Local Timeline
Local Timeline
Local Timeline
Quezon City Science High School PAD opened a school for the children
was inaugurated for gifted with hearing impairment
The Elsie Gaches Village was established Special classes for the deaf in
in Alabang to take care of the abandoned regular class were implemented.
and orphaned children and youth with
physical and mental handicaps.
The Bureau of Public Schools of the
Department of Education 1957
The Bureau of Public Schools of the Some private college and universities
Department of Education and Culture started to offer special education
created the Special Education Section of courses on graduate school
the Special Subjects and Service Education. curriculum
Philippine Normal University 1963
With the approval of R.A. No. 3562, the Marked the start of training
training of DEC teacher scholars for blind programs for school administrators
children started at the Philippine Normal on the supervision of special classes
University. held at UP
Manila Youth Reception Center 1969 Training of teacher for Children
The juvenile and domestic Relations The Division of Manila City Schools
Court of Manila established the implemented the Silahis Concept of
Tahanan Special School for the socially Special Education in public
maladjusted children and youth. elementary schools.
The Bureau of Elementary Education The School for the Crippled 1980
The Bureau of Elementary Education The School for the Crippled Children
Special Education unit conducted a two- at the Southern Island Hospital in
year nationwide survey if unidentified Cebu City was organized.
exceptional children who were in school.
The Philippine Institute for the Deaf The Summer Training For Teacher
1990 1992
The Philippine institute for the Deaf, an The summer training for teacher of
oral school for children with hearing the visually impaired started at the
impairment was established. Philippine Normal University
1993 The Summer Training For Teacher
DECS issued Order No. 14 that directed The summer training for teacher of
regional officers to organize the Regional the visually impaired started at the
Special Education Council (RESC) Philippine Normal University
Reclassification of Regular Teacher Implementation of administrative
and Principal Items 1998 order no. 101 1999
DECS Order No. 11, s. 2000 - Recognized An ongoing mobile teacher–training program by the
Department of Education and the University of the
Special Education (SPED) Centers in the
Philippines trains regular and special education
Philippines teachers on how to educate children with special
2007 2009
Special Education Act of 2007 identifies DepEd under its wing had 217 SPED Centers that
cater to the needs of children with special
ten groups of Children with Special
abilities. The department issued Braille
Needs textbooks to help especially visually impaired
2010 2012