SLM Per Dev Week 2&3 1
SLM Per Dev Week 2&3 1
SLM Per Dev Week 2&3 1
Discuss the relationship among
physiological, cognitive, psychological,
spiritual, and social development
In the previous topics, you learned about yourself. You realized that exploring
oneself is the key to knowing yourself more. Before we begin exploring more ourselves,
let us pause and reflect on these questions:
In this lesson, you will learn to assess your own beliefs about holistic
development. We will try to explore the different aspects of yourself and how it affects
your life. Holistic development is not an overnight project but instead it must be seen as
a lifelong project you have to undertake. But upon understanding the aspects of
yourself, you can slowly understand yourself as a middle and late adolescent. Further,
we will try to explore and evaluate your own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and how
these could affect your experiences as a middle and late adolescent.
PART I: Let us try to assess how much you know the aspects of the self. Assess the
following situations. Choose which aspect of the self is being described in each item?
These are the following choices:
1. Kristine is a Grade 11 student who is conscious about her looks including the
way that she dressed, her facial appearance and body figure. Determine this
Aspect of the self.
2. Fear of God. Praying the rosary. Going to church for mass, praise and worship.
These are the practices that Ester inherited from her parents.
3. Marlon is kind and respectful towards his elders. He never fails to greet them.
Which aspect of the self is being developed?
4. Sam is a youth volunteer in their barangay. Their aim is to maintain the
cleanliness of their surroundings and advocating for the proper disposal of
garbage. Which aspect of the self would Sam want to develop?
5. Tom is a hot-tempered individual. He does not listen to reasons and has the
tendency to argue. What aspect of the self Tom lacks?
6. Christine is not only concern about her feelings but her other senses as well like
speaking, touching, hearing.
7. Dave is careful in dealing with other people. He is careful in the words that he
speaks so that he does not offend other people.
8. Ellaine knows that eating junk food is bad for the health. That is why she tries to
avoid eating them and rather eat more vegetables.
9. Shane is more concern about her body image. She keeps on buying beauty
products even if she cannot afford them.
10. Karen follows the teachings of her parents to always be respectful to the elderly
and to say sorry if she commits a mistake.
Identify which category of the Holistic Development do these Aspects of the Self
belong? Place your answer on the circle provided.
NOTE: You may refer to our discussion on the Aspects of the Self
Social Cognitive
Psychological Spiritual
Let us check your answer. Refer to the answer keys. If you have more incorrect numbers than correct
ones, you do not have to worry. Part of knowing oneself is to assess the aspects of yourself.
There are different aspects of the self when we talk about the self-concept.
1. Physical Self – Physical description of yourself: height, weight, body areas, skin color,
facial features
2. Intellectual Self – How well you reason and solve problems, your capacity to learn
and create, general amount of knowledge, wisdom you acquired.
3. Emotional Self – Feelings, what you feel, capacity to feel and feelings associated with
4. Sensual Self – the senses: sight, hearing, speaking, smelling, touching
5. Interactional Self – Your strengths and weaknesses, your relations with the significant
others: friends, family, classmates and strangers in the social settings.
6. Nutritional Self – the food that you eat that would nourish your body
7. Contextual Self – How you maintain your living condition. Dealing with space,
temperature, the environment, weather, colors
8. Spiritual Self – Feelings toward religion, spirituality, spiritual development, inner
peace and joy, spiritual connections to others.
These aspects consist the different areas of our selves or what composes our
deeper selves. A deeper look on these aspects can identify specific areas that would
help regulate the self to further improve and be more stable.
When we consider the totality of the person and deeply look into a person, we
look at the person as a whole. Thus, the person will be holistically developed.
What is Holistic Development? Holistic development is a process of self-actualization
and learning that combines an individual's cognitive, physiological, social,
Psychological, and spiritual growth.
a. Physiological – the physical attributes including the five physical senses. This
correlates to the Physical Self, the Sensual Self, and the Nutritional Self
b. Cognitive – the intellectual functions of the mind: thinking, recognizing, reasoning,
analyzing, projecting, synthesizing, recalling, and assessing. This correlates to the
Contextual and Intellectual Self.
c. Psychological – how thinking, feeling, and behaving interact and happen in a person.
This correlates to the Emotional Self.
d. Social – how an individual interacts with other individuals or groups of individuals.
This correlates with the Interactional Self.
e. Spiritual – the attribute of a person’s consciousness and beliefs, including the values
and virtues that guide and put meaning into a person’s life. This correlates with the
Spiritual Self.
Many individuals put more strong emphasis on the Physical aspect of the self.
The body is more tangible, obvious, and we respond to it easily. It may be important to
some however, some put more emphasis on the mind. Some believe that the mind
directs the information to the body including the feelings. People store both healthy and
destructive thoughts on the mind. The mind provides access to creativity and serenity
which are necessary for such processes as prayer, forgiveness, and passion.
The human emotions are the most feared aspect of the self. Some individuals are
reluctant to open up about their feelings. Some do not know how to manage them.
Managing the feelings are tricky. They are both elusive and deceptive. A decision made
under emotional stress could impact the well-being of an individual. Some negative
emotions are being suppressed or stored.
By assessing your own holistic development, you can now determine which
aspect you have given emphasis into or which aspect you failed to prioritize. Putting a
balance between each of the aspect can help the individual acquire a more developed
and holistic self.
Social Cognitive
Psychological Spiritual
2. What are the relations of the Aspects of the self to Holistic Development?
This activity will teach you the different aspects of self development, the correlation of
aspects of the self to Holistic Development and look for ways to further develop yourself.
Assess the aspect of your own development. Which aspect I feel are already
developed? Which aspect I consider my weakness or areas for improvement? Put a
check mark on each item and explain further.
Evaluate his/her own thoughts, feelings,
and behaviors
Just how powerful is our mind? How do our minds work? How powerful is the
mind? If we are to choose between our thoughts and feelings, what would we choose?
Or do we need to choose? Is there a balance between the minds, the heart and our
actions? How can balancing our minds, thoughts and actions make one successful?
In this lesson, we will explore the Power Triad: Thoughts, Feelings and Actions
and how these can lead one to attain success in life. In this lesson, we will also journey
to some inspiring stories of people who win in life. These success stories will inspire you
to identify the factors that lead these people to succeed and overcome obstacles in life.
2. What did you use while making your decision? Your thoughts, your emotions
or both? Explain further.
3. Do you think that you made the right decision? Explain further.
The only thing we can control are our minds, thoughts and behaviors. If we can
manage those, then we can attain a balance in our life. This way, we can eventually
achieve our goals and attain success in our life. According to Tony Robbins, “Take
control of your consistent emotions, and begin to consciously and deliberately reshape
your daily experience of life”. This means that by feeding positive thoughts in our
minds, we can evaluate reality more clearly, make better decisions and improve our
ability to achieve our goals. If we feed positive thoughts to our self, eventually positive
feelings and actions will follow.
I am blissfully married and a proud mother to three young men. My husband Leo
knows that I am also engaged in another love affair, a sweet and enduring one. And
he approves, so do my sons. This love affair is with research, and it started during
my pediatric residency training. I can still remember vividly the excitement and the
long nights, the discovery of meaningful developments, the joy of reading medical
journals, the eagerness to prepare something thorough and relevant.
While individual citations were being read on stage for the top awardees for
Community Leadership (Dr. Purisima A. Bueno), Government Service (Dr. Maria
Victoria M. Abesamis), Clinical Practice (Dr. Bonaleth M. De Vera) and Academe
(Dr. Estrella B. Paje-Villar), I never expected that the final citation was all about the
fruits of my other love affair, with research. “Lead investigator for the much-awaited
clinical trials on the multivalent dengue vaccine…” “repeatedly cited by researchers
here and abroad…” “served as the springboard for the Expanded Program of
Immunization (EPI) of the Department of Health…” “provided the evidence and the
science…” “extended her work to the communities…” “greater things to come that
will benefit science, medicine and the Filipino people…” “epitomizes the virtues of
Dr. Jose P. Rizal…” “…love of country and service to our countrymen…”
All these brought me back to the past 30 years of my medical, family and
community life. My love affair with research did not happen overnight. It was a
journey that began with a case presentation as a first-year pediatric resident, and a
prospective study on how to prevent early jaundice in newborns. My
recommendation that a nursery should always be facing the direction the sun rises
so that a newborn can benefit from exposure to morning sunlight won the top prize
for the hospital’s annual research competition. This did not happen once. It was a
back-to-back win for three straight years. I got hooked. Who would not be? Year
1991 was my first immersion in dengue research. Twenty-three years later, I am now
the lead investigator of the country’s clinical trials for dengue vaccine, in the
countries where dengue is a major public health problem. It’s a vaccine the medical
community worldwide is waiting for. In Vigan, the Philippine Medical Association
(PMA) bore witness to the conferment of the award.
The title comes with a specially designed trophy in the image of Dr. Jose P. Rizal by
National Artist Napoleon V. Abueva, a gold medallion, free trip to the United States to
attend the convention of the American Academy of Family Physicians and P150, 000
worth of medicines that I can share with a civic organization of my choice. Was it just a
coincidence or pure fate that it is also the 23rd year of the presentation of the
prestigious Dr. Jose P. Rizal Memorial Awards? If the number “23” is a coincidence,
what a joyful one. If this is destiny, let me accept it with gratitude. This award is a fitting
tribute to those who have encouraged and inspired me to continue my love affair with
research — participants and their families as well as my teams in clinical trials, officials
of the local health, school and government units, the Research Institute for Tropical
Medicine, collaborators/ partners and sponsors of my researches, Basaynon Katiguban,
Inc. and my town mates in Basey, Samar, who continue to show resiliency despite the
tragedy during the super typhoon Yolanda, the Philippine Pediatric Society and Manila
Medical Society for the recognition of my works and the nomination.
For more than three decades, I have never felt happier and accomplished than
when doing medical research. It is tiring but exciting, demanding yet humbling,
intimidating but empowering, exacting yet fulfilling. My work is my loving tribute to a
great Filipino and a fellow doctor, Jose P. Rizal, MD. (Dr. Rose Zeta Capeding is the
23rd Dr. Jose P. Rizal Memorial Awardee for Research. She is currently the head of
the Microbiology Department of the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine (RITM)
and head of the Dengue Research Group. She is the head, Section of Infectious
Diseases, Department of Pediatrics, Asian Hospital and Medical Center)
1. Can you identify with any of the characters mentioned – Manny Pacquiao, Pia
Alonzo Wurtzbach and Dra. Rpse Zeta Capading? In what ways?
2. What lessons can you learn from the character you have chosen?
3. How would like your story to be told?
Reflecting on all those inspiring stories, we can say that these individuals have
devoted much hard work, focus and dedication in order to reach their peak to success.
The journey was not easy, but their determination made them what they are now. There
is no single key to success. It is achievable and it is not magical. Success is about right
mindset, emotional resilience and proper behavior.
is one who is able to:
• win over his/her battles and difficulties in life and turns them into a learning and
glorifying experience;
• find meaning in pleasant and unpleasant events in his life; • live in peace with
difficult people and difficult situations;
• get what he wants using win-win strategies; never at the expense of others;
• develop and use his talents and abilities to the best advantage and in so doing, make
meaningful contribution in making this world a better place to live in
Source: Roldan, Amelia S. (2003). On Becoming a Winner: A Workbook on Personality Development and Character
Building. AR Skills Development and Management Services (SDMS), Paranaque City, Metro Manila.
Show the connections between thoughts,
feelings and behavior in real life situations
What is the recipe for success? According to Benjamin Franklin Fairless, there
are just four essential ingredients:
Mix hardwork, perseverance and determination. In a separate bowl, mix initiative resilience and
patience. Mix until all ingredients blend well. Place all mix ingredients in a bowl and simmer for a while.
After a few minutes, pour the remaining ingredients in order: tolerance, goodwill and teamwork. Once
the recipe is cooked, sprinkle prayer to taste according to your palate’s desire.
The following is an old Cherokee Indian story that is enlightening and helpful.
One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside
people. He said, "My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all." "It is a terrible
fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed,
arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego."
He continued, "The other is good - he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility,
kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same
fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too." The grandson thought
about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?" The old
Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed".
Knowing which wolf to feed is the first step towards recognizing you have control
over your own self.
Have you ever had thoughts, feelings or acted in ways that were unacceptable to
yourself but felt powerless to control? The purpose of this story is to help you find ways
to manage your mind so that you can live your life more in accordance with what your
own judgment says is best for you.
As we grow up, we gradually become aware of the many things in the external
world which are largely beyond our ability to control. These include other people in
general and most events in our lives. Initially this is difficult to accept, but a more
shocking realization is that there are many things about ourselves that we seem
powerless to control.
Some of these are our own thoughts, feelings and actions which unfortunately
can be the source of much distress. It may be thoughts such as “I cannot stop hating
my teacher for not giving me high grades.” It may involve an emotion e.g. “My girlfriend
left me and I cannot stop feeling sad, lonely and unloved.” It can also be in the form of a
behavior such as the inability to control one’s craving for food such as cakes and
But are we indeed really powerless to control our own maladaptive
thoughts, feelings and actions? The grandfather’s answer “The one you feed” is
deceivingly simple. The results of psychological research indicate that there are at
least four important concepts or ideas implied by the answer:
1. The mind is not the unitary it seems to us but consists of different parts.
For example in the story there are the two wolves and the “you”
that chooses between them.
2. These parts of the mind/brain can interact and be in conflict with each other
i.e the two wolves fight for dominance over our mind and behavior.
3. The “you” has the ability to decide which wolf it will feed.
4. Having made a choice, “you” can decide specifically how to “feed”
or nurture the selected wolf.
1. How aware are you of the two different opposing “wolves” operating within
your mind, one of which leads to pain and a diminished sense of life and the
other to a joyous, meaningful, and fulfilling life?
2. When was the time you feel disappointed by the choice of behavior because
you knew that there was a more positive option but you just didn’t choose it?
Discuss the developmental tasks
and challenges being experienced
during adolescence
1. Age when hereditary endowments and sex are fixed and all body features,
both external and internal are developed.
a. Pre-natal b. Early Childhood c. Early adulthood
2. Foundation age when basic behavior are organized and many ontogenetic
maturation skills are developed.
a. Earlyn adulthood b. Infancy c. Old age
3. Pre gang age, exploratory, and questioning stage.
a. Late Childhood b. Adolescence c. Early Childhood
4. Gang and creativity age
a. Early Childhood b. Adolescence c. Late Childhood
5. Transition age from childhood to adulthood
a. Early adulthood b. Adolescence c. Middle Age
6. Age of adjustment to new patterns of life
a. Early adulthood b. Middle Age c. Adolescence
7. Transition age when adjustments to initial physical and mental decline are
a. Middle Age b. Early Adulthood c. Late Childhood
8. Retirement age
a. Middle Age b. Old Age c. Early Adulthood
Direction: Choose from the box the developmental stage that corresponds to each
developmental task
Direction: Choose from the box which developmental challenge is being described.
Let us check your answer. Refer to the answer keys. If you have more
incorrect numbers than correct ones, you do not have to worry. The purpose
for our lesson is to determine the different development stages that
corresponds to your development tasks. This will also determine which
development stage you belong and what is your ideal development tasks. At
the same time, you can determine the different developmental challenges
you experienced or will experience as you go through each stage.
QUESTION: How can adolescents be prepared for adult life by accomplishing various
developmental tasks according to developmental stages?
Things have progression on certain patterns. And so is life, for life also has
developmental stages. As we go through life, we experience a series of transitions from
the moment we are born until we get old. And these series of transitions come with
different experiences, transitions and developments as you go through life.
At the end of our lessons, we will be able to:
1. Discuss developmental tasks and challenges being experienced
during adolescence
2. Evaluate one’s development through the help of significant people
around him/her (peers, parents, siblings, friends, teachers,
community leaders)
3. Identify ways that help one become capable and responsible
adolescence prepared for adult life.
Included in this lesson is planning for your personal timeline carefully and being
mindful of the events that made you grow, the important wisdom you learned in life and
where you rise from the challenges. Let us focus on resiliency rather than the downfall.
In this way, you can see the future progressively and full of hope. Part of the objective of
our lesson is for you to express how you feel about the expectations of the significant
people in your life (parents, siblings, friends, teachers, community leaders) and how
they can impact your life. The opinions of other people are important, but you need to
classify those opinions to your over-all well-being. There are major developmental
challenges likely to affect overall well-being during adolescence and emerging
adulthood and there are also personal and social assets needed to facilitate a
successful passage through adolescence and into adulthood. This lesson will also
portray these challenges and reflect on the most effective way to face these situations.
Source: Gazzingan, Leslie B., Francisco, Joseph C., Aglubat, Linofe R.,
Parentela, Ferdinand O., Tuason, Vevian T. (2013). Psychology: Dimensions of
the Human Mind. Mutya Publishing House, Inc.
Physical Development
• Most girls have completed the physical changes related to puberty by age 15.
• Boys are still maturing and gaining strength, muscle mass, and height and are
completing the development of sexual traits.
Emotional Development
• May stress over school and test scores.
• Is self-involved (may have high expectations and low self-concept).
• Seeks privacy and time alone.
• Is concerned about physical and sexual attractiveness.
• May complain that parents prevent him or her from doing things independently.
• Starts to want both physical and emotional intimacy in relationships.
• The experience of intimate partnerships
Social Development
• Shifts in relationship with parents from dependency and subordination to one that
reflects the adolescent’s increasing maturity and responsibilities in the family and
the community.
• Is more and more aware of social behaviors of friends.
• Seeks friends that share the same beliefs, values, and interests.
• Friends become more important.
• Starts to have more intellectual interests.
• Explores romantic and sexual behaviors with others.
• May be influenced by peers to try risky behaviors (alcohol, tobacco, sex).
Mental Development
Becomes better able to set goals and think in terms of the future.
Has a better understanding of complex problems and issues.
Starts to develop moral ideals and to select role models.
Encouragement is the key ingredient for improving your relationships with others.
It is the single most important skill necessary for getting along with others – so important
that the lack of it could be considered the primary cause of conflict and misbehavior.
Encouragement develops a person’s psychological hardiness and social interest.
Encouragement is the lifeblood of a relationship. And yet, this simple concept is often
very hard to put into practice.
Encouragement is not a new idea. Its spiritual connotation dates back to the
Bible in Hebrews 3:11 which states “Encourage one another daily.” Encouragement, as
a psychological idea, was developed by psychiatrist Alfred Adler in the early 20th
century and continued to evolve through the work of Adler’s follower Rudolph Dreikurs.
However, even today, relatively few educators, parents, psychologists, leaders or
couples have utilized this valuable concept. Most of the time, people mistakenly use a
technique like praise in an effort to “encourage” others.
Half the job of encouragement lies in avoiding discouraging words and actions.
When children or adults misbehave, it is usually because they are discouraged. Instead
of building them up, we tear them down; instead of recognizing their efforts and
improvements, we point out mistakes; instead of allowing them to belong through
shared decision-making and meaningful contributions, we isolate and label them.
Most of us are skilled discouragers. We have learned how to bribe, reward and,
when that fails, to punish, criticize, nag, threaten, interrogate and emotionally withdraw.
We do this as an attempt to control those we love, bolstered by the mistaken belief that
we are responsible for the behavior of everyone around us, especially our spouses and
children. These attempts to control behavior create atmospheres of tension and conflict
in many houses.
mission of “developing the potential of women and improving communities through the
effective action and leadership of trained volunteers” is rooted in the idea of social interest.
The first step to becoming an encouraging person is to learn to distinguish
encouragement from discouragement.
We all have the power to be more encouraging people. The choice, as always, is
Evaluate one’s development through the
help of significant people around him/her
(peers, parents, siblings, friends, teachers,
community leaders
Using the Developmental Tasks Summary Table above, assess your own
level of development as a Grade 12 student. Use the worksheet below:
What are the expected tasks What are the expected What are the expected
you have successfully tasks you have partially tasks you have not
accomplished? accomplished? accomplished?
Processing Questions:
1. Being in Grade 12, what are the developmental tasks expected of you? Rate
yourself from 1-10 (10 as the highest) on whether you have accomplished
those expected tasks.
2. As you are in Grade 12, you are in transition from high school to college, from
being an adolescent to young adult. How do you feel about this transition?
3. Do you think you are ready for this transition which may mean more
responsibilities and greater accountability? If no, what are the expected tasks
you need to work on? If yes, what are the ways to take so you can better plan
for the future?
[THINK definition from Mindfulness for Teen Anxiety by Dr. Christopher Willard]
In your journal, for each number, mark √ for yes, X for no, or ? if you’re not
sure. There could be more than one 'correct' answer. The purpose of this activity is
to reflect on the situations and whether you've witnessed or experienced
something similar in your own life.
(Note: You may seek the help of your significant others: parents, siblings, elders
on helping you ponder on this activity.)
1. I did really well on an exam. I said to my friends, “I got the top score. What
did you get?”
Did I T.H.I.N.K. before I spoke? ____T____H____I____N____K
2. One of my friends was bragging about getting a good score on a test, and I
didn't want to tell him I failed. I said, "Congratulations!" then started talking about
something else.
Did I T.H.I.N.K. before I spoke? ____T____H____I____N____K
3. People kept telling me about this strange color Mrs. Jenkins dyed her hair. When
I saw her, I didn't think it looked that bad, so I told her, “Your hair’s not as weird as
everyone says it is.”
Did I T.H.I.N.K. before I spoke? ____T____H____I____N____K
4. A woman with a big belly was about to enter the building. I told my friend,
“We need to go open the door for that lady. She’s pregnant.”
Did I T.H.I.N.K. before I spoke? ____T____H____I____N____K
5. A boy told his friend to hold the door open for me because I’m pregnant. I
said, “Hey, I’m not pregnant! You sayin’ I’m fat?”
Did I T.H.I.N.K. before I spoke? ____T____H____I____N____K
6. A boy told his friend to hold the door open for me because I’m pregnant. I
said, “Thank you for holding the door, but I’m actually not pregnant.”
Did I T.H.I.N.K. before I spoke? ____T____H____I____N____K
7. I saw a couple of kids cheating on a test. I went up to the teacher after class
and told him what I’d seen.
Did I T.H.I.N.K. before I spoke? ____T____H____I____N____K
8. I saw a girl looking at her phone during a test. I went up to the teacher after
class and told him she was cheating.
Did I T.H.I.N.K. before I spoke? ____T____H____I____N____K
9. I saw Maria’s boyfriend leaving the movie theater with another girl. I went up to them
and said hi, and asked “Where’s Maria tonight?”
Did I T.H.I.N.K. before I spoke? ____T____H____I____N____K
Analyze each case on “How Mindful Am I?”. Answer the following questions in essay
(Note: You may seek the help of your significant others: parents, siblings, elders
on helping you ponder on this activity.)
1. Has someone ever asked you a question that you really didn't want
to answer? How did you respond?
2. Have you ever gotten (or given) a “compliment” that really wasn’t a
compliment? How did you feel afterwards?
3. Did you ever do something to be helpful that turned out badly?
What happened? What do you wish had happened?
4. Have you ever caught someone cheating (either on a test or on a
boyfriend/girlfriend)? Did you say anything? Why or why not?
5. Have you ever gotten in trouble because someone caught you cheating
(or thought you were cheating)? What happened? What do you wish had
6. In what other situations have you seen someone T.H.I.N.K. (or not)
before speaking? What happened?
Living mindfully is like being an artist: you need the right tools to practice
your craft, and you need to constantly refine your technique to achieve your creative
potential. In the same way, using the present moment tools below will help you to
hone a consistent mindfulness practice that will in time lead to a more aware,
compassionate and fulfilling way of life.
Tool 1: Breathe Mindfully. Use your breath as an anchor to still your mind and
bring your focus back to the present moment.
Tool 2: Listen Deeply. Listen with intention; let others fully express themselves
and focus on understanding how they think and feel.
Tool 4: Practice Compassion. Consider the thoughts and feelings of others and let
tenderness, kindness and empathy be your guides.
Tool 5: Limit Reactivity. Observe rather than be controlled by your emotions. Pause,
breathe, and choose a skillful response based on thoughtful speech and nonviolence
under every condition.
Tool 6: Express Gratitude. Practice gratitude daily and expand it outward, appreciating
everyone and everything you encounter.
Tool 7: Nurture Mutual Respect. Appreciate our common humanity and value different
perspectives as well as your own.
Tool 8: Build Integrity. Cultivate constructive values and consistently act from respect,
honesty and kindness.
Tool 9: Foster Leadership. Engage fully in life and in community. Share your unique
talents and generosity so that others can also be inspired.
Tool 10: Be Peace. Cultivate your own inner peace, becoming an agent for
compassionate action and social good.
Source: [email protected]
Identify ways that help one become
capable and responsible adolescent
prepared for adult life
So often we accept the declarations that others have made concerning our own
lives, well-being or fate. It is imperative that we recognize that in order to achieve what
we want in life, we must not give our power away to others by accepting their
declarations concerning our affairs. When one decides that he or she will boldly declare
good fortune, wellness, joy, etc. relative to his or her life, all of heaven will break loose!
Goodness and mercy shall surely follow.
From birth, we are often told what we are going to be. Sometimes, this is a good
thing, but suppose you have been told time and time again that "you will not amount to
anything just like your mother or father"? This is a dangerous declaration because it
sets into motion the actualization of an unwanted occurrence. All of us want to amount
to something! In order to counteract this and all of the negative declarations with their
destructive potential, one must consciously replace them with one's own declarations. In
so doing, you are now in control of setting into action what you really want to occur. You
can declare that goodness and mercy shall surely follow you all the days of your life!
The following are some declarations that you may want to make concerning your
I declare:
that I am totally free of all addictions.
that I will survive any attempts of others to control my life.
that I am free in my mind, body, and emotions.
that I am free to set goals and reach them. that I am a loving individual with the
capacity to give love.
that I am a child of God with all rights and privileges thereof.
that I will contribute to the welfare of others.
that I will be an ambassador of goodwill to all I meet on the journey.
that I will be a good example for others to follow.
that I will help all that I can to reach their goals.
that I will speak words of encouragement to others.
that I will find the goodness in life and focus on it.
You may have defects, be anxious and sometimes live irritated, but do not forget
that your life is the greatest enterprise in the world. Only you can prevent it from going
into decadence. There are many that need you, admire you and love you.
I would like to remind you that being happy is not having a sky without storms, or
roads without accidents, or work without fatigue, or relationships without disappointments.