Practice FO R E N
Grades K–1
Grades K–1
Grades K–1
English Language Development
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 QVR 20 19 18 17 16 15 B
Table of Contents
Singular Nouns................................................................................1 Object Pronouns.........................................................................63
Regular Past- and Future-Tense Verbs............................15 Prepositions that Tell About Location........................... 77
Irregular Verb Be: Present Tense........................................17 Prepositions that Tell About Direction...........................79
Articles: a, an, and the..........................................................53 Future Tense Statements and Questions..................... 115
Grades K-1 i
Present Progressive Statements.......................................125 Oral Language Sentence Frames
Past Progressive Statements..............................................127 Exchange/Express Information and Ideas............. 1
Conjunctions: To Combine..................................................129 Asking and Answering Questions..............................2
Conjunctions: To Contrast.................................................... 131 Offering Opinions/Persuading Others and
Conjunctions: To Show Cause........................................... 133 Supporting Opinions..................................................... 3
Antonyms...................................................................................... 165
Shades of Meaning................................................................175
iv Grades K-1
1A: Singular Nouns
1. 2. 3.
TEACHER: Read the directions, words, and sentences to children. Guide children to
complete each exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 1
1A: Singular Nouns
1. I have a striped .
2. The is happy.
3. We sit in the .
1. I take a to the
with my .
TEACHER: Read the directions, words, and sentences in Part A to children. Guide
2 Grades K-1 children to complete the exercise, providing support as needed. Children at higher
proficiency levels can complete Part B with support.
1B: Common and Proper Nouns
1. dog Biff
2. Jack boy
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3. sister Jen
TEACHER: Read the directions and nouns to children. Guide children to complete the
exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 3
1B: Common and Proper Nouns
1. has a dog.
TEACHER: Read Part A to children. Guide children to complete the exercise. Children
4 Grades K-1 at higher proficiency levels can complete Part B with support.
2A: Plural Nouns
3. We are pals.
TEACHER: Read the directions, words, and sentences to children. Guide children to
complete the exercises, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 5
2A: Plural Nouns
1. pig + s
2. hill + s
3. mop + s
B. Complete each sentence using plural nouns.
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1. I like
2. I have
B. W
rite the plural noun on the line.
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TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences in Part A and Part B to children. Guide
children to complete each exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 7
2B: Plural Nouns
the two .
. They sit on the .
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TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences in Part A to children. Guide children to
8 Grades K-1 complete the exercise, providing support as needed. Children at higher proficiency
levels can complete Part B with support.
3A: Irregular Plural Nouns
1. women woman
2. foot feet
3. man men
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4. children child
5. mouse mice
TEACHER: Read the directions and words to children. Guide children to complete the
exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 9
3A: Irregular Plural Nouns
1. woman
2. foot
3. mouse
4. child
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TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 11
3B: Possessive Nouns
B. W
rite the possessive form of a noun from the
box to complete each sentence.
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 13
4A: Regular Present-Tense Verbs
hop slips
1. He on the ice.
B. R
ewrite a past-tense sentence from Part A in
the future tense.
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 17
5A: Irregular Verb Be: Present Tense
3. They running.
4. Bill a fan.
TEACHER: Guide children to complete Part A. Children at higher proficiency levels
18 Grades K-1 can complete Part B with support.
5B: Irregular Verb Be: Past Tense
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 19
5B: Irregular Verb Be: Past Tense
. They was not at home.
TEACHER: Guide children to complete Part A. Children at higher proficiency levels
20 Grades K-1 can complete Part B.
6A: Irregular Verb Have: Present Tense
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 21
6A: Irregular Verb Have: Present Tense
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 23
6B: Irregular Verb Have: Past Tense
B. R
ewrite each sentence in the past tense.
1. She has a blue dress. Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education
2. He has white shoes.
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 25
7A: Irregular Verb
Present Nouns
2. We to the store.
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 27
7B: Irregular Verb Go: Past Tense
B. R
ewrite the incorrect sentences from Part A Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise. Grades K-1 29
8A: Irregular Verb Do: Present Tense
Part A.
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise. Grades K-1 31
8B: Irregular001A:
Verb Singular
Do: Past Nouns
TEACHER: Read Part A to children. Guide children to complete the exercise. Children
32 Grades K-1 at higher proficiency levels can complete Part B with support.
9A: Irregular Verb See: Present Tense
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise. Grades K-1 33
9A: Irregular Verb
Present Nouns
TEACHER: Read Part A to children. Guide children to complete the exercise. Children
34 Grades K-1 at higher proficiency levels can complete Part B with support.
9B: Irregular Verb See: Past Tense
4. We seed a cow.
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise. Grades K-1 35
9B: Irregular 001A:
Verb See:
Past Nouns
2. We seed a cow last week.
TEACHER: Read Part A to children. Guide children to complete the exercise. Children
36 Grades K-1 at higher proficiency levels can complete Part B with support.
10A: Adjectives: Size
TEACHER: Read the directions, words, and sentences in Part A and Part B to
children. Guide children to complete each exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 37
10A: Adjectives:
001A: Size
Singular Nouns
big little long
1. I saw a bug.
2. He fished in a lake.
TEACHER: Read Part A to children. Guide children to complete the exercise. Children
38 Grades K-1 at higher proficiency levels can complete Part B with support.
10B: Adjectives: Shape
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 39
10B: Adjectives: Shape
TEACHER: Read Part A to children. Guide children to complete the exercise. Children
40 Grades K-1 at higher proficiency levels can complete Part B with support.
11A: Adjectives: Color
1. yellow fruit
2. grass green
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3. black dog
4. white clouds
TEACHER: Read the directions and words to children. Guide children to complete the
exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 41
11A: Adjectives: Color
2. The apple is for Mom.
TEACHER: Guide children to complete Part A. Children at higher proficiency levels
42 Grades K-1 can complete Part B with support.
11B: Adjectives: Sensory Words
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 43
11B: Adjectives: Sensory Words
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 45
12A: Adjectives: Number
three five six
TEACHER: Guide children to complete Part A. Children at higher proficiency levels
46 Grades K-1 can complete Part B with support.
12B: Adjectives: Ordinal Numbers
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences for each exercise to children. Guide
children to complete the exercises. Grades K-1 47
12B: Adjectives: Ordinal Numbers
2. This is my birthday.
TEACHER: Read Part A to children. Guide children to complete the exercise. Children
48 Grades K-1 at higher proficiency levels can complete Part B with support.
13A: Compare with –er and -est
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise. Grades K-1 49
13A: Compare with –er and -est
B. R
ewrite each sentence using an adjective
with –er or -est.
1. The children
played a game.
TEACHER: Read Part A to children. Guide children to complete the exercise. Children
at higher proficiency levels can complete Part B with support. Grades K-1 51
13B: Noun Phrases
B. A
dd an adjective to make a noun phrase.
Write the new sentence.
TEACHER: Read Part A to children. Guide children to complete the exercise. Children
52 Grades K-1 at higher proficiency levels can complete Part B with support.
14A: Articles: a, an, and the
1. I picked up orange.
a an
1. I picked up an orange.
B. C
orrect an incorrect sentence from Part A.
TEACHER: Read Part A to children. Guide children to complete the exercise. Children
54 Grades K-1 at higher proficiency levels can complete Part B with support.
14B: Demonstratives: This and That
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise. Grades K-1 55
14B: Demonstratives: This and That
B. W
rite sentences using this and that to go Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 57
15A: Adverbs That Tell When
today always tomorrow
TEACHER: Guide children to complete Part A. Children at higher proficiency levels
58 Grades K-1 can complete Part B with support.
15B: Adverbs That Tell How
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 59
15B: Adverbs That Tell How
TEACHER: Read Part A to children. Guide children to complete the exercise. Children
60 Grades K-1 at higher proficiency levels can complete Part B with support.
16A: Subject Pronouns
2. We rode bikes.
1. reads a book.
He We
2. sing a song.
She They
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences in Part A and Part B to children. Guide
children to complete each exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 61
16A: Subject Pronouns
1. sat on a chair.
2. rode bikes.
TEACHER: Read Part A to children. Guide children to complete the exercise. Children
62 Grades K-1 at higher proficiency levels can complete Part B with support.
16B: Object Pronouns
1. Ted him
2. girls them
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3. we us
4. Jen her
TEACHER: Read the directions and words to children. Guide children to complete the
exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 63
16B: Object Pronouns
1. Ted
2. girls
TEACHER: Guide children to complete Part A, providing support as needed. Children
64 Grades K-1 at higher proficiency levels can complete Part B with support.
17A: Indefinite Pronouns
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 65
17A: Indefinite Pronouns
TEACHER: Read Part A to children. Guide children to complete the exercise. Then
66 Grades K-1 guide children to complete Part B.
17B: Possessive Pronouns
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 67
17B: Possessive Pronouns
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise. Grades K-1 69
18A: Prepositions
2. Max ran the room.
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise. Grades K-1 71
18B: Prepositions
B. Write two sentences using of, by, or with. Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education
1. We cheered during
the game.
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise. Grades K-1 73
19A: Prepositions
beyond during toward
TEACHER: Read Part A and Part B to children. Guide children to complete each
exercise. Grades K-1 75
19B: Prepositions That Tell About Time
1. before
2. after
TEACHER: Read Part A to children. Guide children to complete the exercise. Children
76 Grades K-1 at higher proficiency levels can complete Part B with support.
20A: Prepositions That Tell About Location
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise. Grades K-1 77
20A: Prepositions That Tell About Location
on off in out
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise. Grades K-1 79
20B: Prepositions That Tell About Direction
2. Jo her lunch
Jo ate her lunch.
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TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences. Guide children to complete the
exercise. Grades K-1 81
21A: Sentences: Definition and Capitalize First Word
1. I see a dog.
3. Park go we to a.
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4. This is my house.
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 83
21B: Sentences: Word Order
1. I see a dog.
3. Park go we to a.
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TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences. Guide children to complete the
exercise. Grades K-1 85
22A: Sentence Types: Statement and End Punctuation
1. It was raining.
1. 1.
2. He walked to school.
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TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences. Guide children to complete the
exercise. Grades K-1 87
22B: Sentences Types: Question and End Punctuation
1. I lost my hat!
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 89
23A: Sentence Types: Exclamation and End Punctuation
1. I lost my hat
TEACHER: Guide children to complete Part A, providing support as needed. Children
90 Grades K-1 at higher proficiency levels can complete Part B with support.
23B: Sentence Types: Command and End Punctuation
4. My dog is fast!
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 91
23B: Sentence Types: Command and End Punctuation
4. My dog is fast
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education
TEACHER: Read the directions, subjects, and predicates to children. Guide children
to complete the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 93
24A: Subjects
2. go to the park.
TEACHER: Guide children to complete Part A, providing support as needed. Children
94 Grades K-1 at higher proficiency levels can complete Part B with support.
24B: Predicates
TEACHER: Read the directions, subjects, and predicates to children. Guide children
to complete the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 95
24B: Predicates
2. My friends .
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences in Part A to children. Guide children to
96 Grades K-1 complete the exercise, providing support as needed. Children at higher proficiency
levels can complete Part B with support.
25A: Subject-Verb Agreement
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 97
25A: Subject-Verb Agreement
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences in Part A to children. Guide children to
98 Grades K-1 complete the exercise, providing support as needed. Children at higher proficiency
levels can complete Part B with support.
25B: Subject-Verb Agreement
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 99
25B: Subject-Verb Agreement
1. We plant flowers.
TEACHER: Guide children to complete Part A. Children at higher proficiency levels
100 Grades K-1 can complete Part B with support.
26A: Compound Subjects
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 101
26A: Compound Subjects
TEACHER: Guide children to complete Part A, providing support as needed. Children
102 Grades K-1 at higher proficiency levels can complete Part B with support.
26B: Compound Predicates
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 103
26B: Compound Predicates
TEACHER: Guide children to complete Part A. Children at higher proficiency levels
104 Grades K-1 can complete Part B with support.
27A: Compound Sentences
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 105
27A: Compound Sentences
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 107
27B: Expanding Sentences
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 111
28B: Sequence Words: Connecting Words and Phrases
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 113
29A: Use Can with Concrete Verbs in Simple Sentences
cook ride run
1. Maria fast.
TEACHER: Guide children to complete Part A. Children at higher proficiency levels
114 Grades K-1 can complete Part B with support.
29B: Future Tense Statements and Questions
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 115
29B: Future Tense Statements and Questions
2. They swim in the pool.
1. 2. 3.
do on my homework.
5 +6
3 +4
5 5
+5 3
+7 +2
2 +3
3 +4
5 +9
2 3
+9 5
+7 +4
5 +5
9 +2
8 +2
9 4
+7 3
+4 +4
4 +9
4 +5
2 +3
1 2
+2 1
+3 +8
2 +9
6 +2
6 +7
1 +1
TEACHER: Read the directions, words, and sentences to children. Guide children to
complete each exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 117
30A: Statements and Questions: Who, What, and Where
work is done.
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education
how to play.
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 119
30B: Statements and Questions: When and How
homework is finished.
TEACHER: Read the directions and questions to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 121
31A: Questions: Do and Be
2. They want do to go with us?
TEACHER: Guide children to complete Part A, providing support as needed. Children
122 Grades K-1 at higher proficiency levels can complete Part B with support.
31B: Statements and Questions: There Is and There Are
3. a picnic area?
Is there Are there
4. I hope monkeys.
there is there are
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 123
31B: Statements and Questions: There Is and There Are
2. a zebra.
4. a picnic area?
TEACHER: Guide children to complete Part A with a partner, providing support as
124 Grades K-1 needed. Children at higher proficiency levels can complete Part B with support.
32A: Present Progressive Statements
2. Jake is barking.
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TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 125
32A: Present Progressive Statements
eat wash
1. My family dinner.
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 127
32B: Past Progressive Statements
B. Write a sentence in the past tense using was Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education
TEACHER: Guide children to complete Part A, providing support as needed. Children
128 Grades K-1 at higher proficiency levels can complete Part B with support.
33A: Conjunctions: To Combine
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 129
33A: Conjunctions: To Combine
and both
B. W
rite the correct conjunction on the line.
2. I like snow,
but both
I do not like to shovel.
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences in Part A and Part B to children. Guide
children to complete each exercise. Grades K-1 131
33B: Conjunctions: To Contrast
an apple.
B. C
omplete each sentence with because or so.
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2. Braden is studying
he will pass the test.
B. W
rite the best word for each sentence.
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TEACHER: Read Part A and Part B to children. Guide children to complete each
exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 135
34B: Subordinating Conjunctions
they walked.
2. They walked
it was time to go home.
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 137
35A: Contractions: With Not
B. C
hoose a word from the box and make a
contraction with not. Write it on the line.
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education
are does was
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 139
35B: Apostrophe With Contractions
the corner.
TEACHER: Guide children to complete Part A, providing support as needed. Children
140 Grades K-1 at higher proficiency levels can complete Part B with support.
36A: Prefixes: Un-, Pre-, Re-
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 141
36A: Prefixes Un-, Pre-, Re-
1. preheat
2. rebuild
3. unable
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B. W
rite two sentences using the words from
Part A.
TEACHER: Read the directions and words to children. Guide children to complete the
exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 143
36B: Prefixes Bi-, Mini-
1. minibike =
2. bimonthly =
3. minibus =
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B. W
rite two sentences with words from above.
2. Jemma is a strong
1. Jemma is a strong
(swimmer, swimless).
2. It was a (sunner,
sunless) day at the beach.
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 147
37B: Suffixes: -Ful, -Ward
B. W
rite a sentence for each word.
1. hurtful
2. upward
TEACHER: Guide children to complete Part A, providing support as needed. Children
148 Grades K-1 at higher proficiency levels can complete Part B with support.
38A: Root Words
1. untie retie
2. reuse useless
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3. singer singing
4. sleepy sleeper
TEACHER: Read the directions and words to children. Guide children to complete the
exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 149
38A: Root Words
B. R
ead each word. Write its root word on
the line.
1. looking
2. preview
3. unkind
4. reader
TEACHER: Read the directions and words in Part A to children. Guide children to
150 Grades K-1 complete the exercise, providing support as needed. Children at higher proficiency
levels can complete Part B with support.
38B: Root Words
TEACHER: Read the directions, words, and sentences in Part A and Part B to
children. Guide children to complete each exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 151
38B: Root Words
1. walking 3. sleeps
2. fished 4. kicked
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 153
39A: Inflectional Ending –es
buses pitches rushes
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TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences in Part A to children. Guide children to
156 Grades K-1 complete the exercise, providing support as needed. Children at higher proficiency
levels can complete Part B with support.
40A: Inflectional Ending -ed and –ing: Drop Final e
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 157
40A: Inflectional Ending -ed and –ing: Drop Final e
B. A
dd –ed or –ing to a word from the box to
complete each sentence.
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences in Part A to children. Guide children to
158 Grades K-1 complete the exercise, providing support as needed. Children at higher proficiency
levels can complete Part B with support.
40B: Inflectional Ending -ed and –ing: Double Final Consonant
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 159
40B: Inflectional Ending -ed and –ing: Double Final Consonant
2. We riped the tent.
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences in Part A to children. Guide children to
160 Grades K-1 complete the exercise, providing support as needed. Children at higher proficiency
levels can complete Part B with support.
41A: Multiple Meaning Words
3. We were stuck in a
traffic jam.
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 161
41A: Multiple Meaning Words
bark bat fan jam
. Dara was a baseball .
B. W
rite a sentence using a word from the box
in Part A.
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences in Part A to children. Guide children to
162 Grades K-1 complete the exercise, providing support as needed. Children at higher proficiency
levels can complete Part B with support.
41B: Compound Words
2. I like sunflowers.
3. We met at sunset.
TEACHER: Read the directions, words, and sentences to children. Guide children to
complete the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 163
41B: Compound Words
1. goldfish +
2. rainbow +
3. windmill +
2. We met at .
TEACHER: Read the directions and words in Part A to children. Guide children to
164 Grades K-1 complete the exercise, providing support as needed. Children at higher proficiency
levels can complete Part B with support.
42A: Antonyms
1. up short
2. tall sad
3. open down
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education
4. happy closed
TEACHER: Read the directions and words to children. Guide children to complete the
exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 165
42A: Antonyms
2. Should we go up or ?
3. One door is
open, but the other is .
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences in Part A to children. Guide children to
166 Grades K-1 complete the exercise, providing support as needed. Children at higher proficiency
levels can complete Part B with support.
42B: Synonyms
TEACHER: Read the directions and words to children. Guide children to complete the
exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 167
42B: Synonyms
. Josh is . (ill)
became a frog.
a prince.
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 169
43A: Time Words
a frog.
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences in Part A to children. Guide children to
170 Grades K-1 complete the exercise, providing support as needed. Children at higher proficiency
levels can complete Part B with support.
43B: Idioms
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 171
43B: Idioms
1. Mr. Lee is .
3. at the tryouts!
B. Write a sentence using the idiom below.
1. put our heads together
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences in Part A to children. Guide children to
172 Grades K-1 complete the exercise, providing support as needed. Children at higher proficiency
levels can complete Part B with support.
44A: Idioms
a piece of cake.
fun easy
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 173
44A: Idioms
B. R
ewrite each sentence. Rephrase the
underlined idiom in your own words.
1. Her swim test was a piece of cake.
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education
2. Can you lend me a hand with
carrying my books to the bus?
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences in Part A to children. Guide children to
174 Grades K-1 complete the exercise, providing support as needed. Children at higher proficiency
levels can complete Part B with support.
44B: Shades of Meaning
2. The elephant is .
big huge
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education
3. I have a dog.
large gigantic
4. We watched a movie
about a monster.
big gigantic
TEACHER: Read the directions and sentences to children. Guide children to complete
the exercise, providing support as needed. Grades K-1 175
44B: Shades of Meaning
B. C
omplete each sentence with
prances or walks.
I learned .
I learned about .
I learned about .
Oral Language Sentence Frames
I learned .
I learned about .
feels because .
Oral Language Sentence Frames
I like .
My favorite is .
I think/don’t think .
My favorite is because .
I think but .
Oral Language Sentence Frames
because .
Oral Language Sentence Frames
Engage in Dialogue
My favorite is .
Oral Language Sentence Frames
Nouns/Noun Phrases
Add a describing word to give details about the noun.
I see a dog.
I see a tree.
I see a , cat.
I see a , bus.
Oral Language Sentence Frames
I in a .
I on a .
I to the .
I to after .
Oral Language Sentence Frames
I in the playground.
I at school.
Today, I at school.
Oral Language Sentence Frames