Modern History: Module XVI:Revolutionaries
Modern History: Module XVI:Revolutionaries
Modern History: Module XVI:Revolutionaries
q 1907: An attempt was made to derail the train on which the Lt.
governor, Sir Andrew Fraser, was travelling.
q Prafulla Chaki shot himself dead while Bose was tried & hanged.
q The whole gang was arrested including the Ghosh brothers, who
were tried in this case.
q Aurobindo was acquitted but Barindra Ghosh & Ullaskar Dutt were
given the death penalty which was later commuted to life in
q During the trial, Narendra Gosain, who had turned approver, was
shot dead in jail by Satyendranath Bose & Kanailal Dutta.
(a) A-4;B-1;C-3;D-2
(b) A-1;B-4;C-3;D-2
(c) A-1;B-4;C-2;D-3
(d) A-4;B-1;C-2;D-3
A)Khudiram Bose
B)V.D. Savarkar
C)Prafulla Chaki
D)Bhagat Singh
q Among those active here were Lala Lajpat Rai & Ajit Singh, who
organised the extremist Anjuman-i-Mohisban-i-Watan in Lahore
with its journal, Bharat Mata.
q After this, Ajit Singh & a few other associates Bhai Parmanand,
Lala Hardayal developed into full-scale revolutionaries.
q These plans were ruined due to poor coordination & Bagha died
near Balasore in 1915.
q Jatin Das became the 1st martyr on the 64th day of his fast.
q March 23, 1931: Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev & Rajguru were hanged.
q Muslims such as Mir Ahmed, Fakir Ahmed Mian & Tunu Mian were
in his group.
q Kalpana Dutt (now Joshi) who was arrested & tried along Surya
Sen & given a life sentence;
q 1932: Bina Das who fired point blank at the Governor while
receiving degree at convocation.
(d) J.M.Sengupta
q HRA had also decided to start labor & peasant organisations &
work for an organised & armed revolution.