the software program has met the
required results.
1. Which characteristics indicates the ability of a system to handle increasing
workload or number of users? Scalability
2. Which characteristics specifies that software must be able to exchange
information with other software programs? Interoperability
3. Which process of the program development process is conducted to address all
defects that may be present in the software program? Testing
4. The focus of aspect-oriented programming is on Aspects.
5. Procedures are used to execute a program.