Testpaper in Math 2017-2018

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Department of Education

Region VII, Central Visayas

Division of Cebu
District of Consolacion


SY 2017-2018

I. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the greatest common factor (GCF) of 32 and 64?

A. 8 C. 24
B. 16 D. 32
2. The least common multiple of 5, 9 and 45 is ______.
A. 40 C. 44
B. 42 D. 45
3. Find the set of numbers which has the GCF and the LCM for the set.
A. 8, 16, 31 C. 4, 20, 30
B. 9, 27, 54 D. 4, 16, 15, 18
4. Find the number which is not equivalent to 5/8.
A. 11/16 B. 1O/16 C. 20/32 D. 30/48
5. How many fifths are in 3 1/5 ?
A. 13 B. 15 C. 16 D. 18
6. Choose the fraction not in its simplest form.
11 9
A. C.
13 27
9 13
B. D.
11 28
7. The simplest form of 681 is ______.
A. 682 ½ C. 682
1 2
B. 682 D. 682
3 3
8. Find the statement which is not true.
7 3 4 2 3 3 4
A. > B. < C. =½ D. <
8 5 5 3 6 7 5
9. Which fraction is the greatest?
3 9 2 3
A. B. C. D.
4 10 3 7
3 2
10. The difference of 71 and 39 is
4 5
3 6
A. 32 C. 32
19 20
4 7
B. 32 D. 32
19 20
5 1 7 1
11. Add the sum of and to the difference of and . The answer is.
6 3 8 3
21 19 17 15
A. 1 B. 1 C. 1 D. 1
24 24 24 24
12. Mother saved 3 kg of papaya and 1 ½ kg of lanzones from the fruits she sold to bring
home to her family. How many kilograms of fruit did she bring to her family?
A. 5 B. 5 ¾ C. 5 ½ D. 5 ¼
13. Mr. Gonzalez donate 15 ½ cavans of rice out of 55 cavans he had in his granary. How
many cavans of rice were left?
A. 38 ½ B. 39 ½ C. 40 ½ D. 41 ½
14. In her will, Mrs. Kinuko gave of ½ of all her properties to her only son. What part of
her properties did she give her son?
1 1 1
A. B. ¼ C. D.
3 5 6
2 4
15. Give the product of 31 and 4
3 5
A. 152 B. 153 C. 154 D. 155
16. The product of 6 ¼ and 3 is ______.
9 11 12 21
A. 22 B. 22 C. 22 D. 22
19 21 31 32
17. There are _____ halves in 9 .
A. 18 B. 18 ½ C. 19 D. 21
18. Give the reciprocal of 8 .
5 5 5 5
A. B. C. D.
39 40 43 45
19. A 50 ½ km road was asphalted in 8 days. How many kilometres was asphalted each day?
1 2 3 5
A. 6 B. 6 C. 6 D. 6
16 16 16 16
20. Using recycled water to water the plants, a family was able to save 80 pails of water in
5 days. How many pails of water were they able to save a day?
15 1 2 1
A. 14 B. 14 C. 14 D. 14
22 2 5 6

A. Write each in numeral form.

21. Three hundred seventeen thousandths __________

22. Ninety-five thousandths __________
23. Sixty and seventy-four ten-thousandths _________
24. Two hundred forty-seven hundredths __________
25. Twenty-one and nine-hundred seventy millionths _________

B. Write each as a decimal.

50 4 9
26. = ________ 27. 8 = ________ 28. 56 = _______
100 10 10

8 3 2 5 3 5
29. + = ______ 30. 2 + + = ______ 31. 9 + + = _______
10 100 10 100 100 1000

8 2 5 9 6
32. 65 + + = ______ 33. + + = ______
100 1000 10 100 1000

1 3 4 5 3
34. + + = ______ 35. 96 + + = ______
10 100 1000 100 1000

Find the sum:

36. 0. 23 + 9.0273= _________ 37. 7.09+0.6=_________ 38. ______=0.87+45.319

39. 0.6+0.9=_________ 40. 3.14+0.786=________

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