FAR Syllabus - Oct 2022 CPALE
FAR Syllabus - Oct 2022 CPALE
FAR Syllabus - Oct 2022 CPALE
The candidates must have a working knowledge in the application of the various financial accounting and reporting standards relating to
the above.
The candidates must also be able to communicate effectively matters pertaining to the financial accounting work that will be handled.
The knowledge of the candidates in the competencies cited above is that of an entry level accountant who can address the fundamental
requirements of the various parties that the candidates will be interacting professionally in the future.
New laws, standards and other issuances which are effective as of the date of the examination shall supersede the related topic listed in
the syllabus and will be included in the examination, unless there is an advisory from the Board of Accountancy to the contrary.
1.0 Development of Financial Reporting Framework, Standard-Setting Bodies and Regulation of the Accountancy
1.1 History, Development and Functions of the Standard-Setting Bodies
1.1.1 IASB
1.1.2 IFRIC and SIC
1.1.3 FRSC
1.1.4 PIC
1.2 Regulation and Environment of the Accounting Profession in the Philippines
1.2.1 The Professional Regulatory Board of Accountancy
1.2.2 The accredited professional organization of professional accountants in the Philippines
1.2.3 Sectors of the practice of accountancy profession and the accreditation requirements
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3.0 Cash and other Financial Assets
3.1 Cash
3.1.1 Nature and composition of cash
3.1.2 Preparing the bank reconciliation
3.1.3 Accounting for petty cash fund
3.2 Other Financial Assets (initial recognition, basis for classification, subsequentmeasurement, reclassification, and
presentation in the financial statements)
3.2.1 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
3.2.2 Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income
3.2.3 Financial assets at amortized cost Trade and other receivables Valuation using allowance for doubtful accounts Transfer of receivables (pledging, assignment, and factoring) Other financial assets at amortized cost (including investment in bonds)
3.2.4 Investment in associates and joint venture
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5.0 Financial Liabilities
5.1 Classification of financial liabilities
5.2 Initial recognition
5.3 Debt issue cost
5.4 Measurement using effective interest method
5.5 Troubled debt restructuring