IH-500 NI Transport Arm Troubleshooting V2.3

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IH-500 NI Troubleshooting V2.

Transport arm troubleshooting

R&D Instruments / ITSE

This document explains the IH-500 Transport Arm Troubleshooting.

Follow the general maintenance and safety instructions of the service manual

Before any technical intervention on the instrument, perform a complete


IH-500 NI TA Troubleshooting
DiaMed GmbH CRE_FOR00425 V02
International Service Desk – ISD CR 2016-089
1785 Cressier FR - Switzerland Application Date: refer to ENNOV
Email: [email protected]
1. Transport Arm: Error list on the IH-500.
Errors 0x0180xx => Communication fault between the Transport arm and the computer
Errors 0x0181xx => Error linked to the transport arm controller
Errors 0x0182xx => Transport arm trajectories errors
Errors 0x0183xx => Teaching errors
Errors 0x0184xx => Gripper errors
Use the trace viewer to see the errors. If it’s a Transport arm issue, please check the transport arm error log file.

If the error is not listed on the table, the error is not used.
Error Code Messages Description Type
0x018001 Invalids parameter for current command : {0} Invalids parameters Software issue
0x018002 Wrong Configuration Wrong Configuration for the function Software issue
0x018003 APE Run time error Run time error Software issue
0x018004 Unauthorised move : {0} Unauthorized move for the transport arm. Can be occurred on the User issue
service software.
0x018010 TCP/IP Communication fault with Transport No communication between the IH-500 application and the transport Transport arm
Arm server {0} arm application. It can be due to a network issue but not always, it application issue or
can be due to an error on the transport arm application (the network issue
application don’t running).
0x018011 Acquitment of command : {0} has not been Time-out for the communication between the PC and the transport Transport arm
received in expected delay : {1} s" arm. Network issue or the transport arm application don’t running application issue or
correctly. Before more investigation, reboot the instrument. network issue
0x018012 Cannot Do Transfer from Reading Station. Unauthorized move for the transport arm. Can be occurred on the User issue
Apply MoveItem to release object service software.
0x018013 TCP/IP Communication fault with Transport No communication between the IH-500 application and the transport Transport arm
Arm client {0} arm application. It can be due to a network issue but not always, it application issue or
can be due to an error on the transport arm application (the network issue
application isn’t running).
0x018014 Response of command : {0} has not been Time-out for the communication between the PC and the transport Transport arm
received in expected delay : {1} s arm. Network issue or the transport arm application isn’t running application issue or
correctly. Before more investigation, reboot the instrument. network issue
0X018015 Unable to establish FTP Communication with Issue during the transport arm update Network issue or ftp
Transport Arm Controller configuration issue
0x018101 Invalids parameter for current command Invalids parameter Software issue

IH-500 NI TA Troubleshooting
Version: 2.3
DiaMed GmbH CRE_FOR00425 V02
International Service Desk – ISD CR 2016-089
1785 Cressier FR - Switzerland Application Date: refer to ENNOV
Email: [email protected]
Error Code Messages Description Type
0x018102 Wrong Configuration Wrong Configuration for the function Software issue
0x018103 VAL3 runtime error Transport arm software error Software issue
0x018104 Transport Arm emergency stop has been Transport Arm emergency stop User or security
activated issue
0x018105 Transport arm security chain break Transport arm security chain break User or security
0x018106 Transport Arm power fault Power issue without any consumable on the gripper. (torque error, Transport arm issue
door open, over-force error, …)
0x018107 The asked sequence : {0} is unknown Function unknown Software issue
0x018108 A similar command type (TA) is already in Command on the transport arm is on going Software issue
0x018110 Transport Arm drag overshoot Transport arm drag overshoot without any consumable on the gripper Transport arm issue
0x018111 Transport Arm collision during resource grip or Shock on the transport arm Transport arm issue
0x018112 Wrong Transport Arm speed value Transport arm application error Software issue
0x018113 Wrong Transport Arm acceleration value Transport arm application error Software issue
0x018114 Wrong Transport Arm deceleration value Transport arm application error Software issue
0x018115 Transport Arm cannot move in this position Transport arm application error or transport arm out of the limit. Software issue or
Transport arm issue
0x018116 Unable to powering Transport Arm Not possible to turn on the transport arm. Security or transport
arm issue
0x018117 Unable to turn off Transport Arm Not possible to stop the transport arm Software issue
0x018118 A similar command type (GE) is already in Command on the transport arm is on going User issue
0x018119 Torque error raises with object in gripper Torques error with a consumable on the gripper. Error link with the Transport arm issue
secure posing. Perform a new secure posing.
0x01811A Envelop error raises with object in gripper on Drag overshoot error with a consumable on the gripper. Error link Transport arm issue
one or many Transport Arm axes with the secure posing.
0x01811B Envelop or torque error during diluent's lock or Torques or drag overshoot error with a consumable on the gripper. Transport arm issue
unlock Error link with the secure posing. Perform a new secure posing.
0x01811C RT cannot establish TCP communication with No communication between the IH-500 application and the transport Transport arm
PC Controller Server arm application. It can be due to a network issue but not always, it application issue or
can be due to an error on the transport arm application (the network issue
application isn’t running).
IH-500 NI TA Troubleshooting
Version: 2.3
DiaMed GmbH CRE_FOR00425 V02
International Service Desk – ISD CR 2016-089
1785 Cressier FR - Switzerland Application Date: refer to ENNOV
Email: [email protected]
Error Code Messages Description Type
0x01811D Unable to correct TA fault The error can not be acknowledge Transport arm issue
0x01811E Piercing system error while piercing diluent Torques or drag overshoot error. Perform a new secure posing. Transport arm issue
rack position {0} well {1}
0x01811F Drag overshot during sample rack restitution Torques or drag overshoot error. Perform a new secure posing. Transport arm issue
lane n°{0}
0x018120 Error while opening/closing trap of {0} Torques or drag overshoot error. Perform a new secure posing. Transport arm issue
0x018121 Unable to release object in gripper Unable to release object in gripper Gripper issue
0x018122 Sample rack still present after discharging At the end of the rack unloading, the rack is still present on the Sample rack or
loading area. gripper issue
0x018130 Drag overshoot during drilling card Torques or drag overshoot error Transport arm issue
0x018201 Invalids parameter for current command Invalids parameter Software issue
0x018202 Wrong Configuration Wrong Configuration for the function Software issue
0x018210 The delay to receive authorize access for the Time Out error Software issue
requested operation has expired
0x018211 Error while saving trajectories library Saving error Software issue
0x018212 Interrupted sequence because detected Interrupted sequence because detected resource in gripper (error on Transport arm or
resource in gripper service software) gripper issue
0x018213 Transport arm current sequence has been The sequence has be stop by another sequence Software issue
0x018214 Current resource in gripper don't match with Movement impossible with the consumable on the gripper (on service User issue
required target post resource type software)
0x018215 The sequence in process doesn't need an Shared area error Software issue
authorize access
0x018216 The Cancel Move cannot be applied to Impossible to cancel the movement of the transport arm Software issue
sequence in process
0x018217 {0} trapdoor's detected not closed The trapdoor of the centrifuge is detected open. Trap door issue or
gripper issue
0x018218 Interrupted sequence because {0} trapdoor's The state of the trapdoor of the centrifuge is unknown. Trap door issue or
state is unknown gripper issue
0x018219 Interrupted sequence because the Transport The transport arm can not move because it is not initialized or User issue
Arm is in unknown place because the error is not acknowledge
0x01821A Cadence error when learning profiles Error during the secure posing, check the speed of the transport arm. User issue
0x01821B Overflow record when learning profiles Not enough memory to save the secure posing Software issue
0x01821C Resources sensor fault Error on the resource sensor autocheck (before a mapping)à Gripper issue
IH-500 NI TA Troubleshooting
Version: 2.3
DiaMed GmbH CRE_FOR00425 V02
International Service Desk – ISD CR 2016-089
1785 Cressier FR - Switzerland Application Date: refer to ENNOV
Email: [email protected]
Error Code Messages Description Type
0x01821D The current sequence contains the unteached One part of the instrument is not teach correctly User issue
0x01821E {0} trapdoor's detected not opened The trapdoor of the centrifuge is detected not open. Trap door issue or
gripper issue
0x01821F Unteached profile to protect release The secure posing of one part of the instrument is not teach correctly User issue
0x018220 Interrupted sequence because detected diluent Transport arm stop because there are diluent rack on the swap Transport arm
in swap position position (link with a previous error)
0x018221 Mapping configuration inconsistency : cards Error during the mapping of the drawers Gripper or drawer
without basket detected issue
0x018222 Mapping configuration inconsistency : diluent Error during the mapping of the drawers Gripper or drawer
and basket detected at the same place issue
0x018223 Mapping configuration inconsistency : diluent Error during the mapping of the drawers Gripper or drawer
and cards detected at the same place issue
0x018224 Grip Object : New attempt to grip after wrong Error while closing gripper (not blocking error) Gripper or
amplitude detection consumable issue
0x018226 Power command temperature calibration failed Error during the calibration of the temperature sensor Transport arm issue
0x018301 Invalids parameter for current command Invalids parameter Software issue
0x018302 Wrong Configuration Wrong Configuration for the function Software issue
0x018310 The expected surface has not been detected The probe don’t detected the surface Probe issue
by touch probe
0x018311 Unexpected contact during probing Probe detection during a movement Probe issue
0x018312 Error while saving the Teaching library Error while saving the parameters Transport arm issue
0x018313 Touch probe moved during probing The probe move during the teaching (see by the camera during the Probe issue
control of the probe)
0x018314 Sequence cancelled by operator - User issue
0x018315 Tool localization failed : {0} The localization of the gripper or of the probe is not possible. Issue Transport arm issue
with the calibration of the transport arm or with the adjustment of the
vision station
0x018316 Use of a defective touch probe Before the teaching, during the control of the probe, the probe is Probe issue
detected defective
0x018317 Current Sequence has been cancelled by - User issue
0x018318 Using incorrect kind of Gauge During the gripper localization, the gauge is detected defective (more Gauge issue
7 tentative to check the gauge)

IH-500 NI TA Troubleshooting
Version: 2.3
DiaMed GmbH CRE_FOR00425 V02
International Service Desk – ISD CR 2016-089
1785 Cressier FR - Switzerland Application Date: refer to ENNOV
Email: [email protected]
Error Code Messages Description Type
0x018319 Three successive wrong tool location by vision - Gauge issue
0x01831A Resources sensor is defective The resources sensor is detected defective during the localization Mapping sensor
procedure (adjustment not correct) issue
0X01831B Incorrect instrument door's status after open The state of the front door don’t changed after a request Front door issue
doors request
0x01831C Unexpected sample block's move during Error during the teaching of the sample block. The sample block are Sample block issue
probing too free during the teaching
0X01831D Incorrect instrument drawer's status after open The state of the drawers don’t changed after a request Drawers issue
drawer request
0x018401 Invalid parameter Invalids parameter Software issue
0x018402 Wrong Configuration Wrong Configuration for the function Software issue
0x018410 Communication was lost with gripper during Communication error with the gripper Gripper issue
0x018411 The time for the gripper's requested operation Time-Out on the gripper applicative board Gripper issue
has expired
0x018412 Error while opening gripper: <resource> Zone Drag overshoot of the gripper while opening Gripper issue
<zone> Position <position>
0x018413 Effort not reached: {0} The gripper don’t detected the consumable Gripper or
consumable issue
0x018414 Error while closing gripper: <place> Zone The value of the closing gripper is not correct Gripper or
<zone> Position <position> consumable issue
0x018415 There are no resource in the gripper The resource on the gripper is not detected. Gripper or
consumable issue
0x018416 Error while gripper's home searching The initialization of the gripper is not detected Gripper issue
0x018417 Error while engaging gripper: <place> Zone Error while opening gripper after a no detection of the consumable Gripper issue
<zone> Position <position>
0x018418 Error while engaging gripper: <place> Zone Error while opening gripper after an error of gripper detection Gripper issue
<zone> Position <position>
0x018419 Error while saving the gripper library Error while saving the gripper calibration Software issue
0x01841A Error while gripper calibration Error during the gripper calibration Gripper or gauge
0x01841B The Gripper hasn't been initialized or has been Reset of the gripper, or gripper none initialized Gripper issue

IH-500 NI TA Troubleshooting
Version: 2.3
DiaMed GmbH CRE_FOR00425 V02
International Service Desk – ISD CR 2016-089
1785 Cressier FR - Switzerland Application Date: refer to ENNOV
Email: [email protected]
2. Transport Arm troubleshooting
2.1 Error list from of Transport arm.
The errors of the transport arm are logged in the files “errors.log” and “errors.old”
(“ftp:\\\log”) on the transport arm controller or on the snapshot (..\Staubli\usr)

To see the errors.log or errors.old, you can use the “IH-500 - Transport arm log viewer” excel file.

List of the most frequent error on the transport arm log:

Message Description
Internal error: communication lost with DSI9. Connection issue whit the DSI, check cables,
exchange the DSI
Fault in Starc9 drive X. Errors: Axis: Exchange of the power rack.
Fault in Starc9 drive X. Errors: Axis: Issue with the power rack or short circuit inside
[OVERCURRENT_V, OVERCURRENT_W, the transport arm.
STO1_OR_STO2]; Origins: See chapter 2.2.5 for more information
Fault in Starc9 drive X. Errors: Axis: [ STO1_OR_STO2]; Check or exchange the power supply
Fault in Starc9 drive X. Errors: Axis: [STO1_OR_STO2]; DPM out of order – Swap and/or Exchange the
0D04 Common: [VBUS_OVERVOLTAGE]; Origins: DPM
Fault in Starc9 drive X. Errors: Axis: [HEATSINK]; DPM out of order – Swap and/or Exchange the
0D04 Origins: DPM
0D05 Internal error : phasing not validated in Starc9 Perform the phasing sequence
ROBOT-OverForce Over force: axis #X, Data:XXX. Check the power supply (200V)
1504 Issue with the DPM or the power rack.
See chapter 2.2.4 for more information
Cannot settle arm power: safety alarm: inconsistent Dummy plug is missing.
safety signal from the enabling device. Check MCP Exchange the dummy plug or check the
enabling device and cabling between the MCP and the connection (J103)
safety board.
Cannot settle arm power: no communication between Exchange the logical Rack
CPU and safety board RSI9.
Arm power shutdown: safety stop request from MCP Link to the security input. Check the state of the
door, of the shunt and of the sample status board
168E V bus is out of range Issue with the power supply of the instrument.
Safety card down! Please contact Staubli support Shutdown and restart the instrument.
service. If still present, exchange the logical Rack
Arm power shutdown: controller power supply shutdown No issue when the transport arm is shutting
detected (MAIN_POWER_OK signal) Reboot is needed down.
to recover If it happens when running exchange the power
supply (probably an issue with the output JP109)
3408 Internal error MCP-NotConnected No issue => the SP2 is not connected (normal)
Safety error 3655: internal voltage out of range. No working mode on the SP2
Exchange the STARC board
ROBOT-PtcWarning: MOTOR_X (-168.199997 °C) Check the connection of motor and the encoder
3F06 ROBOT-PtcFault: MOTOR_X (Probably an issue with the wiring of the
3F07 temperature sensor).
See chapter 2.2.3 for more information
5303 Autoload error: Disk://APA - cannot load library Error with the Transport arm application.
IH-500 NI TA Troubleshooting
Version: 2.3
DiaMed GmbH CRE_FOR00425 V02
International Service Desk – ISD CR 2016-089
1785 Cressier FR - Switzerland Application Date: refer to ENNOV
Email: [email protected]
Download the transport arm application
ERR 11 Invalid numeric computation (invalid value). Link to an exception send from the IH-500
GECmdsTreatment. software to the transport arm. It’s not an issue.
ERR 11 Invalid numeric computation (invalid value). Link to an exception send from the IH-500
5404 GripObject. software to the transport arm (link to the gripper).
It’s not an issue.
Ethercat event : mandatory slave not found : Issue with the power of the STARC Board
vendorID=0*584 product code = 0*10000 - Check the connector J1164 (no power)
Ethercat Event : 'Slave Mismatch' : position=2, Issue with the connection between the DSI and
5502 property=Vendor ID, cfg=0xCEBA, actual=0x584, the controller: Check the wiring between the DSI
warn=0 and Controller or Exchange the DSI module
Ethercat Event: Ethernet Frame Lost: First loss=1 Check in the log file “CPU PPGA:
CP88_FPGA_ST if the version of the FPGA is
higher than v1.07 (see also “IH-500 NI FPGA
5502 Update Procedure”).
Communication fault between the DSI; exchange
the DSI module or the STARC board
See chapter 2.2.6 for more information
5502 Ethercat Event : ‘no More Ethernet Lost’: first loss=1 Update the FPGA version “1.71”
Ethercat Event: ‘Ethernet Frame Lost’: first loss=0 (6) Check in the log file “CPU PPGA:
CP88_FPGA_ST if the version of the FPGA is
higher than v1.07 (see also “IH-500 NI FPGA
Update Procedure”).
Communication fault between the DSI; exchange
the DSI module or the STARC board
CoE error building starc9 dico struct: Service error code Connection issue whit the DSI
from EcatCoEGetODList : Mailbox not supported Exchange the DSI
Error in buildDriveCoEDicoStruct during drives Connection issue whit the DSI
initialization Exchange the DSI
Error writing VoE command, error : 'Mailbox not Connection issue whit the DSI
supported' Exchange the DSI
Coder memory access failed for axis X on read Issue with the encoder => check the wiring and
manufacturer param the connection of the encoder
Safety board error: Not ready after a minute. Please Exchange the logical Rack
reboot the controller.
Safety board error: Not ready anymore Internal issue on the logical rack.
5903 Shutdown and restart the instrument.
If still present, exchange the logical Rack
Safety error 3249: internal voltage out of range. No working mode on the SP2
Safety error 3250: internal voltage out of range. Exchange the Logical Rack
Safety error 3655: internal voltage out of range. No working mode on the SP2
Exchange the STARC board
Ethercat Event: ‘Ethernet Frame Lost’: first loss=0 (33)’ Check in the log file “CPU PPGA:
or Safety board communication warning: Frame missed. CP88_FPGA_ST if the version of the FPGA is
higher than v1.07 (see also “IH-500 NI FPGA
Update Procedure”).
Communication fault between the DSI; exchange
the DSI module or the STARC board
AxisSM : axis 'X' error Issue with the encoder (connection problem or
ERROR_POSVEL_INVALID_FEEDBACK (0*00080000) encoder issue).
6501 "posVel loop INVALID_FEEDBACK error If OK, Check the connection on the DSI and the
BEM. If the connection is good change the DSI
See chapter 2.2.2 for more information

IH-500 NI TA Troubleshooting
Version: 2.3
DiaMed GmbH CRE_FOR00425 V02
International Service Desk – ISD CR 2016-089
1785 Cressier FR - Switzerland Application Date: refer to ENNOV
Email: [email protected]
2.2 Frequent error on the transport arm
2.2.1 No code => door open
If the door is open when the transport arm is on:

For information, the error on the IH-500 software is 18B1A or 18106

If the door is open when the user starts the transport arm:

For information, the error on the IH-500 software is 18116

2.2.2 6501: AxisSM: axis 'X' error ERROR_POSVEL_INVALID_FEEDBACK (0*00080000)

"posVel loop INVALID_FEEDBACK error
For information, if the temperature error appears when the transport arm is on, the error on the IH-
500 software is 18B1A or 18106, and when the software starts the transport arm, the error is

Check the encoder connection inside the transport arm and/or the connection of the encoder on
the DSI.

IH-500 NI TA Troubleshooting
Version: 2.3
DiaMed GmbH CRE_FOR00425 V02
International Service Desk – ISD CR 2016-089
1785 Cressier FR - Switzerland Application Date: refer to ENNOV
Email: [email protected]
2.2.3 3F06 (or 3F07): ROBOT-PtcWarning: MOTOR_X (XXX°C) ROBOT-PtcFault:

For information, if the temperature error appears when the transport arm is on, the error on the IH-
500 software is 18B1A or 18106, and if when the software starts the transport arm, the error is

If you have a temperature just above 60°C, please check the brake of the module.
If you have a temperature not compliant (more than 100°C or less than 20°C), please check the
connection of the temperature senor.

2.2.4 1504: ROBOT-OverForce Over force: axis #X, Data:XXX.

For information, if the overforce error appears when the transport arm is on, the error on the IH-
500 software is 18B1A or 18106, and if when the software starts the transport arm, the error is

Check the following parts :

 Check the power supply (200V)
 Check the dual power module => swap the dual power module and restart the instrument;
check if the error changes, or if the error occurs on the same axis. If the error changes, it’s
an issue with the dual power module. If the error don’t change, it’s an issue with the
transport arm
 Check the brake: use the SP2 teach pendant to release the brakes. If you have no SP2, you
can deactivate the brake with an external power supply (24V DC – 1A). Like this, you can
see if the connection and the wiring is good (you can hear the “click” of the BEM) or if the
axis is hard when you start the movement only.
 If the movement is “hard”, you can change the play between the gear and the BEM. You
can also apply the “patch” to increase the torque on the axis 1 & 2.
 Change the defective module or the transport arm to solve the issue.

IH-500 NI TA Troubleshooting
Version: 2.3
DiaMed GmbH CRE_FOR00425 V02
International Service Desk – ISD CR 2016-089
1785 Cressier FR - Switzerland Application Date: refer to ENNOV
Email: [email protected]
If you have an overforce error on the axis 5 or 6, before exchange the wrist, check if the issue is
not linked to the gripper spiral cable (when the arm takes the sample block, it sometimes blocks
“spirals” the axis 5)

2.2.5 0D04: Fault in Starc9 drive X. Errors: Axis: [OVERCURRENT_V, OVERCURRENT_W,


For information, if the overforce error appears when the transport arm is on, the error on the
IH-500 software is 18B1A or 18106, and if when the software starts the transport arm, the error is

The error “overcurrent” is a short circuit error or an issue with the measures of the current.
Check if you have a short circuit on the transport arm.
If not, check the dual power module => swap the power modules and restart the instrument; check
if the error changes or if the error occurred on the same axis. If the error changes, it’s an issue with
the power module. If the error doesn’t change, it’s an issue with the transport arm or with the
power rack.

2.2.6 Internal communication error (error 0x5502)

If a board is not connected correctly (LAN cable between logical rack and power rack), a message
“Mandatory salve not found” appears on the transport arm log
If a board is connected in the wrong place, a message “Salve mismatch at position” appears on
the transport arm log.

For information, we have 3 cases on the IH-500

 DSI Board not connected: Mandatory slave not found 2…
 STARC board not connected: Mandatory slave not found 3…
 STARC board not connected on the good connector (inside the controller) : Slave mismatch
at position …

If the error is “Ethercat Event: ‘no More Ethernet Lost’: first loss=1”, this error may be link to the
FPGA version. Please follow the procedure “IH-500 IP FPGA Update Procedure V1.0” to update
the FPGA.

IH-500 NI TA Troubleshooting
Version: 2.3
DiaMed GmbH CRE_FOR00425 V02
International Service Desk – ISD CR 2016-089
1785 Cressier FR - Switzerland Application Date: refer to ENNOV
Email: [email protected]
2.2.7 Controller – USB Issue (for TA trained FSE’s)
If you remove the USB Key when the controller is on, after that the controller may be corrupted.
In this case, the system wants to start with the parameters on the USB stick, and when there are
no USB sticks, the controller cannot start correctly (the application is not loaded).

In this case, you can found this information on the “errors.log”:

Unplug The USB key from the controller

A. Start the instrument.
Go on administrator mode (Bio-Rad User)

The transport arm controller starts.

B. Wait the end of the boot, the following
message appears on the screen

Copy the “Restore STAUBLI_OS” files on C:\FIS (if the folder doesn’t exist, please
create it)
C. Run “Clean_USB.bat” to restore the USB.
Follow the instruction on the screen.

D. Shutdown the instrument.

IH-500 NI TA Troubleshooting
Version: 2.3
DiaMed GmbH CRE_FOR00425 V02
International Service Desk – ISD CR 2016-089
1785 Cressier FR - Switzerland Application Date: refer to ENNOV
Email: [email protected]
2.2.8 Restoring controller IP Address
If you have an issue of communication, you can try to restore the IP address of the controller.

This operation must be performed on your laptop and not on the instrument (issue link to the
AppLocker application).

Plug on your laptop an empty USB Stick

less than 4Go.
A. Take care, after this operation, all
the data on the USB Stick will be

Delete all the data on the USB Stick, and

copy the data form the “IP_Config” folder
to the USB Stick
“etc” folder and “CONFIGURE“ file
on the root of the USB Stick

C. Remove the USB Stick.

Plug the IP_Config USB Stick on the

transport arm controller (J210), and switch
on the instrument.

After this operation, the IP address

of the controller is automatically set
D. at (J205), and (J204).

Before removing the USB stick,

please shutdown the instrument.

IH-500 NI TA Troubleshooting
Version: 2.3
DiaMed GmbH CRE_FOR00425 V02
International Service Desk – ISD CR 2016-089
1785 Cressier FR - Switzerland Application Date: refer to ENNOV
Email: [email protected]
2.3 Controller Description
Terms Explanation
CPT Computer drawer
SBL-CPU Staubli Bus Link & Central Processing Unit
RSI9 Robot Safety Interface for CS9 controller
UCB User Connection Board
MMI Man Machine Interface
SP2 (MCP) Staubli Pendant (Manual Control Pendant)
WMS9 Working odes Selector for CS9 controller
DP Drive Power drawer
DPM Dual Power Module (Dual drive)
DPMI Drive Power Module Interface
STARC9 Staubli Advanced Robot Control for CS9 controller
IC Interconnect Cable
DSI9 Dual Sensor Interface board for CS9 controller
AIB Arm Interface Bard
MOT Motor
COD Arm Encoder
Th Thermo Sensor
RBR Remote Brake Release
EV Solenoid valve
BRK Brake
SDO Safe Digital Output
SDI Safe Digital Input
TDO Test Digital Output
FDO Fast Digital Output
FDI Fast Digital Input

IH-500 NI TA Troubleshooting
Version: 2.3
DiaMed GmbH CRE_FOR00425 V02
International Service Desk – ISD CR 2016-089
1785 Cressier FR - Switzerland Application Date: refer to ENNOV
Email: [email protected]
N° Description
1 STARC Board
3 Flat Cable
4 Power Rack
5 Logical Rack
6 Plug connector
7 CFAST (memory stick)
8 DSI Cable
9 AIB (Arm Interface Board)
10 DSI Board
11 Set of fuses
12 DSI box
13 Power Module

IH-500 NI TA Troubleshooting
Version: 2.3
DiaMed GmbH CRE_FOR00425 V02
International Service Desk – ISD CR 2016-089
1785 Cressier FR - Switzerland Application Date: refer to ENNOV
Email: [email protected]


input Gripper
Fast I/0 communication
24V input DSI
(Mapping & Ethernet
controller Communication
probe) input

Power Module (DPM)

Axis 4 & 1
Power Module (DPM)
Axis 5 & 2

Power Module (DPM)

Axis 6 & 3

200V Motor
power input Motor output
24V input

IH-500 NI TA Troubleshooting
Version: 2.3
DiaMed GmbH CRE_FOR00425 V02
International Service Desk – ISD CR 2016-089
1785 Cressier FR - Switzerland Application Date: refer to ENNOV
Email: [email protected]
2.4 Arm Description

A. The shoulder
B. The arm
C. The elbow
D. The forearm
E. The wrist
F. Identification plate

Shoulder (Axis 1 & 2) Arm (Axis 3)

Elbow (Axis 4) Wrist (Axis 5 & 6)

IH-500 NI TA Troubleshooting
Version: 2.3
DiaMed GmbH CRE_FOR00425 V02
International Service Desk – ISD CR 2016-089
1785 Cressier FR - Switzerland Application Date: refer to ENNOV
Email: [email protected]
2.5 Gripper tolerances
For reminder, please find the information regarding the gripper calibration:
 The goal of the calibration is to set the amplitude (distance) for gripping an object.
 Done with the big white gauge and a card.
 Do not block the gauge during calibration
 Tolerance are +2/-2mm for all exc. Cards (+1/-2mm) and sample racks(+1/-1)
 Errors are
o “Amplitude errors”(18414), errors while closing
o Effort not reached (18413)

2.6 Software architecture

IH-500 NI TA Troubleshooting
Version: 2.3
DiaMed GmbH CRE_FOR00425 V02
International Service Desk – ISD CR 2016-089
1785 Cressier FR - Switzerland Application Date: refer to ENNOV
Email: [email protected]
2.7 Transport Arm – Additional information

Axis information
For information, the limits for each axis are:
Axis Min Max
1 -200° 200°
2 -30° 125°
3 -5° 138°
4 -270° 270°
5 -25° 115°
6 -270° 270°

Oil Information:
The approximate volumes of oil for each axis are:
Capacity on Drainable
Axis Lubricant
initial filing quantity
1 195 ml 65 ml
(Bio-Rad ref.: 0595186)
2 125 ml 80 ml
(Bio-Rad ref.: 0595186)
3 87 ml 75 ml
(Bio-Rad ref.: N/A)
4 55 ml 44 ml
(Bio-Rad ref.: N/A)
5&6 75 ml 50 ml
(Bio-Rad ref.: N/A)
Harness - - SHC PM 460
(Bio-Rad ref.: N/A)

IH-500 NI TA Troubleshooting
Version: 2.3
DiaMed GmbH CRE_FOR00425 V02
International Service Desk – ISD CR 2016-089
1785 Cressier FR - Switzerland Application Date: refer to ENNOV
Email: [email protected]
2.8 Led STATUS (for information)

For information, the « normal state » when the

instrument is running are:
 For RSI lights :
o RSI: Dark (OFF)
o STAT: Flashing Orange
 For the SBL-CPU Lights
o SEL: Dark when arm power is
off, Flashing yellow when the
power is on.
o STAT: Flashing Green
o DISC: flashing when the
controller access to the flash

IH-500 NI TA Troubleshooting
Version: 2.3
DiaMed GmbH CRE_FOR00425 V02
International Service Desk – ISD CR 2016-089
1785 Cressier FR - Switzerland Application Date: refer to ENNOV
Email: [email protected]
2.9 Electrical connections
Information: to check the voltage, all the cable should be connected to its connector.
The voltage on the table is the voltage without any issues.


Door Switch (CP 76) (if connected)

Door electromagnetic (CP71)

Samples status Sample detection

(CP75) board
Centrifuge board
Security status (With BSB)

Mapping sensor
Mapping sensor Encoder
& Touch probe
DSI Power
DSI communication Brake

Mapping Logic Power Fix &Gripper

sensor 24V 200V probe

Gripper (RS232)

Motors power

Ethernet IP PC:

IH-500 NI TA Troubleshooting
Version: 2.3
DiaMed GmbH CRE_FOR00425 V02
International Service Desk – ISD CR 2016-089
1785 Cressier FR - Switzerland Application Date: refer to ENNOV
Email: [email protected]
IH-500 NI TA Troubleshooting
Version: 2.3
DiaMed GmbH CRE_FOR00425 V02
International Service Desk – ISD CR 2016-089
1785 Cressier FR - Switzerland Application Date: refer to ENNOV
Email: [email protected]
Cable E10708 between the power supply and the DSI

JP108 J406

JP108 J406 Colour Voltage

1 4 White 0V
2 6 White 0V
3 3 White 24V
4 1 White 24V

Cable between the Transport arm controller and the DSI

J400 J211

Ethercat communication between the transport arm controller and the DSI
Warning, the connector on the DSI should be correctly tighten (J400). The Ethernet connector is plug on

Brakes cables between the transport arm and the DSI (J402)

Empty Empty

Brake axis 5 – 0V Brake axis 5 – 24V

Empty Empty

Brake axis 3 – 0V Brake axis 3 – 24V

Brake axis 2 – 0V Brake axis 2 – 24V

Brake axis 1 – 0V Brake axis 1 – 24V

For information and reminder, when the transport arm is on, the brakes are automatically
release. Take care after 2 min without movement, the arm is automatically powered off,
and the brakes are not yet activated.

IH-500 NI TA Troubleshooting
Version: 2.3
DiaMed GmbH CRE_FOR00425 V02
International Service Desk – ISD CR 2016-089
1785 Cressier FR - Switzerland Application Date: refer to ENNOV
Email: [email protected]
Encoders cables between the transport arm and the DSI

J403 = Axis 1 & 2 encoders

J404 = Axis 3 & 4 encoders
J405 = Axis 5 & 6 encoders

J403 J404 J405

Cable E10710 between the power supply and the controller (logical rack)

JP99 J213

JP99 J213 Voltage

1 4 0V

2 2 24V

This power is the 24V power for the logical rack.

Cable E10709 between the power supply and the controller (power rack)

JP106 J1164

JP106 J1164 Voltage

1 2 0V
2 4 0V
3 1 24V
4 3 24V

It’s the 24V alimentation for the Power Rack

IH-500 NI TA Troubleshooting
Version: 2.3
DiaMed GmbH CRE_FOR00425 V02
International Service Desk – ISD CR 2016-089
1785 Cressier FR - Switzerland Application Date: refer to ENNOV
Email: [email protected]
Cable E10700 between the power supply and the controller (power rack – motor power)
JP123 J030
JP123 J030 Colour Voltage
1 1 Black 0V
2 2 Black 200V
Yellow &
3 3 Ground

Power input for the motor of the transport arm. 200V between the pin 1 & 2
For information, the 200V is always present (not linked to the Vmot)

Cable E10713 between the power supply and the controller (Security)

JP111 J100

JP111 J100 Voltage

1 11 24V
2 12 24V
3 9 24V
4 10 24V

Shunt on the connector J100:

 Pin1/Pin3
 Pin2/Pin4
 Pin5/Pin7
 Pin6/Pin8
 Pin 13/Pin15
 Pin 14/Pin16

If the pins 3 and 4 on JP111 have 0V, check the front door, the shunt (JP38) and the status led of
the loading area.

IH-500 NI TA Troubleshooting
Version: 2.3
DiaMed GmbH CRE_FOR00425 V02
International Service Desk – ISD CR 2016-089
1785 Cressier FR - Switzerland Application Date: refer to ENNOV
Email: [email protected]
Cable E10712 between the power supply and the controller (mapping sensor and probe

JP107 J212

JP107 J212 Voltage

1 7 0V
2 8 0V
3 3 24V
4 2 24V

It’s a connection for the mapping sensor and for the touch probe.
This is the signals from the connector JP96, modify by the power supply to go to the Transport arm
controller (Fast I/O)

Cable E10894 between the power supply and the controller (feedback)

J120 JP109
J120 JP109 Voltage
5 4 0V
6 2 0V
19 3 0V
20 1 0V

Shunt on the connector J120:

 Pin2/Pin8
 Pin7/Pin9
 Pin10/Pin12
 Pin18/Pin21

If there are issues with the power on the Transport Arm controller:
 Power input issue (5V between pin 2 & 4)
 200V DC NOK (5V between pin 1 & 3)

IH-500 NI TA Troubleshooting
Version: 2.3
DiaMed GmbH CRE_FOR00425 V02
International Service Desk – ISD CR 2016-089
1785 Cressier FR - Switzerland Application Date: refer to ENNOV
Email: [email protected]
2.10 Transport Arm manual data restore
If you need to restore manually all the data from the snapshot to the transport arm, please
follow these steps (for advanced trained FSE):
Open the windows explorer
A. Go on the Staubli FTP address

Connect you to the ftp with the

B. “maintenance” login, and used the correct

After the connection, go on …/Staubli/usr on the snapshot and go on …/usr/usrapp

directory on the controller.
Copy the all these files (from the snapshot to the controller) :
 Staubli/usr/LibParamTchBeta.dtx to /usr/usrapp/APC/LibParamTchBeta
 Staubli/usr/LibParamTchIndu.dtx to /usr/usrapp/APC/LibParamTchIndu
 Staubli/usr/LibParamTchPS2.dtx to /usr/usrapp/APC/LibParamTchPS2
 Staubli/usr/LibParamTeachin.dtx to /usr/usrapp/APC/LibParamTeachin
 Staubli/usr/LibReleaseInt50.dtx to /usr/usrapp/APC/LibReleaseInt50
 Staubli/usr/LibReleaseInter.dtx to /usr/usrapp/APC/LibReleaseInter
 Staubli/usr/LibReleaseLeft.dtx to /usr/usrapp/APC/LibReleaseLeft
 Staubli/usr/LibReleasePierc.dtx to /usr/usrapp/APC/LibReleasePierc
 Staubli/usr/LibReleasePrepA.dtx to /usr/usrapp/APC/LibReleasePrepA
 Staubli/usr/LibReleaseProfi.dtx to /usr/usrapp/APC/LibReleaseProfi
 Staubli/usr/LibReleaseRegen.dtx to /usr/usrapp/APC/LibReleaseRegen
 Staubli/usr/LibReleaseRight.dtx to /usr/usrapp/APC/LibReleaseRight
 Staubli/usr/LibReleaseSuppl.dtx to /usr/usrapp/APC/LibReleaseSuppl
 Staubli/usr/LibTargetPoints.dtx to /usr/usrapp/APC/LibTargetPoints
 Staubli/usr/VarParameters.dtx to /usr/usrapp/APA/VarParameters

Go on …/Staubli/usr on the snapshot and go on …/usr/configs directory

Copy the all these files :
 Staubli/usr/Arm.cfx to /usr/configs
 Staubli/usr/Controller.cfx to /usr/configs
D.  Staubli/usr/Network.cfx to /usr/configs

Before perform this update, make sure all the files are correct and the
last form the controller (if not, you need to used the SP2 to recover the
correct data)

Shutdown the instrument.

E. After restarting, all the parameters are

IH-500 NI TA Troubleshooting
Version: 2.3
DiaMed GmbH CRE_FOR00425 V02
International Service Desk – ISD CR 2016-089
1785 Cressier FR - Switzerland Application Date: refer to ENNOV
Email: [email protected]

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