Scientists have been finding incredible dinosaur petrified bones and footprints for
centuries. The university of Bath in the UK's Nick Longrich and his colleagues
discovered Chenanisaurus barbaricus, a dinosaur that resembled Tyrannosaurus rex.
From a jaw bone fragment discovered in the mines at Sidi Chennane, Morocco, he was
able to identify the dinosaur. He came to the conclusion that the dinosaur was an
Abelisaur, a theropod species related to the Tyrannosarus rex. The fact that so many
dinosaurs coexist with marine fossils and are frequently discovered in marine strata,
however, does not surprise creation experts. With all of these discoveries, it is clearly
obvious that finding dinosaurs in marine rocks or combined with marine fossils is the
rule rather than the exception.
How strongly does these findings support the young-Earth view?
Brian Thomas, an ICR research scientist, uncovered some dinosaur fossils that date
from 250 to 550 million years ago. The data unmistakably indicates to a short age for
Earth and to the global Flood that produced the petrified remnants, immediately burying
them in sediments about 4,500 years ago. It would be difficult for these highly
degradable substances to last for more than a few thousand years.
Thomas, B. Published Reports of Original Soft Tissue Fossils. Posted on
September 17, 2018.
A summary the main finding(s) of the article.
The fossil record, which includes bones, teeth, footprints, tracks, eggs, and skin
impressions, provides the foundation for all of our knowledge of non-avian
dinosaurs. People have been finding incredible dinosaur fossilised bones and
footprints all around the world for millennia. One of the dinosaur species that
Nick Longrich and his colleagues from the University of Bath in the UK
identified is called Chenanisaurus barbaricus (1). From a specimen discovered in
the mines at Sidi Chennane, Morocco, they were able to identify the dinosaur.
They came to the conclusion that the dinosaur was an Abelisaur, a theropod
species related to the Tyrannosaurus rex. But Longrich and his colleagues
shouldn't be surprised to find a dinosaur in marine rocks because earlier research
by a team of palaeontologists indicated that nearly all European Cretaceous
dinosaurs were buried under marine rocks (2,3).
A theropod dinosaur thighbone fragment was discovered in beachfront marine
rock north of Seattle by a different researcher. Although the precise species is
unclear, the fossil, which is also from Upper Cretaceous strata, was identified as
the upper left femur of a theropod dinosaur with a size comparable to an adult
Tyrannosaurus rex (4). The fact that so many dinosaurs coexist with marine
fossils and are frequently discovered in marine strata, however, does not surprise
creation experts. As the saline Flood waters enveloped the continents and mixed
sediments, marine life, and terrestrial species together, dinosaurs were quickly
buried beneath them. Phosphate mines in Morocco and other countries throughout
the world have proof of the worldwide Flood.
On a scale of 1-5 assess the article’s significance in its support of a young Earth. Where 1 -
weakly supports the young-Earth view . . and 5 strongly supports the young-Earth view.
The fossil record is considered irrefutable evidence of a global flood in relatively recent
times by young earth creationists. I used to believe in evolution until I started learning
about fossils and the very specific conditions that must exist for a fossil to form: the
correct elements in the right amounts, under the right conditions, with enough of water.
Nearly nowhere on Earth now, and very definitely not in the quantities seen in the
fossil record, is this happening.
We can learn a lot about the history of life on Earth through the study of fossils. They can
help us understand the origins of life and humanity, the evolution of the planet and its
environment across time, and the once-connected nature of the continents that are now
widely separated.