Fof Events Com Meeting Minutes 9.11.22
Fof Events Com Meeting Minutes 9.11.22
Fof Events Com Meeting Minutes 9.11.22
Objective of the Meeting: To plan for the upcoming Festival of Faith 2022
Date / Time: 11th of September 2022, Sunday at 1:10 PM – 2:45 PM
Presiding Officer: Ptr. Moody Tutanes (Events Committee Head)
I. Call to order:
At exactly 1:10 PM, the meeting started by roll call of local churches and greetings.
by DS Grover Sales. Updates will be relayed on DS Grover Sales,
the group chat. Ptr. Moody Tutanes
• The speaker will be Bishop
Rudy Juan.
Dss. Corazon
They will prepare the decoration
• Stage and Altar Decoration for the venue, specifically the
Malaybalay UMC,
stage and Altar.
Zone 1
They will help Ptr. Moody to set
up the Sound System and
• Sound System and Ptr. Moody Tutanes,
Projector. They will also help in
Projector Zone 3
preparing the instruments to be
4. COMMITTEES They will be assigned to make
the Liturgy and Program flow for
DS Grover Sales,
the Festival of Faith. They are
• Liturgy and Program Ptr. Julie Sales,
also assigned for the Games
Zone 4
and the Leis and Plaque of
appreciation for the speaker.
They will be assigned to prepare
Police Officer: Ian
the route for the motorcade and
• Motorcade Alfeche of Laguitas,
will coordinate with the TMC for
Zone 2
further instructions.
• It was recommended that • Ptr. Moody suggested that the
there will be a solicitation Valencia UMYFs together with
Valencia UMC,
5. SOLICITATION letter to be distributed to each DS Grover will be assigned for
DS Grover Sales
local church and each local the solicitations.
• It was suggested by Ptr. • It was suggested that there
Moody that there will be a “100 should be a face-to-face
UMYF Voices” that will sing practice for the mastery of the
during the event. song. It was agreed by the
majority that it will be by
• It’s recommended that every cluster. Ptr. Moody Tutanes
local church should have a • Zone 1 and Zone 2, they will
UMYF representative. practice on October 1
(tentative date) at Valencia
UMC. Zone 3 and Zone 4 will
practice at UMC Maramag on
October 2 (tentative date).
• Prizes (Best Presentation,
Earliest delegates, Plentiest
registered delegates, Eldest • It was suggested each local TBA
delegate, Youngest delegate, church will contribute
Games winner, battle of the
bands winner, etc)
• Presentation per local • Each local church will prepare
church a presentation. (Maximum of 5 -
• Foods • Each local church is
encouraged to “bring your own -
baon” and share it to
7. OTHERS: • T-shirt • It was suggested that there will
be a unified T-shirt design and
there will be an assigned color
per local church or zone TBA
(depends on what will be voted
through a poll on the group
• Tarpaulin • It was suggested that there will
be a unified design and size TBA
for the tarpaulin.
• Battle of the Bands (by zone) • It was suggested that there will
be a battle of the bands (1 Judges: TBA
praise song) and it will by In-charge: TBA
• Who will be the Emcee?
8. NOT • How much will be the THE GROUPCHAT OR
Registration fee? DURING THE NEXT
• When will be the next
V. Closing Prayer:
The closing prayer was led by Ptr. Rodrigo Buyao.