7. Which does Kant think has more moral worth: grudgingly giving money to charity because you
know it's the right thing to do or happily giving money to charity just because you like helping
Grudgingly giving the money.
2. What did Kant believe is the relationship between rationality and morality?
Rationality requires us to be moral
3. Which of the following did Kant believe to be the central moral virtue?
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Kant's claim that immoral conduct is irrational.
3. What is autonomy?
The ability to decide which principles will govern your life.
4. What is the only thing that has value in all circumstances, according to Kant?
The good will.
10. Which of the following claims about non-human animals did Kant not endorse?
It is permissible to treat them in any way we like.
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4. What is a “law of nature,” according to Hobbes?
A rational principle that allows people to effectively pursue their own self-interest.
6. Under what circumstances does Hobbes think that people act for reasons other than self-
None; people always act out of self-interest.
3. What is the term for a situation in which everyone is made worse off when all pursue self-
Prisoner's dilemma.
4. What was Thomas Hobbes's term for a condition in which there is no government to maintain
The state of nature.
5. What did Hobbes think is the only way to escape from the condition in which there is no
government to maintain order?
To mutually agree on a set of rules for social cooperation.
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1. Which of the following best characterizes the attitude of Hobbes's character “the Fool”?
He believes that breaking promises is unjust but doesn't care.
4. What is the term for the idea that we have agreed to obey the law simply by living where we do?
Tacit consent.
Both a and b. (The contractors will always agree among themselves, The agreements of the
contractors will be fair)
9. According to contractarianism, what motivates the contractors to select the rules they do?
Rational self-interest.
10. Which of the following are members of the moral community, according to contractarianism?
All contractors.
1. Ethical egoism, utilitarianism, and contractarianism all fall into what family of theories?
Ethical monism
2. What is the term for an ethical rule that may never permissibly be broken?
An absolute rule.
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There are no absolute moral rules.
6. What is the term for the view that we are sometimes permitted to act in ways that foreseeably
cause certain harms, even though we are never permitted to intend those harms?
The Doctrine of Double Effect.
7. Suppose someone could show that any two moral rules are bound to conflict at some point.
What would this show?
There can be, at most, only one absolute moral rule..
9. Which of the following claims states the Doctrine of Doing and Allowing?
It is always morally worse to do harm than to allow the same harm to occur..
10. According to the text, which of the following is a problem for the Doctrine of Doing and
All of the above. (It is sometimes difficult to distinguish doings from allowings, There seem to be
cases in which allowing a harm is as bad as doing it, The results of some thought experiments
seem to conflict with it)
3. Which of the following is not included on Ross's list of prima facie duties?
Promotion of beauty.
6. What did Ross think is the relationship between justice and well-being?
Sometimes behaving justly is more important than promoting well-being and sometimes not.
7. How does Ross think we can know our prima facie duties?
They are self-evident..
8. How does Ross think we can know what the right thing to do is when our prima facie duties
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None of the above—Ross did not think there was a definite method for determining right action
in such cases..
10. According to the text, what is the most serious problem for ethical particularism?
Some things seem to possess moral importance.
1. What notion should be at the heart of ethical theory, according to virtue ethics?
Moral character.
2. What is the relationship between duty and virtue, according to virtue ethics?
Duty is defined as what a virtuous person would do.
4. Which of the following does virtue ethics have a hard time explaining?
How we can know who our role models should be.
1. Which of the following philosophers believed that women are the moral equals of men?
None of the above.
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3. According to the text, which author allowed feminist ethics to “come into its own”?
Carol Gilligan.
6. Which of the following carries great moral value, according to the ethics of care?
7. According to the text, what attitude do many feminists take toward rights?
They have been overly emphasized in moral philosophy.
8. Which of the following is the supreme principle of morality, according to feminist ethics?
None of the above
10. According to the text, which of the following is not a challenge for feminist ethics?
Partiality is sometimes permissible.
2. Why does Aristotle think that virtues and vices cannot be kinds of passions?
Because we are praised and blamed for virtues and vices, but not for passions.
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1. Lindemann criticizes ethicists for not paying sufficient attention to:
how people really live and what it's like for them to live that way.
2. Why does Lindemann think that it's a mistake for non-feminist ethicists to divorce ethics and
Because it is difficult or impossible to do ethics while leaving one's politics behind.
6. Which claim does Lindemann think would not be accepted by all feminists?
Women ought to be the social equals of men
7. What does Lindemann think should be the relation between ethics and politics?
Both b and c. (One's politics should inform one's ethics., One's ethics should inform one's
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