Group 1
Group 1
Group 1
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BEN 31
● Business is derived from ‘busy-ness,’ i.e. keeping oneself occupied with one or
the other work, but it is much more than just being busy.
● The practice of making one's living by engaging in commerce.
● Business is a self-employment opportunity for a person to become self-
independent and master of his ideas. It is not only beneficial to the owner but
also makes an impact on society.
Revenue Generation
Economic Growth
Improves Standard of Living
Bulk Production
Generates Employment
Market Expansion
1. Revenue Generation: It is the key to revenue generation for the business owner
since it brings in profit and proves to be a source of income for the owner.
2. Economic Growth: It is essential for the economic growth of a country since
high revenue means higher tax collection.
3. Improves Standard of Living: A country with more industrial units and
companies experience a higher rate of employment and better living standards.
To have a better understanding of what a business is, we must go through the following
● Regular Process ● Risk
● Economic Activity ● Profit Earning Motive
● Creates Utility ● Satisfaction of Consumer’s Need
● Capital Requirement ● Involves Buyer and Seller
● Deals in Goods and Services ● Social Obligations
4. Capital Requirement: Any venture requires fund depending on the size and its
type. This is important in starting a business.
5. Deals in Goods and Services: It is related to manufacturing and offering goods
for sale or catering services.
6. Risk: All businesses have a risk factor or uncertainties of failure and loss.
7. Profit Earning Motive: The initial motive of a businessman is making a profit out
of his venture.
8. Satisfaction of Consumer’s Need: It is concerned with the fulfilment of the
customer’s demands and needs.
9. Involves Buyer and Seller: There are majorly two parties involved, the customer
and the merchandise.
10. Social Obligations: It has some social responsibilities, like creating job
opportunities, dealing with licensed products, etc.
The nature of a business describes the type of business it is and what its overall goals
are. It describes its legal structure, industry, products or services, and everything a
business does to reach its goals. It depicts the business's problem and the main focus
of the company's offerings.
Humans have endless needs, and to satisfy these we need business activities. It is the
purpose of business to provide the economy and the society with the goods and
services it requires. All economic, commercial and trading activities are parts of a
Business is all about deriving profit out of selling goods and services ethically.The risk is
an integral part of any business, but taking the right decision at the right time is all that
you need to achieve your business goals
Reporter: Jereme James S. De Guia
Topic: Facts about service Industry/Parts of service Sector
A service industry provides people with intangible products or services and
completes tasks that are useful to customers, clients, businesses or the general public.
Service industries, unlike, for example, manufacturing and production industries, do not
rely on the sale of material goods and products to earn a profit. - the individuals who
work in the service sector focus on completing tasks and providing services.
Service industries are important part of society for a variety of reasons, including:
Delivering essential services to the public:
Often, service industries provide essential services to the public, such as healthcare,
transportation and education.
Creating positive experiences:
Several service industries, including hospitality, beauty and wellness, entertainment and
fitness, create positive experiences – they provide emotional value and promote the
well-being of those they serve.
Providing employment opportunities:
As manufacturing and production industries become more mechanized, the demand for
service industry workers is increasing in areas such as distribution and sales, creating a
surplus of opportunity. - The service sector offers several rewarding careers to
individuals passionate about delivering important services to their community.
Acting as an indication of economic growth:
Often, a strong or growing service sector is an indicator of a healthy economy. As new
services and nonmaterial goods become available to the public, service industries grow
to continually serve the needs of customers and businesses, increasing this industry’s
impact on the global economy.
And also, these are the service sector in the Philippines which based on the regional
analysis of the Philippines Service Sector by Serafica, Ramonette B.; Vergara, Jean
Colleen M.; Oren, Queen Cel
The services sector is composed of a diverse range of services, including retail and
business services, education, and health, among others. - Some services are used
as inputs in production, while others have direct impacts on human capital development.
Reporter: Emmanuel G DeJesus Jr.
Topic: The Three Sector Economy Written Report
Many of us set goals to become a bit healthier in some way, whether through our
mental health, agility, or simple physical wellness but without some form of assistance,
guidance, or accountability, many people struggle to reach those goals. If you’re an avid
runner, love cooking, or have training in alternative healing, one of these health and
wellness service business ideas may be a perfect fit for you.
2. Meditation instructor
4. In-home masseuse
5. Nutrition consultant
7. Personal chef
From buying groceries to doing laundry and keeping our spaces tidy, who among
us has time to get all of our chores done without becoming overwhelmed in the
process? If you’re not bothered by running errands and cleaning up, friends and
neighbors may your ideal clientele for these personal concierge business ideas.
1. Grocery shopping and delivery
2. Errand-runner
If you love all things beauty and personal style, your career options are no longer
limited to traditional cosmetology school and hourly work in a salon. Consider whether
these emerging lifestyle service business options almost all of which you could provide
in-home, or even virtually might make a great gig for your interests.
1. Makeup artist
4. Life coach
As businesses across every industry rely more and more heavily on technology
for their daily operations, the need for knowledgeable service providers has grown
steadily. Within larger corporations, these roles are often filled by in-house employees.
Small businesses, however, very often cannot afford to maintain full-time IT managers,
meaning they must rely on third-party services to address technology needs.
1. IT systems consultant
6. App developer
Business services
1. Virtual assistant
2. Language translation
5. Financial auditor
8. Data analysis
9. Online course consultant
A service business is a company that performs tasks for the benefit of their
customers. These tasks can include transportation, cleaning, traveling, hospitality,
maintenance or consulting.
● Enterprise is another word for a for-profit business or company, but it is most
often associated with entrepreneurial ventures. People who have entrepreneurial
success are often referred to as “Enterprising.” The roots of the word lie in the
French word entreprendre (from prendre), meaning ‘to undertake’, which in turn
comes from the Latin “inter prehendere” (seize with the hand).
- An enterprise is understood to be a business organization. Essentially, the
word "enterprise" can be used to describe any company that has multiple
locations, levels, departments or divisions that collaborate together to achieve
company goals and objectives.
There have several meanings of ‘Enterprise”
1. A human skill: eagerness to do something new and clever, despite any risks.
● It means that the person who have these skills is an entrepreneur who are
willing to take risks, make things happen and try new things despite of all
struggles and the possibility of bad outcome.
2. A business, as in “This is a business enterprise; our aim is to make a profit.”
● As what I said the enterprise is another word for-profit business or making
money by producing or buying and selling of products.
3. Difficult or important challenge, as in “Her latest enterprise is to swim the English
● Business should also grow and expand around the world to achieve the
Four examples of “Enterprising People”
✔ Bill Gates – Invented Microsoft (his business and programming innovation paved
the way for a variety of computer products created)
✔ Steve Jobs – iPhone (a personal computer with no monitor, no keyboard and no
✔ Mark Zuckerburg - (cofounder and chief executive officer of Facebook, the
world's largest social network Web site)
✔ Richard Branson – (Founder of the Virgin Group one of the world's most
irresistible brands and has expanded into many diverse sectors from travel to
telecommunications, health to banking and music to leisure.)
Enterprise has creative thinking that they come up with new ideas or approaches to the
business. The new ideas include new product. Creative thinking and fresh ideas give
companies a competitive advantage and help make their products or services stand out.
1. Sole Proprietorship
● a business that can be owned and controlled by an individual, a company or a
limited liability partnership. There are no partners in the business. The legal status
of a sole proprietorship can be defined as follows: It is not a separate legal entity
from the business owner.
Example: local grocery store, a local clothes store, an artist, freelance writer, IT
consultant, freelance graphic designer, etc.
2. Partnership
● A partnership business, by definition, consists of two or more people who
combine their resources to form a business and agree to share risks, profits and
- an arrangement between two or more people to oversee business operations
and share its profits and liabilities.
Example: law firms, physician groups, real estate investment firms and accounting
3. Private Limited Companies (Ltd.)
● This sort of free enterprise has been legally incorporated and will have its own
legal identity. It will have a set of shareholders who shoulder a limited amount of
liability for any debts the enterprise incurs. Those shareholders will appoint
directors to oversee overall operations and decisions of the business, though the
relevant managers will oversee the day-to-day operations.
- In short, it is owned by its shareholders, run by directors and where the
liability of shareholders for the debts of the company is limited.
Example: Softlink Global (phili.) Pvt. Ltd. - logistics software solution, Bry-Air
(Asia) Pvt. Ltd. - Environmental consultant in Muntinlupa and Michelin Asia
(Singapore) Company Private Limited - Industrial equipment supplier.
● Often confused with private limited companies, PLCs differ in that shares in the
enterprise can be sold to the general public. To do this, they have to meet
certain regulatory and legal criteria regarding the business’s financial health,
transparency of their accounts, how long they have been trading, and more.
Being able to sell public shares can be useful in raising funds for things like
Example: AstraZeneca Plc, San Miguel Corporation, Globe Telecom, Jollibee
and more.
Topic: Difference Between a Capitalist and an Entrepreneur