RM D&D of Cacao Beans Multi Purpose Machine
RM D&D of Cacao Beans Multi Purpose Machine
RM D&D of Cacao Beans Multi Purpose Machine
Abanes, Joshua C.
August 2022
This chapter presents significant information regarding the focus of the study. This
includes the background of the study that provides the context of the work, statement
of the problem, objectives of the study, conceptual framework, scope and limitation of
countries throughout the world. As cocoa beans' supply and demand imbalance
widens in recent years, the cacao industry has begun to acquire traction in domestic
and international markets, resulting in increased recognition for the industry (Bureau
of Plant Industry, 2017). It was projected that by 2020, global cocoa (Theobroma
cacao L.) demand is anticipated to be between 4.7 and 5 million metric tons (MT),
and production capacity would be 1 million MT short. Along with the rising demand
for the commodity, cocoa bean output has skyrocketed due to the rapid expansion of
small farmer participation. The increase in the global market is a chance for the
Philippines to expand its economy and create more jobs. Despite significant
Cocoa was first introduced in the Philippines by the Spanish colonizers four
centuries ago. The country was the first in Asia to actively produce cocoa beans in the
latter part of the 1600s in San Jose, Batangas. By the 1950s, cocoa became a highly
established. In 1980, cacao production expanded as tax incentives were offered by the
the land and climate were suitable for the crop. (Peace and Equity Foundation, 2016)
small to medium scale enterprises. Some of the larger players are into cocoa powder
and cocoa butter. Despite many competitive advantages in its geographic and climate
remain low. It ranks 72nd in terms of exports and its global market share is less than
resurgence. After it has observed a rise in cocoa production volumes since 2006, the
through R.A. 7900, also known as the High-Value Crop Development Program Act,
emphasizing the intensification of cocoa production as one of its priorities. (Peace and
Farm work is hard work, and farm workers feel the results. Farm workers get
backaches and pains in the shoulders, arms, and hands more than any other health
problem. A third of the injuries that cause them to miss work are sprains and strains,
and a quarter are back injuries. These are also the most common causes of disability.
(Pinnacol, 2001)
drying and packing cacao beans that are traded locally and internationally. With a
wide land area planted with 10,000 cacao trees, they can harvest a total amount of
three tons of cacao beans per season, having two harvest seasons per year. Having a
huge amount of harvested cacao beans, the farm relies solely on manpower effort
which makes the whole process (from harvesting to packaging) lasting from 15-20.
that is centered from their cacao farm such as cacao beans and tablea. It is a business
under Cariño Development & Management Corporation (CDMC) and was established
on October 16, 2014 and is located at Pangao Centro Lipa City, Batangas. Fil-Estate
Farm is comprised of ten workers, led by Mr. Marcial Namoca Jr. as the operational
manager and other significant workers who handles the labor on different processes.
After conducting an interview with the operation manager and farmers of Fil-
Estate Farm, they said that determining the sizes and crushing the cacao is very
crucial for Fil-Estate Farm since it will determine if the beans have the potential to be
traded internationally or locally and it will give culinary products extra crunch for
various culinary recipes. The initial stage in the hand sorting and crushing process is
getting the sack of cocoa beans. The beans will now be spread out on the sorting table
and for crushing the beans will be spread into a laid-out sack. The farmers will start
sorting the cacao beans according to their classification on the other the farmers will
start rolling glass bottles to the cacao nibs in order to crush it and it is where the issue
is present. Beans of classes A and B are utilized for export, beans of class C are used
for local trade, and flat beans, which are discarded by farmers because they are seen
to be of worse quality, are also available. Farmers must spend a great deal of time
figuring out each classification of cocoa beans and powdering each nib, which slows
down output. The crushed cacao nibs will then be packed into a sealed bag as the last
In terms of the farmers' productivity, it can take two people up to one and a half
hours to manually sort one sack, or 50 kg, of cocoa beans. On the other hand, the
human method of grinding would require two people and take up to seven hours for
every 10 kg of cacao beans. The farm has the capacity to physically sort five sacks of
cocoa beans and grind ten kilograms of cacao beans per day. The researchers can see
how the procedure might be improved with the use of this data.
The farmers from the Fil-Estate Farm show symptoms of discomfort in areas such
as the; left and right shoulder, upper and lower back, left and right upper arm, left and
right forearm, left and right wrist, hip, left and right thigh, left and right knee, and left
and right lower leg discomfort, which, according to the Cornell Musculoskeletal
Discomfort Scale, places them at high risk. These symptoms are revealed in the
decrease in farmers' output could lead to another problem with their current process of
Figure 1 shows the process flow chart of cacao beans manual sorting. The first step
is getting the sack of cacao beans then pouring it into the sorting table. After that, the
workers will be sorting the cacao beans based on its classification. The final step in
the process is putting the sorted cacao beans into its designated storage.
The current process of cacao beans sorting in Fil-Estate Farm will be the basis of
the researchers to design and develop cacao beans multi-purpose machine that would
help them to reduce the time it consumes especially during the process of manually
sorting the cacao beans , reduce the body discomfort experience by the workers due to
awkward positions and repetitive motions during the said process and increase the
Figure 2 shows the process flow chart of cacao beans manual crushing. The first
step is getting the sack of cacao beans then pouring it into the crushing table. After
that, the workers will be rolling the glass bottles to the cacao nibs until it become fine
powder. The final step in the process is putting the crushed cacao beans into its
designated storage.
The current process of cacao beans grinding in Fil-Estate Farm will be the basis of
the researchers to design and develop cacao beans multi-purpose machine that would
help them to reduce the time it consumes especially during the process of manually
sorting the cacao beans , reduce the body discomfort experience by the workers due to
awkward positions and repetitive motions during the said process and increase the
Figure 3 depicts the body's discomfort map when standing and the
(CMDQ). The CMDQ involves self-rating of the frequency, severity and work
interference of the MSD on three scales across 20 body parts. The responses given on
the frequency, severity and work interference scales can be used in computations as
experiencing MSD in the past work week is rated across the following anchors:
‘Never’, ‘1–2 times last week’, ‘3–4 times last week’, ‘Once every day’ and ‘Several
times every day’ with weights of 0, 1.5, 3.5, 5, and 10, respectively. On the severity
scale, the severity of the experienced MSD is rated across the following anchors:
the experienced MSD with ability to work is rated across the following anchors: ‘Not
respectively. The answers of the workers were analyzed by getting the mean of the
multiplying the above frequency score by the discomfort score by the interference
score, we are able to get the total score and use the percentage formula to display the
fraction of the frequency of the responses and determine the percentage or level of
According to the legend or color depiction, each bodily part's potential risk
and the necessary steps are indicated. A minor risk (1% - 20%) is indicated by the
color green, and no action is necessary. Yellow denotes a low risk (21% - 40%) , but
it also suggests that a change may be required. The orange color, on the other hand,
carries a medium risk (41% - 60%) of future research and change. Last but not least,
the red color denotes a high-risk situation (61% - 100%), and immediate action is
Figure 4 depicts the body's discomfort map of farmers for left and right hands and
(CMDQ). The CMDQ involves self-rating of the frequency, severity and work
interference of the MSD on three scales across hand parts. The responses given on the
experiencing MSD in the past work week is rated across the following anchors: ‘Never’,
‘1–2 times last week’, ‘3–4 times last week’, ‘Once every day’ and ‘Several times every
day’ with weights of 0, 1.5, 3.5, 5, and 10, respectively. On the severity scale, the
severity of the experienced MSD is rated across the following anchors: ‘Slightly
experienced MSD with ability to work is rated across the following anchors: ‘Not at all’,
respectively. The answers of the workers were analyzed by getting the mean of the
responses given on the frequency, severity and work interference scales. By multiplying
the above frequency score by the discomfort score by the interference score, we are able
to get the total score and use the percentage formula to display the fraction of the
frequency of the responses and determine the percentage or level of pain or discomfort of
the workers.
According to the legend or color depiction, each bodily part's potential risk and
the necessary steps are indicated. A minor risk (1% - 20%) is indicated by the color
green, and no action is necessary. Yellow denotes a low risk (21% - 40%) , but it also
suggests that a change may be required. The orange color, on the other hand, carries a
medium risk (41% - 60%) of future research and change. Last but not least, the red color
This study aims to design and develop a cacao beans multi-purpose machine for
Fil-Estate Farm in Lipa, Batangas to improve the sorting and crushing process of
cacao beans. Specifically, the study seeks to meet the following objectives:
1. To identify and evaluate the contributing factors to the problems the Fil-Estate
2.3 Materials
5. To develop the prototype of the chosen design alternative of cacao beans multi-
in terms of:
Conceptual Framework
For the objective of the study to be attained, a research paradigm was developed as
Presently used PROCESS
method for crushing Identification of the
and sorting of cacao requirement in terms of:
Engineering Design Sorting and Crushing Multi-purpose Cacao
Ergonomic Process Beans Machine
Material Requirement
Design Specification
Engineering Design Worker’s Reduced pain and
Trade-off Analysis Anthropometry
Work Study and discomfort scores
Measurement Designing alternatives and indexes.
of Cacao Beans multi-
Design Requirements and purpose machine.
Consideration Increase the productivity
Through trade-off analysis,
Selection of design alternatives are of workers
Materials and evaluated, and the best
Specifications design alternative is chosen.
Cost of Materials Fabrication of the selected
and Design design alternative.
Execute a pilot test and
Hardware Requirements analyze the results.
Fabrication Shop
Material Resources
As shown in Figure 5 are the principles that are intended to be addressed in order
to pursue the study. Knowledge requirements like the present method for crushing and
sorting of cacao beans and knowledge of different engineering design and concepts
such as work study and measurement, ergonomics, and trade-off analysis are
essential. In addition, mastery with various ergonomic assessment tools like Cornell
assess the discomfort of the workers in the farm will be provided. The basis of the
measurements from the workers. The software that will be used to design the
quality design and modeling. Moreover, the specification of materials, availability and
Furthermore, the process phase includes the analysis and evaluation of the existing
process in crushing and sorting of cacao beans in terms of cycle time, risk factors and
various machines. The collected data will be worked out by the researchers through a
sequence of methods and tools for designing and developing the semi-automated
machine. The use of the trade-off analysis will be key to the evaluation of the best
option requirement for the design that meets the requirements. As soon as the design
The following step is to perform evaluation and pilot tests concerning hazard
for the Fil-Estate Farm that is presumed to be more productive and safer to operate.
The findings of the study carried out by the researchers were very important for the
To the workers of Fil-Estate Farm, the cacao bean’s multi-purpose machine will
be a great help to the workers to increase their productivity. Also, it will ensure the
To Fil-Estate Farm, with the help of designing and developing a cacao beans
multi-purpose machine, the study will enhance the workers' existing work
To the researchers, they will be able to learn more about the field of their study.
The research will act as a learning environment and a great chance for them to apply
the knowledge and abilities they have acquired about industrial engineering concepts.
To the readers and future researchers, the study will be used as a guide for
developing concepts and projects of a similar nature in other fields. This study will
also act as a resource for comparable studies and a manual for anyone who wish to
will also demonstrate how the university's cultivated knowledge helped the students
productivity and reduce worker discomfort. To identify the true root of the workers'
discomfort, an assessment of the work process and the workers is made, taking
Lipa City, Batangas. Furthermore, future machine redesign and maintenance are not
Definition of Terms
of the body (Kiel J. Casadei K, 2021). In this study, the anthropometric measures
of the workers who will be taken into account when designing the suggested multi-
purpose machine were taken into consideration by the researchers in this study.
Cacao Beans. Cacao beans are the agricultural product used to make chocolate.To
make chocolate, the beans are harvested, fermented, and dried, and then they’re
roasted, peeled, and ground into a smooth cacao mass. The purest chocolate is
cacao mass, plus sugar. (“Dame Cacao”,2019). In this study, it is one of the
cacao beans.
2017). In this study, it was used by the researchers as a means of determining the
the source of the discomfort. (“The Differentiation Between Pain and Discomfort:
one of the reasons that affects the performance of the workers of Fil-Estate Farm.
that is made especially for the small-scale industries where labors working has very
little technology where performs their work quickly and efficiently without the
piece (Dassault Systèmes SE, 2020). In this study, it is the expected final output of
injuries and disorders that affect the human body’s movement or musculoskeletal
Middlesworth ,2022) In this study, this term helps the researchers to identify what
are the disorders and injuries the workers have, by the help of it we can identify
what are the causes and possible effect of this injuries to our body.
Association for the Study of Pain”, 2020). In this study, it was also one of the
Posture. It is the position in which we hold our bodies while standing, sitting, or
lying down. Having a better posture is beneficial in the correct alignment of body
parts supported by the right amount of muscle tension against gravity. Without
posture and the muscles that control it, we would simply fall to the ground.
one of the factors that is needed to consider in order to achieve efficient results.
impact (Giovanni Abramo & Ciriaco Andrea D’Angelo, 2014). In this study,
productivity is one of the factors that is used as a solution to improve the farm's
Trade-Off Analysis. It refers to the approach that combines foresight analysis and
tools from the relevant discipline to evaluate strategic decisions under high level of
uncertainty (Antle and Valdivia, 2021). In this study, the researchers used trade-off
analysis to be able to determine the best multi-purpose machine for the study.
Cause and Effect Diagram. It is known as a graphical tool for displaying a list of
causes associated with a specific effect. The graph organizes a list of potential causes
researchers use fishbone diagram to determine the other causes of MSD to the farmers
and shows the different categories of problem causes. The most common categories
used are the manpower, machines, materials, environment, measurement, and process.
This chapter presents the reviewed literature and studies which are found relevant
in developing the framework of the study and in making the research clearer to the
reader. The references were gathered from the works of professional authorities as
well as the unpublished research papers that were deemed relevant in the conduct of
this study.
Conceptual Literature
laborers working. It was a machine that does all the job quickly and effectively
without requiring the inconvenience of utilizing numerous machines. Like any other
machines or equipment that is used by the workers within an organization, the multi-
purpose machine should be ergonomically fit to its users to lessen the discomfort and
have a comfortable experience while using it. However, having a poorly designed
machine can cause discomfort to the users since they are forced to adapt it in their
muscles, joints, and ligaments, musculoskeletal problems are indeed the major
complaint of the human body. This occurs when the conditions necessary for the work
Inappropriate equipment and tools used in a work situation can be linked to issues like
(Korhan, 2019).
in Jaipur, India Gemstone polishing is a highly repetitive and strenuous job which
working habits of gemstone polishers to avoid serious harm and physical damage.
Gemstone polishers in Jaipur are at high risk of developing MSDs in different body
regions. Sustaining a non-neutral working posture for a long duration is a major risk
helps you operate more effectively and precisely while reducing discomfort. Reduce
any extra or pointless motions whenever you can. It's critical to get rid of needless
force demands and unnatural postures when this isn't an alternative. The technique of
Thus, cited by Berlin & Adams (2017), to identify what needs to be addressed first
and get rid of the high rating risk, many techniques and screening tools are utilized to
relation to the tools, equipment, and workstation that they utilized during the
performance of duties: RULA and REBA. Both approaches serve different purposes,
and their application depends on the circumstances in which they are most
appropriate. RULA is more appropriate for usage when doing demanding tasks
involving the hand and arm. However, REBA is used to quantify the intense work that
posture that forces the worker to work for an extended period, regularly work in
uncomfortable positions, and adopt postures that need a lot of muscle movement.
necessary steps will be taken to increase worker comfort while executing their jobs.
Research Literature
Operations” (L. Benos et al, 2020), Among the non-fatal occupational illnesses
appearing in farm workers, MSDs seem to be the most widespread. Repetitive lifting
and moving of heavy loads, prolonged trunk flexion (also called stooping), intensive
hand work, and working in awkward postures of wrist and trunk are tasks associated
with the main risk factors regarding the reported MSDs. Remarkably, low back pain is
workforce suffers from, in both developed and developing countries. In fact, repetitive
and sustained stooping is the primary risk factor for low back pain. The risk factors
associated with the MSDs during different agricultural tasks have been extensively
investigated in the literature; for example, in the harvesting of fruit and sorting of tree
nut crops, climbing ladders meet the burden of bearing heavy loads, repetitive cutting,
movements, hand posture, direct trauma, and joint inflammation are risk factors that
can cause DQT. In the plantation sector, especially coffee sorter workers who are
tasked with manually sorting coffee beans using workers' hands continuously and for
long periods of time can cause workers to experience pain complaints on the body
parts of workers, especially the fingers to wrists, workers can thus be at risk of
characterized by inflammation of the wrist side in the thumb, precisely on the tendon
of the musculus extensor polis brevis and musculus abductor pollicis longus due to
trauma or loading that is too heavy, with typical symptoms such as pain, numbness,
Also, in the study entitled “Risk Factors for Musculoskeletal Disorders in Manual
musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) happen most commonly. The risk factors for
MSDs among manual harvesting farmers are not investigated properly in low and
India was carried out through the usage of Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire and
the Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) technique to identify ergonomic risks. χ2
analysis was used to find the relationship between the MSDs and various factors.
Also, logistic regression methodology was applied to get the most influencing factor
for MSDs in different body regions. The lower-back, fingers, shoulders and
wrists/hands were the body parts in which more than 50% workers reported MSDs.
MSDs in one or more body regions were found to be associated with age, daily
working in farms, farming experience, gender, hand dominance and perceived work
fatigue. The age was majorly associated with MSDs in all body regions except the
shoulder and neck as per the outcome of logistic regression. The outcome of RULA
grand score had been found higher than or equal to 5 in 92% of the farmers which
(Boriboonsuksri et al., 2022), This paper proposes a mixed ergonomic tool analysis
(WMSDs) with associated risk factors among 14 male mango harvesting farmers (all
right-handed) with the mean age of 52.28 ± 7.75 years. Four tasks following mango-
size sorting, and mango weighing and transporting to the truck. The perceived
physical exertion while working on a mango-harvesting farm was based on the Borg
CR-10 with a modified Standardized Nordic Questionnaire. Physical risk level due to
awkward posture was evaluated by the Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA), and
risk due to whole-body posture in association with the level of WMSDs risk was
evaluated by the Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) score sheets. The subjective
feelings of fatigue and posture analysis were normalized and combined using the
theorem of power superposition to establish the fatigue effective index (FEI) for
clearly that WMSDs are highly prevalent in mango-harvesting farmers, whereas the
highest prevalence of WMSDs was reported in the right shoulder, right upper arm and
lower back. The result provided the FEI of mango-harvesting farmers, ranked as
follows: size-sorting task, weight-lifting task, harvesting task, and transporting task.
The authors concluded that mango size sorting should be the first task to be improved
In the study entitled “Design and Development of Cocoa Pod Breaking and
Beans Extraction Machine” (Josué et al., 2019), The cocoa bean damage is one of the
main problems of the pod breaking process. Beans damage, separation of beans from
mixtures and scrap shells are the main problems related to cocoa pod breaking. The
objective of this work is to determine the physical and mechanical properties of cocoa
pods required for the design of the equipment, dimension of the different parts
equipment that can rise the quality of cocoa products. Some physical and mechanical
properties of the pod were obtained through experimental study. Different varieties of
cocoa were initially subjected to compressive forces along the lateral axis. After that,
they were set on a test bench to break the pods one after the other with a mass of steel
at different heights. Thus, the average breaking strength and the moisture contents of
each variety of cocoa pods were determined. This fracture resistance of the cocoa pod
was measured in terms of average force, deformation and toughness at the cocoa shell
fracture, and cocoa pod stiffness (rigidi-ty). The modulus of rigidity of the pod was
obtained from measurements of force and deformation. From the physical and
machine severs the poles and ruptures the pods facilitating extraction of the beans on
the hulls. It can be assembled and disassembled easily, reliably and without any risk
for the user. Consequently, it might be used by all cocoa producers in order to
(Karimi, Azim, et al, 2020). The CMDQ is a suitable tool for the evaluation of work-
check posture analysis method. This methodology allows assessing worker exposure
Cornell are the most common questionnaires used for this purpose. The Cornell
questionnaire was used to determine the level of pain among office employees in
particularly pain severity among office employees, can be collected by the Cornell
questionnaire shown to be a valid and reliable tool. Nonetheless, since the ability of
Rapid Office Strain Assessment to detect the discomfort severity among workers has
not been authenticated there are concerns that the Cornell scores’ results may differ
anthropometric database includes measurements for standing, sitting, hand and foot
dimensions, breadth and circumference of various body parts obtained from 1805
workers, with a majority (77%) being below 30 years. This is the first ever
is seen as a significant contribution to the Filipino labor force who are increasingly
between the study and related literature of “Design and Development of Cacao Beans
Multi-Purpose Machine for the Fil-Estate Farm in Lipa, Batangas.” Also, the studies
The study of L. Benos et al. (2020), reported the MSD’s experienced by the
farmers because of the awkward postures, specifically lower back pain during the
manual operations in agriculture. In order to learn more about the discomfort that the
farmers and caretaker encountered while working, the researchers consult with them.
The most common response is lower back pain. The uncomfortable postures caused a
lot of farmers to feel this kind of agony. The distinction between the two studies is
that the present study took into consideration the farmers' muscle exhaustion while
they used their hands and arms to sort and grind produce, whereas the earlier study
merely paid attention to fruit harvesting, repetitive cutting, and excessive reaching.
as repetitive movements in sorting. Regarding the farmers' concerns during the sorting
procedures, the initial study is comparable to the current study. Because they were
constantly manually sorting, the majority of them suffered injuries and joint irritation
The study of Jain et al. (2018), states that manual harvesting is a physically
conducting interviews with farmers to identify the frequent issues that arise in real life
scenarios. The majority of the farmers, it was found, complained of body discomfort
and lower back and hand muscular tiredness. These elements have an impact on the
farmers' productivity in carrying out the necessary procedures or stages. The two
studies differ in that the former study placed more emphasis on the risks of manual
harvesting while the latter study is more concerned with the manual sorting and
The study of Boriboonsukri et al. (2022), is also connected to the present study
related musculoskeletal problems. The risks of dealing with these issues at work were
taken into consideration in the current study. Similar to how most farmers collect
mangoes and then carry them in trucks while keeping uncomfortable postures, the
farmers at Fil-Estate Farm harvest cacao beans and then transport them in the usual
way with similar physical efforts. The two studies are different in that the present
study concentrates on work-related musculoskeletal issues that arise during the sorting
and grinding of cacao beans, whereas the other study emphasizes on the harvesting
employed in both researches to ascertain the issues faced by the farmers under these
working circumstances. They differ in collecting and gathering information and data
wherein the present study had a personal interview to the caretaker of the farm and
workers of the Fil-Estate Farm while the related study conducted survey
The research of Josué et al. (2019), and the current study are identical in how
the proposed machine was developed and how the cacao beans were crushed. The
current study considered the ergonomic requirements that will be suitable in the
emphasized on the physical and mechanical features of the cacao pods needed in the
breaking process. While the proposed multi-purpose machine will be working on the
sorting and grinding process of the cacao beans for the farmers of the Fil-Estate Farm
in Lipa Batangas, the developed machine of the prior study is simple to construct and
The study of Karimi, Azim et al. (2020) states that CMDQ is the a top
ergonomic tool that the researchers use to gauge the risk factor that the farmers
encounter when processing the cocoa beans, it is relevant to the current study. The
difference between the two research is that the current study utilized the CMDQ to
measure risk factors among farmers who work in the cocoa bean processing industry,
whereas the other study focuses on assessing risk factors among dairy factory workers
The study of Shariat, et al. (2018) refers CMDQ to be a valid and trustworthy
technique for measuring worker discomfort. This study is relevant since the CMDQ is
often regarded as the finest tool for assessing workers' aches and pains. The two
studies are different from one another since the present study's researchers only
employed the CMDQ as a tool to quantify workers' pain, but the earlier study also
considered the ROSA results when assessing the discomfort of office workers.
increase employment of Filipino workers locally and internationally, the current study
used it to analyze the standards on the output that will be generated for the well-being
engineering concepts that are important to the development of cacao beans multi-
This chapter presents the method of the study including the research design,
subject of the study, data gathering instrument and procedure as well as the statistical
treatment of all the data that are used in the design development of cacao bean multi-
Research Design
The researchers will use a design and development method. It is the systematic
study of design, development and evaluation processes with the aim of establishing an
empirical basis for the creation of instructional and non-instructional products and
tools and new or enhance models that govern their development. To enhance the
status and well-being of workers in Fil-Estate farm, the study will use a design and
development method. The design and development method is the most appropriate
choice for the study since it focuses on creating novel insights and concepts that were
In order to learn more about the procedure and current machinery that is currently
used in cacao bean sorting and crushing, the researchers will also provide the owner
have a better grasp of the procedures. The problems that will emerge during the
process will be noted and analyzed. The Ergonomic Assessment Questionnaire will be
used by the researchers to examine workplace activities. The researchers will next
on the physical characteristics, process, materials, and cost of the worker. The
ascertain the importance of each criterion and determine the best design alternative for
a cacao bean multi-purpose machine. The best design option with the highest score
The four farmers of Fil-Estate Farm who are working on the sorting and crushing
of cacao beans will serve as the study's main subject. Because they fall under the
chosen specialty, and have a direct connection to the study, the aforementioned
The farm's owner is also a subject of the study because they will provide the
researchers with all the data they need. Four farmers, two panelists, a chairman, and
one fabricator make up the eight respondents for the trade-off questionnaire.
The researchers are going to evaluate the difficulties faced by the farmers during
the crushing and sorting of cocoa beans. Additionally, they took into account the
To come up with the most effective design for the cacao bean's multipurpose
machine, the researchers are going to use a variety of data collection tools. The
The researchers will conduct an interview with the owner together with the
workers of Fil-Estate Farm who witnessed every step of the process and collect data
and information. It will help the researchers in identifying the underlying causes of
issues and challenges that arise with the farm's current systems and machinery to
produce the best design that would optimally fit the workers who will be involved in
the sorting and crushing process. The researchers will also take ergonomic
The researchers will also use a survey questionnaire as a tool to gather additional
the researchers as it is a great help in detecting the worker’s MSD. The questionnaire
is very easy to administer among workers and it gives a picture of MSD with detailed
history of site and frequency of the discomfort. For the initial assessment, using the
body discomfort maps of the workers. The CMDQ is a 54-item survey that asks about
musculoskeletal pain, discomfort, and soreness in different body areas and includes a
body chart. Farmers will use it to assess musculoskeletal pain in their bodies. The
score to determine the rate of discomfort and quantify the discomfort level.
All of the questionnaires and evaluation tools shall be examined and confirmed by
a team of experts before the essential data for the study are collected. Comments and
suggestions will be assessed in order to improve the data collection tool. After
determining the reliability values for all of the used equipment and personnel, the
come up with a machine design that is suitable for the workers of Fil-Estate farm.
establishes the physical geometry, mass properties, and strength capabilities of the
human body. The uses of anthropometry in the workplace include to evaluate body
of the human body and it focuses mainly on the Filipino people as its main factor.
To maintain the significance and reliability of the study, the researchers are going
to collect supporting data through publications, scholarly works, the internet, journals,
and other research materials for information on the problem to be investigated and
The researchers will reach out to the head worker/farmer upon the approval of the
request to visit their cacao farm and gather information. After approving the request,
the researchers will proceed on interviewing the workers and will also observe the
existing manual process of cacao bean sorting. In developing design alternatives for
the cacao bean multipurpose machine, the researchers will review some existing
designs and machines that are found on the internet, published and unpublished
studies, development studies, and experts, and fabricator's advice. The materials and
the possible cost of the semi-automated machine were then reviewed and evaluated.
better, the researchers also examined the workplace. The problems will be developed
during the process shall be quickly identified. The researchers will then develop three
concepts or alternatives for the multipurpose machine for cacao beans. The
researchers will consider a range of metrics and factors, such as material selection and
multiple alternatives.
The researchers will also employ trade-off analysis and the systematic elimination
approach to evaluate each criterion's importance and identify the optimum design
alternative. After the researchers have been identified the ideal design alternative, the
design with the highest score among the alternatives will be fabricated.
Statistical Treatment
The researchers will use the formula of mean, weighted mean, and percentage. The
mean and weighted means were utilized to identify the result of the Cornell
Musculoskeletal Discomfort Questionnaires, and this also incorporates for the other
imprecise designer ranking table method, standard weighted sum method, systematic
elimination method was used to achieve a better analysis of all the data gathered. The
measurement for the alternative design. To interpret the data gathered effectively, the
Mean. It was employed in this research to assess the level of pain or discomfort
Percentage. It was also used to display the fraction of the frequency of the
responses and determine the percentage or level of pain or discomfort of the workers.
∑ ∗ 100
Weighted Mean. It was used to see if there are significant differences between
∑f 1w 1