LP 10

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Theme: World of Stories
Topic: Unit 5: Eating Right

Skills: Main Skill: Listening Complimentary Skill: Speaking

Content 1.3 Use appropriate listening 2.1 Communicate simple
Standard strategies in a variety of contexts information intelligibly
Learning 1.3.1 Guess the meaning of 2.2.1 Keep interaction going in
Standard unfamiliar words from clues short exchanges by: using suitable
provided by other known words words
(i) to show understanding
(ii) to ask for clarification
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to:
a. Listen and write down 4 foods in the right column.
b. Listen and fill in the blank with 5 correct answers.
Success 1. I can listen and write down 4 foods in the column
Criteria/can do 2. I can listen and write down 4 foods in the right column
statements: 3. I can listen and fill in the blank.
4. I can listen and fill in the blank with 5 correct answers.
Teaching Aids:
Multiple- Musical /Visual-Spatial/Bodily- Kinaesthetic/Linguistics
Cross Curricular Language


Added Value: Be aware of what’s in your food

Students’ Aspiration
Knowledge Thinking Leading
skills skills
Ethics & National Bi-lingual
spiritual identity
Stage/Time Content Teaching and Learning Activities Rationale Remarks

Set Induction A small food party 1. Teacher brings one - To give an idea of the Teaching aids:
(10 minutes) healthy and unhealthy difference between healthy 1x healthy food example
type of food to the and unhealthy food 1x unhealthy food example
2. Teacher asks which food
is better in terms of
3. Teacher asks which does
the pupils like better
Presentation A talk on why it is 1. Teacher exposes the - To encourage the pupils to
(15 minutes) important to know topic to the pupils think and share their
what exactly we are 2. Pupils to name a few opinion
eating. healthy food
3. Pupils to share opinion
Countable and on the benefits of eating
uncountable noun healthy
with food. 4. Teacher explains about
countable and
uncountable noun
Practice Listen and write 1. Teacher plays audio for - To enhance pupils’ listening Teaching aids:
(15 minutes) the song in page 49. and motor skills Textbook
2. Pupils are to make a - To encourage teamwork Page 49 song audio
table like the one in the and leadership skills
textbook page 49
3. Pupils fill in the table as
they listen to the song
4. Teacher replays the song
to sing along.
Production Listen and fill in the 1. Pupils are divided into - To fuse together vocabulary Teaching aids:
(15 minutes) blank groups with leader and image so they Graphic presentation
2. Teacher displays the remember the word
graphic presentation
3. Pupils drag the food to
fill in the blank
4. The team with the most
correct answer will be
Closure Quick quiz 1. Teacher asks quick and - To test the pupils Teaching aids:
(5 minutes) simple questions. understanding on the topic. Questions: Appendix A
(Appendix A)
Lesson Reflection

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