Audit Engagement 19
Audit Engagement 19
Audit Engagement 19
17 October 2020
The Directors
Cake House 818 Limited
Flat 512, Block B, Tak Lee Industrial Centre,
No.8 Tsing Yeung Circuit,
Tuen Mun, Hong Kong
Dear Sir/Madam,
Objective of services
1.1 You have requested that we audit the financial statements of Cake House 818 Limited. We are pleased to
confirm our acceptance and our understanding of this audit engagement by means of this letter.
1.2 The objectives of our audit are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a
whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor's report that
includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit
conducted in accordance with Hong Kong Standards on Auditing ("HKSAs") will always detect a material
misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if,
individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of
users taken on the basis of these financial statements.
Responsibilities of directors
2.1 Our audit will be conducted on the basis that you acknowledge and understand that you have responsibility:
a. To prepare financial statements which give a true and fair view of the financial position of the Company
as at the end of the financial year end of its financial performance for the financial year in accordance
with Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards and the Companies Ordinance (“CO”);
b. To take all reasonable steps to ensure the Company keeps sufficient accounting records which show and
explain the transactions of the Company, and disclose with reasonable accuracy, at any time, the
Tel 電話: (852) 3101 0039
E-mail 電子郵箱: [email protected]
Certified Public Accountants (Practising) Unit 9039, 9/F, Block B, Chung Mei Centre,
15-17 Hing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon
觀塘興業街 15-17 號中美中心 B 座 9 樓 9039 室
c. To ensure that the financial statements comply with section 383 (Notes to Financial Statements to
Contain Information on Directors' Emoluments etc.) of the CO which must contain in the notes to the
financial statements, the information prescribed by the Companies (Disclosure of Information about
Benefits of Directors) Regulation (Cap. 622G);
d. For such internal control as you determine is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements
that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error;
e. To provide us with:
(i) Access to all information of which you are aware that is relevant to the preparation of the
financial statements such as Company's accounting records and all other relevant records and
documentation, including minutes of all management and shareholders' meetings and other
(ii) Additional information that we may request from you for the purpose of the audit; and
(iii) Unrestricted access to persons related to the Company from whom we determine it necessary to
obtain audit evidence;
f. To provide us with (i) any proposed written resolution and (ii) any other document relating to the
resolution that is required to be sent to a member of the Company, on or before the circulation of written
resolution to a member of the Company; and
g. To notify us in respect of any passed written resolution within 15 days after resolution is passed.
2.2 You are also responsible for the preparation and approval of the directors' report in accordance with the CO
as well as the other information included in the annual report.
Tel 電話: (852) 3101 0039
E-mail 電子郵箱: [email protected]
Certified Public Accountants (Practising) Unit 9039, 9/F, Block B, Chung Mei Centre,
15-17 Hing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon
觀塘興業街 15-17 號中美中心 B 座 9 樓 9039 室
3.1 We have a statutory responsibility to prepare a report to the members to state whether in our opinion the
financial statements give a true and fair view of the financial position and financial performance of the
Company for the financial year and whether they have been properly prepared in compliance with the Co.
We shall also state our opinion in the auditor’s report if we are of the opinion that:
b. the financial statements are not in agreement with the accounting records in any material respect; and
We shall also state the fact in the auditor's report if we have failed to obtain all the information and
explanations that, to the best of our knowledge and belief, are necessary and material for the purpose of the
In addition, where the financial statements do not contain information relating to directors' remuneration or
loans to officers under section 383(1) of the CO, the CO requires us to include in our report, as far as we are
reasonably able to do so, a statement giving the particulars that are required to be, but have not been,
contained in the financial statements.
3.2 We have a professional responsibility to report if the financial statements do not comply in any material
respect with Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards, unless in our opinion the non-compliance is justified
in the circumstances. In determining whether or not the departure is justified, we consider:
a. whether the departure is required in order for the financial statements to properly present the entity’s
financial position and financial performance; and
3.3 We are required to read the information in the directors' report for the financial year to identify and report
inconsistencies with the financial statements. As required by the CO, if we are of the opinion that the
information in the directors' report for a financial year is not consistent with the financial statements for the
financial year, we shall state that opinion in our auditor's report; and we may bring that opinion to the
members' attention at a general meeting. However, we are not required to audit or review the directors' report
and accordingly we will not express an opinion or review conclusion or any assurance on it.
Tel 電話: (852) 3101 0039
E-mail 電子郵箱: [email protected]
Certified Public Accountants (Practising) Unit 9039, 9/F, Block B, Chung Mei Centre,
15-17 Hing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon
觀塘興業街 15-17 號中美中心 B 座 9 樓 9039 室
3.4 We are required to read the other information included in the annual report. This responsibility applies
regardless of whether the other information is made available to us prior to, or after, the date of the auditor's
report. We will consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the financial statements
or our knowledge obtained in the audit, or otherwise appears to be materially misstated. If, based on the work
we have performed, we conclude that there is an uncorrected material misstatement of this other information,
we are required to include that fact in the auditor's report. Our opinion on the financial statements does not
cover the other information and we do not and will not express any form of assurance conclusion thereon. If
we conclude that a material misstatement exists in other information obtained after the date of the auditor's
report and the other information is not corrected after communicating with those charged with governance,
we will take appropriate actions considering our legal rights and obligations.
Scope of audit
4.1 Our audit will be conducted in accordance with HKSAs issued by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified
Public Accountants. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements. As part of an audit in
accordance with HKSAs, we exercise professional judgement and maintain professional skepticism
throughout the audit. We also:
a. Identify and access the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud
or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is
sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material
misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve
collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.
b. Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that
are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the
effectiveness of the entity's internal control. However, we will communicate to you in writing
concerning any significant deficiencies in internal control relevant to the audit of the financial
statements that we have identified during the audit. Any such report may not be provided to third parties
without our prior written consent. Such consent will be granted only on the basis that such reports are
not prepared with the interests of anyone other than the Company in mind and that we accept no duty or
responsibility to any other party as concerns the reports.
Tel 電話: (852) 3101 0039
E-mail 電子郵箱: [email protected]
Certified Public Accountants (Practising) Unit 9039, 9/F, Block B, Chung Mei Centre,
15-17 Hing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon
觀塘興業街 15-17 號中美中心 B 座 9 樓 9039 室
c. Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates
and related disclosures made by you.
d. Conclude on the appropriateness of your use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the
audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may
cast significant doubt on the Company's ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a
material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in our auditor's report to the related
disclosures in the financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our
conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor's report. However,
future events or conditions may cause the Company to cease to continue as a going concern.
e. Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, including the
disclosures, and whether the financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a
manner that achieves fair presentation.
4.2 Because of the inherent limitations of an audit, together with the inherent limitations of internal control, there
is an unavoidable risk that some material misstatements may not be detected, even though the audit is
properly planned and performed in accordance with HKSAs.
4.3 As part of our audit procedures, we will request you to provide written confirmation concerning
representations which we have received from you during the course of the audit in connection with the audit.
In connection with representations and the supply of information to us generally, we draw your attention to
section 412 of the CO which sets out the rights of the auditor in relation to obtaining information from a
person that is a related entity as defined in this section of the CO. You are also referred to section 413 of the
CO which sets out the offences relating to section 412 of the CO.
4.4 In order to assist us with the audit of your financial statements, we shall request sight of all documents or
statements, including the directors' report, which are due to be issued with the financial statements. We are
also entitled to attend all general meetings of the Company and to receive notice of all such meetings.
4.5 The responsibility for safeguarding the assets of the company and for the prevention and detection of fraud,
error and non-compliance with law or regulations rests with you. However, we shall endeavour to plan our
audit so that we have a reasonable expectation of detecting material misstatements in the financial statements
or books of account (including those resulting from fraud, error or non-compliance with law or regulations),
Tel 電話: (852) 3101 0039
E-mail 電子郵箱: [email protected]
Certified Public Accountants (Practising) Unit 9039, 9/F, Block B, Chung Mei Centre,
15-17 Hing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon
觀塘興業街 15-17 號中美中心 B 座 9 樓 9039 室
but our audit should not be relied upon to disclose all such material misstatements or frauds, errors or
instances of non-compliance as may exist.
4.6 We shall not be treated as having notice, for the purposes of our audit responsibilities, of information
provided to members of our firm other than those engaged on the audit (for example information provided in
connection with accounting, taxation and other services).
4.7 Once we have issued our report we have no further direct responsibility in relation to the financial statements
for that period. However, we expect that you will inform us of any material event occurring between the date
of our report and that of the Annual General Meeting which may affect the financial statements.
5.1 You can refer the expected form and content of our auditor’s report to the Illustrations of Auditors’ Reports
on Financial Statements included in the Appendix to Hong Kong Standard on Auditing 700 (Revised)
“Forming an Opinion and Reporting on Financial Statements” by clicking on the following link:
5.2 The form and content of our report may need to be amended in the light of our audit findings.
6.1 The working papers and files for this engagement created by us during the course of the engagement,
including electronic documents and files, are the sole property of CountAudit.
6.2 You should also be aware that with the introduction of section 179 of the Securities and Futures Ordinance
the auditor of a listed company could, in certain specific circumstances, be directed to produce their working
papers to the Securities and Futures Commission. Under section 378 of the Securities and Futures Ordinance,
we are not permitted to inform you or obtain your approval when such direction has been given.
Internet communications
Tel 電話: (852) 3101 0039
E-mail 電子郵箱: [email protected]
Certified Public Accountants (Practising) Unit 9039, 9/F, Block B, Chung Mei Centre,
15-17 Hing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon
觀塘興業街 15-17 號中美中心 B 座 9 樓 9039 室
7. During the engagement, we may from time to time communicate with you electronically. However, as you
are aware, the electronic transmission of information cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error free and such
information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete or otherwise be
adversely affected or unsafe to use. Accordingly, while we will use reasonable procedures to check for the
then most commonly known viruses before sending information electronically, we shall not have any liability
to you arising from or in connection with the electronic communication of information to you.
8. Our fees are computed on the basis of the time spent on your affairs by the partners and our staff and on the
levels of skill and responsibility involved plus out-of-pocket expenses. Unless otherwise agreed, our fees will
be billed at appropriate intervals during the course of the audit and will be due on presentation.
Agreement of terms
9. Once it has been agreed, this letter will remain effective, from one audit appointment to another, until it is
replaced. Please sign and return the enclosed copy of this letter to indicate your acknowledgement of, and
agreement with, the arrangements for our audit of the financial statements including our respective
10. You and CountAudit (“CA”) shall have the right to terminate this engagement by giving the other party two
months notice in advance (except where there is circumstance, including regulatory requirements, which in
the opinion of CA, makes it inadvisable for CA to continue to provide the service to you as set out in this
engagement letter in which case CA shall have the right to terminate this engagement by giving you a
reasonable notice). In any event of termination of this engagement, you and CA agree that CA shall be
entitled to a reasonable fee according to CA 's contribution or involvement in this engagement up to the date
of termination. CA accepts no liability whatsoever in relation to the termination of engagement as a result of
this clause.
Tel 電話: (852) 3101 0039
E-mail 電子郵箱: [email protected]
Certified Public Accountants (Practising) Unit 9039, 9/F, Block B, Chung Mei Centre,
15-17 Hing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon
觀塘興業街 15-17 號中美中心 B 座 9 樓 9039 室
11. The terms of our engagement shall be governed in all respect by the laws of the Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region ("HKSAR") and the courts of the HKSAR shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any
dispute which may arise in any way in connection with this engagement or any work or assignment arising
from same.
Engagement director
12. Mr. Ng Yan Chak will be responsible for the performance of this audit engagement.
Yours faithfully
For and on behalf of
Tel 電話: (852) 3101 0039
E-mail 電子郵箱: [email protected]
Certified Public Accountants (Practising) Unit 9039, 9/F, Block B, Chung Mei Centre,
15-17 Hing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon
觀塘興業街 15-17 號中美中心 B 座 9 樓 9039 室