Flex Pave

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Bituminous Pavement With Aggregate Base

Inputs Project Number

20 Yr Design Lane BESALs =
Design R-value = Designer

GE Values from R-Value Chart Date

Minimum Bit (GE) = 7.00
Min. Agg. Base (GE) = 3.00
Total Required GE = 0.00

Calculated Pavement Thickness to Meet GE Requirement

Thickness (in) GE Layer GE
(2360) Wearing Course 3.50 2.25 7.88
(2360) Non-wearing Course 0.00 2.25 0.00
Bituminous Total 3.50 2.25 7.88
Thickness (in) GE Layer GE
Aggregate Base Class 5 or 6 3.00 1.00 3.00
Sub Base Class 3 or 4 0.00 0.75 0.00
Select Granular 0.00 0.50 0.00

Total 6.50 Total 10.88

Required* 12.50 Required 0.00

Proposed Pavement Thickness

Thickness (in) GE Layer GE
(2360) Wearing Course 2.25 0.00
(2360) Non-wearing Course 2.25 0.00
Bituminous Total 0.0 0.00
Class Thickness (in) GE Layer GE
Aggregate Layer 1 12 0.00
Aggregate Layer 2 12 0.00
Aggregate Layer 3 12 0.00
Select Granular 0.50 0.00

Aggregate Total 0.0 0.00

Total 0.00 Total 0.00

Required* 12.50 Required 0.00
Total Thickness is Less Than the Minimum by More Than 0.5 inch
Total GE: GOOD
Total Bituminous Thickness is Less Than 3.5 inch Minimum
Total Aggregate Base GE is Less Than Minimum by More Than 0.5 inch
* Requirement to meet the pavement thickness requirement of
Mn/DOT Tech Memo No. 09-12-MAT-03 "Pavement Selection Process"

Blue cells are available for input.
Red font is a caution that a value doesn't meet policy requirements.
The upper box calculates pavement layer thicknesses to meet the minimum GE requirement.
The Lower box calculates the total GE and Thickness from layer thicknesses proposed by the designer.

Last Edited 5/16/11

1000 10000 100000 1000000 0 10000000
0 0 0 0 0 0

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