6 Livret Exo Selecting Air Conditioners - Part 2

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Exercise Booklet
Print this exercise booklet before studying the lesson on-line. It will enable you to write your answers to the HVAC
learning exercises. You will thus be able to switch between reading or listening to the file on-line and writing in the


English lesson

French version:

For each exercise, you will write your answer, then you will study its correction on-line before going to the next
If you cannot do an exercise, you will be able to study its correction directly, but force yourself to write your
answer as often as possible.

Note that between 2 exercises, you will find it necessary to study the course. As a warning, in the booklet, you will
sometimes find the following indication:
- “ Study the course on-line before doing the next exercise” or
- “ Study the course on-line before going to the next paragraph”

Only study the paragraphs or the exercises which have an equal or a lower level than the one your training
NVQ Level = Vocational Certificate
A Level = High school Diploma
HND Level = Associate’s Degree
MSC Level = Engineering Schools

Then, when you have completed a file, you will be able to assess your level on-line through a Multiple Choice
Questionnaire in which you will only answer the questions related to the themes you have studied.
So now off you go and work well!
Good luck!
The Authors.

N°1 – Limits of air conditioner use in cooling mode – A to HND level

Study the course on-line.

Question 1
What type of premises may require cooling even though outside temperatures are low?

Study the course on-line before treating the next exercise.

Question 2
According to the specification extract for the Aermec air conditioner above, is the model equipped with an “all
seasons kit”?
To which temperature will it be possible to operate the unit in cooling mode?

N°2 – Heating power of an air conditioner in heating mode – A to HND level
Study the course on-line.

Let us look at the performance indicators shown for an Aermec air conditioner.

Question 1
For the model EWI 121 H / CWI 121 H above, what is the nominal heating power value indicated by the
These values are indicated for which operating conditions?

Study the course on-line before treating the next exercise.

Question 2
For the model EWI 091 H / CWI 091 H, specifications as above, what heating power might be expected in extreme
cold conditions?

N°3 – Limits of air conditioner use in heating mode – A to HND level

Study the course on-line.

Question 1
Explain why the exterior unit of a reversible air conditioner might become “frosted up” when outside
temperatures fall below +5 [°C] (41°F).

Let us look at the documentation extract below for a reversible Aermec air conditioner.

Question 2
According to the documentation extract above for an AERMEC air conditioner, is it capable of operating in
extreme cold conditions and why ?

N°4 – Energy performance of air conditioners in cooling mode – HND

Study the course on-line.

Question 1
What is the SEER of a EWI 091 H / CWI 091 H model air conditioner according to the specifications above?

Question 2
Let us suppose that the air conditioner model EWI 121 H / CWI 121 H (see data above) is used each year in cooling
mode 600 [h] at full nominal power.
Estimate in [kWh] its cooling supply value and its electricity consumption.
Calculate the cost of its electricity consumption based on a unit tarif of 0.12 [€ /kWh]

N°5 – Energy performance of air conditioners in heating mode – HND

Study the course on-line.

Question 1
What is the SCOP of the air conditioner model EWI-091-H / CWI-091-H, as per the data above?

Question 2
At how many [kW] can we prudently estimate the calorific power of the air conditioner model EWI-091-H / CWI-
091-H in extreme cold weather conditions?

Question 3
Let us suppose that the air conditioner model EWI-091-H / CWI-091-H (see data above) is used each year in
heating mode 1,400 [h] at full nominal power, (-7 [°C] (19.4°F)) Estimate in [kWh] its heating output value and its
electricity consumption.
Calculate the cost of its electricity consumption based on a unit tariff of 0.12 [€/kWh]

Question 4
The air conditioner model EWI-091-H / CWI-091-H is considered used each year in heating mode 1,400 [h] at
power given at -7 [°C] (19.4°F), which avoids having to use a gas boiler with an output efficiency of 80%.
Calculate in [€] the savings obtained for gas unit price of 0.05 [€ /kWh].
Taking into account the estimated electricity consumption in heating mode from the previous exercise, calculate
the final annual financial savings.

Question 5
The air conditioner model EWI-121-H / CWI-121-H is considered used each year in heating mode 1,400 [h] at
power given at -7 [°C] (19.4°F).
For a boiler with 80% output, estimate in € the annual savings obtained with an electricity price at 0.12 [€ /kWh]
and a gas unit price at 0.05 [€ /kWh].

N°6 – Development of sensible power and latent power – HND level

Study the course on-line.

N°7 – Integrating actual interior and exterior conditions – HND level

Study the course on-line.

Question 1
For air to air conditioners, cooling performance is generally indicated for the following conditions:
– To the evaporator Dry temp. = 27 [°C] (80.6°F), Humid temp. = 19 [°C] (66.2°F)
– To the condenser Dry temp. = 35 [°C] (95°F)
– Interior unit fan at high speed
Indicate with an arrow how the performance of the air conditioner varies for conditions which are different to the
operating conditions referred to in the catalogue.

Very generally speaking, for conditions which are not so different from the nominal conditions we can use the
following calculations based on those indicated by the manufacturer.
• – 2% of cooling power per 1 [°C] fall in interior temperature
• 1.5% of cooling power per de 1 [°C] rise in interior temperature
• – 1% of cooling power per 1 [°C] rise in exterior temperature
• 1% of cooling power per 1 [°C] fall in exterior temperature
We will see that such modifications are not necessary in France for normal interior and exterior temperature
conditions, as they will both more or less cancel each other out.

Question 2
What is the modification to be made to the cooling power indicated in the catalogue for an air conditioner used in
an ambient temperature of 25 [°C] (77°F) (instead of 27 [°C] (80.6°F) in the catalogue)?
What is the modification to be made to the cooling power indicated in the catalogue for an air conditioner used
with an outside temperature of + 32 [°C] (90°F) (instead of + 35 [°C] (95°F) in the catalogue)?
Check that the two estimated modifications compensate each other.

In our temperate climates, for comfort air conditioning, it is not really necessary to adjust power based on inside
or outside temperatures.
If air conditioners are to be installed in particularly hot climates, it will obviously be desirable to obtain the actual
performance values of each model from the manufacturer.
The manufacturer, Wesper, proposes the following formula:
Pt = k1 x k2 x Pt0

Pt: total corrected power
Pt0: total nominal power
k1 : coefficient of interior corrections
k2 : coefficient of exterior corrections
k1 = 1 – 0.035 × (19 – Interior Humid temp.)
And :
k2 = 1 + (35 – Exterior dry temp.)/100

English lesson

French version:

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