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A Miniaturized Bandpass Filter Using Microstrip Lines

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Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

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A Miniaturized Bandpass Filter using Microstrip Lines

C.S. Kavithadevi ⇑, H. Umadevi, Jambunath Baligar
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper presents a design and simulation of a Miniaturized Bandpass Filter (MBF) at center frequency
Received 6 October 2020 8.05 GHz and bandwidth 1.80 GHz with insertion loss 0.3 dB. Filter is designed and constructed by
Accepted 15 October 2020 reconfiguring hairpin filter, using parallel coupled microstrip lines, with six cascading coupled lines
Available online xxxx
and two ports. Flame Retardant (FR4) substrate is used with dielectric constant 4.4 and thickness
715 mm for cost effectiveness. Proposed filter is miniaturized to 20% reduction in size, good enhanced
Keywords: bandwidth and cost effective with the targeted filter. In this way a miniaturized and wide bandpass filter
Miniaturized Bandpass Filter (MBF)
is achieved with measurements and analysis of miniaturized structure. Main advantages of MBF are
Flame Retardant (FR4)
lighter in weight, compact in size, less expensive in cost, much useful in most of wireless applications.
Bandwidth Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Microstrip lines Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Emerging Trends in
Materials Science, Technology and Engineering.

1. Introduction and sizes, the recent technological advancements had created the
datasheet dimensions for bandpass filters a prime interest in 5G
Microstrip filters are usually used in transmission and receiving applications.
part of RF communications with operating frequency from 0.8 GHz Filters can be designed using many methods, [1] compact band-
to 30 GHz. Recent developments in microstrip filters have made pass filter using microstrip, is reconfigured and implemented with
these filters as a prime requirement in many applications like less bandwidth and more insertion loss of 0.5 dB. A miniaturized
advanced wireless communications, wireless sensor and radar sys- 7.35 GHz BPF is designed, tested, size: substrate thickness
tems, 5G and WI-FI [1]. And also used by many technologies like (0.508 mm) and micro strip size (19.7 lm2), respectively. EM sim-
high temperature super conducting, Micromachining, Ferroelectric ulations are used and fabrication using Rogers 5880, substrate
and much more. Microstrip filter design involves number of con- thickness of 0.508 mm. Limitations of [1], not cost effective
siderations, in that the prime consideration includes careful choice because of the Rogers 5880 material, no reduction in size of filter
of topologies and substrate. These filters delivers small size at high at lower frequencies, and bandwidth is not satisfactory. Compact
frequencies. During implementation of filter, selection of an appro- band pass filter with BW 1 GHz has been designed and size
priate filter is very important, because optimizing the size of the 20 mm  16.55 mm, its compact in structure [2], length of the feed
filter at specified frequencies for a particular application and lines is ignored. EM simulation tool used and a band pass filter is
requires good performance. At millimeter (mm) frequencies it’s fabricated, Limitations of [2], not cost effective similar to [1], Size
very difficult to change the physical dimensions of a particular sys- reduced, Even though with 1 GHz Bandwidth, structure not suit-
tem as we move to the frequency range from 0.6 GHz to 38 GHz. able for wireless communication systems. In [3] Size:
Millimeter frequency range covers the band of frequencies of 33 mm  2lmm, operating at 0.2GHZ at operating frequency
30 GHz to 300 GHz, and its corresponding wavelengths involved 6.45 GHz and EM simulator and network analyzer are used as
are 10 mm to 1 mm. The reduced wavelengths always brings lots listed in Limitations: bandwidth is not sufficient for wireless com-
of benefits, like physical size of filters at mm range frequency munication systems. In [4], dimensions are 15 mm  9 mm I.e. 64%
becomes very small and easier to implement these filters directly more compact compared to regular open loop filter, 37% more than
on silicon chips or PCBs. Filters at mm wave come in all shapes ‘‘Dual mode micro strip open loop resonators and filters”, EM sim-
ulation, fabrication on RT duroid 5880 are used and 3db Bandwidth
 380 MHz, Limitations are similar to [1] and [2] i.e., it’s not Cost
⇑ Corresponding author.
effective because of the Rogers 5880 Material, technique is not
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (C.S. Kavithadevi), umadevi.h@
dr-ait.org (H. Umadevi), [email protected] (J. Baligar). reducing the size of the filter at given frequency range and not

2214-7853/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Emerging Trends in Materials Science, Technology and Engineering.

Please cite this article as: C.S. Kavithadevi, H. Umadevi and J. Baligar, A Miniaturized Bandpass Filter using Microstrip Lines, Materials Today: Proceedings,
C.S. Kavithadevi, H. Umadevi and J. Baligar Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

satisfactory. [5] E-shape micro strip structure and a compact and can be reconfigured. The selected filter is reconfigured to miniatur-
seventh-order band pass filter for wireless communication applica- ize layout using microstrip lines layout design as shown in the
tions. [6] Six grounded middle stub E-shape micro strip connected Fig. 1.
in cascading form. Folded filter structure reduces number of vias. A Reconfigured MBF is build using six coupled microstrip lines
Filter is compact excluding the input and output ports. Filter [7] called as microstrip lines (M), from M1 to M6, five Jointing lines
consists of two open-circuited micro strip resonators and a U- called as joints between all microstrip lines from J1 to J5 for con-
shaped resonant-slot on the common ground plane. A circuit necting these microstrip lines. There are two ports- input and out-
model [8] is developed and analogous to a three-pole resonator fil- put ports, a slot at the center in plus- Jesus symbol as shown in the
ter. Using the equivalent-circuit model, the coupling coefficients of Fig. 1, with substrate thickness 715 mm, dielectric constant 4.4.
the physical circuit can be calculated. To control the coupling Dimensions for MBF are shown in the Tables 1, 2 and 3 below.
effects, a modified structure is also designed. A [9,10] prototype A Ground slot technology is used at center of the filter structure
is designed and fabricated to measure a good results of bandwidth with plus-Jesus sign as shown in the Fig. 1, to enhance the band-
with more insertion loss [11]. Results are obtained with measured width of the MBF filter. All dimensions of the filter is in mil, hence
and simulated values but cannot be reconfigured for the physical area of the filter is miniaturized to 20% and increased
miniaturization. band width of 1.8 GHz compared to targeted filter.
The measured bandwidth is 1.8 GHz with (f1) 7.2 GHz, (f2)
2. Proposed work 9 GHz and operating center frequency (fc) 8.05 GHz as shown in
Fig. 2. Simulation results of MBF can be analyzed with the help
Design Steps followed to achieve proposed work as follows: of S parameters S12 and S21. Bandwidth is measured in S12 and
Step 1: Investigation of bandpass microstrip filters based on S21 with less insertion loss of 0.3 dB between port 1 and port 2
resonators. and good return loss of 12 dB in corresponding S11 and S22 as
Step 2: Choosing a significant configurations that can be shown in the Fig. 2.
Step 3: Investigations of designated configurations. 2.1.2. Schematic design
Step 4: Miniaturizing the selected structure by reconfiguring in i) Lumped components Design:
microstrip lines-layout form. A schematic lumped component design for Miniaturized Band-
Step 5: Simulation of MBF using Advanced Design System (ADS) pass Filter (MBF) is designed to verify the results of MBF. Design
Simulator. flow as follows:
Step 6: Schematic lumped design and schematic Microstrip Computing center frequency, Bandwidth, angular frequencies
design, for the corresponding layout of MBF and relative angular frequency:
Step 7: Verifications of the layout results with the Schematic qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
design results. Centre Frequencyf C ¼ f 1 f 2 ¼ 7:2  9
Step 8: Conclusions with the measured results of both Layout ¼ 8:05GHz; Bandwidth ¼ f 2  f 1 ¼ 1:8GHz ð1Þ
and Schematic design
Angular Frequencies:
2.1. Filter design F 1 ¼ 2pðf 1 Þ ¼ 45:216GHz; F 2 ¼ 2pðf 2 Þ ¼ 56:52 GHz;
F 0 ¼ 2pðf 0 Þ ¼ 50:554GHz ð2Þ
2.1.1. Layout design
In order to verify the performance of designed Miniaturized
Bandpass Filter using Microstrip Lines. Investigations of band- Table 1
pass microstrip filters based on resonators are analyzed and Dimensions of microstrip lines.

selected filter is hairpin filter, with appropriate configurations that Order Microstrip line Microstrip line Spacing between the
length (L) width (W) microstrip line (S)
M1 98 mil 7mil 2.75mil
M2 123mil 7mil 14mil
M3 118mil 8mil 18mil
M4 118mil 10mil 15mil
M5 123mil 4mil 14mil
M6 113mil 9mil 2.75mil

Table 2
Dimensions of joints.

Jointing lines Width (W) Length (L)

J1 7mil 60.13mil
J2 8mil 60.13mil
J3 10mil 60.13mil
J4 10mil 60.13mil
J5 9mil 60.13mil

Table 3
Dimensions of ports.

Ports Width (W) Length (L) Wall1 Wall2

Input/output 10mil 25mil 1.0E + 30mil 1.0E + 30mil
Fig. 1. Miniaturized Bandpass Filter (MBF).

C.S. Kavithadevi, H. Umadevi and J. Baligar Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 2. Simulation results of MBF.

Angular frequencies are computed to find relative angular dif- Having obtained the low pass parameters, the bandpass design
ference (R) as shown in Eqs (3). parameters can be obtained as follows:
Relativ e angular differenceðRÞ ¼ F 2  F 1 =F 0 ¼ 0:224 ð3Þ X R
Cp ¼ ; Lp ¼ ð5Þ
The designed relative angular frequency is used to design a ser- x0 R x0 X
ies and shunt resonators of lumped bandpass filter as shown in the
Esq. (5) and (6). Before designing the bandpass filter, a low pass fil- CS ¼ ; LS ¼ ð6Þ
ter is designed to set and check the cut off frequency. To design x0 Y x0 R
schematic low pass filter (LPF), Coefficients for the maximally flat Eqs. (5) are for shunt resonators where X = g0, g2, g4 and Eqs. (6)
LPF for N= (1 to 5) are chosen [12,13]. The low pass prototype for series resonators where Y = g1, g3, g5 .Where the CP and LP are
parameters selected are as follows: the Capacitor and Inductor of a shunt resonator, Cs and Ls are the
g 0 ¼ g 4 ¼ 0:6180; g 1 ¼ g 3 ¼ 1:6180; g 2 ¼ 2:0000; g 5 Capacitor and Inductor of a series resonators. After the conversion
from lumped low pass filter circuit into band pass filter using the
¼ 1:0000 ð4Þ Eqs. (5)(6), a circuit is constructed as shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. Schematic lumped components design of bandpass filter.

Fig. 4. Line Clac tool in ADS Simulator.

C.S. Kavithadevi, H. Umadevi and J. Baligar Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

2.1.3. Microstrip line design The simulation results of schematic microstrip line design of
A schematic lumped components design circuit of bandpass fil- bandpass filter is shown in Fig. 6, is verfied with the simulation
ter is converted into microstrip line circuit by using microstrip line results of MBF in Fig. 2.
design to check the accuracy of the results obtained by MBF. Both the simulation results are matching with each other.
Design flow as follows: Hence the proposed work is recoded with a satsifactory results of
Computing odd and even impedances of microstrip lines, elec- ehnaced bandwidth and miniaturied size.
trical length:
h i
Z0e1 ¼ Z0 1 þ Z0J1 þ ðZ0J1Þ2 ð7Þ
3. Comparative study
h i
Z0o1 ¼ Z0 1  Z0J1 þ ðZ0J1Þ2 ð8Þ From comparavtive study Table 4, proposed work is concluded
as, the size of MBF is miniaturized to 20% of the targated filter and
Electrical lengthðbLÞ ¼ Cos1 ðZ0e  Z0o Þ= Z0e þ Z0o ð9Þ also the banwidth is much enhaced to 1.80 Ghz. Such filters are
much useful in most of wireless communication applications.
By using values of Z0o & Z0e, the dimensions of each Microstrip
line in schematic of Fig. 3, are calculated using Line Clac tool in ADS
Now, note down the values of Length (L), Width (W) and spac- Table 4
Comparative study.
ing(S) between the Microstrip line in mil respectively as shown in
Fig. 4 by substituting the values of Z0o, Z0e, type of line, dielectric Filter type Size in mm Bandwidth
constant, thickness, characteristic impedance and angle in degrees Hairpin filter 27.7  5.85 0.4 GHz
in the Line Clac tool. With designed values of L, W and S construct Reconfigured compact bandpass microstrip filter 8.35  12.00 1.44 GHz
the schematic microstrip line circuit of bandpass filter as shown in [1]
Proposed work 7.95  11.00 1.80 GHz
Fig. 5.

Fig. 5. Shematic Microstrip line design of bandpass filter.

Fig. 6. Simulation results of schematic Microstrip line design of bandpass filter.

C.S. Kavithadevi, H. Umadevi and J. Baligar Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

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