Assignment 4
Assignment 4
Assignment 4
General instructions:
• Go through the videos on VHDL and the sections 6.1 and 6.6 from Stephen Brown and Zvonko
Vranesic, “Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL Design,” Tata McGraw Hill before you attempt
this assignment.
• You are free to assume any missing data, but state them clearly in your solution. Feel free to use
the Telegram group to discuss any doubts, but not the solutions.
• Marks: VHDL code, Modelsim simulations, and viva - 7 Marks and board demonstration - 3 Marks
1. Update the package with the name EE232 <Group No> with all the entities you have created so far.
The entities corresponding to all the components should be there in separate VHDL files.
2. 2:1 Multiplexer: Write a VHDL description for the following entity instantiating 2-input AND,
2-input OR and NOT gates. (Hint: What is the Boolean expression of a 2:1 MUX output? Watching
the Multiplexers and Demultiplexers video might help you.)
entity MUX_2X1 is
port(I0, I1, S0 : in std_logic; -- Inputs
O0 : out std_logic); -- Output
end MUX_2X1;
• Compile the design and verify the functionality through Modelsim simulations.
• Assign I0 to SW[0], I1 to SW[1], S0 to SW[2], and O0 to LEDR[0] using the pin planner.
Compile the design and verify the functionality through Modelsim simulations.
• Demonstrate the functionality on a DE10 Lite board.
3. 4:1 Multiplexer: Write a VHDL description for the following entity instantiating the 2:1 multi-
plexers designed previously. (Hint: Watching the Multi-Input Multiplexers video might help you.)
entity MUX_4X1 is
port(I : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- Inputs
S : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- Select lines
O0 : out std_logic); -- Output
end MUX_4X1;
• Compile the design and verify the functionality through Modelsim simulations.
• Assign I to SW[0...3], S to SW[4:5], and O0 to LEDR[0] using the pin planner. Compile the
design and verify the functionality through Modelsim simulations.
• Demonstrate the functionality on a DE10 Lite board.
4. 1:2 Demultiplexer: Write a VHDL description for the following entity instantiating 2-input AND
and NOT gates. (Hint: Watching the Multiplexers and Demultiplexers video might help you.)
entity DEMUX_1X2 is
port(I0, S0 : in std_logic; -- Inputs
O0, O1 : out std_logic); -- Outputs
end DEMUX_1X2;
• Compile the design and verify the functionality through Modelsim simulations.
• Assign I0 to SW[0], S0 to SW[1], O0 to LEDR[0], and O1 to LEDR[1] using the pin planner.
Compile the design and verify the functionality through Modelsim simulations.
• Demonstrate the functionality on a DE10 Lite board.
5. 4:1 Demultiplexer: Write a VHDL description for the following entity instantiating the 1:2 demul-
tiplexers designed previously. (Hint: You may design a 1:4 demultiplexer using 1:2 demultiplexers
using the same way we designed a 4:1 multiplexer.)
entity DEMUX_1X4 is
port(I0 : in std_logic; -- Input
S : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- Select lines
O : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)); -- Outputs
end MUX_4X1;
• Compile the design and verify the functionality through Modelsim simulations.
• Assign I0 to SW[0], S to SW[1:2], and O to LEDR[0...3] using the pin planner. Compile the
design and verify the functionality through Modelsim simulations.
• Demonstrate the functionality on a DE10 Lite board.