RWS Final Summative Test Adrianne Lhyra
RWS Final Summative Test Adrianne Lhyra
RWS Final Summative Test Adrianne Lhyra
Name: Adrianne Lhyra Enriquez Grade Level & Section: Stem 11- Einstein Score:
I. Multiple Choice
Directions: Read each item carefully then choose the A. Statement of convention
letter that corresponds to your answer. Write your answer B. Statement of fact
on the space provided before the test item. C. Statement of opinion
D. Statement of preference
Determining Textual Evidence to Validate Assertions and
Counterclaims about a Text Read __B__8.The EDSA Revolution happened in 1986.
__C__1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of __B__9.Advertising is a form of communication that helps
a good evidence? to sell ideas, goods and services.
A. unified B. accurate __D__10. The Duterte government should have
C. general D. relevant to the central toughened its stand against the burgeoning insurgency.
theme __B__11. The telephone is a communication apparatus or
__A_2. Which of the following types of textual evidence is system for transmitting articulate speech from one point to
the strongest type of evidence in formal writing? another using electric signals.
A. Statistical Evidence __C__12.Many people will die because of political
B. Testimonial Evidence considerations and unwise aid- spending.
C. Anecdotal Evidence __A__13. Modern computers are indeed great time
D. Analogical Evidence savers.
__B__3. What is the second-strongest type of evidence
found in formal arguments?
III. Fill in the Blanks
A. Statistical Evidence
Directions: Supply the blanks with the appropriate
B. Testimonial Evidence
detail/information. Choose your answer from the given
C. Anecdotal Evidence
OPTIONS. Write the LETTER only on the space provided
D. Analogical Evidence
before the test item.
Assertions About the Content and Properties of a Text
A. literature
__C__4. When do you formulate an assertion about a
B. critical
C. report
A. Before reading a text
D. persuade
B. While reading a text
E. evidence
C. After reading a text
F. assertions
D. All of the above
G. counterclaim
__C__5. What is the purpose of an assertion?
A. To convey directly an idea
B. To conclude the writer’s opinion about a text __B__14. A review or a critique intends to provide
C. To convince the reader to accept the writer’s ____________ evaluation of a piece of writing.
interpretation __G__15. __________ is made to rebut a previous claim
D. All of the above which provides a contrasting perspective to the main
__D__6. How to make a strong stand on every claimed argument.
assertion? __E__16. Textual ____________ refers to the evidence
A. Include hypothesis gathered from the original source or other texts, that
B. Include facts and evidences supports an argument or thesis statement.
C. Include summary of text __F__17. ____________ are statements that claim that
D. All of the above something is true about something else.
__D__18. The main purpose of a book review or an article
Counterclaims in Response to Claims Made in a Text critique is to ___________ book readers of a particular
Read genre or researchers in a specific field to either read or not
_B__7. Which of the following is an example of claim? read the book or article.
A. Students should be allowed to use gadgets in __A__19. A ___________ review is an evaluative report of
school. previous studies related to the subject matter of an
B. While it is true that gadgets help students learn academic paper.
better, they also have negative impacts. If not __C__20. Research _____________ is an expanded
used well, gadgets become a disturbance during paper that presents the results and interpretation of
class hours. An example scenario of this is when phenomenon for readers to understand it better. It is
a student opts to play an online game or browse produced through formal investigation and scientific
social media account while the class is going on inquiry.
which might possibly affect his/her concentration
on the lesson being discussed. -----------------End of Test--------------------
II. Identification
A. Directions: Identify what type of assertion each Prepared by: Checked & Noted:
statement exemplifies. Choose your answer from word