Quincy 216
Quincy 216
Quincy 216
QR-25 Series
Model 216
Parts Manual
Record of Change 105
On-line product registration, parts ordering and warranty information is available at www.quincycompressor.com
Quin-Cip-D Lubricant
Refer to the Quincy QR-25 Series instruction manual for
REPLACEMENT PARTS vital lubrication information.
Parts for use with diester or phosphate ester synthetic based lubricants
7.2 1 6315-001 oil seal
13.3 1 22749-115 "o"ring, 3/32 wide x .88 o.d.
15 1 22749-112 "o"ring, 3/32 wide x .69 o.d.
* Quantity as required
@ Indicates torque value (dry threads)
Item Part
Number Qty. Number Description
1 1 110219 crankshaft assembly
1.1 1 110218 crankshaft (N.S.S.; order 110219)
1.2 1 110234 orifice, 1/8 npt
1.3 2 2755S pipe plug, 1/8 npt
1.4 1 4019 bearing cone
1.5 1 2585 bearing cone
1.6 1 110705-F15 pin
2 1 1761 key
3 1 2917X sheave assembly
3.1 1 2917 compressor sheave, 14", 1G,B sect, ccw (N.S.S.; order 2917X)
3.2 2 124239-001 socket head screw, 3/8-16 unc X 2.75, Grade 5 (@ 30 ft.-lbs.)
3.3 2 124372-L02 square nut, 3/8-16 unc
3.4 2 110428W038 flatwasher, 3/8
3 1 2918X sheave assembly
3.1 1 2914-R compressor sheave, 14", 2G,B sect, cw (N.S.S.; order 2918X)
3.2 1 123478-N18 hex. screw, 1/2-13 unc x 2.25, Grade 5 (@ 30 ft.-lbs.)
3.3 1 124372-N02 square nut, 1/2-13 unc
3.4 2 110428W038 flatwasher, 3/8
N.S.S. = Not Sold Separate
@ Indicates torque value (dry threads)
1.3 1.4
1.1 1.6
Item Part
Number Qty. Number Description
1 1 110703X connecting rod assembly (N.S.S.; order 110703X1)
1.1 1 110703 connecting rod (N.S.S.; order 110703X1)
1.2 1 6440 connecting rod bushing (can not be purchased; order 6440SR)
1.3 2 3532 connecting rod bolt 5/16-24 unf
1.4 2 111260-002 connecting rod washer
2 2 8648 retaining ring
3 1 110190-008 piston pin
4 1 1531-001 piston
5 2 6451 oil ring rail
6 1 6450 oil ring expander
7 3 1648 compression ring
8 2 2824 con rod bearing insert (N.S.S.; order 2824PR)
9 2 124471-K08 locknut, 5/16-24 unf (@ 19 ft.-lbs.)
Maintenance Parts
*1 2824PR inserts (pair), con rod bearing,(standard)
*1 2824-010PR inserts (pair), con rod bearing, (.010 oversize)
1 6440SR bushing
1 1531-011 piston (.010 oversize)
1 1531-021 piston (.020 oversize)
2 6452A Ring Set (standard) no color code
includes compression ring, oil ring rails & expander (for one piston)
2 4425-010 Ring Set (.010 oversize; light blue)
includes compression rings, oil ring rails & expander (for one piston)
2 4425-020 Ring Set (.020 oversize; yellow)
includes compression rings & oil ring
2 1531X050 Piston Assembly (standard)
includes piston, piston pin, retaining rings & ring set
2 1531X011 Piston Assembly (.010 oversize)
includes piston, piston pin, retaining rings & ring set
2 1531X021 Piston Assembly (.020 oversize)
includes piston, piston pin, retaining rings & ring set
2 4425-020 Ring Set (.020 oversize; yellow)
includes piston, piston pin, retaining rings & ring set
2 110703X1 Replacement Connecting Rod Assembly
includes connecting rod assembly, locknuts & con-rod bearing inserts
Item Part
Number Qty. Number Description
1 1 1911P head assembly
2 1 1943 gasket
3 1 1913 cylinder
4 1 1594 gasket, cylinder
5 6 123478-L14 hex. screw, 3/8-16 unc x 1.25, grade 5 (@ 30 ft.-lbs.)
6 6 123115-06C lockwasher, 3/8
7 1 110377F075 filter
7 1 110377S075 filter/silencer
8 4 90386-L12 counterbore screw, 3/8-16 unc x 1.00, grade 8 (@ 30 ft.-lbs.)
9 2 1936 hex. screw, 3/8-16 unc x 3.00, grade 5 (@ 30 ft.-lbs.)
10 2 1836 washer
Maintenance Parts
11 1 110377E075 air filter element
1911X38P Replacement Head Assembly
includes head assembly & head gasket
@ Indicates torque value (dry threads). Tighten multiple bolts, capscrews & hex nuts in a criss-cross or alternating pattern. Bring
each fastener to the recommended torque specification in even increments.
Item Part
Number Qty. Number Description
1 1 1911UU head assembly
2 1 1943 gasket
3 1 1913 cylinder
4 1 1594 gasket, cylinder
5 6 123478-L14 hex. screw, 3/8-16 unc x 1.25, grade 5 (@ 30 ft.-lbs.)
6 6 123115-06C lockwasher, 3/8
7 1 110377F075 filter
7 1 110377S075 filter/silencer
8 4 90386-L12 counterbore screw, 3/8-16 unc x 1.00, grade 8 (@ 30 ft.-lbs.)
9 2 1936 hex. screw, 3/8-16 unc x 3.00, grade 5 (@ 30 ft.-lbs.)
10 2 1836 washer
Maintenance Parts
11 1 110377E075 air filter element
1911X38L Replacement Head Assembly
includes head assembly, head gasket, copper tube & fittings
@ Indicates torque value (dry threads). Tighten multiple bolts, capscrews & hex nuts in a criss-cross or alternating pattern. Bring
each fastener to the recommended torque specification in even increments.
Item Part
Number Qty. Number Description
Maintenance Parts
1 113225 Hydraulic Unloader Repair Ki
includes diaphragm, stem assembly, inlet filter & fitting assembly, spring (0-200
PSIG) and spring (201-500 PSIG red color code, DO NOT USE RED SPRING
Parts for use with diester or phosphate ester synthetic based lubricants
1 1 110827-003 hydraulic unloader assembly
* See page 17 for optional pilot valves that must be used with respective pressure ranges.
* See page 17 for optional pilot valves that must be used with respective pressure ranges.
Application Service
Suction valve unloader assemblies are recommended Periodically check the filter & screens in the inlet of
for use on Quincy compressors where the compressor the pilot valve to make sure they are free of obstruc-
is to run continuously and a constant pressure is to be tions. If they become clogged, remove and clean or
maintained. The purpose is to automatically unseat replace. Inspect the "o"ring located in the opposite end
the suction valve of the compressor when the air of the pilot valve body for wear or damage; replace if
supply is greater than the demand. necessary.
Operation Adjustment
Unloading occurs when receiver pressure is sufficient The unloading pressure is adjustable and is regulated
to overcome pilot valve spring pressure. The check by turning the hex nut (marked "unload adj." in cross
ball is then unseated, allowing receiver pressure to sectional illustrations of pilot valves). Turn the hex
pass to the unloading arrangements. The compressor nut clockwise to increase and counterclockwise to
will run unloaded until the receiver pressure drops decrease the unloading pressure.
to a predetermined level. At this time, the action of
the ball is reversed, shutting off receiver pressure to The differential (difference between unloading
the unloader arrangement and venting the unloader and loading pressure) is set by turning the hex nut
to atmosphere. This allows the compressor to load. marked "differential adjustment" in the illustrations
The drive, either electric motor or combustion engine, of the pilot valves on previous pages. Increase the dif-
runs continuously and must be started and stopped ferential pressure by turning the hex nut clockwise
manually. - decrease by turning counterclockwise. Tighten the
locknuts after adjustment.
The LS control version is equipped with a toggle
lever on the pilot valve which can be flipped to provide
manual unloading.
A pressure switch must be incorporated whenever an LVD
pilot valve is employed as part of the control system.
Overhaul Kit K216G 1
Item Part
# Qty. Number Description 3
2 2824PR inserts (pair), con rod bearing
2 6452A ring set (standard) no color code
4 1552-002 valve disc Decals
1 5508 gasket set
2 1202 valve spring Item Part
2 1368 valve spring # Qty. Number Description
1 110377E075 air filter element
1 110610 "o"ring kit 1 1 110831 serial number & nameplate
2 1 127889-A decal, CAUTION!, MANUAL
3 1 127889-B decal, DANGER!,"Air from this...."