Evaluating Strategies For Adaptation To Climate Change in Grapevine Production-A Systematic Review
Evaluating Strategies For Adaptation To Climate Change in Grapevine Production-A Systematic Review
Evaluating Strategies For Adaptation To Climate Change in Grapevine Production-A Systematic Review
In many areas of the world, maintaining grapevine production will require adaptation
to climate change. While rigorous evaluations of adaptation strategies provide decision
makers with valuable insights, those that are published often overlook major constraints,
ignore local adaptive capacity, and suffer from a compartmentalization of disciplines
and scales. The objective of our study was to identify current knowledge of evaluation
methods and their limitations, reported in the literature. We reviewed 111 papers that
evaluate adaptation strategies in the main vineyards worldwide. Evaluation approaches
are analyzed through key features (e.g., climate data sources, methodology, evaluation
criteria) to discuss their ability to address climate change issues, and to identify
Edited by: promising outcomes for climate change adaptations. We highlight the fact that combining
Maria Paz Diago,
Institute of Vine and Wine Sciences
adaptation levers in the short and long term (location, vine training, irrigation, soil,
(ICVV), Spain and canopy management, etc.) enables local compromises to be reached between
Reviewed by: future water availability and grapevine productivity. The main findings of the paper are
Diego S. Intrigliolo,
three-fold: (1) the evaluation of a combination of adaptation strategies provides better
Spanish National Research
Council, Spain solutions for adapting to climate change; (2) multi-scale studies allow local constraints
Ravindra N. Chibbar, and opportunities to be considered; and (3) only a small number of studies have
University of Saskatchewan, Canada
developed multi-scale and multi-lever approaches to quantify feasibility and effectiveness
Audrey Naulleau
of adaptation. In addition, we found that climate data sources were not systematically
[email protected] clearly presented, and that climate uncertainty was hardly accounted for. Moreover, only a
small number of studies have assessed the economic impacts of adaptation, especially at
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
farm scale. We conclude that the development of methodologies to evaluate adaptation
Plant Abiotic Stress, strategies, considering both complementary adaptations and scales, is essential if
a section of the journal relevant information is to be provided to the decision-makers of the wine industry.
Frontiers in Plant Science
Received: 18 September 2020 Keywords: viticulture, adaptation evaluation, drought, management practices, climate change, multi-scale, multi-
Accepted: 09 December 2020 criteria
Published: 14 January 2021
Naulleau A, Gary C, Prévot L and
Hossard L (2021) Evaluating
Strategies for Adaptation to Climate
Climate change adaptation is a key to the future of agriculture, a particularly vulnerable economic
Change in Grapevine Production–A sector that depends heavily on weather and climatic conditions. Climate change adaptation can
Systematic Review. broadly be defined as “the set of actions and processes that societies must take to limit the negative
Front. Plant Sci. 11:607859. impacts of the changes and maximize their beneficial effect” (Carter, 1996). In the case of grape
doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.607859 growing, the potential adaptation levers are numerous, encompassing both the temporality of
technical operations along the production chain—from These studies are however often scattered across disciplines
plantation to annual crop management and winemaking, and have little regard for the wide diversity of winegrowing
and their spatial variations due to the existing diversity of systems or for the spatial heterogeneity of water resources and
cropping systems and the close link between localization and climate change impacts. The focal research question is now:
technical adaptation (Viguie et al., 2014). It is thus interesting how does the current body of literature on the evaluation of
to understand how the research on grapevines examines adaptation integrate the possible trade-off between adaptations,
management practices as well as socio-economic and cultural considering both time and space? To address this question, the
factors, to propose and evaluate strategies of adaptation to present study investigates the current literature to determine the
climate change. ways in which adaptation levers and scales can be integrated
It is essential that adaptation evaluation follow a and evaluated, and in which integrative approaches may be
comprehensive path to the understanding of climate change further developed. Recently, Santos et al. (2020) provided an
impacts. In the past three decades, an abundant literature—both updated overview of adaptation levers in viticulture on the basis
scientific and technical—has been published on the impacts of results of relevant and illustrative research. The wide-ranging
of climate change in viticulture (Mosedale et al., 2016). These scope of their review does not allow an exhaustive compilation
impacts have been established from experiments in controlled of previous studies. In this article, we propose an exclusive
conditions (Bindi et al., 1996; Moutinho-Pereira et al., 2009, compilation of adaptation evaluation only. We aim to reach both
2010; Carvalho et al., 2016), the design of suitability maps based researchers and policy makers by providing a comprehensive
on bioclimatic indices (Fraga et al., 2012; Hannah et al., 2013), review of the current adaptation strategies and methodologies.
or crop modeling (Lobell et al., 2006; Moriondo et al., 2015). We explicitly focus on the adaptation to water scarcity since: (1)
The major trends identified are: a 50% increase of biomass water resources are projected to be strongly limited by an increase
production in an elevated CO2 environment (Bindi et al., 1996); of water demand and a decrease of water availability under future
a 3 to 4 days per decade advancement of the vegetative and climatic conditions (IPCC et al., 2015); (2) water availability
reproductive cycle due to higher temperatures (Caffarra and and water management studies require spatial and temporal
Eccel, 2011); and a higher risk of water stress impacting yield in variations to be considered explicitly; and (3) we assume
quantity and quality (Jones et al., 2005; Schultz, 2010; Mosedale synergies and trade-offs to exist among the numerous adaptation
et al., 2016; Van Leeuwen and Darriet, 2016). Among these three levers proposed at different scales (water storage/competition,
main factors (biomass increase, cycle advancement, and water water use efficiency/water needs, etc.). Here we specifically
stress), the latter is the most preoccupying, as water resources are discuss how current approaches and knowledge about adaptation
particularly vulnerable in most grape-producing areas, which are could be integrated into locally specific adaptation evaluation in
in Mediterranean climates (Medrano et al., 2015). order to provide relevant information to decision-makers.
Although vineyard water management has been a core The present paper is structured as follows. In section Methods,
subject of interest for decades with regard to controlling wine we present the methodology we used to select and analyze
quality, today climate change and the resulting water scarcity the available publications. In section Adapting viticulture to
threaten yield and wine quality on an unprecedented scale (IPCC future water scarcity, we synthetize the literature on adaptation
et al., 2015). This has led to studies focusing on various but strategies, highlighting the potential synergies and trade-offs
complementary scales. At field scale, irrigation is one of the most when combining levers and scales. In section Evaluating
effective tools to limit adverse effects of water scarcity. Medrano climate change adaptation in viticulture, we detail the various
et al. (2015) reviewed the different irrigation management methodologies proposed for assessing the impact of adaptation
techniques designed to enhance water use efficiency (e.g., deficit strategies. Section Discussion discusses possible future prospects.
irrigation, partial root-zone drying, water re-use). They also
explored soil and cover crop management as a way to maximize
green water use. Palliotti et al. (2014) listed the impacts of
various canopy management practices to delay the advancement Article Selection and Analysis
of ripening due to temperature and to water deficit. The selection In this review we applied systematic methods for document
of drought-tolerant grape and rootstock varieties (Duchêne et al., selection and inclusion, and we mixed qualitative and
2010; Romero et al., 2018) has also been studied. At farm scale, quantitative analyses. The literature search, conducted in
the study of the socio-ecological system allows different types June 2019 in the Clarivate Analytics’ Web of Science (formerly
of adaptations like wine-making innovation, yield limitation, operated by the Institute for Scientific Information) for the
diversification and so on to be included (Nicholas and Durham, whole available period (1955–2019), included peer-reviewed
2012; Lereboullet et al., 2013). At regional scale, the migration papers, working papers, and conference presentations. The
of viticulture production toward higher elevation and/or higher research equation was divided into three types of keywords
latitude regions is also considered as an adaptation strategy delimited by the operand “AND” and applied on TOPIC. The
(Hannah et al., 2013; Delay et al., 2015). We can thus see that first part of the equation referred to climate change “climat∗
there are already many opportunities for implementing a wide NEAR chang∗ OR global∗ NEAR warm∗ ,” the second part
diversity of adaptation levers to improve the management of referred to wine-growing systems “wine∗ OR vine∗ OR grape∗
viticulture under future climatic conditions. OR viti∗ ,” and the third part referred to adaptation or water
management “water∗ OR adapt∗ .” The choice to put the operand compared to the control. We classified results according to
“OR” between adaptation and water management allowed us their “positive” or “negative” effects on the outputs with regard
to include studies focusing solely on water management as to climate change outcomes. Positive or negative effects were
well as studies that considered water management practices not systematically similar to an “increase” or a “decrease,”
among more general adaptive strategies. We did not specify depending on the considered output. For example, positive
the study scale as our objective was to compare adaptation effects on phenology is a delayed occurrence of phenological
studies at various scales, from the plant to the region. To stages, as climate change tends to accelerate the phenological
reduce the risk of missing relevant papers, we verified that cycle. The positive effects on water status and yield are the
the most cited references in the collected articles were present reduction of water stress and the increase of yield, respectively.
in the search results. The initial search yielded 645 results, The positive effects on berry quality are a decrease of sugar
duplicates excluded. content and an increase of acidity. Negative effects on freshwater
Title and abstract were scanned for their relevance, articles ecosystems are the reduction of streamflow and the increase
requiring further consideration were shortlisted, and full papers of pollution. Non-significant results are classified as “neutral”.
were accessed. For this review, we excluded papers that did not Section Adapting viticulture to future water scarcity presents
match the following selection criteria: (1) focused on wine grape, the results, describing how the combination of adaptation
not table grape, production; (2) construction or evaluation of levers at long and short term allows a better adaptation to
adaptation strategies at the core of the study, not only in a climate change.
discussion after an impact study; and (3) at least one adaptation The second set of variables concerns the evaluation methods.
to water scarcity was included. A total of 260 articles remained We excluded the 18 review papers from our analysis (18 out
after this first selection and were read in full. Only the ones where of the 111 papers), as we did not consider reviewing as a
adaptation was explicitly evaluated were included in the present way to evaluate an adaptation. Four types of information were
study; in other words, adaptations were explicitly projected under collected: the scientific approach, the climate data source, the
future climatic conditions (data-based or not) and their impacts study scale, and the evaluation criteria. First, the scientific
were either quantified or qualified regarding their feasibility approach is characterized according to the three categories
evaluation. Our final dataset included 111 references (Figure 1; described in Carter (1996): experimentation, impact projections
complete list in Supplementary Table 1). (i.e., modeling) and expert judgement. Second, the performance
First, we used the information from the Web of Science of an adaptation under future climatic conditions depends largely
database to characterize the set of literature on adaptation on the data used to define those conditions. Climate data sources
for: authors, title, publication year, journal, web of science are classified by Carter (1996) into three categories: synthetic
category, first author localization. We then described each of the scenarios that consist of current meteorological data adjusted
111 studies with categorical variables (Table 1). Analyses were systematically (e.g., +2◦ , −10% annual precipitation, etc.); analog
performed with the R software version 3.5.1 (R Core Team, 2018), scenarios based on the identification of current climatic regimes
and diagrams with the “ggplot2” R package (Wickham, 2016), that may occur in the future (i.e., perception); and data from
and the “VennDiagram” R package (Chen, 2018). climate models. Third, Neethling et al. (2019) have demonstrated
Second, we extracted two sets of variables. The first set the importance of scales to assess expected impacts, understand
of variables concerns the adaptations. Adaptations were first uncertainty, and frame sustainable responses over space and
categorized according to their long- (LT) or short-term (ST) time. Herein, we classify the articles according to the scales
aspects. LT concerned site-specific planting choices that allow of the studied processes: the plant scale corresponding to the
viticultural suitability to be increased, e.g., the environmental eco-physiological processes (e.g., gas exchange, photosynthesis,
conditions in which grapevines could grow. ST concerned the water status); the field scale corresponding to the agronomic
flexible management that allows vine productivity to be adapted processes (e.g., soil properties, yield, berry composition); the
to the yearly specific climatic conditions. We then identified farm scale corresponding to socio-economic processes (e.g.,
various adaptation categories according to their associated income, cost, labor); and the region scale corresponding to agro-
technical operations (e.g., fertilization, mulching, irrigation eco-environmental processes (e.g., streamflow, wine market,
strategy, etc.). The context of the evaluation (studied area, variety, regulation). At each scale, the evaluation criteria, i.e., the
other crop considered), as well as the main impacts of the specific measured, simulated, or observed outputs of the studies
adaptation were also described. We also performed an in-depth are listed.
quantitative analysis focusing on the impacts of adaptation levers
on five main outputs from plant to region scale: grapevine Overview of the Final Selection of Articles
water status, phenology, yield, berry quality (sugar content and In our database, the first journal article to focus on adaptation
acidity) and freshwater ecosystem (streamflow, pollution). These of grapevine to climate change was published in 2006 (Belliveau
outputs were chosen because they were the main evaluation et al., 2006), 10 years after the first impact study of climate change
indicators. At least one of these outputs had been quantitatively in viticulture (Bindi et al., 1996). The number of papers has
evaluated in 43 studies, and the results of these studies were increased steeply since 2016 (Figure 2A).
extracted. Each result [combination of an adaptation, an output Over the whole set of articles, authors from the Mediterranean
and an experimental condition (year, site, simulation)] was area, i.e., Spain, Portugal, Italy, and France, accounted for
expressed as the absolute and/or relative effects of adaptation 58% of the articles, followed by other major viticulture regions
FIGURE 1 | PRISMA flow diagram showing selection of papers for the final dataset (n = 111) (Moher et al., 2009).
in the world, mainly Australia, USA, Canada, Germany, and ADAPTING VITICULTURE TO FUTURE
Chile (Figure 2B). Most of the studies concern one region WATER SCARCITY
(87 papers) while a few others are comparative studies
between countries [Australia and France (Lereboullet et al., In the reviewed scientific literature, short-term (ST) and long-
2013), Germany and Argentina (Uliarte et al., 2013), France, term (LT) adaptations, implemented, respectively, during the
Italy, and Germany (Battaglini et al., 2009)] or a worldwide grapevine growing season and at vineyard plantation, were
analysis (Hannah et al., 2013). The two journals that publish evaluated. Long-term adaptations concern: Site selection (LT1),
the most on the adaptation of viticulture to climate change consisting in the relocation of vineyards; Plant material (LT2),
are grapevine-specialized journals, namely Australian Journal consisting in the implementation or creation of adapted
of Grape and Wine Research and Oeno One (11 and 8 grapevine cultivars and rootstock; Vineyard design (LT3), which
papers, respectively). Agricultural Water Management, Scientia implies changes in density, row orientation, training system; and
Horticulturae, and Regional Environmental Change published 6 Farm strategy (LT4), which includes wine-market orientation
papers each. and diversification. Short-term adaptations concern: Irrigation
TABLE 1 | List of the recorded information of the final dataset (n = 111). Viticultural suitability is predicted to decrease in main wine-
producing areas (25–73%), leading to a reconfiguration of
Variable Category
vineyard locations worldwide. New areas are expected to become
On adaptation suitable, multiplying by a factor of 2 to 3 the wine-growing
Crop Grapevine and others crops (including forestry) areas in Northern Europe, New Zealand and Western North
Variety Grape variety (e.g., Shiraz, Tempranillo) America (Hannah et al., 2013). New suitable areas concern higher
Adaptation Deficit irrigation, drought tolerant variety, etc.
altitudes, as well as latitudes where annual precipitations are
(complete list in Figure 3) higher and grapevines suffer less from high temperatures.
Studied area One or several countries, worldwide (if Such alarming conclusions are however controversial within
concerns all the main viticultural areas) the scientific community (Van Leeuwen et al., 2013). The main
On methodology limitation of these studies is the fact that they are based solely
Scientific approach Experimental, modeling, expert judgement on bioclimatic indices (temperature and precipitation), without
Climate data source Meteorological data, perceptions, climate considering (1) specifically local conditions, (2) competition
model between various land uses, and (3) winegrower adaptive capacity
Study scale Plant, Field, Farm, Region to limit migration. First, local conditions [e.g., soil available water
Evaluation criteria Physiological, agronomical, economic, capacity (SAWC), irrigation water availability, sun exposure]
environmental (detailed list in are not integrated into suitability mapping studies. Second,
Supplementary Table 2)
as lands that have recently become suitable for grapevine are
currently—or will become—suitable for other crops, conflicts
may rise around agricultural land use and conservation policies
(Hannah et al., 2013; Fuhrer et al., 2014). Third, Delay et al.
(ST1); Soil management (ST2) concerning both soil surface
(2015) demonstrated the role of stakeholders’ organization for the
(cover crop, mulching, tillage, etc.) and fertilization management;
maintenance of viticulture in unsuitable areas, with the example
Canopy management (ST3); and Harvest and post-harvest
of the role of cooperatives, not only in conserving production
management (ST4).
levels but also in respecting the emblematic viticultural landscape
Figure 3 represents the occurrence of each adaptation in the
structure. In case of migration, the future of abandoned vineyard
studied dataset. One study could be counted several times as it
areas is still an unknown. Whereas other crops could not be
examined more than one adaptation. Long-term and short-term
considered without irrigation, forestry (pine/eucalyptus) appears
adaptations were studied almost equally with 93 occurrences of
as a solution (Carvalho et al., 2016). Otherwise, stakeholders
LT adaptations, and 117 occurrences for ST adaptations. We
predict a return to shrublands with consequences on the local
recorded 32 individual levers limiting adverse effects of climate
economy, tourism, and fire risk (García-Ruiz et al., 2011).
change on water resources in the vineyard. Irrigation was the
most cited adaptation (55 studies), with a wide diversity of
Plant Material Adapted to Site Selection (LT2 ∗ LT1)
individual levers: on irrigation strategies (deficit irrigation, partial
As the climate warms up, the phenological stages are advanced,
root drying irrigation, water spraying) and water sources (water
generating concerns in the spring season when grapevines
re-use, water reservoir). The plant material ranked 2nd (41
becomes more exposed to late frosts, and in summer when
studies), and could be classified in three types of adaptation lever:
climatic conditions during berry ripening are less favorable
drought-tolerant rootstocks; late-ripening varieties; and drought-
(e.g., high night temperatures and water deficit). The existing
tolerant varieties. Last of all came canopy management, soil
phenological diversity among grapevine cultivars offers an
management, vineyard design, and site selection, which received
opportunity for climate change adaptation, to limit the loss of
an intermediate amount of attention (19 to 32 studies), whereas
suitable areas for grapevine (Wolkovich et al., 2017). However,
farm strategy and harvest management were given significantly
suitability maps do not integrate this phenological diversity into
less attention (<10 studies each).
their indicators, nor do they integrate the PDO delimitation,
In the selected literature, 60% of the articles considered
which restricts the implementation of specific cultivars.
only one adaptation lever, 20% considered an association or
The IPCC has emphasized that Mediterranean climate areas
comparison of two levers, and 7% considered three levers. The 17
are more likely to face an increase of drought and a reduction of
remaining articles proposed a combination of several levers (up
renewable surface water and groundwater resources in the future
to 14), but in these articles, their evaluation was only qualitative.
(IPCC et al., 2015). Accordingly, plant materiel (cultivar and
rootstock) should be selected for their drought tolerance. There
Combination of Long-Term Adaptations to are many studies comparing the behaviors of various grapevine
Increase Viticultural Suitability (LT) genotypes under water-restricted conditions (e.g., Tomás et al.,
Site Selection (LT1) 2014; Vaz et al., 2016). Empirical knowledge of winegrowers
Viticultural suitability has been examined mostly under future is reported by Lereboullet et al. (2013) in Australia: “in 2011,
climatic conditions (Fraga et al., 2012; Hannah et al., 2013; many producers were starting to plant alternative Mediterranean
Moriondo et al., 2013). Suitability maps provide spatial varieties such as Grenache, Tempranillo or Mourvedre that offer
representations of bioclimatic indices for describing changes in a better resilience to water stress than Shiraz.” However, the
the suitability of land for viticulture (Mosedale et al., 2016). understanding of the genetic factors relevant to water stress
FIGURE 2 | Presentation of the article pool (n = 111) regarding (A) the publication year (count stopped in June 2019) and (B) country of the 1st author.
tolerance is still limited, and quantification of yield response in the five main viticultural regions of France, for 3 vine cultivars
to water scarcity for various cultivars and in interaction with that differ in terms of their phenological timing. They found
other climate variables remains difficult. An attempt to model that reduced planting density allows grapevine water status to be
these factors was undertaken in Tuscany. The authors found maintained within moderate limits, even under future climatic
that the combination of partial uphill relocation, combined with conditions. Van Leeuwen et al. (2019) went further by evaluating
the expansion of a drought-tolerant variety leads to a higher the economic effects of a density reduction. When density was
economic efficiency than each adaptation separately (Zhu et al., reduced by 50%, rwater deficit was also halved, leading to higher
2016). These results are however based on a major assumption yield at plant scale but lower yield at field scale, offset by lower
that the yield of the drought-tolerant variety would not be costs (e.g., pruning and trellising, labor, chemicals, etc.). This
affected by the climate change. demonstrated the economic viability of low-density.
Duchene (2016) and Medrano et al. (2015) also highlighted Hunter et al. (2016) studied the impact of row orientation
the fact that rootstock-scion interaction plays a fundamental role on microclimatic conditions (temperature, wind) and vine
in water use efficiency. Rootstocks have long been an unexplored physiological status. They highlighted a lower water stress for
field of research that is now increasingly being investigated for east-west orientation, which may be induced by row orientation.
two reasons: its effect on root development and density, and In Australia, Galbreath (2014) likewise showed that east-west
therefore on the capacity to extract water from soil and to detect row orientation limited canopy temperature increase. Row
drought; and its effect on scion vigor, which influences light orientation, as well as drainage terraces, also have an effect on
interception, carbon assimilation and consequently yields. Serra water balance by reducing runoff. A study in Spain showed
et al. (2014) and Zhang et al. (2016) reviewed and classified that drainage terraces could be expected to limit runoff volumes
the current knowledge about the drought resistance of various of between 19 and 50% at the 2050 horizon, thus favoring
rootstocks. Surprisingly, no reference to the grafting techniques infiltration and limiting soil losses (Concepción Ramos, 2016).
(methods, period, height) have been mentioned in the selected The vine training system determines above all the light
literature, although it is a determinant of the plant’s rootedness interception and bunch sun exposure, and thus the completion of
and the regulation of water flow (De Micco et al., 2018). berry ripening. Palliotti et al. (2014) identified adapted training
systems allowing for an optimal bunch microclimate under
Vineyard Design (LT3) future climatic conditions. However, it is difficult to state which
Plantation density has a direct effect on a vineyard’s water training system is better adapted to drought. The only reference
consumption. The objective is to increase drought resistance by to drought is to a lower leaf-to-air vapor pressure deficit. It is
reducing the competition between vines. Two studies based on sometimes argued that goblet pruned vines are more drought
a water balance model highlighted the potential of low-density resistant (Van Leeuwen and Destrac-Irvine, 2017). We note
systems as an adaptation to future water scarcity. Pieri et al. a lack of comparison of the water use efficiency of different
(2012) tested two planting densities (3,000 and 9,000 plants/ha) training systems, including traditional forms like goblet systems
FIGURE 3 | Number of studies that evaluate each adaptation lever. The size of the circles is proportional to the number of studies evaluating the levers. The number of
studies appears in brackets for the main categories. One study can appear several times, as it may evaluate several adaptations.
(Medrano et al., 2015). In Central Europe, under relatively cool Farm Strategy in Relation to Planting Choices (LT4 ∗
climates, light pruning systems such as semi minimal pruning LT1 ∗ LT2 ∗ LT3)
are promoted as an adaptation to climate change, as they present Like any economic activity, wine growing needs to be viable.
higher yields with lower alcohol degrees than vertical-shoot On the one hand, adaptation strategies should be acceptable
positioning systems (Clingeleffer, 2010; Molitor et al., 2019). to the producers: cost/benefit ratio, working conditions
However, the large water requirements of such systems would not (mechanization) and labor availability. Yet no quantitative
be adapted to rainfed systems under semi-arid climate. evaluations of adaptation on farm systems have been found in
Shading systems are proposed as adaptation to climate change, literature. On the other hand, adaptation strategies should also be
designed to limit the effects of high temperatures and to limit suited to consumers’ preferences. As Belliveau et al. (2006) have
evapotranspiration. Experiments with shade (e.g., natural with shown in Canada, planting new varieties can minimize market
agroforestry systems, artificial with nets, shading panels, or risks but increase climate risks; but it can also reduce climate
photovoltaic panels) concentrate mainly on the effect of shade risks and create marketing difficulties. These considerations are
on the canopy temperatures. Overhead shade seems to be the spatially and temporarily difficult to reconcile.
most efficient way to decrease temperatures and water stress, The long-term adaptation of viticulture to climate change is
as compared to full canopy shade, bunch shade, soil shade, and a result of current planting choices: where (low land, uphill)?
side-canopy shade (Caravia et al., 2016). More studies on the What (cultivar, rootstock)? How (orientation, density, training
relationship between timing and duration of shading, whole-vine system)? For which type of wine? While little attention seems
and specific canopy portion shading, and analysis of technical to have been paid to the combined effect of site selection and
feasibility of canopy shading (i.e., suitability of training systems, cultivar choice, the evaluation overall of the combined effect of
mechanization of net setting and removal, cost/benefit ratio, etc.) various practices remains poor. Moreover, the proposed long-
are needed (Palliotti et al., 2014). term adaptations are rarely balanced by considering the final
TABLE 2 | Irrigation strategies (FI, Full Irrigation; DI, Deficit Irrigation; PRD, Partial Root Drying) and associated water requirements in different climate scenarios (SRES,
Special Reports on Emission Scenarios; RCP, Representative Climate Pathway).
dos Santos et al. (2007) Southern Portugal Field experiment FI 2002 197 mm
50% DI 2002 99 mm
50% PRD 2002 99 mm
Savi et al. (2018) Italy, NE Field experiment Summer supplemental 2015 20–40 mm
Wenter et al. (2018) Northern Italy Field experiment FI 2014–2015 72–262 mm
DI 2014–2015 36–131 mm
Trigo-Córdoba et al. (2015), Galicia, Spain Field experiment DI 2012–2014 50–79 mm
Mirás-Avalos et al. (2016)
Aparicio et al. (2019) Malta Cost-benefit analysis DI Present 60 mm
Gaudin and Gary (2012) Southern France WaLIS model DI 1972–2010 0–90 mm
In combination
Cirigliano et al. (2017) Central Italy Field experiment DI 2011–2013 125–591 mm
DI + compost 2011–2013 125–291 mm
Kapur et al. (2007) Apulia, Italy Water balance model FI 1970 SRES A2 320 mm
FI 2095 SRES A2 480 mm
Fraga et al. (2018) Portugal STICS model DI 2041–2070 RCP 8.5 50–250 mm
Phogat et al. (2018) Australia Hydrus 1D model DI 2004–2015 350 mm
2020–2039 RCP 8.5 250–450 mm
2040–2059 RCP 8.5 260–460 mm
2060–2079 RCP 8.5 240–480 mm
2080–2099 RCP 8.5 280–500 mm
production objectives and economic returns that are defined and climatic conditions. However, Bonada et al. (2018) showed that
expected at farm scale. when dealing with climate change, elevated temperatures will
increase water demand. Thus, the relationship between rainfall
Combination of Short-Term Adaptations to decrease and increase in irrigation needs is not straightforward. A
Enhance Flexible Management (ST) modeling exercise by Fraga et al. (2018) highlighted that in some
parts of Portugal required irrigation may exceed the reduction
Combining Irrigation With Water-Saving Soil
in precipitation, while irrigation could largely alleviate projected
Management Practices (ST1∗ ST2)
yield decreases. Based on the selected articles, we synthesized
Irrigation is part of most adaptation strategies proposed by
current and future irrigation needs according to the vineyard
stakeholders. Examples can be found in the South of France
location, irrigation strategy and the different climate scenarios
(Lereboullet et al., 2013; Neethling et al., 2017), Australia
(Table 2).
(Lereboullet et al., 2013; Galbreath, 2014), the USA (Nicholas and
Table 2 illustrates the small number of studies that quantify
Durham, 2012), Italy (Sacchelli et al., 2016), Canada (Belliveau
irrigation needs under future climatic conditions, especially those
et al., 2006), and Spain (Alonso and Liu, 2013). However,
irrigation needs, coupled with their possible satisfaction, are concerning grapevine deficit irrigation in Europe—currently
still not explored in socio-ecological studies. The main question mostly rainfed. Future needs tend to vary widely across regions
remains: how much water do we need, now and in the future. and to be double current needs in European regions. Lower
Two types of methodologies to assess future irrigation needs increases are forecast in Australia as the current requirements are
exist in the literature: experimental approaches and modeling already high.
approaches. Medrano et al. (2015) reviewed in detail the In areas where future water requirements will exceed water
different irrigation strategies and their effects on physiological availability, agronomic practices may decrease irrigation needs
and agronomic parameters in field experiments. They concluded by increasing soil water capacity and/or decreasing water
that regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) at an early or late stage losses. Canopy shade cloth and soil plastic mulch result in
is crucial for the sustainability of vineyards. They also detailed a 50% reduction in water use without detrimental effects on
water saving practices—both agronomic techniques and genetic plant physiology under irrigated vineyards in Chile, through a
improvements—to increase water use efficiency under current reduction of soil evaporation or of evaporative demand (Gil et al.,
composition, new harvesting management is needed. The main the compromise between rootstock selection and well-designed
idea is to alter harvesting dates in accordance with temperatures deficit irrigation strategies that allow long-term yield-quality-
(Alonso Ugaglia and Peres, 2017), but winegrowers have also efficiency and returns for the grower. Vine training is also
envisaged other solutions. Neethling et al. (2017) identified expected to influence water irrigation needs. For instance,
that most adaptive responses occurred during harvest and Clingeleffer (2010) found that minimal pruning, combined
winemaking. Harvesting with machines allows winegrowers to with PRD irrigation, significantly increases water use efficiency
intervene rapidly (day and night), whereas manual harvesting compared to spur pruned and controlled irrigation treatments.
systems are more restrictive. However, manual harvesting allows The integration of long-term considerations when evaluating
them to repeat the picking several times, and thus to select short-term adaptation is crucial when dealing with economic
grape bunches that have reached their optimal maturity. Once and regulatory aspects. For instance, an analysis of technical
the harvest is at the cellar, adaptations in the winemaking process feasibility and the economic cost of irrigation infrastructure
are proposed. Dequin et al. (2017) recently reviewed winemaking for various localities and types of production is still lacking.
practices adjusted to modified grape composition under climate Beyond irrigation needs, the irrigation decision is dependent
change conditions (specific yeast strains with lower alcohol yield, of water resources (limited or not) and water pricing policy
membrane-based technologies to reduce the ethanol content and (Olen et al., 2016). We note the necessity to integrate
to increase the acidity, etc.). the decision model into the development of irrigation-based
adaptation strategies. In a trial, Trigo-Córdoba et al. (2015)
estimated that irrigation is not economically viable under the
Combination of Long-Term and Short-Term current conditions of Galicia vineyards, considering both yield
Adaptation and quality, even though there is a physiological need for
The analysis of individual adaptation levers allows for potential irrigation. In the vineyard of the “Old World,” irrigation was
beneficial combinations of short- and long-term adaptation to be recently authorized (since 1996 in Portugal and since 2006
identified. The individual effects of adaptation levers on five main in France) and is still limited in “Protected Designation of
outputs (water status, phenology, yield, berry composition, and Origin” areas, which can considerably change the feasibility of
freshwater ecosystem) are synthetized in Figure 5. The sources irrigation-based adaptations.
of information (papers) are detailed in Supplementary Figure 1. In addition to the economic aspect, some authors have looked
The majority of the impacts of adaptations concerning water at whether irrigation is an environmentally sustainable trend
status and phenology showed an alleviation of water stress and in semi-arid areas. One aspect is ecosystem protection, which
a delay of phenology for all adaptations. However, the effects on was examined by Grantham et al. (2010), who evaluated the
yield of these different adaptations showed contradictory results. impact of small storage ponds on streamflow. They showed that
For instance, while vineyard design and canopy management strategic placement of storage ponds could reduce summer water
adaptations had positive effects on grapevine water status, withdrawals, thus protecting environmental flow. However, this
impacts on yield are in some cases deleterious. We noticed also could have an impact on winter flow. The development of high
that the effect of irrigation on yield, which is the most studied water-use efficiency systems in areas previously not irrigated
adaptation lever, was not significant in half of the cases, thus still results in an increase of total water use. The second aspect
showing that the positive effect of irrigation on yield may depend deals with salinity problems, which appeared first in countries
on the year and the location. The low number of articles that like Israel and Australia (Phogat et al., 2018). Model simulations
evaluate impacts of adaptation levers at regional scale through indicate a steep increase of salinity in the root zone as rainfall-
their effects on freshwater ecosystems is worrying, especially as all induced salt leaching declined significantly with climate change.
the currently available results showed negative impacts. Results The simulated seasonal average salinity increased three to four
on soil management adaptations were mostly not significant on times compared to the baseline (Phogat et al., 2018). Adaptation
grapevine outputs, while they show positive effects on soil specific strategies should include salinity tolerant rootstock, or the use of
outputs (data not shown). desalinated water (Aparicio et al., 2019).
Figure 5 allows us to identify possible tradeoffs between short-
term and long-term adaptations. For example, while vineyard EVALUATING CLIMATE CHANGE
design adaptation (LT3) can have negative effects on yield, it ADAPTATION IN VITICULTURE
could be compensated by irrigation (ST1). Likewise, the negative
effect of irrigation (ST1) on berry composition could be offset Characterization of Climate Change
by adapted plant material (LT2, e.g., drought tolerant rootstock). Characterizing future climatic conditions is the first step to
In the selected literature, long- and short-term adaptations evaluate an adaptation strategy, as its effectiveness will depend
were combined in the majority of studies that involved the on local climatic conditions. Climate is a complex phenomenon
stakeholders (Nicholas and Durham, 2012; Lereboullet et al., involving many variables on different spatial and temporal
2013; Neethling et al., 2017). However, quantitative evaluations scales. The ability to forecast climatic conditions is limited
of these combinations are scarce. The combined effect of variety by the uncertainty about future greenhouse gas emissions and
choice and irrigation treatment has been carefully studied by by the scientific uncertainty of their effects on climate and
Carvalho et al. (2018). The same consideration appeared recently crops. The effects of combined climatic factors (e.g., higher
in rootstock selection: Romero et al. (2018) demonstrated CO2 concentration with higher water deficit) need to be
FIGURE 5 | Number of articles and associated percentage of results indicating an effect of short-term and long-term adaptations on desired direction of outputs. Only
significant effects (p < 0.05 when statistical analysis could be tested) are represented as positive or negative, and neutral means no significant effects. Positive effects
on water status are those limiting water stress measured on the grapevine. Positive effects on phenology are those delaying phenological stages (budburst, veraison,
or maturity). Positive effects on yield are an increase of yield. Positive effects in berry composition concern the reduction of sugar content and the increase of acidity.
Negative effects on freshwater ecosystem are those reducing streamflow or increasing pollution.
considered simultaneously. In addition, spatial resolution of TABLE 3 | Number of studies that describe future climate according to
climate information is crucial to predict local phenomena. The meteorological data, climate model, or stakeholders’ perception.
performance of an adaptation under future climatic conditions Climate data sources Number of articles
therefore depends largely on the data used to define future
climatic conditions. Unspecified 27
First, future climatic conditions are described as a systematic Meteorological Data 35
adjustment of present meteorological data (e.g., a temperature Climate modeling 16
increase of 2◦ C, a 50% reduction of rainfall, etc.) in 35 studies Perception 12
in the article pool (Table 3). Climatic conditions can be directly Meteorological + Perception 1
measured under controlled conditions. Controlled experiments Climate modeling + Perception 2
evaluate the combined effects of different climatic changes, as for
example the effect of water stress induced by deficit irrigation The 18 review articles are excluded.
1996). However, it does not necessarily represent all the events Teixeira et al., 2014; Resco et al., 2016). Empirical models have
proposed by stakeholders, notably those highlighted by Bardsley been used in one study to evaluate the effect of various cases of
et al. (2018): extreme events (heat waves and heavy storms) irrigation management under future climate change (Teixeira
and changes in natural resources (rainfall during the growing et al., 2014; Olen et al., 2016). However, empirical models show
season and volumes of groundwater recharge). Data sources their limits when evaluating an adaptation under alternative
for future climatic conditions are poorly hybridized, despite management conditions and future climatic conditions on which
the complementarity they offer. In our dataset, a single study experiments have not yet been run. Process-based models have
coupled past evolution of meteorological data with winegrowers’ also been used in 8 studies to evaluate adaptations dealing with
perceptions (Lereboullet et al., 2013). Similarly, only two irrigation (Grantham et al., 2010; Pieri et al., 2012; Fraga et al.,
studies (Table 3) combined climate modeling at local scale with 2018; Phogat et al., 2018), plant material (Pieri et al., 2012;
stakeholders’ perceptions (Sacchelli et al., 2017; Tissot et al., Zhu et al., 2016), planting density (Van Leeuwen et al., 2019),
2017). site selection (Carvalho-Santos et al., 2016; Zhu et al., 2016)
and mulching (Fraga and Santos, 2018). The development of
Approaches to Evaluate Adaptation Effects models is limited by controversial effects of climate change
Figure 6 illustrates the approaches used in our pool of articles on various processes, such as the effect of CO2 on stomatal
to evaluate each category of adaptation. The number of studies conductance. In addition, they poorly represent the perennial
that employed experimental and expert assessments is similar aspect of grapevines, as the multi-year succession of stresses and
(34 and 35, respectively), whereas modeling approaches concern the age of the vine are not considered.
21 studies. We did not find studies that used a combination The first actors of adaptation are the decisions makers (policy
of two approaches to evaluate an adaptation. It is noteworthy makers and winegrowers). Yet both experimental and modeling
that all the adaptations were evaluated by experts, and that a approaches have rapidly derived into “top-down” approaches,
few of them were also evaluated by modeling or experimental moving from global climate model scenarios to impact studies,
approaches (harvest management, farm strategy). By contrast, and then to assessments of adaptation. Hence, methodologies
some specific adaptations (not detailed in the figure), such based on expert judgement have been implemented, resulting
as biochar application and protective compound, were studied in qualitative or semi-quantitative results. Quantitative studies
through experimentation only, and have never been reported by are mostly based on the dissemination of questionnaires in the
other types of study. vine industry. They allow for comparison of climate change
Experimental approaches have been widely used to adaptation under various macro-climatic conditions (Battaglini
understand vines’ responses to changes in climatic conditions. et al., 2009), and identify trade-offs, opportunities, and hurdles.
Controlled conditions allow for the study of processes when one Qualitative studies are more diverse (socio ecological studies,
or several environmental factors are changed: CO2 enrichment regional risk assessments, semi-structured interviews, etc.). These
(Bindi et al., 1996), experimental drought (Medrano et al., 2003; approaches deal with multiple scales and multiple adaptations,
Şerdinescu et al., 2014; Vaz et al., 2016; Cirigliano et al., 2017; and consider a multitude of external factors. Two studies
Chrysargyris et al., 2018), or elevated temperatures (Bonada et al., employed agent-based models to develop decision support
2018). The conditions of experimentation largely differ: from systems that combine dynamic models with expert judgements
greenhouse conditions with fruit-bearing cutting under totally (Delay et al., 2015; Tissot et al., 2017). These agent-based models
controlled conditions (Torres et al., 2017), to less controlled field are considered to be particularly appropriate tools for simulating
experiments. Even if combinations of climatic factors are starting complex interactions between ecological and social components
to be studied at plant scale, it is clearly difficult to extrapolate (Tissot et al., 2017).
results at larger scales (e.g., field, region). The interactions
between soil, climate, and cultural practices are difficult to Evaluation Scales and Criteria
identify fully. Moreover, the conditions of field experiments may Among the selected articles, 33 studied plant scale, 32 studied
not accurately reflect the overall production system constraints field scale, 14 studied regional scale, and 14 studied farm scale
(vine age, cash flow, labor availability, water availability, etc.). (Figure 7). Most of them focused on one scale, and only 17
Unlike the experimental approach, which produces studies considered two or more scales simultaneously. It is
knowledge about the impact of environmental variables on noteworthy that 5 out of those 17 studies applied the expert
a few processes only, models try to integrate that knowledge in judgement methodology (Battaglini et al., 2009; Lereboullet et al.,
order to predict the combined effects of climate change on the 2013; Neethling et al., 2017; Tissot et al., 2017; Bardsley et al.,
whole plant. Several approaches have been developed: empirical 2018). Upscaling can be seen as “abrupt” in some studies (e.g.,
models, process-based models, suitability mapping, agent-based Hannah et al., 2013, Fraga et al., 2018). For example, moving
models, etc. We will not detail all existing models as they have from field to regional scale without considering the intermediary
been amply illustrated in a recent review by Moriondo et al. farm scale, implies that the constraints and opportunities of the
(2015). The aim of this section is to describe the types of models farming system are not considered (farm delimitation, wine-
that are mostly used and how they are applied to evaluate making processes and sales, labor availability, etc.). In the same
combined adaptations. Suitability mapping has been used in way, the scaling-up between plant and regional scale overlooks
four studies of our dataset, mainly to evaluate site selection and agronomic practices than can influence the performance of
irrigation adaptations (Hannah et al., 2013; Fuhrer et al., 2014; an adaptation.
FIGURE 6 | Number of studies (review articles excluded) that evaluate adaptation according to the implemented approach (experimentation, modeling, expert
judgement). One study can appear several times, as it may evaluate several adaptations. We have not found any studies that combine two methods.
Identifying the Site-Specific Trade-Off
Between Adaptations
Most potential adaptations to water scarcity under future climate
change have been evaluated individually. Our review suggests
that the few existing studies dealing with combinations of
adaptations help in identifying several compromises between
these adaptations: the reduction of irrigation requirement
through water-saving practices (Cirigliano et al., 2017;
Chrysargyris et al., 2018; Gil et al., 2018; Romero et al.,
FIGURE 7 | Number of studies that address one or more spatial scales in the 2018; Torres et al., 2018); the benefits of cover crops despite
pool of articles (n = 111). water competition (Tomaz et al., 2017); the conservation of
vineyard areas thanks to cultivar changes and new governance
modalities (Galbreath, 2014; Delay et al., 2015; Zhu et al., 2016;
Morales-Castilla et al., 2020); and the role of socio-economic
Figure 8 indicates the number of studies that quantified conditions in promoting or regulating adaptations (Olen et al.,
one or several indicators for each adaptation. We see a large 2016; Georgopoulou et al., 2017). It is noteworthy that since the
number of indicators at plant and field scales, whereas farm and systematic review ended, new developments have been published:
regional scales are studied less. Yield, berry composition and Buesa et al. (2020) confirm the positive effects of east-west row
water status were the most studied indicators (31, 30, and 31 orientation on yields; Morales-Castilla et al. (2020) quantified
FIGURE 8 | Number of studies that evaluate adaptation according to their evaluation indicators, from plant scale to field, farm, and regional scale (from top to bottom).
Only quantitative evaluations of adaptation are included (60 studies). Detailed table and references in Supplementary Table 2.
the reduction of suitable area lost thanks to late-ripening France (Agreste, 2018), whereas the adoption of short-term
cultivar (from 56 to 24%); Phogat et al. (2020) went further adaptations depends on the infra-annual organization of farm
in the estimation of future irrigation water requirement and labor. Moreover, climatic changes could be described at a century
demonstrate the importance of reducing evaporation loss; while scale (global warming) when dramatic events may occur at the
López-Urrea et al. (2020) quantified the effect of organic and scale of a few hours or days (heavy rain, heat waves). With regard
plastic mulch on evaporation. Our findings are in accordance to spatial scale, the close link between viticulture and terroir
with the climate adaptation wedges concept developed by means that a wide range of spatial factors must be considered—
Diffenbaugh et al. (2011). These authors illustrate the benefits soil, microclimate, and socio-economic (“Protected designation
of adding two adaptation strategies in limiting adverse effects of of Origin” areas, farm size, etc.)—when designing and evaluating
climate change in a changing context (population, development, adaptation strategies.
etc.). For instance, the yield loss prevented by an adapted cultivar The design and implementation of effective combinations of
could be even greater when combined with an appropriate adaptations require a quantification of the possible impacts of
irrigation treatment. climate change, coupled with the sensitivity of those impacts to
In fact, many of the identified trade-offs occur at nested different adaptation activities (Diffenbaugh et al., 2011). Models
temporal and spatial resolutions (e.g., short-term vs. long-term may play a central role in managing various time steps and spatial
effects of cover crop, irrigation practices vs. regional water units. Previous works dealing with adaptation have developed
availability, planting choice vs. local, or national governance) modeling tools with the aim of integrating climate projection
that have hardly been captured by previous evaluation studies. into grapevine crop models (Moriondo et al., 2015). Models exist
With regard to time scale, the spatial expansion of long-term for some specific processes: WaLIS for water balance (Celette
adaptation (e.g., cultivars, planting density) is limited by the et al., 2010), VitiSim for carbon balance (Mirás-Avalos et al.,
vineyard renewal, which is estimated at around 2 to 3% in 2018), NVINE for nitrogen cycle (Nendel and Kersebaum, 2004),
FIGURE 9 | Conceptual diagram of the spatio-temporal model needed to design and evaluate strategies for adaptation to climate change across viticultural regions:
(A) temporal scale integration and associated adaptation levers; (B) spatial factors; (C) exploration of adaptation strategies; and (D) calculation of evaluation indicators.
In yellow, blue, and brown, three adaptation strategies that consist of three different spatial combinations of adaptation levers (in green, orange, and dark blue).
STICS for yield (Fraga et al., 2018), among others. The few 2017). Other decision models developed in viticulture could be
studies that integrated decision-making into their models are adapted to climate change studies: VERDI (Ripoche et al., 2011),
based on agent-based modeling (Delay et al., 2015; Tissot et al., or DHIVINE (Martin-Clouaire et al., 2016). However, Corbeels
et al. (2018) recently challenged the ability of crop models driven experts or local stakeholders. To go further, models should be
by climate model projections to identify promising adaptation, scaled up to larger sub-units (farm, small agricultural region,
given the large uncertainties of model predictions. catchment, country, etc.) (Figure 9B). This scaling up process
In addition, the contribution of stakeholders is important requires spatial and temporal modeling methods that predict the
in characterizing and considering local constraints and aggregated effects of adaptation.
opportunities. The example of co-design and evaluation The third step, the integration of a detailed understanding
studies oriented toward the reduction of pesticide use offers of the plant and field processes with regional-scale modeling is
promising tools (Lafond and Métral, 2015; Thiollet-Scholtus a key toward predicting the effects of the spatial distribution
and Bockstaller, 2015). In fact, strategies of adaptation to of adaptation levers while considering biophysical and socio-
climate change with the participation of stakeholders have economic diversity. The use of large-scale spatial and temporal
already been evaluated (Battaglini et al., 2009; Nicholas and models makes possible the exploration of a large range
Durham, 2012; Alonso and Liu, 2013; Lereboullet et al., 2013). of plausible adaptation strategies, including future climate
However, the quantitative evaluation or comparison of co- evolution (e.g., more frequent droughts, higher temperatures),
designed strategies under future climatic conditions has not economic choices (e.g., expansion of PDO areas, marketing
yet been developed. Further researches need to be conducted labels, water prices) and social changes (e.g., consumer
in order to combine the co-design of spatial adaptation preferences) (Figure 9C).
strategies with their quantitative evaluation under future In the final step, such models may be used to quantify a
climatic conditions. large range of evaluation indicators (environmental, economic,
agronomic, etc.) in order to reveal trade-offs and avoid
potential deleterious adaptation strategies (e.g., unbalanced water
Insight for Developing a New Evaluation demand and supply, yield reduction, climate change mitigation)
Framework (Figure 9D). Evaluation indicators should be calculated across
Based on the lessons learnt from reforestation studies time as a beneficial strategy could appear as a mal-adaptation
(Cunningham et al., 2015), we propose a new framework under future climatic conditions or, on the contrary, an
of adaptation evaluation in four steps, considering different apparently disadvantageous strategy could appear beneficial in
time and space scales, with a few to building spatially explicit the near future. The development of indicators should meet the
strategies (Figure 9). A first step concerns the integration of objectives of various local stakeholders (wine-growers, policy-
three temporal scales (year, decade, century). A second step makers, environmental defenders, etc.).
integrates spatial factors into the evaluation processes (water In conclusion, rigorous evaluation of adaptation strategies
access, Protected Denomination of Origin areas, microclimate, for climate change helps to identify site-specific adaptation
etc.). A third step explores the spatialized adaptation strategies, trade-offs. We argue that the development of methodologies to
considering a combination of adaptation in both time and space. evaluate adaptation strategies, considering both complementary
A fourth step allows trade-offs to be identified by calculating adaptations and scales, is essential to propose relevant
multiple evaluation indicators over time. information to decision-makers in the winegrowing sector.
The first step in evaluating local adaptation strategies may The development of spatial and temporal evaluation tools based
help researchers in considering the impact of climate change on mixed knowledge—local and scientific—about grapevine
and of adaptation strategies over relevant times scales (year response to climatic conditions, is a key for deciding how to
to century) (Figure 9A). Adequate models exist but they are locally adapt viticulture to climate change.
far from being exhaustive (e.g., high temperature, CO2 effects)
and parameterized for various contexts [soil, climate, cultivar,
etc.)] (Moriondo et al., 2015). The existing models could be DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT
improved by conducting more focused research (experimental
or on-farm), particularly in traditional grapevine systems The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be
(low density, traditional cultivars, and crop management). made available by the authors, without undue reservation.
Other improvements lie in considering multi-year processes
(e.g., mortality). Given the urgency of adaptation, expert
opinion might also be used to develop and parameterize AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
models when quantitative knowledge is unavailable. Close
collaboration between researchers and winegrowers might AN lead the systematic bibliographic research (problematic,
help in designing better adaptation trials in order to fill equation search, metadata extraction). Articles selection
knowledge gaps. procedure and criteria of analysis have been defined by
The second step consists in delimiting spatial sub-units that AN, CG, LP, and LH. LH ensured the consistency of the
represent regions where the conditions of adaptation to climate method with her experience in dealing with PRISMA flows
change can be expected to be similar. The collection of data to diagram. AN has processed to the reading and selection.
parameterize models in each spatial sub-unit is laborious. The The final article pool has been discussed and validated by
relevancy of required data (e.g., slope, soil type, water access, the AN, CG, LP, and LH. AN organized and wrote the
“Protected Designation of Origin” area) could be discussed with article with frequent interactions with the CG, LP, and LH.
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