Teachers As Curriculum Leaders

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Abbas, Nur-Sallah M.

BSED III ED322 04-09-22

Activity (Reflection)

Most Preferred What do you plan to do to cope with these roles

1. Innovate curriculum In order to provide a quality education, a teacher should
and instruction. be an explorer. Try different and new things that can lead to a
better teaching and learning experience. Develop undiscovered
skills that are relevant to the curriculum. Include students in
2. Know every needs, the process. Encourage them to participate to identify their
issues, and interests. needs and interests. Determine their strengths and
weaknesses. By valuing diversity and learning and accepting
cultural differences, they build bridges between their
3. Nurture creativity and experiences inside and outside the classroom. We must see all
critical thinking in the students as learners who already know a lot and who have
curriculum. experiences, concepts, and language that can be built on and
broadened to help them learn more. Do not just emphasize
what students cannot do, rather than what they are capable of
doing well.
4. Select appropriate
strategies, methods,
and approaches.
5. Yearn for quality
education through
relevant and
responsive curriculum.
Least Preferred What do you plan to do to cope with these roles
1. Advocate positive Ensure that the education they provide meets students'
curricular reforms to expectations. Address potential problems and challenges, if
ensure quality of any, or pitfalls. Set new objectives for learning. and provide a
education. standard curriculum that will meet the needs of diverse
2. Broaden learners. The school must have high-quality teachers as they
understanding of the will serve as the foundation of knowledge. Teachers must
teaching and learning comprehend the learning process in general, understand and
process. respond to students' specific emotional and cognitive profiles,
3. Develop appropriate and adopt instructional strategies and tactics that are
curriculum for appropriate for varied learners in order to engage, motivate,
students. and teach all learners at optimal levels. Make a curriculum that
4. Gather important data children can acquire knowledge, skills, abilities, and
need for curriculum understanding from. When planning a curriculum, make sure
planning. you have a relevant framework and essential elements.
5. Manage curriculum Furthermore, revising the curriculum is important to
implementation and implement another innovative curriculum.
curriculum change.


How can a teacher influence other teachers to become curriculum leaders?

Of course, the process must start within us because you can't influence others when you
yourself are not a good curriculum leader. You must use effective instructional techniques in
your own classroom to be a competent teacher leader. You must also be able to analyze
material and pedagogical approaches. You should also have a thorough understanding of the
subject area. Thus, to be a leader is also to be a follower. One should work as a member and a
leader. It is important to have a good relationship with your colleagues inside the institution.
Building trust and building a foundation to work with them is a key. Supporting each other's
leadership development will lead to the improvement of the school. As a curriculum leader, you
should encourage teachers, particularly new teachers, to participate. Collaboration has a
greater impact. Everyone must contribute to improving the curriculum. Teacher leadership
includes an emphasis on improving teaching practice. Teacher leaders are also viewed as
experts who are willing to share their knowledge and experiences. And those skills and
experiences you have will serve as assets to influence other teachers to become curriculum

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