Soal PAT Kelas 4 Tahun 2021-2022 FIX
Soal PAT Kelas 4 Tahun 2021-2022 FIX
Soal PAT Kelas 4 Tahun 2021-2022 FIX
Good evening
TAHUN AJARAN 2021/2022 B. Good afternoon D. Good bye
SEKOLAH DASAR NEGERI CIKANYERE 1 10. It's nine o'clock in the evening. Sandy wants to
Nomor Absen : Nama Lengkap : sleep. He says.... to his parents.
A. Good night C. Good morning
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris B. See you D. Good afternoon
Hari/Tanggal : Jum’at, 10 Juni 2022 11. Where do you live?
Kelas : 4 (Empat) A. Berapa umurmu?
Waktu : 60 Menit B. Dimana kamu tinggal?
C. Siapa nama lengkapmu?
I. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d. D. Apa kabarmu?
(Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan memberi tanda x 12. Nickname - name - Amir - is - my. Kalimat yang
pada a, b, c, atau d) benar adalah...
1. Selamat pagi A. Is Amir nickname my
A. Good evening C. Good afternoon B. My is nickname Amir
B. Good morning D. Good night C. My nickname is Amir
2. Sampai jumpa D. Amir my nickname is
A. See you later C. My name is Luna 13. Later - you – see. Kalimat yang benar adalah ....
B. Thank you very much D. I am fine thank you A. You later see C. You see later
3. How are you? B. See you later D. You see see later
A. Selamat siang C. Terima kasih 14. I - May - myself - introduce?
B. Sampai jumpa D. Bagaimana kabarmu? A. May I introduce myself?
4. Good bye B. Introduce myself may I?
A. Selamat pagi C. Selamat malam C. I may myself introduce?
B. Selamat tinggal D. Selamat siang D. Myself I may introduce?
5. Barly : Bye, Yuri. See you tomorrow. 15. 15 = ...
Yuri : ......... A. Fifteen C. Fifty
A. Nice to meet you C. See you too B. Fiveteen D. Fivety
B. Hello D. Thank you 16. 50 = ...
6. Rani : Good morning, Johny. A. Fifty C. Five
Johny : Good morning, Rani. ........ ? B. Fivety D. Fifth
Rani : I'm fine thank you 17. Nine minus five equal ...
A. How are you? C. Where do you live A. Three C. Five
B. How do you do D. What is your name? B. Four D. Six
7. Dita : Hi, my name is Dita. ..........? 18. Seven plus three equal ...
Afni : My name is Afni. A. Nine C. Eleven
A. What is my name? B. Ten D. Twelve
B. What is this? 19. 10 + 10 – 15 =
C. What is your name? A. Five C. Seven
D. How do you spell your name? B. Six D. Eight
8. Sari : I am sari. How do you do? 20. You are handsome. Kata yang digaris bawahi
Elda: ".....". I am Elda Maulida. mempunyai arti ...
A. I am fine A. Aku C. Kita
B. How do you do B. Kamu D. Mereka
C. Are you ok? 21. We are students. Kata yang digaris bawahi
D. How are you? mempunyai arti ...
9. When you want to leave-taking your friend, you A. Aku C. Kita
say.... B. Kamu D. Mereka
22. I am a pilot and she is a doctor. Kata yang digaris 3. Sebutkan 2 nama binatang dalam bahasa
bawahi mempunyai arti ... Inggris!
A. Aku – Kamu C. Dia (L) – Kita _______________________________________
B. Mereka – Dia (L) D. Aku – Dia (P)
23. Banana in Indonesian is … _______________________________________
A. Salak C. Pisang
B. Pepaya D. Kelapa 4. Sebutkan 2 nama buah-buahan dalam bahasa
24. Watermelon in Indonesian is ... Inggirs!
A. Melon C. Nanas _______________________________________
B. Jeruk D. Semangka _______________________________________
25. The rabbit likes to eat this vegetable.
This vegetable is orange and usually for making a
soup. What is it? It is a.... 5. Sebutkan 2 nama warna dalam bahasa Inggris!
A. Onion C. Carrot _______________________________________
B. Bean D. Spinach _______________________________________
26. The tiger eats .... _______________________________________
A. Grass C. Vegtable _____________________________________
B. fruits D. meat
27. The horse eats ....
A. Grass C. Meat
B. Fish D. Onion
28. Amel : Do you have a pet ?
Fia : yes, I have a………
A. Cow C. Hamster
B. Rabbit D. Horse
29. A ………. produces milk.
A. Sheep C. Cow
B. Dog D. Goat
30. A …. has long neck.
A. Giraffe C. Dolphin
B. Tiger D. Snake