Application HL Oxford CH 5
Application HL Oxford CH 5
Application HL Oxford CH 5
2 Karolina carries out a traffic survey in Mathcity. What questions might you need to ask in these
How can a lawyer make sure that scenarios?
She sits at an interchange and notes the colour
a jury understands evidence of the first six cabs that pass her. What number _ Think aboutthe questions in this opening problem
based on probabilities? of yellow cabs is she most likely to observe? and answer any you can. As you work through the
e What types of diagram can help represent the chapter, you will gain mathematical knowledge
problem? them all.
and skills that will help you to answer
e What assumptions did you make?
204 205
5.1 Reflecting on experiences Experimental probability
You should use these terms when discussing and quantifying
in the world of chance. First probabilities:
Probability is synonymous with uncertainty, likelihood, chance Outcome: A possible result of an experiment.
and possibility. You can quantify probability through three main TOK
Event: An outcome or set of outcomes.
approaches: subjective, experimental and theoretical. Do you rely on intuition
to help you make Sample space: The set of all possible outcomes of an experiment, always
You may judge that you are more likely to get to school on time if denoted by U.
you take a particular route, based on your experience with traffic.
Subjective probabilities are based on past experiences and opinions
rather than formal calculations. These terms are illustrated in the following example:
Erin wants to explore the probability of throwing a prime number mindedness
Investigation 1 with an octahedral die. She designs an experiment that she feels is =
efficient and bias-free. Erin places the die in a cup, shakes it, turns the Probability theory was
We use subjective probability in everyday life every time we make a cup upside down, then reads and records the number thrown. first studied to increase
judgement of how likely something is to occur. For example, you may judge the chances of winning
that you are more likely to get to school on time if you take a particular route, Erin repeats her experiment until she has completed 50 trials. She when gambling, The
based on your experience with traffic. We justify subjective probabilities to knows that the outcome of each trial can be any number from Paninctreritan
U=({1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8} and that the event she is exploring can be the subject was by
ourselves through a mixture of past experiences, opinions and intuition.
described as a statement: “throw a prime with an octahedral die” or a enone he meneran
How likely do you judge these outcomes to be? set of outcomes that make the statement true: {2, 3, 5,7}. Girclama Canlenennihel
A: There willbe a financial — B: It will rain C: There will be a finan- Erin can either write P(throw a prime) to represent the probability of 16th century.
crisis in Europe during the | tomorrow. cial crisis in Asia during her event occurring or P(A) if A denotes the set {2, 3, 5,7}.
next 10 years. the next 10 years. 2Py
D: Choosing one digit at E: The world will F: The sequence 999999 g
random from the decimal be free ofalldic- _ is found somewhere in &
expansion of 1 you get 6. tators within the the first 1000 digits of pi. Acrucial assumption in many rs5
6 next 10 years. problems is that of equally a
G: The team winning the H: Humans will |: If you cuta strip of likely outcomes.
FIFA World Cup in 2030 will land on Mars by paper into three lengths
Aconsequence of the
be from the Americas. 2050. at random, they can form
geometry of the shapes shown
a triangle.
here is that they form fair dice.
Display your answers by plotting them on this probability scale: Each outcome ona fair die is
equally likely as any other.
0 05 1
(impossible (ust as likely (certain to
to occur) to occur as not) occur)
One way to quantify probability is with relative frequency, also known as
Compare, contrast, discuss and justify your answers within a small group. experimental probability. The general formula for the relative frequency
You may find disagreements with others, based on your opinions, experience of an event A after x trials is:
or beliefs. Frequency of occurrence of event A in 1 trials
When is it easier to reach a common agreement on the value ofa subjective Relative frequency of A= n
This is also known as the experimental probability of the event A.
Theoretical probability gives you a way to quantify probability that does
not require carrying out a large number of trials.
1 Imagine throwing a fair 12-sided die 15 times. Let A be the event “throw a prime number”. 5 (EEE Whats the set of all possible values of theoretical probabilities?
2 Use technology to show the sequence of experimental probabilities ofA after 1, 2,3, ..., 100 throws. You 6 What relationship does your graph have with the line y = 22
should be able to create a graph like one of these: ? (ZETE) Whatis the relationship between relative frequency and theoretical probability in the short
12-sided dice: experimental and theoretical probabilities (100 trials)
1 8 (ECE Whatis the relationship between relative frequency and theoretical probability in the long
0.7 9 GIy In the short term, does random behaviour involve predictability or unpredictability?
05 10 Gracy In the long term, does random behaviour involve predictability or unpredictability?
0.3 11 GIy How may we interpret and apply the number quantified by the formula for the theoretical
0.2 probability of an event?
0 20 40 60 80 100
Example 4 2Py
Frequency of occurrence —4
Number of trial (72) Outcome Event inntrials Find the probability of each event and determine which event is least likely. g
T: throw a factor of 24 on a four-sided die. &
1 2 Prime 1 1 rs5
2 11 Prime 2 1 O: throw a prime on an eight-sided die. a
3 5 Prime 3 lL D: throw at least 11 on a 12-sided die.
4 9 Not prime 3 0.75 C: throw at most 3 on a three-sided die.
5 4 Not prime 3 0.6 I: throw a multiple of 5 on a 20-sided die.
6 2 Prime 4 0.666667 All the dice are fair and are numbered from 1 up to the number of sides on the die.
2 4 Not prime 4 0.571429
n(T) =n({1,2,3,4}) =4=n(U) Every element of {1,2, 3,4} is a factor of 24.
8 8 Not prime 4 0.5
so P(T) =1 pr) = 0) 4), so Tis certain to
9 2 Prime 5 0.555556
nU) 4
10 12 Not prime 5 0.5 happen.
et 6 Not prime 5 0.454545
n(O) = n({2,3,5,7})
=4, n(U) =8
12 4 Not prime 5 0.416667
ie, 4 Not prime 5 0.416667 0)=—=0.
so P(O) 3 0.5
14 3 Prime 6 0.428571
n(D) = n({11,12}) = 2, n(U) = 12 “at least 11” means “11 or more”
a5) 14 Prime 7 0.466667
Continued on next page
© Ifa dart lands in a numbered sector atrandom, 5 Take a narrow strip of paper 20cm long.
2 1 . find the probability that the number is: Use your calculator to generate a random
so P(D) = D6” 0.16 a atleast 4 b more than 6 decimal length between 0 and 20 and cut
a » “ » the strip into two strips at this length. Label
m(C) = n({1, 2, 3}) = 3, n(U) = 6 at most 3” means “3 or less © less than 30 : no more than 14 the two strips H and T. Toss a coin. If the
so P(C) = BE 0.5 & prime . square coin shows heads choose strip H. Measure
6 g a solution to the equation x? = 3. its length and use your calculator to find a
n(I) = n({5, 10, 15, 20}) = 4, n(I) =20 3 A survey was carried out in a small city place to cut it at random into two strips.
A centre street one Saturday afternoon. Can you make a triangle with your three
so P(I) = — = 0.25 Shoppers were asked about how they pieces?
20 travelled that day. The results are shown
Hence, D is the least likely event. in the table below. ee -
1 Foreach situation, think about how best to represent the situation with a diagram.
Compare and contrast your diagrams with others in your class then solve the problems.
Situation 1 U This diagram can be simplified to show the
G number of students in each region.
Inaclass survey on subject choices, Isabel, Clara, Coco, Anastasiia and Fangyu all state that they study
biology. Isabel, Clara, Fangyu and Tomas all study chemistry whereas Barbora, Coco and Achille study
neither biology nor chemistry. ESS
2 Find the probability that a student chosen randomly from this class studies both biology and chemistry. 2
3 Create your own probability question using your representation of the situation and have another
student answer it.
4 Situation 2
One example of a Sicherman die is a fair cubical die with this net:
4)1/5 Example 4
Itis thrown together with a fair octahedral die whose faces are numbered
1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8. 3 Use the Venn diagram in Example 3 to find the probabilities that a student chosen randomly
from this class:
5 Find the probability that the number obtained by adding the two numbers thrown on each die is prime.
a studies ESS b studies ESS but not Spanish
6 Find and describe a pattern in your representation of this situation and acquire some knowledge from
¢ studies all three subjects d_ studies exactly two of the subjects.
your pattern.
7 What advantages are there in using a diagram in problem-solving with combined n(ESS) _2+3+1_ 6 P(ESS) represents the “Probability of choosing
probabilities? a P(ESS) = n(U) = V1 =—ll A
a student dom
at random fi from the
h set ESS”.-
Two frequently used representations of probability problems are Venn b 4+ There are a total of four students within the
diagrams and sample space diagrams. International- ll ESS oval but outside the Spanish oval.
“ c 0 The diagram clearly shows that there are no
Awell-known French students who study all three subjects.
AVenn diagram represents the sample space with a rectangle. Within the
gambler, Chevalier
rectangle, each eventis represented by a set of outcomes ina circle or an
de Méré, consulted qd — The diagram clearly shows that two
oval shape and is labelled accordingly.
Blaise Pascal in Paris students Rikardo and James study Spanish
in 1650 with questions and ESS, whereas one student India -
about some games of studies both geography and ESS. These are
chance. Pascal began the only three students who study exactly
A sample space diagram is a useful way to represent the whole sample space to correspond with his two of the subjects surveyed.
and often takes the form of a table. friend Pierre de Fermat
about these problems,
which began their
study of probability.
Example 5 cise 5B
It is claimed that when this pair of Sicherman dice is thrown 1 Alex throws a fair tetrahedral (four-sided) a Find the probability that a student
2 6
and the two numbers obtained added together, the probability dice and a fair octahedral (eight-sided) selected at random from this class studies
of each total is just the same as if the two dice were numbered | 4 2| 1| 3 8 | 4/1) 5 dice. He defines M as the product of his two both biology and history.
with 1,2,3,4,5 and 6. Verify this claim. 3 3 numbers. Find: b Given that a randomly selected student
a P(M is odd) b P(Mis prime) studies biology, find the probability that
Sample space diagram for the total of two Form a sample space diagram for each this student also studies history.
¢ P(M is both odd and prime)
die numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6: experiment. Enter each total in the table as
Bethany has two fair six-sided dice, which These dice compete in the “Dice World
Sees she throws. She defines N as the product of Cup”. A pair of dice is thrown and the
her numbers. Find: highest number wins. The semi-finals are
A vs B and C vs D. The winners of each
2;3/4{|,5/;6|27/8 d P(Nisodd) e P(Nis more than 13)
semi-final go in to the final.
3/4/5|;6/;7|]8/9 f P(Nisa factor of 36)
Bethany and Alex can see that the proba-
4/5|6/?7)8)]9 | 40
bility that M is odd equals the probability
5|6/?7| 8] 9 | 40} 11
that N is odd. Try to find more events that
0] [3]3
6| 7/8 | 9} 10| 11} 12 have the same probabilities for each of their
Sample space diagram for the two experiments. Find at least one such event.
Sicherman dice: 2 Asurvey of 127 consumers found that 81
4 | 2) 2| 8), 8 |e had a tablet computer, 70 had a smartphone
and 29 had both a smartphone and a tablet 2| [s]5
1/2/;3/);3/)4/]4/]5 computer.
a Find the number of consumers surveyed Construct sample space diagrams to find the
4;/5/6/;6/7/7)/8 who had neither a smartphone nor a probabilities of the outcomes of each semi-final.
mm 6 | 7 {| 7}|s|{s{9g9 tablet.
The dice in the previous question are called
6|/7;|8]8|9/] 9| 10 b Find the probability that when choosing non-transitive dice. Show that A is likely to 2Py
one of the consumers surveyed at beat B, that B is likely to beat C and that C —4
8 | 9 | 10 | 10 | 11) 11) 12 g
random, a consumer who has only a is likely to beat A. You may wish to explore
1 smartphone is chosen. &
In both tables, P(T= 2) = P(T= 12) = 36 Then find the probability of each outcome in the meaning of the term transitive and try to rs5
the sample space, representing the total as T. ¢ Ina population of 10000 consumers, design your own non-transitive dice. a
2 1 predict how many would have only a
( 3)
P(T= )=P( — =—
= P(T=11) = = 3671s Two cubical dice are rolled in a game. The
tablet computer. score is the greater of the two numbers.
3 Ina class of 20 students, 12 study biology, If the same number appears on both dice,
P(T=4) =P(T=10) = x a
12 15 study history and 2 students study then the score is that number. Find the
4 1 neither biology nor history. probability that the score is at most 4.
P(T=5) )=P(
=P(T=9) = = 3679
— =—
and P(T=7) = © =1
36 6 In the first opening scenario, imagine 100 trials. How many are
outcomes would you expectin each area shown on this diagram? \
The probability of each total is the same for
each pair of dice, so the claim is true. Cab yellow?
Yes No
Once time has been invested in drawing a diagram, it can be used to mig 8 &% Yes 2?2? 2?2?
quantify many different probabilities. ee |
Do ethics play a role in =5 No 2? 2?
the use of mathematics?
5.3 Representing combined ° d P(E|G) = a = i the probability Since it is given that G has occurred, oa
14+3 4’ the sample space is now G, not U.
probabilities with diagrams
that a randomly chosen student Uv The Dutch scientist
studies ESS given that he/she Christiaan
a nd formu lae studies geography. Huygens, a
In Section 5.2, you found probabilities by representing combined 1 1 teacher of Leibniz,
events in a sample space diagram or a Venn diagram. There are other However, P(G|E) = 24341 6 published the first
ways to find probabilities of combined events, which can add to your book on probability
problem-solving skills. These are not equal since the Only 1 student studies ESS and
in 1657.
In this section, you will use Venn diagrams to investigate and represent laws information given changes the sample geography, hence P(E|G) = i Notice
space. This example
t shows that 4
of probability and you will use these symbols, language and definitions:
SSSI Rae P(EIG) = P(GIE) is not generally true. 6
how this contrasts with P(Z) = rE
ymbol applie: informal a
Name to events language Caer cotion
Intersection ANB AandB EventsA and 8 both occur Just as areas of mathematics like trigonometry or sequences have
Union AUB AorB Events or B or both occur formulae, so does probability. In this investigation, you will consider
Complement A NotA EventA does not occur some relationships that you can generalize as laws of probability.
Ps . EventA given that 5 a
Sono nal AlB AgivenB event B has occurred Investigation 4
The following Venn diagrams represent how many students study art or biology in four different classes,
Example (5 using the sets A and B.
Fill in the probabilities for each Venn diagram and investigate your answers.
A student is chosen at random from this [yz
class. If E is the event “the student takes 6 tC 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10
ESS” and G is the event “the student | P(A) + P(B) P(AM B)
takes geography”, then find these A P(A) P(A) P(B) (ANB) P(AUB) P(A\B) P(A) +P(B) PLA) PCB) Tp) PB) P
probabilities and interpret what they =
mean: 2
c P(E’)= = is the probability that a There are 5 students outside the ESS
yn, 6_5,
randomly chosen student does not oval. P(E’) = 1— ou is another
study ESS way to find the probability required. ©
Continued on next page
You can use the laws of probability to justify other statements.
Odsamine your results.
Answer these questions and discuss your answers in a group.
This relationship is true in general. Why? Marcelo is playing in a cricket match and a game of hockey at the weekend.
What relationship exists between the probabilities in columns 5 and 9? The probability that his team will win the cricket match is 0.2, and the probability of winning
This relationship is true in general. Why? the hockey match is 0.6. Assume that the results in the matches are independent.
What relationship exists between the probabilities in columns 6 and 10? a Find the probability that Marcelo’s team wins both matches.
Find the probability that Marcelo’s team wins the cricket match or the hockey
Gam Which Venn diagram shows “mutually exclusive events”, ie ones that cannot occur together?
Gam Which Venn diagram shows “independent events”, ie events for which the outcome of one is c Determine if winning the cricket match and winning the hockey match are mutually
unaffected by the outcome of the other? exclusive. Justify your answer.
8 GIanny What is the difference between mutually exclusive and independent events? Can
- events be independent?
mutually exclusive A Why or why not? a P(COH)=0.2x0.6=0.12 Let C be the event “wins the cricket match”
y Pt i y and H be “wins the hockey match”.
Since you are given that C and H are inde-
>) pendent, you can use P(C4 H) = P(C) x P(A).
For events
A and B, the following laws apply: b P(CUH) =0.2+ 0.6 - 0.12 = 0.68 Apply the formula.
¢ P(AUB)=P(A)+P(A) -P(AN B) ¢ Cand Hare not mutually exclusive Write a complete and clear reason.
© P(AIB) = a because P(CO H) #0.
1 For these pairs of events, state if they c P(A) =P(A) P(B) +P(ANB’) consistent representations In TOKit can be useful to draw
a distinction between shared
are mutually exclusive, independent or d Hence, P(A B’) = P(A)(1- P(B)) soA
You can use diagrams as a rich source of information when solving knowledge and personal
neither. and B’ are independent.
problems. Choosing the correct way to represent a problem is a skill knowledge. The IB use a Venn
a A=throw a head on a fair coin Daniel throws a fair dice numbered with {1, diagram to represent these
worth developing. For example, consider the following problem:
B= throw a prime number on a fair die 2, 3,4, 5, 6} five times. two types of knowledge.
numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. In a class of 15 students, 3 study art and 6 study biology of which 1 studies If you are to think about
a Write down the probability that Daniel
b C=it rains tomorrow, D = it rains today art. A student is chosen at random. How many simple probabilities can you mathematics (or any subject,
throws the sequence
find? How many combined probabilities can you find? in fact), what could go in the
c¢ D=throw a prime number on a fair die i 4,1,3,5,2 ii 1,1,1,1,1
numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, H= throw an Let A represent the event “An art student is chosen at random from this three regions illustrated in the
iii 6,5, 4, 3,2 diagram?
even number on the same die. group” and B “A biology student is chosen at random from this group”.
b Find the probability that he throws at y
d F=throw a prime number on a fair die
least one 3.
numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, G=throw an HINT
even number on another die. ¢ Daniel simulates this experiment with a
spreadsheet. Predict how many times in If you represent the problem only as text, the simple probabilities P(A) = ;
e G=choose a number at random from
10000 trials he would expect to throw
{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10} that is at and P(B) = 2 can be found easily, but calculating these do not show you the
the sequence 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.
most 6, H = choose a number from the
same set that is at least 7. d_ Find the probability that he throws a whole picture of how the sets relate to each other.
Yahtzee (all five numbers are equal).
f M=choose a number at random from
{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10} that is no e After how many throws would he Represent this information as follows in a Venn diagram to see more
more than 5, H= choose a number from expect to have thrown 3 Yahtzees?
the same set that is 4 or more. Events G and H are such that P(G) = 0.3 and
g S=choose a Spanish speaker at random P(H) =0.6. The rectangle represents the sample space
from a set of students represented by a Find P(GU 4H) when Gand H are U for which P(U) = 1, the total probability.
this set, T= choose a Turkish speaker at mutually exclusive; The diagram allows us to find
random from this set. 2Py
b Find P(GU 4H) when Gand Hare P(B|A) = > P(B’|A) = 3 etc easily. —4
independent. g
u T
¢ Given that P(G U H) = 0.63, find P(H |G). &
Achille and Barbora throw a fair octahedral a
die until one of them throws an eight. The Venn diagram can be adapted to show
a Find the probability Barbara wins on one the distribution of the total probability in four
Use a Venn diagram to confirm that
of her first two throws, if she throws first. regions that represent mutually exclusive
a A=(AMB) VU (AN B’) and that 1 5
(AB) and (An B’) are mutually b Investigate if throwing first gives events: P(A M B) = —, P(A'N B)=—,
Barbora an advantage in this game. 15 15
exclusive events.
b P(A) =P((ANB) U(ANB)) P(A) = 0.35, P(A U B) = 0.75 and 2 7
P(AN B') = — and P(A'n B') = —.
P(AIB) = 0.35. Find P(B). 15 15
Developing inquiry neither biology nor art is P(A'N B') = = The simple probability
k | ;
Notice that the simple probability P(B) = P(A B)+ P(A’N B) = Fe + 312
5 4 Gary Can you generalize
for 7, 71,, ...,7, dice with distinct colours ¢,, c, a? ?
can be found from summing the probabilities at the end of two
branches of the tree diagram. 5 Ginny Why is it useful to calculate probabilities for the complementary event in some
e Wewrite P(A) to represent the probability of event A occurring. wens A and Bare mutually exclusive if ra Oo Bs? P(BO A)=
they cannot both occur. U (A) +P(B
e Experimental probability is given by Ha )=P(A) + P(B)
fervent ta= Frequency of occurrence of event A in 77 trials Events A and Bare independent ifthe A i ‘
Be NY occurrence of each event does not affect PAA 2 P(BAA)=
” me in any way the occurrence of the other. P(A)P(B) -
e The theoretical probability of an eventA is P(A) = aa where (A) is The tsAandA’ 1 ‘
n e events A and A’ are complementary.
the number of outcomes that makeA happen and n(U) is the number
; Hence,A and A’ are mutually exclusive.
oornige, | P(A)+P(A)=
of outcomes in the sample space. . .
e The complementary probability law P(A) = 1 — P(A’) can give youa
© quick way to solve problems.
a Complete the following Punnett square d_ Find the probability that at least one
Developing inquiry skills to show the possible outcomes of
pairs of chromosomes that can be
set of lights will be green
(3 marks)
Apply what you have learned inherited: 10 P1: Jake and Elisa are given the same
in this section to represent mathematics problem.
Chromosome inherited
the first opening problem with
from mother The probability that Jake can solve it is
atree diagram.
x x 0.35.
If Jake has solved it, the probability that
acab is identified as yellow.
x XxX Elisa can solve it is 0.6, otherwise it is
Apply the formula for 0.45.
conditional probability to find
a Draw a tree diagram to illustrate the
the probability that the cab Y XY
above situation, showing clearly the
was yellow given that it was
probabilities on each branch.
identified as yellow.
(3 marks)
How does your answer compare to your original subjective judgement? b Hence, show that the probability that a
child is born female is 0.5. b Find the probability that at least
one of the students can solve the
problem. (2 marks)
Exam-style questions c Find the probability that Jake solves
the problem, given than Elisa has.
Chapter review Click here for a mixed
review exercise =
P41: A box contains 16 chocolates, of which
3 are known to contain nuts.
(4 marks)
P41: A and B are events such that P(A) = 0.3,
1 Band Care independent events. P(BO C) = 0.1 5 Each odd number from 1 to 5” where n Two chocolates are selected at random.
P(B) = 0.65 and P(AUB) = 0.7
and P(B C’) = 0.4. Find P(B’ U C). is odd is written on a piece of paper and Find the probability that By drawing a Venn diagram to
placed in a box. a exactly one chocolate contains illustrate these probabilities, find:
2 P(X)= ;, P(X|Y) = = P(XIY) = 0.8 a Calculate how many pieces of paper nuts (3 marks) a P(A’OB) (2 marks)
a Find P(Y). there are in the box.
b at least one chocolate contains b P(AUB’) (2 marks)
b Find the probability in terms of n that a nuts. (3 marks) 2Py
Determine if X and Y are independent c¢ P(ANB)’ (2 marks) —4
events. paper selected at random from the box g2
P2: Hamid must drive through three sets of
shows a number that is divisible by 5. P1: In a survey, 48 people were asked
traffic lights in order to reach his place
3 a Find the probability of the outcome about their holidays over the past year.
6 A company fleet has six blue and n of work. The probability that the first a
“throw at least one six” when a fair It was found that 32 people had taken
white cars. Two cars are chosen without set of lights is green is 0.7.
cubical die is thrown 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ..., a holiday in Europe, and 25 people had
replacement. The probability that two The probability that the second set of
times. taken a holiday in the USA.
blue cars are chosen is |. Find the value lights is green is 0.4.
b Hence, find the least value of for Everyone surveyed had been to at least
7 The probability that the third set of
which P(throw at least one six in n of n. Europe or the USA.
throws) is 99.5% lights is green is 0.8.
? The genes in human chromosome pairs a Determine how many people had
It may be assumed that the probability taken a holiday in both Europe and
4 A packet of seeds contains 65% green determine if a child is male or female.
of any set of lights being green is the USA. (2 marks)
and 35% red seeds. The probability that Males have an X and Y chromosome
independent of the others.
a green seed grows is 0.85 and that a red pair and females an X and X pair. b Find the probability that a randomly
seed grows is 0.74. A seed is chosen at Inheriting the XY combination causes a Find the probability that all three selected person had been to Europe,
random from the packet. male characteristics to develop and XX sets of lights are green. (2 marks) but not the USA. (3 marks)
a Calculate the probability that the seed causes female characteristics to develop. b Find the probability that only one c Explain why the events “taking
grows. Sperm contain an X or Y with equal set of lights is green. (3 marks) a holiday in Europe” and “taking
probability and an egg always contains ¢ Given that the first set of lights a holiday in the USA” are not
b Calculate the probability that the seed only an X. An infant inherits one
is green and grows. is red (ie not green), find the independent events. (3 marks)
chromosome determining gender from probability that the following two
¢ Calculate the probability that the seed each parent. pairs of lights will be green.
is red or it grows.
(2 marks)
13 P2: The Venn diagram illustrates the 15 P2: The Venn diagram below shows the Find the value of a and the value e Find the probability that a
= number of students taking each of the — probabilities for three events ofc. (5 marks) randomly chosen member does not
= three sciences: Physics, Chemistry and — A,Band C. play squash, given that they do not
Find the value of b and the value
Biology. of d. (3 marks) play tennis. (2 marks)
Physics Chemistry Find the probability that a Let S be the event that a member
randomly chosen member plays plays squash, and let T be the
only one sport. (2 marks) event that a member plays tennis.
Find the probability that a Determine whether:
randomly chosen member plays i events S and T are mutually
2 tennis given that they do not play exclusive (1 mark)
Biology squash. ii events S and T are independent.
a Justify that events B and C are not
(2 marks) (2 marks)
independent. (2 marks)
A student is randomly chosen from the b Explain why events A and C are
group. mutually exclusive. (2 marks)
Find the probability that ¢ Determine whether events A and B
a the student studies Chemistry or are independent. (4 marks)
Biology (2 marks)
d Determine whether events A’ and C’
b the student studies neither Physics are mutually exclusive. (2 marks)
nor Biology (2 marks)
e Find P(ANC). (2 marks)
c the student studies Physics, given
that they study Chemistry 16 P2: At a local sports centre, members can
(2 marks) a either play tennis or squash.
d_ the student studies Biology, given - The probability that a member plays
that they study Physics tennis is 0.8.
(2 marks) Given that a member plays squash,
e the student studies Physics, given the probability that they play tennis
that they do not study Biology. is 0.8.
(2 marks) The probability that a member does not g2
4 P1: A and B are independent events, such play squash is 0.1. rs5
that P(A) = 0.3 and P(B) = 0.5. The information is illustrated by the a
Find the following probabilities. following Venn diagram, where a, b,c
and d are probabilities:
a P(AMB) (2 marks)
b P(AUB) (2 marks)
Tennis ‘Squash
c P(B’NA) (2 marks)
d P(BlA’) (3 marks)
Random walking! Approaches to learning:Critical thinking
Exploration criteria: Mathematical Toss a coin.
communication (B), Personal engagement (C),
Let a tail (7) represent a left step and a head (H) represent a right step.
Use of mathematics (E)
Write down the number of tosses/steps it takes for the man to fall into the ditch.
IB topic: Probability, Discrete distributions
Do this a total of 10 times.
Calculate the average number of steps taken. o
Construct a spreadsheet with the results from the whole class.
tcl ead
Calculate the average number of steps taken from these results. ce)
How has this changed the result? J
Construct a tree diagram that illustrates the probabilities of falling into the =
ditch within five steps. J